MTL - Investing for All: I Can See a Return on Investment-Chapter 4 movie theater attack

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[On February 10, after Qin Jun received the real supplies, he suddenly felt a little confused and felt very unreal. 】

[But after carefully recalling the contract in my mind, I quickly adjusted it. 】

【After comforting his sister, Qin Jun thought about his future direction. 】

[At night, Qin Jun finally chose to go out and kill the strange things. Now that the times have changed, we must adapt to the times! 】

[Qin Jun came to a community where supernatural events had been reported before - Huayuan Community. This is an old community with not many people. After a few deaths before, more people also left. 】

【Qin Jun used the soul magic stone to sense the noisy room. 】

[Wang Li and three people from the Special Investigation Bureau in the car saw Qin Jun and stopped him, but Qin Jun didn't seem to hear the sound. 】

【Seeing this, the three of Wang Li knew that something would happen again, but the three of them are not strong enough, so if they act rashly, they will die. 】

[Soon, there was a big movement in the house. 】

[However, the strange thing is that what came out of the house was more the scream of a middle-aged man, and it was very sharp, like an evil spirit. 】

【Inside the house, Qin Jun looked at the green beads on his chest and the Misguiding Knife in his hand, and heaved a sigh of relief. 】

[This time the monster was dealt with by its own strength, without any consumption, it still looks good. 】

[Wang Li and the other three outside saw that the situation was wrong, hesitated for a while, and finally chose to rush in. 】

[Inside the house, all you can see is messy furniture and a pool of black ashes. 】

【Seeing this, Wang Li came to his senses and realized that it was this young man who killed the earth-bound spirit! 】

【Wang Li wants to invite Qin Jun to join the Special Investigation Bureau, but after thinking about it, he should not be in a hurry, or it will backfire. So just give a contact. 】

【Afterwards, Qin Jun left here. 】

Lin Yu is still very satisfied: although it is a bit reckless, only such people can make money.

[From February 11th to February 20th, within a week, Qin Jun went to many places in succession and killed seven strange creatures. Among them, only a second-order talisman was used. 】

[Also, during this period of time, the soul magic stone absorbed a lot of energy, and part of it was fed back, which is convenient for Qin Jun to practice. 】

【Wang Li has also been paying attention to Qin Jun, and is naturally very satisfied with Qin Jun's performance. Soon Qin Jun's news was handed over to the captain. 】

【After Zhou Tao saw Qin Jun's relevant information, he immediately paid attention to it. 】

[This is definitely a good seedling! 】

[Captain Zhou Tao thought about it, asked Wang Li to continue to pay attention, and train Qin Jun well. 】

[Although Wang Li is not as strong as Qin Jun, he still has a lot of experience. 】

[On February 21, Qin Jun received a mission from Wang Li. 】

[The task requirement is to go to a movie theater and deal with a special monster, and the reward is 500,000 cash. 】

[Cash is naturally very important to Qin Jun! 】

[Although according to what Wang Li said, the monster this time is very difficult to deal with, but it is worth a try. 】

[In the evening, Qin Jun rushed to the cinema. And it has been closed for half a month. 】

[As soon as he stepped into the movie theater, Qin Jun felt a chill, chill. 】

[But after looking around, I didn't find anything unusual, let alone the mission target. 】

[Suddenly, the sound of a movie appeared in the 303 screening room... a bit like playing a horror movie. 】

【Qin Jun slowed down and walked over slowly. There was indeed a horror movie playing on the screen, but Qin Jun still didn't feel the strange atmosphere. 】

[And at the side wall, a white figure suddenly flew out, and the white cloth strips all over the sky flew towards Qin Jun. Qin Jun reacted and cut off these cloth strips with Miegui Dao. 】

[This monster was injured a little, but it's not serious. 】

【Qin Jun can see the appearance of the ghost, it is a female ghost with very fair skin. Qin Jun said a few words, which annoyed the girl, and the two sides immediately fought. 】

【Qin Jun tried a spirit technique he learned in the past few days, and a will-o'-the-wisp attack landed on the female ghost, burning her shoulder and causing a lot of damage. 】

【Female Guijian felt a little lost, and immediately rushed to the screen and disappeared instantly. 】

[Qin Jun is a little regretful, he still has no way to deal with this special weird thing. 】

[Just as Qin Jun walked into the hall and was about to leave, a stream of black air suddenly enveloped the hall, and strange voices rang out. This power is obviously not from that female ghost! 】

【Soon, clouds of black air rushed towards Qin Jun. The strength of these black qi is not strong, but they are numerous and very difficult to deal with. Qin Jun could feel that there were several powerful monsters hidden in the black air! 】

[Using the existing props, Qin Jun can stop it, but it consumes a lot. After thinking for a while, Qin Jun planned to get out first. 】

[But the enemy obviously didn't intend to let Qin Jun go, and the offensive was fierce. Accidentally, Qin Jun's shoulder was injured, and purple-black tattoos appeared. 】

[A blue-faced fang-toothed monster rushed out, trying to devour Qin Jun, but was hit hard by a talisman. 】

[Qin Jun's spiritual energy erupted all over his body, and the soul magic stone also emitted a faint blue light, and most of the black air around him dissipated immediately, but because of the wound, the spiritual energy in Qin Jun's body was also somewhat disordered. 】

[At this time, an angry voice appeared in the black air: Damn it! Damn it! How dare you kill so many ghost servants of mine! Jie Jie Jie~ However, your aptitude looks good, making it into a ghost servant may be able to make up for my loss. 】

[Soon, the monster's attack became more and more fierce. 】

【Qin Jun was a little angry, and wanted to use the life-saving items in his hand to destroy this group of weird things. 】

[At this moment, several vehicles appeared outside the cinema, and a series of faint blue rays of light shot at the black air, instantly beheading the group of monsters. 】

[Then, a group of people rushed in. They were a little surprised that Qin Jun was still alive. 】

[Soon, the battle broke out, and the ghost servants suffered heavy losses. However, the people behind the scenes fled. 】

【Qin Jun couldn't hold on for a while, and passed out. 】

[The staff of the Special Investigation Bureau present also brought Qin Jun to the special recuperation area. 】

Lin Yu was a little surprised when he saw this long piece of information.

Generally, the place where the world information is too long in a short period of time is a certain key node.

According to the knowledge he has learned, Lin Yu probably knows that this Qin Jun has come into contact with a turning point in his life.