MTL - Interstellar Favorite Superstar-v2 Chapter 50 Abduction

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"Entertainment News Express" specially sent a senior entertainment reporter Marin waiting outside the courtyard of the Su family, waiting for a sneak shot to capture the black material of Sutan.

Unexpectedly, on the first day of squatting, Marin stayed outside and waited until two o'clock in the morning to see that the lights in Sutan's room went out, but the person had not left the house all day.

Marlin, who has a long history, has long been experienced. He waited for an hour more impatiently, seeing that the quiet and quiet Su family did not make any noise, and after all the family fell asleep, they carefully started the car and left.

In the early morning of the next day, Marin deliberately changed another car and went back and forth to the vicinity of Su's house. He chose a concealed and open-view location and continued to observe patiently.

However, on this day, Su Tan still did not go out, not even walking downstairs in the courtyard.

Immediately, Marin had a little doubt. He kept on squatting quietly. He used to take pictures of stars who had lived in the past more briefly than Su Tan. Often, such people are careful and like to go out under the cover of the middle of the night.

Therefore, Marin put up with patience, and waited until 1 a.m. and Sutan's room went out before leaving work.

The third day was still in vain.

For three days, Sutan had not gone out. Had it not been for Marin who had dug out the address of Su's home and the general appearance of Su Tan from the dark line that he had bought, he would have to suspect that he was squatting in the wrong place.

but now--

He found that Su Tan didn't go out, didn't go downstairs, didn't walk around, he just had no friends at home.

In the early morning of the fourth day, Marin, a senior reporter who went to the squat near Su's home early, endured the last patience and waited for the whole morning. Through the high-precision telescope, it can be clearly seen that Sutan's door is still closed. Out.

Only in the small garden full of flowers in the courtyard, a robot was proudly watering flowers.

Marin thought for a moment, and decided to get dressed up and get out of the car.


The robot Suning is busy watering and fertilizing in the small garden in front of the door. The nearest weather is near the end of summer, and the hot and scorching sun in the sky is still hot, so Suning regularly waters it twice a day in the morning and evening. It is a yard. Greenery flowers are particularly prosperous.

He was busy with his head down, and suddenly he heard a hello, and then he looked up. I saw a strange man with a smile standing outside the big iron gate.

Immediately, the robot Suning was a little surprised, stepped forward and asked, "Hello, do you need any help?"

Marin's tone was kind and his big smile made people involuntarily trust. He introduced: "I am an investigator of the Rosewood Vegetation Conservation Association to investigate the growth of summer vegetation in various regions."

He took out the document from the neat pocket of his suit and showed it for a few seconds in front of the robot Suning, shaking Suning with a dazzle, before taking it seriously, he took it back.

Marin smiled mildly. "Could you please answer a few questions with me?"

Suning hasn't responded yet. "...?"

Its big head looked at Marin innocently and kindly, and Marin was a little confused by the time.

Wouldn't it be silly?

Marin took a deep breath and smiled even more kindly. Seeing Suning's watering scene in the garden several times in the past few days, he started from his favorite topic: "I see that you have planted a lot of plants in your home, and you like to plant flowers ?"

Suning nodded, "Yes."

Marin took out his notebook and made a careful record. He wrote a few pens in his notebook and continued to laugh casually: "You can see that you are taking good care of it. I don't know how many people are in your family, usually Tough to take care of so many plants? "

The robot Suning answered earnestly: "It's easy, without effort."

Marin: "..."

"Then your family support you in planting flowers?" He asked again, trying to guide the topic to Su Tan.

There was a smile on Sun Ning's face. "stand by!"

Hearing its concise and confident answer, Marin couldn't help but be a little dumb, drew a few strokes on the book with a pen nib in his hand, and finally decided to give up the circle, and asked directly: "I do n’t know if your family has What interests? "

Hearing that, the robot Suning thought about it seriously and replied, "Weight loss."

The family is all skinny, which is too unqualified for the robust and beautiful Rose.

Marin: "........."

He struggled to continue asking, "Can you let me in and take a picture of the garden?"

Before he finished speaking, the ringtone of the communicator in the room suddenly sounded, interrupting the conversation between the two people, the robot Suning glanced at him with a regret, and turned away quickly without any care.

Until he left, it didn't remember to let Marin step into the door of his house, and he didn't notice how complicated the look on the face of the "Melia Vegetation Conservation Investigator" was left behind. .

Suning ran into the living room, grabbed the masterpiece of the ringtone, and pressed the connect button.

"Hey?" Before he even breathed, he suddenly heard a familiar voice from the other end of the communicator.

"Who was you talking to just now?" Dr. Shu asked in a soft voice.

The robot Suning blinked for a moment, his eyes bent with a smile, and answered frankly: "An investigator of the Vegetation Protection Association."

Shu Heng at the communicator suddenly laughed softly, but the gentle laughter sounded a lot easier than before. "Okay, I'm relieved."

He said kindly and temptingly, "Since Atan's novel is on fire, traffickers who traffic in small robots are particularly numerous."

The robot Suning was taken aback. "!!!really?"

I wasn't expecting such a madness that even robots were trafficked.

It happened that Su Tan, who was downstairs, heard the conversation between the two people, and suddenly felt that he had a heavy and oversized pot on his back ==.

Shu Heng's tone was firm and he smiled gently, "Yes. So if there is a strange stranger coming to talk to you, be sure to tell me, I will help you solve it."

Su Ning immediately nodded like a chicken pecking rice, and agreed in a hurry, and sincerely thanked the communicator outside: "Dr. Shu, you are so kind."

Sutan: ...

He poured a glass of cold water and poured himself into a shock, watching his father and Dr. Shu talk happily, shaking his head and laughing, and then turned to go upstairs again to start his own code burst mode.

For three consecutive days, the 60,000-character Dafei Chapter was exploded, and the comment area under Su Tanwen broke out completely.

In the novel website, it is not that there is no diligent author, but there is no such diligent author.

The daily update amount of 60,000 words is almost equal to the update amount of many authors for a week, which shocked the entire novel website.

"Reincarnation: Will the author's hand ... refer to it?"

"Anxia I: Crazy! I'm a fan!"

"Interstellar story and wine: Such a diligent writer must support it. I hope that my beloved can also burst out every day like braised pork, then my life will be complete."

Under the double burst of strong push and explosion, in a short time, "Dominate the Earth Age [Quick Wear]" quickly became a well-deserved hot headline on the star novel website.

The data of this novel is growing at a speed almost visible to the naked eye. Often, many readers refresh the webpage inadvertently, and they suddenly find that the collection volume has surged sharply.

"Lying on the side of the road to eat sunflower seeds: Just refreshed a bit, and within one minute, the" Domination "collection suddenly increased by 300! Everyone tell me, is there something wrong with my eyes?"

"Nine thousand years old: I also noticed that I almost thought I remembered it wrong."

"Soft Meng Deep Dolphin: My friends online make a bubble and let me see your hands ~"

"Kolabao: Waving the claws."

"Fishing on the Milky Way: Hey ~"

"Anxia I: New powder, please be familiar."


On the fifth day of the list, the number of "Dominate" collections increased by 100,000 a day, and completely broke through the 900,000 mark under the watchful eyes of everyone. There is only one step away from the 10,000 collection of great works "Wushuang".

For a while, not only the fans of "Domination" looked forward with enthusiasm, but the fans of "Warriors" suddenly felt a great sense of threat, and they left comments in the article to discuss this matter worryingly and discuss the author It takes a few more chapters to get out of danger.

But the author of "Wushuang" Cat Demon is a lazy temper. In his own text, he replied lazily, "You guess, I will lose by adding a chapter."

This sentiment suddenly burst into popularity.

Even when Su Tan watched it, he couldn't help but raise a smile, and thought the other party was very interesting.

It has to be said that the style of the cat demon does not act according to chapters has won the appetite of countless readers, and immediately consolidated and drove a large number of fan traffic.

The confrontation between the two veteran gods and the newcomer writers suddenly heated up, and your catching-up and rising collection has become a major event of the star novel network. Even many readers and writers who haven't seen these two novels have come here in admiration, and have been circled by a diligent and rash style.

Such a benign situation is naturally enjoyed by fiction websites, and even readers on both sides have no gunpowder smell, which is harmonious and interesting.

The two authors themselves are even more unconcerned.

For the cat demon, since money can't seduce him to add more, then other things are more unlikely to interfere with his own writing rhythm.

And for Sutan--

He smiled and raised his lips, brushing a popular post on the author's forum of the website, and saw that he must have been very annoyed, and had to rack his brains to overwhelm the cat demon.

The high-rise buildings following this post have been approved by the clan, as if they can represent the ideas in his heart.

Suddenly, Su Tan couldn't help but think, as long as he had enough money to earn it, was it the first place?

His back-office revenue has already accumulated 4 million interstellar coins. Among them, one is a share of the revenue to the website, and he can get 2 million.

If you can take out these gains, you can buy as many cocoa marshmallows as your big cousin!

In the last two days of the strong push list, Su Tan still kept his explosive situation in an orderly manner. In the cheers of the readers, he insisted on updating the 60,000-character Dafei Chapter to the end. .

At the same time, because of staying up late for several days and sitting long, Su Tan felt more and more exhausted, like a long-distance traveler, physically and mentally exhausted, struggling to maintain his state by holding his breath.

As a result, he was getting less and less when he left the room, and for a little while, he clenched his eyes in the room and rested for a while.

This allowed Shen to stay in a simplified state, and let Marin, a reporter for Entertainment News Express, squatting outside Su's door, finally be unable to bear the silence. Seeing that the time for the next issue of "Entertainment News Express" is getting closer and closer, leaving him less time to discover the hidden news in Sutan, it is simply impossible to catch a long line like the star black material before. fish.

What he lacks most now is time.

After answering the urging phone call from the editor-in-chief of the magazine, Marin clenched his fists and drew his heart down. He made up his mind and prepared to leave Su's silent and strange main place for the time being and take the initiative to attack the surrounding people. Start, search for any history and rumors of Sutan.

As long as he can find one, he can deal with the editor of Arlo.

Yu Ji Marin disguised himself again, thinking that he had been to Sutan's house last time and had a conversation with the robot Suning, and if he went there again, it would be easy to expose his feet.

Therefore, Marin simply used the excuse previously used to "investigate the growth and protection of Gulia's vegetation," and in turn heard from the neighbors around the Su family.

On the first stop, I found the closest neighbor next to the Su family, the Shu Heng family.

According to Marin's expectation, the family lived closest to the Sutan family, only separated by a fence and a garden. Presumably, they knew the situation of the Su family clearly. Starting from here, a breakthrough was bound to be found.

He knocked on the door of Shu Heng's house with confidence, and unexpectedly saw a gentle and elegant man with rimmed glasses opening the door.

Through several consecutive squatting points and inquiries, Marin has already figured out the identity of the other party. From the mouth of several passersby neighbors, he learned that this is a good doctor with a spleen temperature and good people. He needs to know the news from his mouth, and thinks it will be more talkative.

Right now, Marin's face was full of smiles, and his attitude was so harmonious that people felt like a spring breeze. "Hello, I'm an investigator of the Rosewood Vegetation Conservation Association. Can you please help me with a related questionnaire?"

After hearing his self-introduction, Shu Heng raised his eyebrows, and the light-colored eyes behind the gold-rimmed glasses frowned slightly, showing a mild and friendly smile in a very cooperative manner, and nodded in agreement: "OK, come in."

As soon as his voice fell, Marin's heart relaxed greatly, and he couldn't help but sigh in secret.

Sure enough, Dr. Shu was a good-natured man.

Marin entered the door of the Shu family with confidence and quickly preset a few questions confidently in his heart. Among them, there were many pitfalls of speech, and almost all of them could detect and hear the secrets of the Su family.

After waiting for a mild attitude of Shu Heng to bring him a cup of hot tea, Marin cheered up, raised his body and thanked him for taking it, took a sip, and the hot tea soup relieved his physical and mental fatigue.

Marin was now full-faced, took out a questionnaire from his briefcase, and handed it to Shu Heng. He said, "Please fill it out first."

Shu Heng took it, glanced lightly, and saw a full page of front and back pages of the questionnaire filled with "What do you think of the vegetation care of the neighbor's home?" Other inappropriate actions? "," What would you say if you wanted to comment or comment on a neighbor's home? "And so on.

Although it seems unusual, every question seems to be digging a deep trap, just waiting to jump in.

At the moment, Shu Heng bent his lip corner, put the questionnaire aside gently, looked up at the calm and confident man in front of him, and asked gently: "Can you see your ID?"

At first hearing what he said, Marin was a little dumb and didn't know what he meant. After all, when Dr. Shu opened the door to let himself in just now, he was very kind and didn't raise a little objection, how could he suddenly want to check his credentials?

Marin's heart suddenly raised, and felt something was wrong. But he has seen countless similar scenes. Some have taken counterfeit staff members' documents and mixed them into the backstage of the big-name star crew to listen to the news. Some have disguised themselves as newspaper delivery workers approaching a celebrity family. His disguise has never been seen , Also developed his courage and fearlessness.

Therefore, even if the atmosphere in front of him is a bit unusual, Marin carefully observed Dr. Shu's gentle and frowny eyes, which was no different from the previous one, and showed no slight abnormalities. He simply took out his counterfeit from his arms. The certificate was given to Shu Heng.


Shu Heng didn't just glance at it, but wanted to take it over from Marin gently, as if he was just curious about the pattern above.

Holding both sides of the document with both hands at the same time, he pulled a little, and Marin took a moment to let go, and let it go, let him see clearly.

As he toasted and drank hot tea, he thought what could go wrong even if he watched it?

Unexpectedly, Shu Heng seriously took the information on the documents, especially the attached Marin photo carefully, and then flipped it by hand before deducting it.

Marin was shocked by his sudden movement, couldn't help but tighten his whole body tightly, and frowned at him.

I saw that in the legend, Dr. Shu, who was gentle and good-tempered, chuckled, and the light-colored eyes behind the rimmed glasses suddenly looked sharp like a sharp blade, looking straight to Marin.

"Exactly," he said softly, but his voice was calm and powerful. "I have something to report to your association."

He looked at Marin with an electric gaze. Although the expression on his face was still calm and gentle, the words spoken in his mouth were extremely sharp.

Shu Heng raised his lips and asked with a light smile: "Mr. Marin, don't you show me a way?"

Marin was horrified in silence.

What way to take? This Dr Shu obviously had to press himself to reveal himself by the police!

Suddenly, he stood up suddenly from the seat in a hurry, his face tensely confronted Shu Heng, and each other's gazes were unwavering.

The thoughts in Marin's brain turned sharply, and he hurriedly found the last solution from the chaos that was seen.

He had time to speak in the future, and saw Shu Heng, who was still sitting calmly and easily on the armrest seat, smiled, and the gentle gaze behind the rimmed glasses wrapped in the cold wind.

"Stay there for no reason, listen around, monitor and sniff ..." Each of the counts made Marin helplessly silent. He knew that his actions in these days had been seen and seen by the other party, and he didn't know how long he had been observed by the hunter.

The counts add up to the fact that he has been able to hold him honestly for several days in the jail of the police.

The alarm bell in Marin's heart was staring at Shu Heng with a stare, but he found that the other person continued to say, "Hab kidnapping-"

Marin :? !! !! !!

He couldn't believe the serious and solemn look of Shu Heng, and found that the other party really brought the crime seriously, not a joke.

Immediately, Marin's heart almost sprayed out a bite of old blood, feeling that he was inexplicably trapped in a **** pot.

Well, what am I doing to abduct a robot? ? ?

——Do you keep going home for Chinese New Year?