MTL - Instructing the Archaeological Team, Was Actually Regarded As a Tomb Robber-Chapter 924 Daikokuten Jilei Mountain

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Ye Cheng and others looked at the carvings on the surrounding stone walls, which were the rituals and steps of the sacrifice.

The more you look at it, the more shocking you are. Although the composition of those ancient carvings is simple, they bring a psychological impact, which is no less than seeing with your own eyes that there are living people in front of them. Every stroke seemed to be dripping with blood.

Fatty Wang bit and pressed, "I hate his grandma, do these people have no conscience at all, they are all raised by their mother's parents, so they can really do it, Fatty I hate not being born in that place. Era, otherwise, he stabbed his mother's nest, killed all these bastards, and let them experience this cruel torture too!"

Team Zhang and the others also clenched their fists silently.

So cruel, so cruel.

"Damn, this evil slave society."

"Hey, I'm just glad to be born in such an age, thank you!"

"Woo, unconsciously, I burst into tears, as if I could hear their cries."

"It's so cruel, how could they do it!"

"Hey, this is the history of ancient times. In any dynasty, such cruel things have happened. We can only be glad that we live in a new era!"

Netizens were all infected, and they dared not watch the cruel scene, because as long as they closed their eyes a little, the cruel scene seemed to emerge in their minds involuntarily.

Countless people's cries and times, countless people's begging for mercy, unfortunately, everything is in vain, those executioners will not have the slightest mercy.

I'm afraid, in the eyes of those people, these people are not human at all, or even inferior to beasts.

The simple and simple human figures in the frescoes can clearly distinguish the "sacrifice" and the "sacrificial priest". The whole process of sacrificing the "snake bone" is completed by two priests.

Dressed in different clothes and wearing face masks, they first fixed a slave to the wall, used sharp tools to peel off the slave's skin from the top of the head, and placed him on the execution stone on the ground before the slave was completely dead. Kill in the slot.

Then a "priest" holding the dead offerings entered the place where the altar had two pools, and that was the main place for offering sacrifices to snake bones.

No matter what kind of ritual is to be performed, the deceased and the "Phoenix Gallbladder" must be immersed into two corresponding pools at the same time, which seems to be to maintain a certain balance of power.

Everyone was looking around.

Ye Cheng saw a crystal bowl and walked over, which seemed to be the only conspicuous thing here.

Fatty Wang immediately moved up.

"Little brother, what is this thing for, isn't it pretending to be blood?"

Ye Cheng shook his head, "There is no blood, there is crystal sand flowing in it. It seems to be a timing tool. It seems that the sacrificial activities here must be completed within the specified time!"

"Fuck, since we came in, this thing started timing? If we don't complete the sacrifice, what will happen?" Fatty Wang immediately became worried.

Ye Cheng shook his head, "I don't know, but something bad will definitely happen!"

When everyone heard this, their hearts sank.

"Looking at the picture, the phoenix gallbladder and a slave must be put into the water pool for the sacrifice to be successful, but where can we get these two things!" Li Duoduo frowned!

The phoenix gall, also known as Zong Chenzhu, is in Ye Cheng's hands, but the dead have nowhere to go.

"Wait, didn't you mean offering sacrifices to snake bones, but, where is the snake bone, why didn't we see it?" Fatty Wang said!

He turned around just now and didn't see the so-called snake bones.

"Perhaps, the real snake bones can only be seen after the sacrificial ceremony is activated. The "Eurohai People" believe that the world is a cycle of life and death. After this world is destroyed, another world will be born, and the cycle will continue. All the worlds are one, and the "snake bones" will also be resurrected in that world, and they sacrifice their lives to sacrifice to it, hoping that the Eurahai people can also survive in another world." Ye Chengdao !

"So, if we really do sacrifice, there will be a new world?" Fatty Wang shook his head again after saying that, "This is too outrageous, how could there be other worlds!"

But Li Duoduo said: "It's not impossible, Buddhism has long ago said that there are three thousand small worlds, one flower is one world, one tree is one bodhi, maybe, just like in scientific research, this world may be true There is a parallel world, just opening the parallel world requires some special methods, and sacrificing snake bones is probably one of the ways to open the door!"

There is some truth to what she said.

The scientific community has always had theories about parallel worlds, but they are all theories, and there is simply no way to confirm whether they really exist.

At the scene, only two people actually believed this.

That is Ye Cheng and Queen Jing Jue. Both of them are clearly alert to the Queen's eyes, which is itself a passage to open space, and Ye Cheng itself has a portable space.

At the same time, he still crossed over, knowing that there might be a parallel world.

Everyone has researched and researched, but nothing has been researched.

Now that I have come here, it seems that there is no use, I can't worship, and I can't witness all the mysteries, but I just left, and I feel a little unwilling.

Ye Cheng guessed: "The person who has been sown with skin may be replaced with blood. This kind of rough sacrificial ceremony cannot be so sensitive!"

"What about the phoenix gall, without the phoenix gall, it is still useless!" Wang Yan said!

Ye Cheng didn't say that the phoenix courage was here, so he couldn't explain it.

At this moment, the quicksand in the crystal bowl seemed to be almost full.

"It seems that there is not enough time!"

At this moment, the fluorescence on the original ore suddenly dimmed, and the surrounding light also began to dim.

From the ice-wall-like crystal veins, there are countless scattered and expanding are all descending at a twisted angle, and clusters are like sharp ice picks. Among these strange crystals, A huge black figure wriggled in the depths, making bursts of thunderous movements.

It echoed repeatedly on the crystal wall, emitting an ominous sound, and the appearance of black shadows made the light in the cave even darker.

"Fuck, then, what is that black shadow?" Fatty Wang was numb.

The black shadow was really too big, making people feel particularly uneasy, and the rumbling sound of thunder made people's hearts mention their throats!

An uneasy aura hung over his heart, and everyone knew that something bad might be about to happen.

Ye Cheng's face also became gloomy, "That is, Daheitian Jilei Mountain!"

As soon as they heard these words, everyone's heart suddenly froze again!

(End of this chapter)