MTL - Instructing the Archaeological Team, Was Actually Regarded As a Tomb Robber-Chapter 17 Symbiotic system

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Ye Cheng asked Li Duoduo to divide the corpse with a shovel, and everyone was stunned.

"Damn, such a beautiful, pure girl, Ye Dao actually let her do this kind of thing, she deserves to be single for a lifetime."

"Hahaha, Ye Shen, what a straight man."

"I think it's too much for a girl."

"Ye Shen, yyds, a role model for my generation."

"I'm willing to do it for Duoduo!"

"Bah, **** the dog, bdhs."

Ye Cheng did this because he felt that Li Duoduo was unusual.


No one carries a bag of sticky rice with them.

Interrogation room.

Chen Bing also looked at Ye Cheng with strange eyes.

This guy actually asked a weak woman to do that kind of thing.

There is really no pity for fragrance and jade.

Live single life.

Xiao Chen of the archaeological team immediately said, "Mr. Ye, this kind of dirty work, let us men do it!"

Li Duoduo glanced at Xiao Chen gratefully.

To be honest, looking at the big corpse turtle, I was really scared.

Ye Cheng shrugged indifferently, "Whatever, but, if you don't have the guts, and you're afraid of getting dirty and tired, I'm afraid it will be difficult to do archaeology well!"

Professor Chen agreed with this and nodded again and again.

The view of Ye Cheng was a little better.

Hearing this, Li Duoduo bit her red lips lightly and made up her mind.

"No, let me come. Teacher Ye is right. If you can't do this dirty work, how can you be a qualified archaeologist? Although I am a girl, I am not a vase!"

Li Duoduo glanced at Ye Cheng stubbornly and went to find a shovel.

Ye Cheng smiled, with a hint of appreciation in his smile.

Wang Bingbing couldn't stand it any longer.

She glanced at Ye Cheng pitifully, and said in her heart, this is really not worried about being drowned by the majority of male netizens with spit.

"Dodo is the best!"

"Come on, Duoduo!"

"Ye Cheng is a dead otaku and has no wife in his life."

"Haha, the goddess who dares to abuse me like this, I won't read your book in the future."

"The identification is complete, Ye Shenzhi's cancer is at an advanced stage, and the old straight man is gone."

Li Duoduo went to find shovels and tools.

Wang Yan's phone rang, Wang Yan answered the phone and said a few words, his face suddenly became strange.

Unbelievable and with a little bit of happiness.

Professor Chen looked at his complicated expression, and Gordon thought in his heart, and hurriedly asked, "What's the matter, did something happen to those little soldiers?"

If those little soldiers lost their lives because of his negligence, Professor Chen would be extremely remorseful.

He has already figured out how to compensate the families of those people.

Even if you lose your family wealth, it is better to lose your life.

But Wang Yan said: "Teacher, the medical staff said that they used glutinous rice to help those little soldiers to remove the poison, and the effect was remarkable. Now, everyone is out of danger!"

"Really!" Professor Chen was overjoyed and couldn't believe it.

Wang Yan nodded with a complicated expression.

Before, he was the one who questioned Ye Cheng the most, but now, Ye Cheng's method actually saved a few lives, which surprised him.

"The news is true. Now the situation of several people is very stable, and there should be nothing major!"

"It's great, it's great, it's good to be fine, it's good to be fine!" Professor Chen finally let go of his heart, "Thanks to Xiaoye, thanks to Xiaoye."

Soon, the news spread throughout the entire archaeological team, and everyone was overjoyed.

Team Zhang repeatedly thanked Ye Cheng on the screen.

Wang Bingbing also came to the camera.

"Friends of the water, I just got the news that the seriously injured little soldiers are now out of danger. Ye Cheng's method of detoxification with glutinous rice really saved their lives."

"Let's thank Ye Cheng and Li Duoduo for those little warriors!"

The Internet is boiling.

"Saving one life is better than building a seven-level pagoda, saving six lives, what a great merit!"

"Great, the little soldiers are finally okay, God bless."

"Ye Shen is awesome, this directly saved six lives."

"If there is no glutinous rice in Duoduo, it is useless, so Duoduo is the biggest contributor."

"This one doesn't need to be robbed, both of them are great heroes."

"The glutinous rice can really remove the corpse poison. It's true that the ancients did not deceive me."

When Li Duoduo heard that the soldiers were all right, a happy smile appeared on his face.

When she came to the big corpse turtle, she seemed to be much more courageous.

Others also gathered around.

Others were persuading and wanting to help, but Li Duoduo refused one by one.

She pinpointed the position, took a deep breath, and poked it hard.


Although the shell of the corpse turtle is hard, the joints are very soft. The shovel went down, accompanied by a gush of green water, and instantly broke into two pieces.

From the corpse turtle's stomach, a hexagonal bell fell out.

"Is there really something in there?"

The crowd widened their eyes.

The hexagonal bell looked like it was made of copper, with patterns all over it. It was very delicate. It was about the size of a fist, and it was actually connected to a section of the intestines on the upper body.

Professor Chen was so excited that he stepped forward to check.

Jingle Jingle!

Suddenly, the bell swayed by itself, making a crisp bell.

"No, UU reading be careful!"

The crowd was shocked.

They all know that the sound of this bell is strange, and it can make people unconscious in an instant.

Team Zhang didn't have time to react and stepped down.


With a crisp sound, the bell was directly smashed, and a stream of green water flowed out. Only then did everyone see that there was a huge centipede inside the bell.

Everyone was stunned, only Ye Cheng looked indifferent.

Chen Bing was also surprised, "Is this corpse really man-made?"

Ye Cheng nodded, "Obviously, this is a perfect symbiotic system. What the corpse turtle eats becomes the centipede's food. As long as the centipede is hungry, it will shake the bell and urge the corpse turtle to eat!"

"The two coexist, forming a symbiotic system, with a long life, and then guarding this place to prevent tomb robbers from entering!"

"Unbelievable, incredible, Xiao Ye is right, the wisdom of the ancients is far beyond our imagination. It seems that we still know too little about ancient culture!" Professor Chen sighed.

Now he feels more and more that Ye Cheng is not simple.

Of course, this also made him more and more tempted to pull Ye Cheng to the archaeological team.

He looked at the destroyed hexagonal bell with regret. This thing is also a cultural relic. Now it is broken and can only be repaired.

But no way.

Team Zhang was also afraid that something would happen to them.

"I rub it, this subverts my view of the ancients. The ancients are all good people."

"God Ye is the eternal god, and you guessed it right again."

"Guess what, he must have seen it before, tomb robber, really hammered!"

"This live broadcast has made me very interested in archaeology. I will also apply for archaeology in the future!"