MTL - Inside and Outside World-Chapter 720 : ruined village

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Zhu Xiaoyong brought a purse into the team, and Xiaoniao You Yeli brought an air gun into the team. Is this flat-chested girl a teammate? He actually brought an artifact!

Yan Luo looked at the flat-chested girl holding the so-called Thor's Hammer, and fought against the demon strategist Chu Qingfeng. One of the two manipulated the thunder and lightning, and the other manipulated the storm. There were traces of ravines, and the continuously falling thunder pillars blasted the ground out of pits.

He and Xiaoniao Youyeli joined in the fun and threw a few Lihuohong and Huoxinglei. Even if Zhu Xiaoyong was a 99-level meat shield, it was difficult to intervene. The flat-chested girl was very difficult to resist in less than a quarter of an hour. She raised the thunder hammer Inspired the power of this artifact.

"Wrath of the Thunder God!"

Thousands of thunder erupted from the surface of the hammer, covering Chu Qingfeng's place and everything in the surrounding space in the magnetic field current.


Taking advantage of this opportunity, the girl grabbed the bird You Yeli with her free left hand, and Yan Luo ran wildly, Zhu Xiaoyong rolled and the four quickly went away.

When the thunder and lightning disappeared, Chu Qingfeng, the general of the demon clan, had no trace of the members of the hero team in front of him.

"Phew, it's safe for now."

After leaving the valley and hiding in a deserted town, the flat-chested girl breathed a sigh of relief.

"You are?"

"I am the Queen of the Northern Ice and Snow Kingdom, a warrior sent by His Majesty Chen Beixue: Dong Qing."

The flat-chested girl lifted up a strand of short hair in front of her forehead with her fingers, and looked Yan Luo up and down with clear and bright eyes: "I didn't expect that you are more powerful than I expected."

Well, level 99.

"The Queen of the Northern Ice and Snow Kingdom?"

Bird You Yeli's eyes are full of longing: "Is it the Ice Queen? That is the ruler of the most powerful magic kingdom. It is said that she has the power to compete with the Demon King."

"It's just a rumor. Her Majesty the Queen will not be the opponent of the Demon King. There is only one person who can save the world and that is you, hero."

"Unexpectedly, a demon army under the command of the demon king is so powerful. With my strength, I can't fight against Thor's Hammer." Dong Qing sighed and frowned slightly.

Yan Luo: "I've reached level 99. If level 99 can't even deal with that guy, how can I deal with some demon king?"

He raised his hand and looked at the imprint of the sickle and ax on the back of his hand. His mind was still empty. Everything he had experienced from 3 years ago to now seemed unreal. He became a hero for no reason. He wanted to fight against the devil to save him. World—From the World Tree summoned by the Yanhuang mark to everything that happened afterwards, it is obvious that I have some mission on my shoulders.

It's like "fate" ordained.

"Your strength is just stronger than I expected."

"But it's still far from the power that a real hero should have! In other words, you still have the potential to become stronger."

Dong Qing showed a cold smile, holding something out in his hand: "Look."

She opened her hand, and in the palm of her hand was a ball of golden light—the golden Sanskrit writing in the light shone brightly.

"One of the nine secret treasures?"

Yan Luo got a secret treasure in Shanlu Town. This is obviously the same as that secret treasure, but the handwriting is different. He reached out to take it, and the golden writing flew into the imprint of the sickle and axe.

"You have been baptized by the secret treasure, all attributes +10."

"Under the power of the secret treasure, you have awakened the skill: Kanshui Palm."

There is another piece of information in his mind, which is different from his upgraded and awakened stick technique and infinite blade storm, no matter the previous Lihuo Bang or the current Kanshui Palm, they are all energy moves. He still remembers what Dong Qing said: " Physical attacks cannot destroy the demon army division."

"This is the secret treasure I got from killing a big monster on the road."

Dong Qing tilted his head thinking and said: "The library of the Ice and Snow Kingdom seems to have information about the nine secret treasures, but... I don't like reading books so I can't remember clearly. In short, after finding the nine secret treasures, your strength should improve. Next, let's go find the remaining secret treasures—also, fighting against the Demon King and the Four Heavenly Kings of the Demon Race requires powerful weapons and equipment."

"The iron rod you are holding is not good. You can't hurt the Demon King with such a rod. At least you need the Thor's Hammer in my hand to be able to do it."

She threw the artifact over.

The moment Yan Luo caught Thor's Hammer and touched the weapon with his hand, strands of tiny electric arcs made his palms tingle. Fortunately, it was just the static electricity carried by the hammer under normal conditions.

The program gives the information of this piece of equipment.

Thor's Hammer: S-level weapon, thunder attribute, the legendary artifact held by Thor, attack +122 points.

"Attack +122?"

A wooden sword's attack is only +1, and a bronze sword's attack is only +5. This Thor's Hammer has +122 attack points!

Yan Luo himself, after undergoing baptism of secret treasures twice, now has 128 points of strength, and only 128 points of attack in naked clothes. You must know that he is at the full level! Thor's Hammer +122 points of attack, what is this concept?

It means that when equipped with this thunder hammer, the attack will reach 250 points! Moreover, this hammer has its own thunder attribute, and every physical level A will have energy damage.

It's a pity that there is no way to equip it, Yan Luo can't use a hammer...

Speaking of which, how could this delicate-looking girl use such a brutal blunt weapon?

With Dong Qing's move, Thor's Hammer flew back into her hand.

"Aren't you envious? Hehe, don't be envious, because as a hero, of course, there is also a hero's unique artifact, the hero's sword! The holy sword once held by the ancestors of the human race was jointly forged by the legendary swordsmith Ou Yezi and the general. Ah Jian."

"That Tai'a Sword should be more powerful than my Thor's Hammer."

"Tai Ah Sword?"

Yan Luo only felt that the name was very familiar. A phantom of a three-meter-long bronze sword flashed in his mind. After thinking for a few seconds, he asked, "Then, where is Tai'a Sword?"

"do not know."

Dong Qing shook his head: "This is a hero's saber, which will only be born when the world is in crisis. Since you are a hero, you must find that holy sword one day. In short, we will look for secret treasures and weapons on the mainland next. Equipment and other treasures that can enhance strength... Well, as a soldier sent by the Snow Queen, let me join your team."

"System prompt: Dong Qing has joined your team."

After joining the team, you can view the data of your teammates through the system.

Dong Qing (LV22)

The naked properties are:

Strength: 31, Body: 31, Sensitivity: 31, Wisdom: 31

This teammate actually has the same balance plus points as himself, and the four dimensions are exactly the same! This kind of attribute is not high. The previous battle mainly relied on the artifact of Thor's Hammer. In addition, this flat-chested girl also mastered two combat skills: wind-induced cross slash and thunder-light whirling slash.

In addition, there is a "weapon master" passive talent, strength and agility 2 when holding a weapon in hand.

Isn't this too perverted?

No wonder he was able to fight against that demon strategist Chu Qingfeng.

This means that when she holds Thor's Hammer, her attack is as high as 184 points!

A powerful teammate has been added, but the number of enemies seems to have increased. I thought it was just to deal with a demon king, but now I know that the demon king has four heavenly kings, and one of the demon army divisions is so powerful—the fallen world tree was also polluted and turned into bronze Shu, must return to the Yanhuang Holy Land as soon as possible, and tell the Great Elder the news.

The four of Yan Luo rode at full speed for several days and returned to the Holy Land.

"what happened?"

When Zhu Xiaoyong saw that the guards who were supposed to be on guard at the entrance of the village were not there, and the wooden fence was full of holes and scorched fire marks, an ominous premonition welled up in his heart.

"Has something happened in the village?"

He rushed into the village with an agility not commensurate with his fat body, followed by Yan Luo and two girls.

The air was filled with the pungent smell of blood.

There were corpses everywhere on the ground, all the houses and ancestral halls in the village were destroyed, and there seemed to be no living person in the whole village. Yan Luo saw the body of the Great Elder in the ancestral hall. The old man with white beard opened his eyes wide, A dagger was stuck in his chest, and the blood around him had dried up, obviously he had been dead for a long time.

"Great Elder, Great Elder!"

Zhu Xiaoyong cried tears and snot all over the place, while Yan Luo rubbed his chin and muttered to himself: "This is unscientific!"

I don't know how strong the Great Elder of the Holy Land is, but the owner of the equipment shop in the village is simply a sweeping monk! Even when facing the devil military strategist Chu Qingfeng, he didn't have the depression in his heart when facing the shop owner. Yan Luo suspected that the devil came. Maybe the shop boss alone could handle the other party. Now the village is completely wiped out. what happened?

"Could it be plot killing?"

At this time, the hero mark on his right hand began to glow.

"It seems that there is another plot."

The light projected from the sickle and axe formed a screen of light in the mid-air in front of it, and pictures flickered on it—Yan Luo saw a figure hidden in black shadows killing people in the village. The soldiers and the shop owner were all easily killed by the shadow as it floated by without a sound. In the end, the shadow stabbed the dagger into the chest of the Great Elder.

One person slaughtered the village!

It's not clear who the black shadow is, it's just a group of illusory and blurred images, but the petite figure seems to be a woman.

"who is she?"

Dong Qing's face was full of seriousness, this woman's character was very conceited, and she just got the queen's order to join the hero's team. , A layer of goose bumps appeared all over the body.

"By the way, Boss Yan Luo, don't you know the resurrection technique?"

Zhu Xiaoyong, who was crying, suddenly remembered the spell that Yan Luo had blackmailed from the Great Elder before he left.

"Well, I'll give it a try."

Yan Luo raised his hand and a holy light fell on the body of the Great Elder.

There was no response from the body.

"Could it be that you've been dead for too long? But the resurrection technique, even if you've been dead for a long time, as long as the body is intact, you should be able to resurrect."

Dong Qing sighed: "Don't waste your efforts in vain. I know that the resurrection spell is a spell only possessed by the elders of Yanhuang Holy Land—even Her Majesty the Queen of the Ice and Snow Kingdom doesn't know it, but these people were obviously killed by the demons, and their bodies were poisoned by the demons." Pollution of qi, it is said that the devil qi comes from the depths of the six realms of reincarnation in the devil world, and if it is polluted, it will fall into samsara, and there is no way to revive it.”

"Could it be that the Great Elder died just like that?" Zhu Xiaoyong hugged his head in pain.

"Son, don't be sad."

A transparent phantom floated from the corpse.

"My soul was hidden in the corpse and waited for you. Now, you are finally here."

The soul of the Great Elder actually made a sound—how can ghosts speak without vocal cords?

Yan Luo looked at the transparent phantom: "Great Elder, we have checked the World Tree, and when we arrived, we found that the World Tree had withered, but my imprint brought the tree back to life. The Demon Army under the Demon King didn't know what to do. This method turned the world tree into a bronze tree. This is a soldier sent by the queen of the northern ice and snow kingdom, and we escaped with her help."

"I see."

The Great Elder nodded: "I don't have much time, so let's make a long story short."

"Yan Luo, this time the demons are coming fiercely. The world tree has already suffered a catastrophe. I am afraid that the human world will be next, and it will be polluted and completely turned into a plague of the demon world. You must stop all this from happening."

"I also want to save this world, but I'm not strong enough, and I can't even beat the devil alone."

Hearing what Yan Luo said, the ghost phantom of the Great Elder frowned.

"It seems that you have obtained 2 secret treasures."

"In fact, these secret treasures contain the power of the former gods. If you collect the nine secret treasures, you can summon the gods. It is said that the gods can fulfill all wishes."

Yan Luo: "..."

Why is it summoning the gods and not the dragons?

"Actually, there are secret treasures in our Yanhuang Holy Land."

The Great Elder pointed to the ground below the altar: "You guys will remove the bricks and stones on the ground later, and the secret treasure is hidden underneath. Besides the secret treasure, there is also the inheritance of the number one warrior in the Holy Land—Zhu Xiaoyong, although you are not a hero, But you are also a hero's companion, an important force to save the world and fight against the devil, and after accepting the inheritance of the warrior, your potential will increase, so that you can really be useful in the battle against the devil."

"Okay, I'm going to disappear, you guys hurry up and get the treasure and leave here."

After speaking, the phantom ghosts of these great elders disappeared.

Bury the Yan Luo opened the floor tile and found a secret room, which is similar to the previous secret room under the well in Shanlu Town. There is a golden Sanskrit script floating in the secret room. All attributes +10, and a new skill has been awakened: Duize Hands.

In addition to secret treasures, this secret room also contains the inheritance of the warriors of the Holy Land.

After Zhu Xiaoyong entered, Yan Luo heard a prompt from the system:

"Your teammates have received the inheritance of warriors."

"Awakening Skills: Multiplication, Hardening, Awakening Passive Abilities: Power of Suppressing Water, Power of Carrying Monuments."

"It has been detected that Zhu Xiaoyong's level has reached the full level, and the power of suppressing water and the power of carrying the stele will also be automatically increased to the full level. The effect is—"

"The power of town water (full level): Strength +99"

"The power of the stele (full level): Strength +99"

Yan Luo: "..."

This is a bit perverted! Is this trying to make a miracle?