MTL - Infinite Throne-Chapter 39 Derivative application of the shadow

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   Chapter 39 Derivative Applications

   Xiao Shisan broke out in a cold sweat in an instant.

   He couldn't imagine that in a small place like Qingcheng, someone could sneak into Xiao's house silently, and kill him all the way to the backyard of Xiao's house.

   The defense system of this mansion is extremely advanced.

   cost a lot of money.

   Not to mention people, even if mosquitoes want to fly in, they must be screened by the defense AI program before determining whether it is a hazard.

   In other words…

The man behind    is a master!

   It's too late to say, it's too soon.

   The knife that Xiao Shisan bounced with his thumb was able to block the killing intent of the man behind him.

   "The strength attribute is not high."

   This extremely dangerous confrontation, Xiao Shisan instantly made this judgment.

  If the opponent's strength attribute is extremely high, just relying on the strength of his Xiaotachi bouncing along with the situation, he can't stop the opponent's ultimate move at all.

  Thinking of this, Xiao Shisan's mouth evoked a cruel sneer.

  The katana remained in the air.

   At this moment, time seemed to stand still.

   Xiao Shisan had several thoughts in his mind.

   Nian Nian is startling.

   is all killing intent.

   For true masters, life and death are only in the blink of an eye.

   So he only needs one knife to kill.

   seems like a still time...


  Xiao Shisan's right hand protruded like lightning, holding the samurai sword in mid-air with unparalleled precision.

   His agility attribute is as high as 4.1, and he has a shooting speed and reaction far beyond ordinary people.

   After holding the samurai sword, Xiao Shisan shook his right wrist, and the samurai sword sank into the scabbard again.

   And at this moment, the man behind him also took back the deadly dagger.

   But... he was slower than Xiao Shisan!

   Master tricks, even just a little mistake, a little hesitation, is enough to affect the victory or defeat, and decide...

   life and death.

   "The mysterious killer behind him doesn't have a high agility attribute!"

  Xiao Shisan made a judgment again.

   With this attribute value, he was able to sneak into the Xiao residence without a sound?

   Xiao Shisan turned to the right abruptly, and his right palm probed and took out, and the movements were done in one go.

   Knives out!

  Like lightning!

   It's almost impossible to see the trajectory of the knife!

   Draw the sword and cut...Iai!


   In the dark night, a dazzling white line was instantly drawn!

   That is the trajectory of Kodachi's sword.

   This is an ancient martial art that has almost been lost.

   In this era, there are very few people who can still be addicted to practicing this kind of boring ancient martial arts.

   And there are very few people who are good at killing people by drawing a sword.

   Legend has it that the "drawing of the sword" has been practiced to the extreme, and even the bullet can be accurately divided into two.

   Xiao Shisan was still unable to step into the ultimate realm, but this speed of attacking his sword was more than enough to kill someone.

   At the moment when the knife was fired, Xiao Shisan glimpsed the true face of the mysterious man behind him.

   When he saw it clearly, a wave flashed in his icy eyes.

   He never imagined that a mysterious killer who was able to sneak into the Xiao family without a sound, was just an ordinary young man on the surface.

   His eyes crossed, and Xiao Shisan could even see a faint surprise in the other's eyes.


   Presumably the opponent did not expect that he would be able to block his sure-kill strike.

   But it doesn't matter anymore.

   In Xiao Shisan's eyes, since he has already used the sword, the opponent will definitely become dead.

  Xiao Shisan's knife, as light as a white horse passing through a gap, slashed across Yi Rin's neck.

  The essence of the knife drawing technique starts with speed and ends with accuracy.

   Xiao Shisan's sword had just swept across Yilin's neck before it was sheathed.


   Xiao Shisan was expressionless.

   In fact, there is a trace of regret in my heart.

   This young man has good potential, and the silent knife from behind him almost cut Xiao Shisan's throat.

   But so what?

   These are the cruel rules of the underworld.

   It's not that the strong will survive, but the one who survives in the the stronger.

  Xiao Shisan was preparing to bury another body.

   But suddenly—

   There was a sudden pain in the neck!

  From behind him, the same hand, the same dark red dagger, once again wiped his neck silently.

  The only difference from the last time is that the last time Xiao Shisan blocked it with his thumb, but this time, he did not block it.

The   sharp blade severed his trachea and severed his carotid artery.


   Xiao Shisan only uttered two words, and the next words could no longer be said.

how is this possible!

   He clearly cut off the opponent's neck with the sword drawing technique.

  I saw it with my own eyes, how could it be fake?

   Are there actually two people behind you?

When did    go around behind him?

  Xiao Shisan fell to the ground in despair.

   He raised his head with difficulty, and in an instant, his face was full of surprise.

   In front of him, where is the... person?



  Irin sighed in relief after confirming that the sword-playing guy was completely dead.

  If he could know what Xiao Shisan thought before his death, he would definitely admire it secretly.

  Irin's agility and strength attributes are not comparable to Xiao Shisan.

   Xiao Shisan's agility attribute is estimated to be quite high.

   At least a bit taller than Irene.

   In addition, Xiao Shisan practiced ancient martial arts for a long time, and maximized his agility attributes.

   But there was one point, Xiao Shisan guessed wrong.

   With Yilin's habit of thinking about everything before doing anything, why didn't he make a plan of "what to do if the first knife is blocked"?

   Actually, when approaching Xiao Shisan, Yi Rin had already noticed the black scabbard on Xiao Shisan's waist.

   In the shortest time, Irin drew up 10 plans.

   is blocked by the opponent with a knife, there are 3 follow-up options...

  Being dodged by the opponent, there are 4 ways to make up the knife according to different body positions and angles…

  The wound is not deep enough, there are also 3 plans…

   If it weren't for the time crunch, Yiren had to draw up at least 20 kinds of plans to be safe enough.

   "A sword-drawing technique? It's amazing."

  Irin murmured in a low voice, admiring it sincerely.

   He picked up Xiao Shisan's weapon and looked at it for a moment.

  Although the material is definitely not as good as the "Blood Jasmine" made by Xingchen Steel, it looks like a good ancient knife.

   "Let's put it away first, but unfortunately I don't have time to ask this guy what the **** is the origin of this knife."

   Anyway, the storage space is very empty, and it is used as a stock.

  Irin recalled the scene just now, and was still not satisfied.

  【Follow the Shadow】's derivative skills use method, it can be regarded as a preliminary development.

   And it is the first time to use it successfully.

  Theoretically, when the object is moving fast, after the image seen by the human eye disappears, the human eye can continue to retain the image of the image for about 0.1-0.4 seconds, this phenomenon is called "afterimage phenomenon".

   Of course, Irin's agility attribute is not enough to leave an afterimage.

   is far from it.

   But the derivative skills he developed use a similar principle.

   At the moment Xiao Shisan turned around, Yi Rin canceled the [Following Shadow] skill within 0.5 seconds. In the opponent's field of vision, Yi Rin had the strongest sense of existence at this moment.

   Then use the shortest time to re-enter the state of [Following Shadows].

   At this time, Xiao Shisan's full attention was already attracted by Yi Rin when he had the "strongest sense of existence".

   The more concentrated human eyes are, the bigger the blind spot.

   The more open you look, the harder it is to concentrate.

   Therefore, when Xiao Shisan focused his attention on a certain point, there were relatively “blind spots” around him.

   So that Xiao Shisan didn't notice at all, Yi Rin had circled behind him like a shadow in an instant.

   This derivative new skill sounds simple, but it is actually extremely difficult, and there are many restrictions.

   Judging the opponent's turning direction, dominant hand, angle of attack, blind spot of sight, darkness... All kinds of conditions are indispensable.

   "The new skill is called... Shadows leave a mark."

   This is not an apostle skill, it is just an application method derived from the skill, so you can only name it yourself.

   And...cannot authenticate.

  Irin is quite satisfied with her taste in naming herself.

   Even if the new skill fails, Yiren has enough follow-up plans, such as... Mind Shock.

  So...Irin didn't panic at all.

  Irin noticed that there was a pit next to Xiao Shisan.

   was filled with corpses.

  Irin just hurriedly gave her a look, her expression slightly moved.

   Xiao Mo is really crazy.

   even used a bounty of 100 million as bait, wanting to attract more people to bury Henry Zhang with him.

   Yi Rin sighed and was noncommittal about Xiao Mo's actions.

   He himself is not a good person, but after all, he has a bottom line that belongs to him.

  Irin didn't want to think too much, and kicked Xiao Shisan's body into the grave with one kick.

   "It can be considered to have found a burial place for you."

  Xiao Shisan still had a deadly expression on his face, and Gululu rolled into the pit.

   At this moment, a faint moan came from the pile of corpses.


   Ask for a ticket! Ask for comments! Ask for care! Ah bah, please collect!



   (end of this chapter)