MTL - Infinite Throne-Chapter 1106 The world needs people of all shapes and sizes

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   Chapter 1106 The world needs all kinds of people

  What kind of character is Ling Wuyan,

   Ling Wuyan has any thoughts,

   Will he betray,

   He was faithful and unfaithful.

   These are not within the scope of Irin's consideration.

  It doesn't matter.

  When Yilin stood higher and higher, standing in a position that made Yilin feel lonely and cold, he felt more and more that human intrigue and speculation were not worth mentioning.

   He used to be disdainful, but now Irene doesn't care.

   His current state of mind is like overlooking a group of ants, no matter what posture they use in the nest, they can't bring fun and attention to Yilin.

  【Sharp Blade】,【Sinister Strike】,【Multiple Phantom】,【Void Enhancement】,【Silent Declaration】.

   The administrator's authority is much greater than Yi Rin imagined. He lost a few insignificant skills to Ling Wuyan. The skill level is not high, and the focus is on "matching", and the matching skills will be able to play a terrifying effect.

  Ling was speechless at this point, and deeply understood the horror of this person in front of him. He can give the apostles [skills] at will, he can know what props he has in his storage space, he is omniscient and omnipotent, just like... God.

   "Remember, this is a deal."

  Irin disappeared in front of Ling Wuyan.

   The insignificant son has already fallen.


  Mo Rendi re-acquainted with "Irin".

  Because of the interference of distortion and correction, Lao Mo didn't realize it for the time being, "Irin" is an old friend.

   After all, the former I. Apostle Rin, and the current I. Manager Rin, the realm is quite different.

   Molly also became more and more familiar with "I Apostle Rin".

   "Well, I hope Lao Mo is not angry."

  Irin touched his chin in confusion.

  Lao Mo always found reasons to beat me later, is it because of these reasons?

  My old friend robbed my good granddaughter or something?

  Humph, granddaughter control, it's scary.

  Irin silently wrote a sentence in his diary:

  【Mo Rendi has finally become what he hates. 】

After writing   , Yi Rin felt a lot more relaxed. After closing the diary, he flicked a finger, and a stream of light and dazzling screen appeared in front of him, forming a huge chessboard.

  Irin's board is this world.

   "Pan Zhengyi."

   "Ling is speechless."

   "No enemy."


   "Gu Tianqing."


   "The Wandering Sea."

   "The Clock Tower."


   "Old Black."

   "Dawn Cult."

   "The Gospel Society."

   "Z5 Council."

   "Li Kai."


   Pieces of different sizes land on the empty chessboard.

  There is always a limit to the strength of each piece.

   But what Irin wants is not to remove some of the pieces, but to... win the game.

   Heaven and earth are the bureau, and the world is the child.

  Irin thought for a while, then dropped a few more pieces.

   "Xiang family, Liu family."

  Irin's eyes swept across the board.

   "The Gospel Society?"

  Irin sorts out the past.

  If I remember correctly, in the "history" he experienced, the only time he was closest to the Gospel Church was Henry Zhang's time. Henry Zhang? By the way, after that incident, Henry Zhang's body was sent away by his father, where did it go?

  Irin acts boldly and does it when she thinks of it. Stepping on the portal, Yi Rin stepped out from behind the aperture, and the administrator descended to Qingcheng again.


   As soon as he came, he heard the boss's call.

  She wants a hug.

   "No time, I'm busy."


   "It's too much! Too much too much!"

   After being ruthlessly rejected by the administrator's little request for "hug", Xiaoxi angrily wriggled on the pink sheet.


  The administrator ruthlessly rejected the excessive demands of his boss, and Yi Rin came to Qingcheng Police Station.

  Xu Zhiyong was still clocking in for work, he started drinking wolfberry tea to nourish his kidneys, and Gu Sinan was playing sandbags to vent his anger because he lost Henry Zhang’s case.

   "That's right, Gu Sinan."

  Irin just discovered that when the world is divided into "administrator" and "Irin" two lines of light and dark at the same time, from his own perspective, he can see more truth. In the past, he was ignorant and almost drowned in the sea of ​​riddles, which was very miserable.

   Yi Rin looked at Gu Sinan from a distance and searched the records in the [Voyage Log]. He found that there were many existences similar to Gu Sinan in every corner of the world. And people like them are also one of the many loopholes left by Xiaoxi.

   If it is said that "Mo Rendi", "Merlin" and other beings who are born with extraordinary aptitudes are positioned in the boat as "saints", then the positioning of such people as "Gu Sinan" is "prophet".

   In order to make the "future survive", Xiaoxi tried her best to create loopholes.

   No, the loopholes created have been "invaded".

   "Saints, prophets, the world needs all kinds of people."

  Irin lamented his original ignorance while checking the morgue where "Henry Zhang's body" was kept not long ago.

Although the    freezer was transported away, there were still some traces left.

   The police can't see the clue, the administrator can.

  Irin's pupils turned in circles in the depths, one after another of thin "reasons", extending from here to the distance. Yi Rin grabbed a bunch, and after feeling it for a while, she was a little surprised: "It's divided into two bunches, one for the north, and one for...overseas?"

  Ignoring the bunch of Yiren in the north for the time being, he could vaguely guess who was acting as a demon. But the overseas bundle... Irin closed his eyes, his vision dived into darkness. At the end of the darkness, there was a beam of silver light. After clearing the darkness, Yi Rin saw a factory at the end of the rationale, with a pair of silver armor standing quietly on a seat made of scrap iron. After Irin's perception crossed the Pacific Ocean and entered the factory, the silver armor trembled slightly, and a dim light lit up inside the helmet.

   "It's Connor."

  Irin frowned, and before the other party noticed it, he quickly withdrew from the perception line of sight.

"I see."

  Since the Gospel Society has a connection with Connor, Irin can't let go of this clue. He followed the "principle" and came to the capital again. On the outskirts of the capital, in the mountains, inside an abandoned military facility, it was transformed into a hidden military factory, and Henry Zhang's body was transported here.

"You are really a blessing to the boy, Henry Zhang." After several lifetimes, Yi Rin finally touched the branch of the Gospel Society, but he didn't expect to be under Mo Rendi's eyelids, this is really thanks to Henry Zhang The contribution he made, even if he died again and again, the contribution he made was like a spring rain, moisturizing things silently, and passed down through the ages.

  Irin squatted here for several days, watching secretly. It turned out that Connor was secretly building an army of steel. Henry Zhang’s body is just an introduction. In the military factory, there are all kinds of “materials” suitable for transformation. Yi Rin learned through the administrator background that a large part of these materials are former “apostles”.

   After they caused an "abnormal event", some of the corpses recovered by the special group were transported here.

   In the past, Irene might have felt very angry, but now, there is no special feeling, the apostle is dead and cannot be resurrected. This way of recycling is a kind of "environmental protection".

   "But if I don't do something to you, I'm going to be a bully, right? Connor."

  Irin spread out the "world map" and inserted a "chess piece" in the corresponding position, marked: [Arms Factory].

   Mark for a while.

  Irin quietly left.

   There are restless people in the special group.

  Irin knew about this for a long time, not surprising.



   When the administrator Irin returned to Qingcheng again.

   Another Irene just set off, and Molly went to the gray fog area.

Yilin, who had experienced this history in advance, knew that Molly's trip was a near miss, so he didn't bother to follow him furtively. He returned to Qingcheng and gave Xiaoxi a long-awaited hug. Hug", after giving the report by the way, he asked casually:

   "Besides 'Saints' and 'Prophets', what weird settings have you made before?"

"Yes!" Xiaoxi broke her fingers and started counting: "'Pioneer', 'Children of the World', 'Hunter', 'Scavenger', 'Rich Man', 'Defeater', 'Disheartened Brother', 'Good Brother' , 'Comedian', 'Rebel'..." Xiaoxi said more than a dozen common ones in one breath, and Yi Rin took a pair of seats in the [Navigation Log]. He gradually discovered that he had to manage a world, or to be a A 'captain' is not as simple as he imagined. The elements that make up the "world" need to be colorful so that they don't appear boring.

"Speaking of which..." An "exclamation mark" suddenly popped up on Xiaoxi's forehead, Yi Rin was stunned, the exclamation mark actually popped up, he was about to reach out to touch it, but Xiaoxi patted Yi Rin's big hand that did evil: "Don't make trouble~ By the way, I almost forgot, you may not know, in fact, you used to have a 'mascot' by your side."

   "Mascot?" Yi Rin asked tentatively, "...Li Changge? Pan Zhengyi?"

  They...just auspicious.

"No, Li Changge is a 'comedian', and Pan Zhengyi is a 'child of the world' acridine, it is necessary." Xiaoxi giggled, and after correcting Yi Rin's statement, she slid her finger in front of Yi Rin and drew a line dog shape.

   "Ah this?"

   "Come on, map."

  Xiao Xi asked Yi Rin to open the chessboard map, she gently poked a small dot on the map: "The mascot is dying~"

   "Fuck, didn't you tell me earlier?"

   Yi Rin looked at the colorful chessboard map, and Xiaoxi put a dog, needless to say, it must be Wanger. Yi Rin didn't expect Wang Er to be a "mascot" in Xiaoxi's setting. However, recalling Wang Er's gesture of helping with the baby at the beginning, it is quite in line with the setting of "mascot", old auspicious.

   "I'm going to find Wang Er."

  Irin smiled knowingly, stepped into the aperture, and teleported to the capital.

   (end of this chapter)