MTL - Infinite Throne-Chapter 1095 in the name of a knight

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   Chapter 1095 In the Name of a Knight

  The ancients thought the world was vast and boundless, because they could only use their feet to travel.

   With the iterative update of transportation, the world has gradually become the concept of "map" in the eyes of human beings.

  Irin can gradually understand why the big world of Nuo is just a small ship in the eyes of God. Not only is it because the ship can be overturned if it is overturned, but another important reason is that the pattern of God is very large, tall and large.

  Irin spent ten minutes, teleported several times, crossed the Himalayas, went all the way west, and came to the border—the border of the Tower of Death server.

   The pale red "light curtain", densely covered with the bird's voice of 【NoPass】, divided the world in front of Yi Rin into two.

   This is the border.

  Irin smiled slightly, stretched out his hand, and prepared to cross the "border".

   This boundary cannot block the "administrator".

   As a civil servant, although he often has to do reports, clock in to work, hold high, and hug hope, but because of this, this has allowed Yi Rin to experience a long-lost "freedom".

   No need for trials, no tasks, no more struggling between life and death, no more intrigue with others, just live simply and purely.

   This is "freedom".

   "Ah! Freedom!"

   Yi Rin opened his arms, inexplicably ignited his second soul, and prepared to be an authority dog ​​and cross districts.

   But just as he was about to cross the border.

  Irin suddenly noticed that a dilapidated stone house had been built near Lake Balkhash at some point.

   "before" doesn't exist.

   In 2123, before entering the Age of God, Yilin crossed the border with Gu Tianqing and Milian, passing by Lake Balkhash, and had a delicious picnic.

  Irin stopped.

   stared fixedly at the stone house.

  No, it wasn't "before" that it didn't exist, it was there, but in Irin's "future", this stone house no longer exists.

   A person came out of it.

   A woman.

   A blond woman.


   "Do you want a wife or not?"


   "This wife, don't bother!"


  Irin watched the blond woman step out of the stone house with a blank expression, and Pan Zhengyi's rude voice echoed over and over in her mind.

   "I'll **** your uncle's Pan Zhengyi."

  Irin cursed.

   This is a big misunderstanding.

  Irin thought that when he came to the Tower of War, there would be clues about the resurrection of his deceased wife Xia Ruxue.

  But Pan Zhengyi may really be bullshitting, or the "wife" he said is not the same person as the "wife" that Yilin understands. Forget it, no matter what, the misunderstanding was big this time.

   The woman who came out of the stone house was Milian.

   is the last one in hell, Irin pushed her and pushed her to the position of "Knight of Apocalypse" by herself!

   "It's been a long time—"

  Irin had a smile on her face, and just said two words, she saw Milian take a step, and in the blink of an eye, she crossed nearly a kilometer and came to the frontier. Her fair face was against the "border", only one centimeter away.

   "Rin, you are still alive."

Milian stretched out her right hand into the void, and around her pitch-black gauntlet, black lightning ripped apart the space, and the space shattered. A sword of ominous breath.

  The shape of this sword is exactly the same as Milian's holy sword back then, but the whole sword feels completely opposite.

  Million smiled coldly and slashed at Irin with a sword.

   The dark aurora tore the earth.

   bang bang bang bang!

   Behind Milian, water columns tens of meters high erupted on Lake Balkhash.

  Irin's face changed, he recalled the fear of being cut in half by Milian with a sword, and quickly backed away.


  The terrifying sword was blocked by the light curtain, and Irin realized that Milian was... unable to cross the border.





   The current scene seems a bit ridiculous to outsiders.

   On both sides of the boundary light curtain, Iren sat here, watching Milian slamming the boundary with each punch.

The font of   [NOPASS] kept flashing, and the warning was obvious. The seemingly overwhelmed "light curtain" blocked the iron fist of the war knight that was enough to crack mountains and rocks.

  Xiao Xi is awesome.

  Xiao Xi, you are really awesome.

   No wonder you don't worry about the chaos of the Apocalypse Knight, you have the confidence to dare.

  Million has been beating for half an hour, the same posture and the same strength.

   "Rin, come here."

  Million asked in a low voice through gritted teeth.

  Irin shook his head: "I'll come over when you stop beating the wall."

"come here."

   "You want to be beautiful."

   "In the name of "Million Artoria X", Rin, come here, I promise not to kill you. "

   "Then come here, I promise you will be beaten to death."


  You've even plucked out the dumb hair and still want to lie to me?

  Irin knew that Milian was still angry about what happened in hell, and she was able to communicate with Mirian normally, which made Yirin secretly relieved.

   He hadn't come to her before, because he was worried that after becoming a "war knight", Milian seemed to be "robbed" and turned into another person.

   But both Milian and Gu Tianqing seem to have retained their "self". As for why the rulers did this, Yilin speculated that there were two reasons: first, they were disdainful; second, retaining the original character and memory of the Knights of Apocalypse would make this game more enjoyable to watch.

   Based on Irin's experience in hell, he felt that the second reason was more likely.

   Will they be restless because the "ant" is full of "personality"? No, they don't, they just silently adjust the odds of the game.

Yi Rin has long been accustomed to empathy, or in other words, his mode of thinking is gradually approaching "them" under the influence of various factors, so Yi Rin understands them without spending too many brain cells. ideas and hobbies.

  Million's hammer is three days.

   She has been beating the light curtain day and night for three days.

   She was venting her anger, her distress.

   In the middle of the journey, Yi Rin left, and when he came back, he carried a wild boar as tall as a man on his shoulders, and his posture was like an experienced old hunter.

   The wild boar rolled his eyes, his hair was scorched, and his skin was slightly black. If a forensic doctor came to examine it, the wild boar was blown to death by the murderer.

   These are the ingredients that Yilin has worked so hard to get, and they are so bitter and insignificant.

   In front of Milian, Yilin was in the wild, taking materials on the spot, dehairing the wild boar, cleaning the internal organs, washing it, marinating it, coating it with dipping sauce, dusting it with powder, and brushing it with honey.

   The above process took nearly 40 minutes, and Milian's movement of hammering the wall was a little slower.

When Yilin processed the whole wild boar, put the "Special Mountain Wild Flavor Honey Roasted Wild Boar" on the grill, and started to slowly control the fire by hand, Milian stopped hammering the wall completely and watched Yilin turn. The movements of the wild boar, the eyes of the wild boar go up and down with the rotation frequency of the wild boar, erratic.

   Yi Rin turned the wild boar with his right hand, and his left hand was emitting a faint light. Under his control, the flames suddenly became bigger and smaller, and they also changed into various colors.

   Neither of them spoke, completely silent.

   until night.


  Million was on the opposite side, and this sitting lasted for an hour.

  The animal fat on the epidermis of the wild boar melted and dripped onto the flame, making a crisp "pop" sound.


   reflected the bright firelight, Milian closed her eyes, her thin eyebrows were twisted, seemingly a little tangled. She swallowed a mouthful of saliva and made a "gudong" when she swallowed, covering up the "gugu" sound in her belly.


  Irin felt the heat, her mind was united, she held her breath, gathered her energy, and stretched out her hand to pat the honey roasted wild boar.


   Colorful rays of light rose into the sky, and five-colored auspicious clouds lingered beside the wild boar. This wild boar seemed to have become a [legendary prop], exuding a seductive brilliance.


  Million's long blond hair was called back to the back of her head.

   "Please eat, it is an apology."

   A person tall roasted wild boar floated across the light curtain and across the border.

  Million bowed her head, pea-sized tears dripping down at her feet.

Under the shadows, Yi Rin couldn't see Milian's expression. She was holding the wild boar with both hands, and she opened her mouth as if to vent. After a short while, the roasted wild boar weighing dozens of pounds was gnawed bare by Milian. Skeletons scattered all over the place.

  Million sipped her greasy fingers and gave Irin a hateful look.

   "Are you out of breath?"

  Irin smiled.

   "I still need it." Milian stretched out her hand to Irin.

  "..." The smile on Irin's face froze.

   This meal is a week.

  Irin changed his ways, from all over the world, went up the mountain to the sea, and cooked all kinds of food for Milian.

   He has set foot on the plateau, climbed snow-capped mountains, entered the deep sea, and walked through wild jungles.

  This week, he worked tirelessly to be a gourmet who traveled all over the world. While looking for various foods, he also traveled most of the world.

   All kinds of bones and food residues were cut into a ten-meter-deep hole by Milian's sword, and they were all filled in, which is environmentally friendly.

   A week later.

  Irin was dusty and carried a two-meter-long giant python from the tropical jungle—this was found in an underground pit buried dozens of meters in the tropical rainforest. The tearful python was rolled into a twist by Yi Rin. When he was thinking about how to cook, Milian looked at the cook who was concentrating on processing the ingredients. This week, he didn't talk about other topics except eating honey. Lien suddenly asked Yi Rin in a low voice:


   "Ah, it's raining." Yi Rin raised her head, snapped her fingers to cover the sky, and a gray light curtain blocked the drizzle. He didn't look back at Milian, like a dutiful court cook, bleeding the python, removing the gallbladder, pulling the teeth, and dismantling the poison glands. After completing all the above, Yi Rin wiped the non-existent "sweat" on his forehead and smiled: "Are you referring to what happened there?"

  Million stared at Irin's skillful dismantling of the python, and nodded.

  Irin did not hide: "I need teammates to survive."

   Milian shook her head: "It's too late, Rin." She said, and after a moment of hesitation, Milian slowly lifted the golden bangs on her forehead. There was a hideous scar on Milian's smooth forehead. Taking a closer look, the scar turned out to be a gap. When Milian said that, the gap opened slightly, revealing a ferocious blood-colored pupil light.

   "It's too late... Rin." Milian closed her eyes in despair: "I am... a war knight."

   (end of this chapter)