MTL - Infinite Clone: ​​I Am Invincible In Devouring Starry Sky-Chapter 310 World War 2 of Jin

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The horns that shook the sky resounded through the sky, and the warriors of the Qingshi tribe had already gathered from all directions.

The huge war behemoth has also rushed out of the animal pen.

This is the first time Lu Ge has seen this kind of giant war beast.

These war behemoths are huge in size, generally more than 100,000 kilometers long.

Their skin is thick and thick, covered with thick armor, both defense and strength are amazing.

The warriors of the Qingshi tribe rode on the giant war beast, brandishing their weapons and roaring loudly.

"Brothers, gather quickly! The puppies of the Green Vine Tribe have already killed them!"

"This time we must kill them all!"

Some soldiers who were familiar with Lu Ge took the initiative to invite him: "Lu Ge, you also ride a giant war beast and kill those **** fiercely!"

"The more enemies you kill, the more rewards you will get!"

Lu Ge rejected the other party's invitation.

Riding a giant war beast is not as flexible as himself, he is not used to it at all, and there is no need for that.

He asked, "Reward? What reward?"

The soldier replied: "Of course it is to go to the elders to exchange equipment, weapons, resources, and even exercises."

"As long as your merits are sufficient, you can even exchange them for true god-level weapons in the void. Of course, the military merits of most of us are only enough to exchange for true god-level weapons."

"Void true **** level?"

Lu Ge was a little moved.

He knew that the so-called true god-level weapons here were the most powerful treasures referred to by Cosmos Sea.

As for the Void God-level weapons, he is more interested.

It's just that I don't know how much credit is needed to exchange for a Void God-level weapon.

Lu Ge reckoned that a tribe like the Qingshi tribe only had one true Void God.

Then there must not be many true god-level weapons in the void.

The conditions for setting the exchange are also quite harsh.

Otherwise, it would have been exchanged long ago.

At the very least, it would take tens of thousands of years, or even millions of years of military merits, before they could be redeemed.

In this way, Lu Ge has no interest.

The Qingshi tribe is just a temporary foothold for him.

He can't stay here for long.

After helping them fight this battle, maybe he should leave.

His real purpose is to experience more fights on the battlefield.

Collect more blood, hair, or even corpses of the masters of the universe, preferably those in the realm of true gods.

The old bull bee and the hive mind have already analyzed the group of giant beasts he killed in the jungle last time.

Find ways to improve Lugo's genetic arrangement by analyzing their genes.

It's a pity that the corpses of the dozen or so true god-level behemoths are too few, far from enough.

These few days in the Qingshi tribe.

Lu Ge used an excuse to compete with the tribe's warriors, but intentionally or unintentionally collected a lot of blood and hair.

All the fighters in the Qingshi tribe knew that Lu Ge was a ruthless guy, and none of the fighters who fought against him was uninjured.

It's common for blood donations to be beaten, and bones and tendons broken.

Anyway, the divine bodies of these fighters are strong enough, and they can be restored in a blink of an eye.

Lu Ge left behind a vicious reputation.

In the tribe, almost all powerful fighters have been challenged by him.

These powerful fighters of the Lord of Law level were almost beaten by him once.

Even an elder who was in the realm of a true **** would end up in person.

He didn't even defeat Lu Ge.

It is simply eye-popping.

Everyone thought that Lu Ge was as powerful as the tribal elders.

Only the elder who fought against each other knew that Lu Ge had already shown mercy.

During the battle between the two sides, his divine power continued to decline.

Lu Ge's divine power did not change at all.

If this continues, he will lose sooner or later.

I really don't know where a monster like Lu Ge came from, it's too scary.

Fortunately, this kid was successfully drawn into the Qingshi tribe's camp.

When the two armies are at war, it is very beneficial to have one more super soldier like this in one's own camp.

At this time, Lu Ge had followed the team to the battlefield.

This is a huge **** in the forest.

The Qingshi tribe's million-strong army is mighty, like clouds covering the sun.

across from them.

There is an equally large procession coming fast.

Lu Ge narrowed his eyes. This should be the Qingshi tribe's deadly enemy, the Green Vine tribe.

The two sides are easy to distinguish.

The warriors of the Qingshi tribe all wore blue armor, and the green vine tribe wore green armor.

The colors are different and the lines are distinct.

Enemies are extremely jealous when they meet, and neither of the hostile parties has any unnecessary nonsense.


Following the deafening roar, the two teams rushed together like two million-mile dark clouds in green and green.

The true god-level elders on both sides were in charge of supervising the battle and did not join the battlefield.

These fighters on the battlefield are basically masters of law.

In a battle of this level, even if Venerable Law joined in, it would be cannon fodder.

Lu Ge is also quite excited now.

It is impossible to have a war of this scale in the cosmic sea.

The two sides add up to two million Lords of Law, which is equivalent to two million Lords of the Universe.

He is also the top-level master of the universe.

It's really enjoyable.

He wielded the weapon in his hand, exerting the strongest strength.


A dazzling knife light streaked across the sky, and the divine bodies of the two masters of the universe were directly destroyed.

It's not that they are too weak, it's because Lu Ge is too strong.

Strong and somewhat perverted.

He can display the tenth level of combat strength by himself, and after he has the inheritance of Tianweihou and Duandonghe, his strength has been greatly improved.

He can defeat even a true god-level powerhouse.

Not to mention the master of these laws.

Lu Ge was like a tiger entering a herd of sheep, wantonly massacring the soldiers on the opposite side.

In a war of this magnitude.

The fallen soldiers on both sides were like raindrops.

The Lords of Law died in pieces.

There was light in Lu Ge's eyes.

The corpse of the Lord of Laws is also a good thing, so it shouldn't be wasted.

With a wave of his hand, Lu Ge collected the corpses of some Qingshi tribe soldiers around him.

Then he turned around and swept away, and he also collected the corpses of a large number of warriors from the Green Vine Tribe.

The soldiers of the Qingshi tribe not far away asked strangely: "Lu Ge, you can collect the corpses of our soldiers, why are you collecting the corpses of the green vine tribe?"

Lu Ge said without raising his head: "If you kill them, you won't be able to forgive them. I will crush them to ashes!"

"You are ruthless!"

The warriors of the Qingshi tribe gave Lu Ge a thumbs up, turned around and continued to fight.

Lu Ge's actions also aroused the idea of ​​the Green Vine Tribe.

"That guy from the Qingshi tribe killed a large number of our soldiers, and now he doesn't even spare their corpses. Who will kill him!"

"I come!"

A stalwart leader of the Green Vine Tribe let out a groan, and led twenty of his subordinates in a frantic rush towards Lu Ge.

Lu Ge was taken aback.

"There are so many here!"

Although he is powerful, he is unwilling to face more than twenty powerful universe masters at the same time.

Whether you can beat it or not is another story.

He was used to beating others, and he always felt a little awkward if he was beating others.

Lu Ge has no idol baggage.

When a large group of enemies approached, he turned and left without hesitation.

Naturally, the team leader of the Green Vine Tribe followed closely behind.

Lu Ge shouted: "Brothers, help!"

The soldiers of the surrounding Qingshi tribe were furious when they saw this: "Damn it, is there no one in the Qingshi tribe who bullied me?"

"Brother Lu Ge, here we come!"

In an instant, ten warriors from the Qingshi tribe quickly surrounded them.

The team of the Green Vine Tribe was stopped.

"Thank you!"

Lu Ge laughed out loud, and turned to rob and kill the other warriors of the Green Vine Tribe.

The people of the Green Vine Tribe gritted their teeth in hatred.

Just in the blink of an eye, six or seven masters of the law were killed by Lu Ge.

Even their bodies were taken away by this guy.

The elders of the Green Vine Tribe want to send people to encircle and suppress them.

It's a pity that this kid is as slippery as a loach.

He moves flexibly on the battlefield, and wherever he goes, a Lord of Law must fall.

Although compared to the huge battlefield of millions of levels, Lu Ge's personal influence can be ignored.

But when there is a variable Lu Ge in two evenly matched teams.

Everything becomes more subtle.

If you observe carefully, you can find it.

Lu Ge's movement on the battlefield is not at all irregular.

Most of the targets he chooses to shoot are the ones where two teams fight to the death, are evenly matched, and are at a stalemate with each other.

After Lu Ge appeared, he immediately killed the opponent's leading fighter.

As soon as the leading warrior died, the balance between the two parties was instantly broken.

The soldiers of the Qingshi tribe took advantage of the momentum to pursue and killed the soldiers on the opposite side.

Lu Ge has this effect almost every time he makes a shot.

Under this terrible variable, the scale of victory began to tilt towards the Qingshi tribe.

The warriors of the Qingshi tribe are even more powerful!

"This guy must be killed!"

The two true **** elders of the Lvteng tribe rushed towards Lu Ge at the same time.

Two true gods attacked and killed a Lord of Law at the same time.

It can be seen how much they hate.

Two true gods are safer, and they should kill this guy before the opposite true **** reacts.

It's a pity that they underestimated Lu Ge.

As soon as they acted, Lu Ge had already discovered it.

"Two true gods came to kill me!"

Lu Ge's eyes turned cold. This is the battlefield, and he plans to hone himself.

Otherwise, hundreds of clones will be summoned to kill these two bastards.

He has the chance to kill a true **** head-on, but he has never tried to deal with two at the same time.

The bodies of the two true gods who came over were as high as a million miles.

One of them looks like a centaur, and the other has two faces and four arms!


The void around Lu Ge became extremely stagnant, and his movements slowed down a lot.

The faces of the two true gods were ferocious.

"It depends on where you run this time, no one will come to rescue you, die!"

Lu Ge's body was full of fighting spirit: "Then you also try to see if my sword is sharp."

His divine power burned rapidly, and his combat power soared rapidly.

The Lord of Laws battles two true gods!

In Tianweihou's inheritance, there is a secret method that instantly burns the divine power of the whole body, increasing one's combat power ten thousand times in a short time.

Lu Ge has never used it.

Now comes in handy!


Lu Ge's huge divine power burned out in an instant, and his combat power soared.

The void that he couldn't destroy originally also began to vibrate faintly.


Lu Ge laughed and rushed towards the two true gods on the opposite side.

All the soldiers around were dumbfounded seeing this scene.

Lu Ge is too fierce!

Facing the pincer attack of two true gods, a master of law actually took the initiative to attack.

Lu Ge's attack was extremely domineering.

One berserk attack reduced the bodies of the two true gods by ten percent.

It's just horrible.

One of the true gods saw the clues.

"Don't panic, this kid should have used a secret method to increase his combat power for a short period of time. When the time is up, he will enter a period of weakness, and he will die at that time!"

I have to say that his analysis is quite correct.

The usual secret methods that drastically increase combat power over a period of time have such drawbacks.

Lu Ge's secret method also exists.

The price of increasing the combat power ten thousand times is to burn all the divine power.

In a minute he's going into weakness.

But he is Lu Ge, Lu Ge who has countless clones.

He can replenish divine power anytime and anywhere.

Just now, the moment his divine power was exhausted.

He has already passed through the clone of the Nine Nether Seas, and instantly replenished all his divine power.

These two true gods wanted to wait for Lu Ge to enter the weak stage before killing him. They really thought too much.

Under Lu Ge's wild bombardment.

These two true gods were tired of avoiding, and their divine bodies dropped rapidly.

It dropped forty percent in a short period of time.

The two true gods have realized that something is wrong.

"Damn it! Why won't this kid's divine body drop!"

"This guy is too Get out!"

It's just a pity that it's too late to retreat now.


Lu Ge's divine power burned again, and his fighting power suddenly broke out!

In this way, the two Gods of War of the Green Vine Tribe were intercepted by Lu Ge.

With two loud bangs.

The two true gods all fell...

This is the first time the two true gods have fallen since the outbreak of the war between the two tribes.

At this time, the two elders of the Qingshi tribe finally arrived.

The two true **** elders were shocked.

"You can kill two true **** elders by yourself!"

Lu Ge put away the two corpses on the opposite side, and replied in dissatisfaction: "Did you two come too late? If it weren't for my ability to suppress the bottom of the box, I would have been killed by these two guys."

The two elders said embarrassingly: "Just now we were entangled by the elders of the other party, and we couldn't come here immediately. I'm really sorry."

"However, you have done a great job in beheading the two elders of the Green Vine Tribe. After you go back, the brigade commander will definitely reward you!"

"What's the reward? A Void God-level weapon?"

The two elders showed embarrassment: "That's not enough, but at least one piece of true god-level equipment will be rewarded."

Lu Ge has now beheaded two true **** elders of the Green Vine Tribe,

The other elders of the True God tribe suddenly became furious.

"Kill him! Take revenge on Elder Palm and Elder Su!"

In an instant, more than a dozen true gods joined hands to kill them.

Lu Ge immediately hid behind the two elders of the Qingshi tribe: "Two elders, it's up to you, I'm just the master of the law!"

The corners of the mouths of the elders of the two Qingshi tribes twitched.

Just a Lord of Law?

Kill the Lord of the Law of the two true gods alone?