MTL - Indestructible Primordial Spirit-v20 Chapter 63 Horror Water World

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In this world, there are many wise men who have done a lot of research on the fantasy world.

Many people are guessing the significance of the existence of this fantasy world.

Of course, most people do n’t think so far. They will only study whether the test of the fantasy world will be regular. This will also see if it will help them get more benefits in the fantasy world. .

There is a rule that someone actually came up with.

That is to say, every monk ingested by the metaverse of the fantasy world must first encounter the test of the power of nature, and monks of different strength levels have different powers of nature.

Just like Lu Yan, he also encountered the test of the power of nature.

What he encountered was a storm of the last day, and in the middle, Lu Yan was as small as the same hair.

However, the peeping of the heavens, and the pseudo-artifacts of the whole body, let Lu Yan still have the ability to resist. He stabilized his body in a blade-like storm, and began to deal with the boundless storm with two less-familiar Sun Luo Fengyun changes and Miao Luo flowing water.

"Father Emperor, I don't know what kind of test you have encountered. I hope that no matter what you encounter, you will be able to meet your vicissitudes." Having stabilized the situation and starting to find a way out, Lu Yan couldn't help but start to care Do not give up.

This is the bond between father and son.

When Lu Buqi felt that he suddenly hit a barrier and rushed forward a hundred feet with inertia, he finally woke up from the state of understanding of the power of the law.

"Renzi, what's the matter?" Lie Zhan dared to inquire at this time. Before that, he didn't dare to disturb Lu Bujia at all.

Lu Buqi, still scarred, grinned: "Good harvest, thirty-six rules of the Thunder ..."

"Wow ... you haven't been there for more than a dozen days. That doesn't mean that if you stay for another month, you can master 99 types of Thunder rules?"

Lu Buqiang flattened his mouth: "It's possible. It's a pity ... there is no better place for me to practice."

"This fantasy world is really very powerful, it is just a top-notch cultivation ground." Lie burning suddenly turned with emotion: "Renzi, where are you?"

Lu Buqi also looked at the surrounding environment. He found that his position at the moment was completely different from the previous one.

The previous one was in the void, but at this moment, Lu Buqi is on the water surface, or it should be said that he started to sink into the water.

Water, just soaking in his waist.

This is a water-only world, as if the ocean is invisible to the land.

Lu Buqi looked up and found that the sky is also an ocean, a calm sea like a mirror. Lu Buqi even faintly sees the black spot on the sky that represents himself.

That is the principle of mirroring, so that Lu does not abandon or even know whether he is in the sky or the sea.

This made Lu Buqi think of Tiandihai, but he found that it was really different from Tiandihai. The biggest difference was that he didn't feel a little bit of thunder.

This is a water world with only water elements.

Although there is nothing unusual about the temperature of the water, it is cold and cold, and it is still very soft, but Lu always gives up a sense of insecurity.

So Lu never gave up intending to fly.

But he suddenly discovered that he couldn't fly, and the more he thought of flying away, the stronger the sense of gravity.

It's as if there is a very stagnant force that is dropping down to the ground.

This stagnant power is called ... suction.

Yes, Lu Buqi suddenly discovered that the ocean was no longer calm, it seemed that he was an outsider.

The whole sea started to be stirred by people, and a huge vortex began to appear. Lu Furen's body was inevitably shaken by huge forces with high speed.

The seawater fell into Lu Fu's head.

Still did not feel much danger.

Vortex, sinking. This may be a death crisis for ordinary people, but for Lu Buqi, there is no lethality.

Lu Buqi can not breathe, anyway, there is the source of Yuan Shen's life, his body is completely a self-contained cycle, even if he does not breathe for a lifetime, he can't die.

In fact, as long as you reach the sky, you basically have this ability.

But soon, Lu Buqi found the problem.

The soft water is sometimes not lethal, because it does not have a severe physical reaction.

Lie Yan also found the problem: "Human Zizi, be careful!"

The vortex suddenly split away from it, countless water arrows screamed, and the fissure was cutting towards where Lu Buqie was. Lu Buqie believed that if he continued to follow the wave, he would be torn in half.

However, Lu Buqi found that the current's homeopathic power was too horrible. When he was so horrified that Lu did not give up, he felt as if he was stuck in that position and he could not move.

Before the test of Thunder **, Lu Buqi gave up the attitude of taking advantage of the trend and realized a variety of rules of the Thunder system, and successfully passed the test.

But this time, taking advantage of the situation, it will make Lu Buqi go into death.

"How to do?"

You must avoid this split water mark!

Fortunately, Miaoluo's flowing water still has a good effect after all. With Lubuqi doing his best, he still lets Lubuqi move to one side for a short distance.

"Well ..."

Feeling that the energy that can split the world across is not far away, and his body is taken to the other direction by the newly formed vortex again, Lu could not help but have some reluctance.

Who says the water is soft?

Not to mention the split water mark, it is said that the water arrow that was shot because of the split has the ability to penetrate Lu Xuanzang's shield Aegis, and Lu does not abandon the wounded body, which hurts him. Injury.

For the first time, Lu Buqi found that water really has the ability to wear stones, and in the water world, there is no place to borrow money and it really makes people feel very low.

Lu Buqi just breathed a sigh of relief, and immediately lifted his whole heart, because the vortex just formed began to split again.

Lu never gave up and began to tire.

He managed to escape a split water mark, and immediately came again, and just like when the Thunder ** was in space, the threat he faced was getting bigger and bigger, and the frequency was getting higher and higher.

What's more troublesome is that as the vortex splits again and again, Lu Buqi is getting closer to the center of the vortex, and he suddenly finds out that it is the real place of death.

It tells that the rotating vortex has reached the extreme speed at the most center. When all the liquid is crowded to that point, it becomes water vapor directly due to high-speed friction, and even forms a terrible water pressure vacuum zone.

Lu Fuchu pulled out the Juyingyao, a powerful infant warrior that fell into the realm of the vortex straight down from the hollow area of ​​the vortex, and was directly crushed when it came into contact with the hydraulic vacuum area, and was instantly broken down.

This situation, let Lu Buqiu startled discoloration.

"Whoever his mother told Lao Tzu that the water is very soft, I used 38 yards shoes to pump his forty yards face!"

Fiercely burning, at this moment, it can't help the land.