MTL - Indestructible Primordial Spirit-v20 Chapter 26 Yuanju

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Speaking of fact, Xu Xinbao is really the nickname of Broken Sword Xu, but this nickname is of great significance to Xu Xinbao, so he has been using it.

However, in an extremely cruel environment like Xuangandongtian, a name that is too weak can actually cause trouble.

In order to solve those troubles, Xu Xinbao killed a legendary road with his broken sword of sacrificing saints and sacrifices. For hundreds of years, he made a huge name in Xuangandongtian.

At present, everyone only knows that there is a broken sword Xu, but few people know his original name is Xu Xinbao.

Seeing the fellow, the fellow was tearful.

Although Lu Buqi and Xu Xinbao did not cry with tears, they had a feeling of getting close instantly.

It can be said that because of this suddenly found relationship, a certain gap between the two people has completely disappeared.

Lu Buqin ’s weird emptiness suddenly disappeared. In addition to still worrying about the safety of the dragons, they were in a much better mood: "Yes, I broke it, but why Xu Lao didn't think I was following Do you leave Dongtian in the same way? "

"Did you just say that the family members have migrated? If the imprisonment has not been broken, how can a large number of people teleport?" Xu Xinbao responded.

Lu did not give up: "Xu Lao is like a torch."

The topics of the two will not stop when they come together, and soon they talk about the Icefield Demon Realm and the Cape Cod.

When it was known that the Cod tribe was almost destroyed by Li Tian, ​​the Jiuyin ancestral **** tree was directly taken away by Li Tian, ​​and even the entire Jailin Dongtian was "sold" by the martyrs to the hegemon, and the broken sword was so angry that it had to be sent without wind At the moment, it means that Li Tian is killing well.

"Mr. Xu, you are a martyr's enshrinement, wouldn't that martyrdom know that priest cave heaven is your hometown? Why didn't you discuss it with you and sell it?" Satan didn't forget to run on the opportunity. Xu Xinbao.

Xu Xinbao was also a temperamental man, and now he was angry: "From today on, do n’t do the offering!"

Obviously, Satan didn't guess wrong, and the martyrdom leader knew that Xu Xinbao was the one who came out of Prison Cave Heaven. After all, Xu Xinbao had inquired about how to help Prison Cave Heaven lift Dong Tian from outside.

It's just that the strong guys from all sides are okay, and with the passage of time, it is estimated that all the people he knows in the Prison Cave Heaven are old, and he is dead.

You should know that Xu Xinbao is now an old guy over seven hundred years old. If he is repaired to have only the peak period, which one will get this age?

Regarding Xu Xinbao's simplicity, Satan exaggerated him rarely: "This is like a demigod, what about the six majors? If you have the ability, please ask their **** to come and trouble us?"

In a cave sky that is not dominated by a god, a demi-level strong does not really need to be afraid of the god, even if it offends the god. Just be careful, there is nothing wrong with life. After all, there is no **** that controls the cave. The matter of man is nothing more than a monk with higher strength.

Mad God is a very typical example.

The closer the strength is to God, the thinner the veil of God is, and without that mystery, the less the fear of heart.

Xu Xinbao naturally understands this truth, except that he is not the same as Satan. He is also a man with a family business. Although he rarely goes to the Xu family, after all, those who are his descendants still have to be relative. Better than blessed.

Therefore, Xu Xinbao will become an exquisite person.

Of course, Xu Xinbao would also get angry when martial arts did such an indecent thing.

Originally, I wanted to continue to talk to Lu Fuqiu to talk about the prison hole sky, but because the heart is not attached to their safety, Lu Buqi didn't have this kind of thought.

Xu Xinbao was also aware of Lu's abandonment, so he decided to put the chat on the way, and exchange treasure hunts and exchanges.

It's just that, it makes Satan very uncomfortable. In his words, Lu Buqi is his friend and his brother. It is not because Xu Xinbao has the same relationship with Lu Buqi as his hometown. Be closer to him.

We have to congratulate Satan, because he finally has a first friend, a first brother who knows how to be jealous.

However, as Lu did not abandon their uncle, Satan also understood a truth. Friends and brothers would not be lost because he had new friends and brothers.

This is the difference between friendship and affection and the nature of love.

Of course, if Satan's love for Lu is not abandoned, then it is another matter.

Is Satan's love to Lu never giving up?

Obviously not……

Should not be ...

Maybe not?

Of course, this question is not considered by people who are too busy to think about it.

The following time, the five people marched faster, because there were no more troublesome tests of institutions.

The source of Yuan Shen's Yuanshen's life is full of food. Before the time of the 99th day, the number of the rules of the flame system that Lu does not abandon is 98.

One difference will make it happen.

Although Lu did not give up and did not know what consummation would bring, this obsessive-compulsive disorder made him eager to know what the next law was.

But when Lu Buqi walked into the door of the next rule, he found that something was wrong.

Because suddenly there was no flame around him.

I spent more than three months in the sea of ​​flames, and suddenly there was no fire burning, and my body was uncomfortable.

And what's even worse is that until the door of the law behind disappears, Satan and none of them follow.

"What's going on?" Lu Buqi asked himself.

"There must be a problem with the portal!" Liezhan responded: "I clearly saw them entering the portal almost at the same time as you."

Lu did not abandon his heart slightly, and after looking at the environment, suddenly his heart brightened, and suddenly opened the treasure map of Dream Emperor.

"Yes, this is it!" Lu Buqiu stared at the last picture tightly, surprised: "I do not regret that they are here!"

Suddenly he looked up, Lu Buqi flew out of the passage, and at the same time he screamed, "Do not leave, do not regret, destroy! How are you doing?"

And when Lu didn't give up, he was completely attracted by the statue of Vulcan and the sacred seal in his hand. When there was an impulse to grab it, he awakened by a response.

"Don't leave! Don't regret it! Destroy!"

"It really is you!"

Looking at the three figures turning from the side of the idol, Lu did not give up ecstatically.

Hugging each other tightly and not letting go for a long time, as if only in this way can we create enough warmth and drive away the inner fear.

Compared with Lu Buqi's excitement, Long Bu Li is not so strong.

After all, the three of them can basically not worry about the dangers of Lu Buqi. They believe that the ability of Lu Fuqi to have no problem in the Mausoleum of Vulcan.

Especially when it ’s going to be ninety-nine days, they thought that after they went out, they would see Lu Bujia, and they would be able to give Lu Bujia a surprise at that time.

So waiting is wonderful for the three of them, with expectations.

And Lu did not give up waiting, but it was suffering in the languor.

If it weren't for the map on the treasure map, as had been said to Meng Huang, it would be even easier for Lu to think about it.

Feeling Lu Fu's eager love, the three naturally felt very happy.

After confirming that the three were all good, Lu Buqi then looked back at the idol: "This is the idol of Vulcan?"

"Yes, that's ** then God Seal." Long did not leave.

Lu did not abandon his lips lightly: "I didn't think that a previous joke of mine really came true, but unfortunately, Satan and they didn't come here."

"Satan them?" Long wondered, "Who?"

"A few new interesting friends I met during this time ... something that you would never have thought of."

Long Buli immediately became interested in the three: "What's the matter? Hurry up and say that it happened to us that you also did not expect."

Lu Buqi wanted to sell Guanzi, first to understand what happened to them, but under the threat of three people, Lu Buqi had to give in.

When I heard that Lu Buqi turned out to be friends with three demigods, they felt very novel.

And when they knew that Lu Buqi had killed Li Tian, ​​the three were even more excited.

"It's great to finally kill that guy!" Long sighed with regret.

"Yeah, it's awesome. But unfortunately I didn't see his death ..." Long Buli resentfully said, "No, he's so terrible to die, right?"

Lu Buqi nodded and said: "It was burned to ashes, so I ca n’t see where it is? And his two incarnations and his two female disciples were both killed by me. It should be a complete death, impossible. The ashes have revived. "

"This news is so wonderful!" Long sighed.

Regarding Li Tian's hatred, Lu Mingjie was undoubtedly the least felt, but he could feel the happiness of his father and two mothers, so he laughed very happily throughout the process, which is also called empathy.

[Off-topic by the author]: Send the promise as an apology.