MTL - Indestructible Primordial Spirit-Chapter 48 Winner's pose

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Wang Jiang's lungs were about to explode, and when he lived, he would keep up, let Lu not give up and fight with Wang Shubao again, wasn't it just to get back where he was? After all, he didn't say a thousand miles, but also from Barry miles away came here, but not for food.

But now, Wang Yingfu's words undoubtedly made him follow up today. Even if Wang Shubao won, he barely found his place. He failed to achieve his original purpose at all. Downwind.

"Rest assured, boss, I will let them know, what is someone outside, there is a sky outside!" Wang Shubao said, already striding to the stage of Yanwu, judging from his calm manner, some masters Demeanor.

Looking at the opposite side, who still kept his eyebrows straight and straightforward, Wang Shubao said in an oppositely high-profile gesture, "You don't want to give up, do you? At a young age, it's not easy to practice the courage to the ninth level. In time, by the age of eighteen, Maybe you can also enter the bones ... "

This is also a kind of predecessor's demeanor, but after a pause, Wang Shubao's self-righteousness and inadvertently revealed: "But now you will not be my opponent. If you are afraid of injury, you must admit defeat in time, I Will show mercy! "

With his eyelids raised slightly, Lu did not abandon Wang Shubao, who was one head taller than him, and responded indifferently: "I will also give you this sentence. If you don't want to be like the person just now, it's better to admit defeat."

In life, in order to better protect himself, Lu Buqi can be humble, but on the ring, as a warrior, he has his unique dignity.

Wang Shubao was furious, Fengmu Hansha: "I give you a shameless face, Ze Nu is low, a little courage is so unknowable, I will let you know how impassable the mountains are!"

The voice fell, Wang Shubao rushed over, and his body did carry a bit of bones, very aggressive, but compared with Wang Lishou, the momentum was far worse.

With such strength, if Lu Fuqiu exerts his full strength, he will break his hands and feet within three strokes, but Lu Fuqiu has not done so. When it was estimated that this Wang Shubao had about three thousand pounds of strength, he only exerted 60 to 70% of the power, as opposed to it.

"It's a rare encounter with a warrior who has just broken through into the realm of bones. From him, I can fully appreciate how to better use courage to sense the vitality ..." This is Lu Buqi's true idea.

If Wang Shubao knew that Lu didn't abandon this idea, perhaps the aggressiveness on his face would converge, and he wouldn't be more aggressive. The rule is not to attack the head, but Wang Shubao did all the tricks and did not abandon other key attacks. Even the technique of hitting the knee with the crotch can be used without any feeling of "sympathy".

However, under the fierce attack of Wang Shubao, Lu did not abandon the move, calmly, although there was not much counterattack, he did not show defeat! And even then, no doubt the people present were full of surprise, except for Wang Lishou.

Regarding Lu's strength, Wang Lishou has the most power to speak. Without the strength and strength of Lu Mingquan, it is almost impossible to suppress Lu Fu's strength on his fists.

Secondly, it is Wang Yingfu, who is more and more full of confidence in Lu Buqi. Half a year ago, he witnessed a young man who had never practiced his skills. He almost forced the sixth master Wang Bo, who was so courageous, to almost turn his face. Wang Bo used extremely shameful behavior to restore a little of his surviving face.

Today, there is Wang Lishou's verbal admiration first, and Wang Zhimin, who has the courage to “spike” courageously, is behind him. Now he is so able to resist the double-minded Wang Shubao so easily. Send it out, the smile on his face became brighter.

Wang Jianglong's face became more and more gloomy, listening to the whispers of the two masters behind him, he had to vomit blood and admit that he really wants to plant it today.

The so-called bystanders are clear. Those who have n’t reached Bone Ming may not understand it, but the two strong men in black behind Wang Jianglong each have the strength of Bing Ming. How can they not see Lu Bu at this time? Abandonment still has some clumsy?

Especially those who definitely affirmed Lu Fuqiu's cultivation before, especially respected Lu Fuqiu's fighting qualities, and even expressed his expectation that Wang Shubao's defeat was settled.

Wang Shubao himself did not have this awareness, all he had was eagerness. Lu Buqi's feeling is still slightly weaker than him, but no matter what kind of attack he has, including the two most fierce killing moves, he is resolved by Lu Buqi's "Wolverine".

However, the "wolf howling" in Wang Shubao's eyes is "excellent" in the eyes of masters like Wang Lishou. And the more Lu Buqi seemed to dissolve Wang Shubao's attack in this way, the more Wang Shubao produced an illusion: the more he worked hard, the more he would lose the illusion.

Then Wang Shubao increasingly demanded that his attack be quicker, harder, and almost entered a state of paranoia, and completely ignored one thing, what would Lu Buqi do if he found an empty counterattack.

When Lu did not abandon Wang Shubao's worthlessness, he was easily captured by Wang Shubao's approaching fist, and then slammed into Wang Shubao's position as an "old bear blocking the way". For the moment, when Wang Shengbao's left arm was used for pick-and-roll, he groaned loudly, resisting Wang Shubao as a whole.

Lu's unstoppable power erupted completely, and a beast roared like a tiger howl and a bear roar. Lu did not abandon his arms tightly, locked Wang Shubao's struggling body tightly, then used his body as a hammer chain, Wang Shubao's body as a hammer, and then fell out fiercely.

Since then, Wang Shubao's upper body is facing down. If this trick is real, he will probably be disabled if he does not die. The fear of death made Wang Shubao scream sternly: "Ah ... forgive me!"

Even in the horror of everyone, Lu Buqi stopped his body that was bent almost parallel to the ground. In a squeaking sound of soothing bones, he even grasped the ground with both feet and regained his body that had lost his balance.

Wang Shubao was still thrown out, but Lu Buqi slumped out of Yanwu after straightening his body, but he was swollen and swollen with no worries about his life.

Look at Lu not abandon again. In the eyes of his breath, he is full of the pride of the winner. He stands tall and tall, standing like a king in the forest who has maintained his dignity!

"Good guy, how powerful is this to control your body so that you can send and receive thousands of pounds freely?" The two masters behind Wang Jianglong are also highly motivated. This is what any warrior is seeing A strong emotion can not help but burst out.

Not to mention them, it is Wang Lishou who is most familiar with Lu Fuqiu, and his heart was once again severely shaken. Every time he watched Lu Fuqiang shot, he had a feeling that Lu Fuqiang was strong again, and this time, he felt particularly strong.

"Oh ..." Wang Yingfulang laughed. "Don't give up, you're so surprised. Have you grown up drinking bear milk for the past 13 years? You can think of a guy who is so powerful that he can even think twice. You can fall as you want ... "

He hated iron and steel and looked at Wang Shubao, who was embarrassed, but Wang Jianglong did not scold him, but looked calmly at Wang Yingfu: "Yingfu, I really did not expect that you could have such a genius in Guoqian, this little guy is ten At the age of three, you can reach the nineth level of courage, and you can defeat the two-time uncle Bao, whose future is infinite! "

From "Osawa slave" to "little guy", Lu Buqi listened in his ears, and a sneer appeared in the corner of his mouth. In any world, dignity needs to be robbed by one's own efforts. Only the strong can be respected.

Wang Yingfu smiled smugly: "That is, I have said that I am a good man in Guojue Town. As long as you give me some time, what kind of martial arts can't be found? But your Zhutan town is also good. The 18-year-old bone Naruto is also a genius. If time goes by and polishes well, it will become a tool ... "

After a pause, Wang Yingfu looked at Wang Shubao: "However, you just couldn't tell me what I said just now, and I will give it back to you on your behalf, and think about the words that someone outside the world has a day, maybe you won't be considered an ordinary person in your life."

Wang Shubao's eyes flashed with resentment, but he lowered his high head in shame. As for what he thought, it was his own business.