MTL - Indestructible Primordial Spirit-Chapter 22 Full resistance

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The faces of Wang Yingfu and Wang Liqing changed slightly. If they said no at this time, they would definitely stand on the opposite side of Wang Bo, which is undoubtedly very unwise.

"Master Six means that the villain can understand it!" Lu Buqi gave up the first step, avoiding the embarrassment of Wang Yingfu and others: "The villain just evaded ten moves and blocked one move. In the eyes of Master Six, it is just It has resisted a round. The villain has not yet given up. Can he continue, as long as he blocks another six masters and nine rounds, the villain can also get the reward of stewardship? "

"Tiger head, no way!" West figure anxious even forgotten that Lu Buqi now has a big name. He knows the foundation of Lu Buqi, and Lu Buqi looks at the body like a bird and a beast to surpass him. Yes, once he was smashed into pieces, he couldn't stop him if he didn't practice his skills.

Dier also watched Lu Fuqi anxiously: "Don't give up, you will be killed like that!"

But Wang Bo's eyes glowed, and he grinned grinning: "Okay, really, there are dog things that don't know how to live or die! Yes, this is what Master Ben means. If you can really block my nine moves, as long as you don't die, you can climb out Look at the outside world! "

"Okay, then come on!" Lu Buqi stared at Wang Bo, at this time he understood that if he didn't work hard, he wouldn't really get the chance.

"Then you go to death!" Wang Bo's eyes were congested, and his body suddenly rushed out like an off-string arrow. The most powerful mid-side kick went straight to the land between the chest and abdomen. This leg had a force of at least two thousand pounds. If Lu Fuqiu got caught, he would be half disabled if he didn't die.

However, to everyone's surprise, Lu did not abandon again and hid, his lips curled into a fortitude line. The doctrine of madness, exhaustion, and fading is not only applicable to marching and fighting, but also in the warriors' battle. Wang Bo's leg is a state of anger, and Lu Buqian is not a fool, and resists the heaviest one. leg.

Wang Bo was so angry that he felt like he was being played, and his second leg was thrown out in a hurry, but Lu Bu abandoned it with a "rapid turn of the deer head" and lightly hid.

"Look for death!" Feeling that Lu Buqi had attempted to get close by evading himself, Wang Bo was furious, surging with courage, and **** his hands, straightly took Lu Buqi's face.

Lu Buqiu was looking for this opportunity. When he was going to block this power decline, he still hurriedly gave up his legs and turned into a fist. At this time, Wang Bo's power was undoubtedly no more than a pound.

One between the palms, this is the “Mule Deer Meets the Door”. Lu never gave up his hips backwards. When the strength passed through the whole body through his arms, his body slumped back, and he quickly removed the huge one. power.

"Good boy!" Wang Lishou was eager to see at this moment: "His fighting consciousness and reactivity are much stronger than any of the four of us. He is quick-minded, calm, not anxious and impatient. If he has five strong bones, Xiu Wei, none of the four of us will be his opponent. "

Wang Lishou rarely praises a person so much, and his words have not been opposed by Wang Lihong and others who are not upset. Even in their hearts, Lu Buqiu who can defeat them may not need to go to five levels of bones, as long as they enter the bones. Wonderland is entirely possible to defeat them.

"The first move!" Dier started to move again, this time her voice became lighter, and her eyebrows were tightly locked, which made people distressed.

When Lu did not abandon the "ape arm cart" style, he blocked Wang Bo's attack for the third time, fell to the side, exhaled, and stood up again. Wang Bo also suddenly understood that Lu Buqi was a typical passer-by to avoid heavy load, which was very rogue but practical.

In fact, Wang Bo was a bit tired at this time. You must know that although the power can make people beat out the beast-like power, the load on the body is actually very large. Wang Bo is only sixteen years old, and his body has not been fully formed. Besides, his physical ability is really not very good. Because of his shortness of breath, he is doing everything he can because of shortness of breath, and his fatigue is more than any previous exercise. early.

If this continues, it is very likely that Lu Fuqi has not been defeated, and he is already exhausted. Thinking of this, Wang Bo stopped suddenly: "Don't give up, you are not allowed to hide in the next six strokes, you must take all!"

Everyone is uproaring. This is still a matter of discussion. Isn't this a target? Even Wang Yingfu can't stand it: "Master Six, can't this rule be justified?"

"Cousin, why can't you ..." Dier couldn't help getting crazy, she hadn't encountered such an outrageous thing in a long time, but this time Wang Bo didn't let her say the whole thing at all: "Di My cousin, because I am the sixth master of the Wang family, I can deprive him of everything with a word, and he must follow my rules, otherwise, he will never want to get out of this dense forest in his life! "

"Master Six ..." Wang Lishou couldn't help but want to say a few words. For Lu Buqi, he looks more and more like it. There is such a named disciple, as long as he does not die, he will definitely have a long face in the future. thing.

Lu did not give up but did not wait for Wang Lishou to speak: "Since Master Six wants to change another game, then the villain naturally accompanies!"

Dier's face changed again. She bit her lower lip and looked at the proud Wang Bo: "Very good, Wang Bo. I am an eye-opener for today's things, but you don't have to wait to block your six moves. Later, he changed his face again, and if he was still in trouble, he would really lose the old face of your royal family. "

Dier's words were undoubtedly a slap in the face of Wang Bo, and from the words that Dier did not even call "cousin", Dier was disappointed with Wang Bo.

Wang Bo was very unwilling. This time Wang Weiwu asked Wang Bo to take this cousin out to play, in order to create opportunities for him. The past few days have been good, but when I came here, I met and did not abandon this Ozawa slave, everything changed!

The reason for this consequence is that people such as Wang Bo will naturally not find it on their own heads, but they will all be counted on Lu Bujiao's head. He said viciously: "As long as he can live after six moves, then I don't care where he goes in the future! "

Dier snorted softly: "Uncle Yingfu and a few masters also testified. I don't think the Wang family will ever speak without believers. In that case, don't talk about my father and uncle Qingyao, it is my mother-in-law. Very disappointed! "

The faces of Wang Yingfu and Wang Lishou all changed slightly, but in the eyes of the next four, they were somewhat pleased, but the question of Wang Yingfu's return was closer to the interests of the Wang family: "Miss Table laughed and laughed, but it was only the master and the descendants. It ’s not so serious, there ’s no need to preach it! ”

Caressing the blue puppy's head, Dier didn't talk anymore, but glanced at the low eyebrow and Lu Bugui, sighing in my heart, I can do everything I can do, and then rely on your own Already.

The mother-in-law in Zenudui has long cried, and Lu Kang is terribly worried. How can any parent see his son's hard work without pain? However, in such occasions, it is impossible for them to speak, such as the most inferior Zenu, even if they are Lu Fuwa's parents.

Lu Buqie did not give his parents a peaceful expression. His attention was completely on Wang Bo's body. He knew that the brave warrior was doing his best and the attacking force had exceeded 1,500 kilograms. Such strength must be resisted. Down, but can not be distracted at all. Once the whole strength is wrong, if only one part of the body bears this kind of power, immortality is also a half disability.

When a lot of people were shocked and screamed, Lu didn't give up his hands and sealed himself, holding on to Wang Bo's full-hearted kick.

This is the evolution of the "bearish stump." The original bear type was the most resistant to hitting, but when he got this kick, Lu Buqi undoubtedly seemed to be hit by a moving car, but his body did not lose his balance, and his toes dragged a foot of trace on the ground. To stand still.

"Huh ..." Lu Buqi took a long spit, and in Wang Bo's somewhat suspicious eyes, slowly walked back to that position and stood still.

"Look when you can put it on!" Wang Bo's pupils contracted slightly, his body moved, and his legs were raised to the top. If you use it when you are close to each other, you will die terribly, but Wang Bo just bullies Lu Fuqi as a living target, so he dares to show it so freely.

Lu Buqi smiled secretly, but re-lifted the whole body's muscles, and held his head in a posture of "Mule Deer welcoming the door". He only heard Lu Buqi's whole body creak, the huge pressure made him He sang that his body could not stand at all for the purpose of unloading, and he knelt down with his right knee straight into the ground.

Then when Dier reported "the third trick" with a voice, Wang Bo pressed his body and swept his back, sweeping his legs like a sickle, and severely chopped on Lu Bu's right shoulder arm.

Lu Buqi snorted, and the whole person was drawn to the feet of West. West figure gritted his teeth and was ready to help him, but Lu Buqi, who had blood on the corner of his mouth, raised his large left hand, rejected West kind, and stood up dumbly.