MTL - Indestructible Primordial Spirit-Chapter 15 Popular heart

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"Team leader, are you below?" Dafeng's voice sounded, so that the corner of Lu Qiu's mouth that was standing to restore his strength was slightly tilted, and said secretly, "This big wind is a bit of vision, don't let me spare him. Life saved him again! "

Lu Qi raised his head and said, "I'm here. Be careful, don't fall down. There are more than ten feet tall!"

"Great, leader of the tiger head, can you be injured?" Dashun's voice was a little eager. After all, it was more than ten feet tall. Can he be injured if he falls down?

Lu Qi just wanted to answer, but his heart moved: "I hurt my hands and legs, but it wasn't too serious, but the big brown bear was killed. You put the rope down first and get it up first."

"That big guy fell dead? That's great!" Dafeng's voice came down: "Fast and fast, everyone connected the ropes and made them into two, and made them stronger ..."

After a while, two very tightly connected ropes hang down, and Lu Qiu quickly tied the bear's body. He knew that there were ten people on it, all of them were the strongest hunters. Although the weight of more than two thousand pounds was a bit difficult, But it is not a problem.

After the bear's body was successfully dragged out, the top was silent for a while, and Lu abandoned his eyebrows and jumped: "Are these guys going to leave me? This is not impossible, after all, at least five of the ten people It is entirely possible that individuals have this motivation, and they are all relatively well-positioned people! "

Lu Qiu was not worried about this situation, as long as he recovered some hands and had so many roots, the distance of more than ten feet was only pediatrics.

But Lu Qi seems to have guessed wrong, because after a while, the two ropes were thrown down again, and the sound of the wind sounded: "Tiger leader, aren't you injured? Be careful to tie yourself, we will drag you Come up! "

Lu Qiu pinched the tip of his lower nose, and tied two ropes to the two furnace ears of the copper furnace, and fastened them to death. Then he stood on the edge of the furnace, holding the rope with his hands, and then notified. They pulled.

The rope was stretched straight, and as the copper furnace was buzzing, it looked like he was really embarrassed. The abandoned copper furnace slowly rose up, but he was always ready to act at any time if something was not right, anyway, not far from him. There are a few tree roots that will not fall to death.

It seems that Lu Qi once again measured the gentleman's belly with a villain's heart. He was successfully pulled to the ground, and then walked aside with the help of the strong wind. Yes, Lu Qi said that since his leg was injured, he naturally had to look like Look like.

But when the strong wind supported the landing and abandoned the Liu Rongshu tree cave, the crisis arose and the sword worked. Lu abandoned one and pushed the wind away, and his body rolled away, avoiding the knife behind him.

The strong wind pushed away by Lu Qiu picked up a fork gun and stood in front of Lu Qiu lying on the ground, glaring at Dalin holding the decapitator: "Are you crazy, you almost killed the tiger leader!"

"I killed this kid!" Dalin's eyes were red. "When Anze's big account was in the past, he was very kind to me. He was the oldest, but he drank me and drunk me six, and still want to settle accounts with us after the fall?"

"Dalin, what are you doing!" At the same time as Dashun's voice exploded, his body also exploded, ready to take the beheading sword in Dalin's hand.

Dalin was very alert, avoiding, pointing at Dashun and reprimanding: "Dashun, don't forget, we still have charges on our heads. When we return to the village, he will have to settle accounts with us."

"Accounting, that's what we do for ourselves!" Dashun hated, but found that the other two small captains also stood with Dalin, and couldn't help but stunned: "You guys ..."

"Dashun, I don't want to go back and be beaten with a whip or a cane, but I'll be killed if I'm not careful!" A small captain answered, and the other echoed: "Dalin is right, while he's on his feet All wounded, kill him! "

Dalin grinned grinningly: "That is, killing him is now effortless, and as long as he is killed by the giant bear, we will sum up and launch one of the five of us as a big account, as long as this person can Just make sure that the other nine of us have first-class rations and extra rewards. "

As Dalin said, the other five hunters who had lower status looked at each other and looked at Lu abandoned, who could not lie on the ground, but wisely stood behind the three of them.

When Dashun looked helplessly, Dafeng gritted his teeth: "Dalin, wake up, this will be exposed, and Da Kang will doubt it!"

"Then kill him too!" Dalin said fiercely, "Gallery, I think you should wake up, do you really think the tiger head will let you go? Before, you proposed to let his mother be a mother. Anze and Dagu are both dead now. You are Anza's close friend. He can make you better? He just didn't find a proper reason ... "

The wind was dumb, he looked back and discarded, but found that the other side was staring at him with a flash of gaze, and the wind suddenly gritted his teeth and made a decision that made him feel right all his life: "No ... he wants my life If you do n’t save me in front, you can just bite the fruit brown bear to death, Dalin, I ca n’t let you kill him! ”

Feeling Dafeng's gaze for help, Dashun tangled inside, but still dared to stand beside Dafeng, and looked at Dalin: "Dalin, you are really wrong, the leader of the tiger is a personal character, and he can kill at young age After Anze, I also know how to get water in the dense forest, and I heard the old account of Xitu said that the fork gun was also his idea ... with him, our Northwest households will have a better life ... "

"Don't say it!" Dalin's eyes were even more prosperous: "How can I turn my bow when I open the bow? Could he spare me?"

After licking his lower lip, Gale hurriedly glanced away and seemed to want him to speak. Lu Qi also said in a timely manner: "Dalin, if you lay down your arms now and calm down, I promise I will never blame it!

"Fart!" Da Linxuan laughed. "Tiger, you said so because you were afraid of death. I want to wait for you to recover. How many of us can survive?"

The captain next to him said, "That's Dalin, what's so much nonsense? Just kill him, and if Dakang brings someone over, it will be troublesome!"

"I'm afraid of death? Gale and Dashun, you stand up, I'd like to see who has the ability to kill me!" Lu Qiu talked, but he sat up slightly, but looked a bit "strong "Spirit".

Dafeng and Dashun licked their dry lips at the same time and looked anxiously at Lu Qiu: "Tiger leader, this ..."

"I have some in my heart, stand up, they are going to kill me, they are trying to kill me!" Lu Qi stared slightly, and the other eight people across the road, relying only on the strong wind and Dashun, really killed him. .

"It's your own death!" Dalin smiled even more. In fact, he was really worried about working with Dafeng and Dashun. After all, if he hadn't killed them here, his conspiracy would have been exposed. I am afraid that Situ would kill him first.

Lu Qi suddenly stood up, and the momentum of the whole person was like a lion and tiger: "I'm looking for death?"

Not to mention that Dalin and others were taken aback, even the wind and Dashun were startled. The power of this desertion almost equaled that of the giant bear.

"Your leg ..." Da Lin trembled, looked at Lu abandoned leg dullly, and straightened up from sitting on the ground. It was definitely not something a person with a severely injured leg could do.

Ignoring Dalin directly, Lu Qi looked at the following people indifferently: "Don't say I didn't give you a chance. At this time, throw away the weapons. I have no blame, otherwise ..."

"Don't be scared by him, he pretended, if his legs were okay, he would have killed him already!" Dalin also knew that the arrow had to be fired on the string, and yelled: "Kill him, a good day will come!"

Shouted by Dalin so much, the two team captains held some force on their own, but also dared to the guts, holding the fork gun and poking at Lu abandoned. The help from some people is even more brave, beheading and slicing directly across the gate.

Lu Qi moved, tapped under his feet, and turned to the right. His left arm was injured, but it was not completely useless. He grabbed the small captain's fork gun on the right side of Da Lin and raised it to block Da Lin's change of direction. As the body was still turning forward, his right hand was brightly stabbed and stabbed fiercely on the captain's neck.

Then Lu Qi pressed the captain's convulsive body, his body leaped, and the blood spurs stabbed into Dalin's back lightningly, then the body rotated again, and a whip leg was kicked at the other side that just came over A squad leader on his neck.

However, between the rabbits' ups and downs, each of the three Dalins had only one shot, and they were all killed by Lu Qiu, neatly, including the small captain who was just kicked. He also died of a cervical spine fracture.

Da Lin was a slightly struggling person, but he was stabbed into the body for three inches by a triangular thorn, and there was no vitality! This scene no doubt completely shocked Dafeng and Dashun, and at the same time he was glad to stand in the right team.

In addition, the five hunters were also completely stunned, and the fork gun fell to the ground, just as before when Anze died in Lu abandoned hands. And this time, there was another emotion in their hearts, called fear.

Fluttering, I don't know which one went down on his knees. Five people immediately knelt in a row: "Tiger leader to spare!"

"If you didn't make a shot, even if you knew something wrong, if I killed you all, who would drag this stupid bear?" Lu Qiran's words undoubtedly made the five of them relieved and thanked them quickly.

The purpose of killing chickens and tamarins has been achieved by Lu Abandonment. Naturally, these five wall grasses will no longer be handled. He didn't expect everyone to be so faithful to him. He wanted only awe, so that he could get the stability of his parents.

Picking up the decapitation knife, Lu Qi looked at Dafeng and Dashun, and between the two pupils slightly contracted, he pinched the tip of his lower nose: "You two ... Yes, Gale and Dashun, everything in the past is not blame, as long as you don't have two hearts I guarantee you a better life! "

Dafeng and Dashun heard the words, and they were overjoyed. They knew that from this moment on, their heads were truly labeled with the new boss. In the northwestern households, they would definitely be more nourished than ordinary Zenu.