MTL - In This Hogwarts Without a Savior-Chapter 398 396. Go ashore

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   Chapter 398 396. Landing

  After being completely covered by the lake water, he couldn't recite the spell, and the soaking spell was a magic he had only mastered in the last few months, and he could use it normally, but he still couldn't do it to the level of silent casting.

   Immediately, Jon knew what choice he should make.

  Anyway, he has already completed the original task of entering the Black Lake. His grades are not important to him who has already won the first place in the first event.

  Because he didn't stop for a moment, and after reaching a conclusion in his heart, he struggled to swim upstream, and more and more poisonous snakes kept approaching him, and they exploded continuously, filling the surrounding with a dark green liquid!

These swarms of snakes are not only aimed at Jon, in addition to the swarm that is biting him, there are more rune snakes pouring out of the Slytherin common room towards the Black Lake in all directions. rushed over.

  Jon also tried to use the universal solution on the ring during the ascent process, but he still had no effect on the snakes.

   Fortunately, he is proficient enough in the Iron Armor Curse, and there is no problem in casting spells silently, so he can continue to strengthen it under the constant destruction of the surrounding rune snakes, giving him enough time to rush out of the Black Lake.

  Jon's speed is very fast. He drowned in the water in his previous life. Of course, he will not die in the water so simply in this life.

   When he saw the thick layer of ice above his head, he raised his wand again with both hands.

   Casting a spell silently, a huge explosion instantly boiled the surrounding lake, and even the rune snakes that were always entangled with Jon were shattered into dark green liquid under the explosion.

  But soon the dark green liquid re-formed into the form of a snake, but at this time Jon had already rushed out of the water!

The place where he rushed out of the Black Lake is close to the lawn where Hogwarts Castle is located. The lawn is full of students in the castle. Many of them have already started betting on who will be the first person to come out of the Black Lake. who.

   Among them, Draco was the most oppressed, followed by Daisy, then Emil, and finally Jon.

  Many people think that Jon will be the same as the one in the Forbidden Forest this time. He will still focus on getting points, and the speed of finishing the game is second, so basically no one thinks that he will be the first to finish the game.

  Draco suppressed the most people because some people thought he was likely to be eliminated first.

  However, when the ice on the shore exploded, no one could have predicted it in advance. Many students were caught off guard by the splashing ice, and retreated in a hurry while screaming.

  Jon jumped up from the lake, climbed onto the ice, and then panted heavily.

  He looked back and looked behind him. Those rune snakes didn't go ashore with rampant, but the originally dark lake turned dark green at this time, and it seemed that the riots in it didn't end because of his departure.

   Of course, the students didn't see that Jon was actually chased out. Everyone's immediate reaction was why did he come back so soon?

   Have you already found more than five pearls to confirm that you have the first score?

Of course, the referees waiting by the lake also noticed the scene of Jon returning to the shore, and they walked over quickly. Jon was wet on the side of the shore facing himself, but because of the protection of the soft shell of the fire ash snake, he was not counted. Duo's icy robe cast a spell, and looked up at Dumbledore.

   There was no special wink, everything was said without saying anything.

   "Are you going to end the game? Mr. Green." Matthew asked loudly.

  Jon also bluntly took out from his pocket the only pearl he knocked from Draco's hand.

   "I've already landed. I definitely don't have the chance to continue the competition. Of course, I want to end the game."

  The scene became a little quiet, and everyone present looked at the pearl in Jon's hand with strange expressions. Soon the students on the bank reacted, and they burst into quite enthusiastic cheers.

Although they all felt that if there were no accidents, Jon would probably be number one in this match, but after all, Jon and them are still not in the same position. As long as they are enemies, they will naturally not have a good face .

   Now even if he finished the competition first, but Pearl only got back one, the score would definitely not be higher. Doesn’t that mean that Draco and Emil could have a high ranking?

In the face of their cheers, Jon didn't care. Neither he nor Dumbledore thought about how good the results would be in the second project itself, as long as they won the last project, the key It is that they have to complete the tasks that should be completed in the plan, and obtain more benefits and benefits, not to mention that these students are happy a little too early.

In the referee, Snape still had that expressionless face, making it impossible to see what kind of mood he was in at the moment, but Burst couldn't hold back the joy in his heart, he didn't know that Jon was careless It is still intentional, but this time is undoubtedly an opportunity for Emil.

  As long as Jon’s score in the second item is the last one, he gets 10 points, and the first one to finish the game gets 40 points, which is only 50 points in total. Such a score is probably the second last or the last one.

   As long as Emil wins the game and can finish the game second, the score is also the highest. 70 plus 30 is 100. The current scores of the two are basically the same.

  That is to say, Jon's advantage in the first event is gone, and they are standing on the same starting line since the third round!

   This of course made Burst excited.

  But soon, the next sentence Jon said to Matthew made his heart cool down.

   "For unknown reasons, there was a riot in the Black Lake. There are strange snakes that attack people when they see them. If they can't be killed, they will explode themselves. I suspect that this is the castle's intention to cheat!"

  Jon beat him up without saying a word.

  Anyway, Voldemort himself is not here, who would have known that there would be such a rune in the Slytherin common room before?

  Since no one knows that this black lake was under the jurisdiction of the castle before, isn't it his turn to splash dirty water as he wants?

  His words made the scene quiet again, and some students around heard it, and they were spreading the news in private.

   Soon there were whispers on the lawn. Many people didn't believe Jon's accusation at all, thinking that he was making excuses for his mistakes in the game.

   But in fact, Jon really doesn't care how many points he can score in this game, because no matter what, his ranking will not be low.

  There is one thing that many people forget, but he has not forgotten it.

  (end of this chapter)