MTL - In This Hogwarts Without a Savior-Chapter 338 336. Jackass Howth

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  Chapter 338 336. Stupid Hoss

  Jon was not in a hurry to find the fire dragon. He only needed to determine the location, and then he would have plenty of time to figure out how to solve it.

After lunch, he rested on a unicorn for a while, and then stepped on the back of the leading unicorn again, letting it take him to the nearest place where Hagrid once lived in the Forbidden Forest. friends.

  The goal of the unicorn seemed clear. It traveled all the way, across the grass and bushes, and finally brought Jon to a small slope.

  This place is full of weeds, but compared with other places, there are fewer trees, so you can see the whole **** at a glance.

  Jon was quickly attracted by a horse wandering down the slope.

   It was a tall horse with gray hair, but what caught the eye was that the top of the horse's head was obviously bald, revealing its shiny skin.

  In addition, this area has not been covered by trees for a long time, and the afternoon sun shines directly on the top of its head, and it can still reflect a bright reflection.

When Jon saw it, the horse was grazing. The degree of distortion of the upper jaw and jaw was exaggerated when it chewed. In addition, the eyes may be due to congenital problems. One is big and the other is small. No matter how you look at it I don't think it looks like a decent horse.

The unicorn that brought Jon here didn't seem to like the horse very much, so it stopped far away at the edge of the grass, and then signaled to Jon that if he wanted to touch it, he would get off his back Go by yourself.

Jon also felt its resistance, so he climbed off the unicorn's back, and then in order to prevent the bald horse from running away directly after finding him, he raised the unicorn that Hagrid gave him from a long distance away. That wooden sign.

   "Hi! Dude, do you recognize this?"

  The bald horse, which was grazing leisurely, heard Jon's movement. Its already staggered mouth suddenly paused, its wise eyes blinked, and finally it suddenly turned to look at Jon.

   One person and one horse stared at each other for two or three seconds.

  The next moment, Jon felt a blur in front of his eyes, and the gray shadow turned into wind and swept across the grass!

   This is not a metaphor, but the horse disappeared in front of Jon without even blinking a centimeter.

  At this moment, Jon also remembered Hagrid's description of the species of several of his important friends, one of which is one of the existing species of Pegasus in the magic world, known as the magical animal of Graling.

  Although it is also a flying horse, it does not have wings to fly like the rune horse and thestral, but it is extremely fast on land, as fast as the wind!

  The performance of this horse just now, coupled with its gray fur, is obviously a Graling.


   After guessing that this horse was one of the magical animals that Hagrid asked him to focus on, Jon raised his voice and shouted towards the place where the wind disappeared.

  His shout startled a group of birds in the woods not far away, and soon, the gray wind came back again!

   It was as if the wizard used Apparition to flash directly in front of Jon's face. Jon felt his eyes blur again, and the bald horse reappeared in his vision.

  Jon was a little shocked by its speed, and once again met its pair of big and small eyes.

  The bald horse didn't have as much interest in Jon's eyes this time as before, and its gaze quickly shifted to the wooden sign he was holding.

   Obviously, Jon could see a surprise light in its eyes!

Then a grassy tongue licked Jon's face. The horse named Howth verified Jon's identity from Hagrid's wooden sign, and immediately expressed great gratitude to him. close.

   This is enough to see how close the relationship between it and Hagrid was at the beginning, but Jon always felt that its appearance revealed a greasy and silly look.

  Barely breaking free from under Hoss' tongue, Jon dragged its big bald head, turned his head and said to the unicorn who was standing far away watching this scene.

   "Thank you for your help. I will ask Hoss for help in the following matters. You still have your group to take care of. Go back quickly."

  Hearing Jon's words, the unicorn's four hooves seemed a lot lighter. After blinking at Jon as a signal, it turned around and was about to go back.

  However, at this time, Hoss seemed to have just discovered the existence of the unicorn. It looked at the back of the horse-shaped, snow-white fur, and its eyes burst into a wonderful brilliance!

   Then he threw Jon away without hesitation, turned into the wind again, circled around the unicorn that was just about to leave, and then stood in front of it.

  Hoss bared his mouth and stared at his big and small eyes, as if he was showing his charming smile and was courting!

But the unicorn obviously knew what kind of bird it was. From the beginning when it brought Jon here, it had no intention of getting close to Hoth. He intended to stop his pace, but raised his unicorn and accelerated forward.

  Finally, Hoss got out of the way. Looking at the back of the unicorn, it pouted its mouth full of regret, as if complaining about how fierce this chick is.

After watching the entire scene, Jon only felt black lines in his head. No matter how slow his reaction was, he could now see how unreliable this Gelaring horse named Hoss was. He really couldn't figure it out. How Greg befriended this creature that looked more like a donkey in heat than a horse.

But in any case, Hoth's racial talent is here. It is also a Pegasus after all. Jon walked up to Hoth, who still looked regretful, stretched out his hand and barely grabbed its horse's neck, and dragged it Back on the grass.

   "If you can put aside your dispensable physical needs for the time being, let's have a brief understanding. I think being here is the serious thing we need to do now."

Being re-attracted by Jon, Hoss excitedly licked Jon's face again with its grass-stained tongue, until Jon finally couldn't bear it anymore, and directly pulled out his wand and used the petrification spell to make it temporarily disappear. There was no way to move its body, so it could only maintain the movement of sticking out its tongue, and fell straight sideways on the soft grass.

  It makes it look silly.

"Now you can be more honest." Jon muttered, cleaning all the saliva and grass clippings off his face with a cleaning spell, "You'd better listen to what I said now, I know you want to see the sea very much." G, as long as you do what I say, it won't be long before you're all reunited."

  Huoss flicked his big and small eyes, wondering if it was giving an affirmative answer.

   "My name is Jon, and I'm Hagrid's friend. This time, Hagrid specially asked me to come to the Forbidden Forest to take care of the situation of you old friends. If you can understand what I say, please blink."

   This time, Jon was sure that it could understand human speech, and those big and small eyes were blinking desperately.

  Most of the magical animals are human, but they also have their own set of thinking habits, so sometimes even if they can understand the meaning of people, they can't understand it, let alone follow it.

   But apparently Hagrid, who had been with Hagrid day and night, did not lack this.

   "Okay, since you can communicate, it will be much easier for us next time. Do you know all three names, Aragog, Morris, and Parson? Even if you know one, just blink your eyes."

  The big and small eyes blinked twice again quickly.

   Now Jon is much more relaxed. Although this bald horse named Hoss looks very unreliable, in any case, its talent for speed can also bring great help to Jon in the Forbidden Forest.

   With the same speed as the wind, as long as it can accurately know where the other three magical animals are, Jon feels that he can help Hagrid in one day.

   "I will help you break the spell now, don't lick me anymore, or I will stick your tongue to your palate all day long!"

  Jon made a final threat, and then lifted the petrification curse on Hoth.

  As soon as the restriction was lifted, Hoss got up from the ground as if having fun, turned into a gust of wind, circled Jon twice, and finally stopped.

It seemed that it wanted to lick Jon's face instinctively, but in the end it began to restrain this instinct. It just stuck out its tongue and stared at Jon excitedly. It makes people think it is a stupid donkey!

  Jon couldn't bear to look directly at its face, grabbed its neck, and jumped onto its back.

   "Let's go, let's go, find that friend of Hagrid you know, and look at your silly face, I'm afraid I'm going to have nightmares at night."

However, Hoss seemed to understand Jon's words as a compliment, and he straightened his neck arrogantly, which happened to make it easier for Jon to hug him without a rein to stabilize his body shape.

  The next moment, this stupid horse took its four hooves.

Jon only felt as if he had merged into the wind. The surrounding woods passed by him as fast as the fast forward button was pressed. The grass below seemed to become a continuous backward track. Every time Jon blinked, , it feels like you are in a new place.

  In a blur, he saw many magical animals, including a huge monster lying prone on the ground.

   That's a dragon.

   It was just that Jon glanced at it in a hurry, and in the next moment, they had already appeared in another place.

  In Jon's perception of time, he felt that only seven or eight seconds had passed, and the surrounding scenery that had been receding suddenly stopped.

   It was as if the video tape had been restored from fast forward to normal, and Hoss took Jon to stop.

  There is the sound of water flowing next to it. This is next to a small stream, and the environment looks like birds and flowers.

  Jon looked around in some doubts, trying to find the magical animals Hagrid mentioned, but he didn't even find a magical animal.

   "Why did you suddenly stop..."

   Before the question was asked halfway, Jon swallowed the next half of the sentence back to his stomach following the place Hoss' big and small eyes were staring straight at.

   It was a baby doe drinking water by the stream, the most common breed, without any magical characteristics.

   It was still watching its surroundings vigilantly while drinking water, but it obviously didn't notice Hoth who was quietly hiding behind the bushes and peeking at its **** with eyes full of eyes.

  Jon took a deep breath, reminding himself that there is no need to be angry with a horse, especially this kind of horse.

   But in the end, he couldn't help but clenched his fist, and knocked **** Hoth's bald forehead!

   "That's a deer! You're not even the same species, what's going on in your estrous head! Stupid ass!"

I don’t know if Jon’s blow woke Hoss up, but it did startle the calf. It ran away from the stream in panic, so Hoss could only retract his head reluctantly. Continue to run wildly in the Forbidden Forest with Jon.

   This time it finally didn't spawn any more moths. After running for about a minute, it came to the darkest and most secluded depths of the Forbidden Forest, and stopped in front of a large pit.

  The trees here are unusually tall and strong, and the canopy is connected together like a big umbrella, covering the entire sky, preventing the sun from shining into the land all year round.

   Even Hoth was much quieter in such an environment. He sniffed his nose vigilantly, smelling from left to right, and looked like a stupid dog again.

  Jon climbed off Hoss's back, and then he stepped on a white, silk-like thing under his feet.

   That's spider silk.

  Seeing the environment here and the scattered spider threads on the ground, Jon could roughly guess who Hoss brought him to find.

Acromantula - Aragog, Hagrid's closest and oldest friend, Hagrid used to keep it in captivity when he was a student at Hogwarts, and Voldemort found a good reason to bring disaster to the east, and opened the Chamber of Secrets Hagrid was blamed for the death of a student, leading to his expulsion.

   And here is the residence of Aragog and his descendants.

  Jon was very careful after knowing what this place was.

  He knew very well that maybe the old spider of Aragog still respected Hagrid and would not hurt himself, but its descendants would not.

  Therefore, Jon drew out his wand, grabbed the skin of Hoth's side neck with his other hand, and pulled it further into the big pit.

   Under their feet, some small spiders would crawl out from time to time, and as more and more spider webs appeared around them, Jon knew that they were about to reach their destination.

   After pushing away the long dark green grass in front of him, the scene in front of Jon suddenly became clear.

  However, when he saw the things in front of him clearly, the pupils of his eyes shrank suddenly.

  Spiders, there are spiders the size of cars everywhere.

   But they're all... dead!

  (end of this chapter)