MTL - In the Great World of Martial Arts, You Use the Tao of Talisman To Rule the Ages?-Chapter 54 Am I a martial arts genius? (Seeking for further reading)

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Chapter 54 Am I a martial arts genius? (Seeking for further reading)

 The next few days.

Chen Lin has been staying in the house, using the spiritual liquid of blue water stone to draw four talismans every day and reserve them.

 After that, it was about practicing, eating and drinking. I went to the Big Snake Cave twice a day and took out the Ghost Ya Pork from there to continuously increase the vitality in my body.

 The ghost-toothed pig weighing over a thousand kilograms is extremely durable. Even now, he has only eaten a little more than half of it.

 In the middle of the trip, he took a day to go to Jubaoshan again.

 In the end, we just crossed the miasma and walked a short distance.

  The partially injured horned cow from before came straight towards him.

 I don’t know what means were used to find him.

 Since the beast was replaced with a thunder horn, it is difficult for the spell to work on it.

The aura of a spell that is too conspicuous will be blocked by the electric light emitted from its horns. Only spells with hidden cloud patterns can bypass the thunder entwined around the horns and hit it from behind.


 If you do this, the horned cow will suddenly start a violent mode...

That time, Chen Lin smashed the talisman wildly and managed to escape back into the miasma.

 Since then.

In addition to eating meat, practicing and drawing talismans every day, Chen Lin also began to practice Qingyun Wandering Dragon Body frequently.

This is a leg skill. It is said that when you practice it to the highest level, you can fly like a blue dragon in the clouds and walk in the air.

 But after reading the entire book and analyzing it carefully several times.

Chen Lin said that this is just what a blind person brags about.

 A martial arts that can’t even reach the advanced level, how can you expect to fly in the air?

  It would be more realistic to find a way to learn the light escape spell from the world of immortality.

Chasing the Qingyun Wandering Dragon Body to a small level, it can make a person's body flexible and fly up and down like the wind without sound. It is suitable for use in complex terrains.

Once you have mastered it and formed muscle memory, you can easily walk hundreds of miles a day without leaving any trace on the snow.

 He is now roughly in the realm of Xiaocheng.

In the forest of Jubao Mountain, you can walk at the top of the trees and easily avoid the brutal collision of the horned bull.

In addition, every time he practiced the movement technique, the vitality in Chen Lin's body always vibrated, and the vague feeling of vigorous energy kept appearing.

  But I can’t catch it every time.

He even practiced the other Pi Guaquan and Tiger and Crane forms together.

  When you go to get meat every day, fight two rounds at Luanfeng Slope.

 As a result, I still couldn’t control the vitality in my body.

  It’s just a hair’s breadth every time.

“It doesn’t matter, just think of it as practicing in advance for the body in the world of immortality.”

On the chaotic wind slope, Chen Lin slowly put away his fists. The surrounding wind and snow were chaotic, and there were traces of tracks on the snow.

 It’s not frustrating at all.

His main purpose in practicing this is to give it a try and see if he can start practicing martial arts in the world of immortality next month.

 His body cannot give up immortality and join the martial arts.

On the other hand, the body in the world of immortality has always been difficult to control its magic power. It is extremely difficult to draw talismans and spells, and it has not been successful so far.

 The path to immortality visible to the naked eye is hopeless.

 Practice martial arts might still be a way out.

"I'm not sure. I'm a martial arts genius in this body?" Chen Lin pinched his chin.


 Bringing Guiya Pork home, I saw a few figures in the distance.

  It was Little Carrot playing in the snow with the child of the herb gatherer.

There are four children, one older and three younger. The eldest is ten-year-old Little Carrot. The remaining three children all belong to the family that collects herbs.

“Brother Lin!” Xiaoluobo led three little kids with runny noses over, acting like the boss.

 “Where are your eldest brothers and sisters?” Chen Lin asked.

He remembered that the old man who collected herbs in the village had five children, two of whom were bigger than radishes.

 When we were playing outside before, it was the two children who took the lead.

 How come we only see three little ones now?

 “They are here, in the city.” A child said blankly.

Xiaoluobo rushed to say: "Ajin and Ayin were sold to work in the city yesterday!"

 Chen Lin made up his mind.

Judging from Xiaoluobo's tone, it seemed that he hadn't fully understood what he said.

 The three children behind him nodded:

“Brother Jin and Sister Yin are both in Xicheng. My parents said that they won’t have to take care of the food at home in the future. They will still have money every month to buy us food...”

"Do you have money and food? Then I will ask my parents to sell me to work!" Xiaoluodai's eyes were shining.

Then he was caught off guard and received an iron fist from Chen Lin.

   “Let’s play!”     “Oh…”

 Watching four children playing carefree in the snow.

Chen Lin shook his head, knowing that it was the impact of the previous defeat of the imperial court.

He didn't ask much about it. He only knew that the young new emperor came to power and cut down the vassal, which triggered a rebellion among the vassal kings.

 Not long ago, all the 100,000 troops of the imperial court were killed in the great war.

 After that, food prices in Kanazawa County began to rise again.

 He now has money that comes easily and he has no feeling.

But for those families who calculated their money for a year and then lived in hiding at home during the winter, this incident was enough to wipe out the money and food they had prepared for the previous year.


 “The situation is going to be chaotic again…”

  In the future time.

Chen Lin still refused to give up and went to Jubaoshan twice more.

As a result, every time soon after entering, the horned ox would chase me and nudge my butt. I had to rely on my body skills to avoid and retreat at the same time.

At this point, he was sure that this beast must have some way to track him.

 At first he thought it was the horns.

 But putting the horns in the big snake's hole later doesn't work either.

 In the end, I had no choice but to go home and continue practicing.



The thunderstorm roared, and fine water vapor rushed towards the face.

Chen Lin held a paper umbrella in his hand and felt the heavy raindrops hitting the umbrella violently.

He opened his eyes, looked at the continuous rain curtain between the mountains in front of him, and let out a long sigh:

 “Back again!”

 From the first day of February in the world of martial arts, to the first day of August in the world of immortality.

 It’s the rainy season here.

 Even in the early morning, it was still raining heavily.

Under the cover of dark clouds, there is no trace of skylight, and it feels like a dark night.

 The simple wooden house was dripping with water everywhere.

 I had planned to build a new room this month.

Chen Lin walked a few steps outside and suddenly heard a chirping sound.

Looking up, I saw a nest of huge stone-skinned rats jumping between the trees despite the heavy rain, as if they were running away in a panic.

One of them suddenly jumped towards him, seeming to want to use the umbrella in his hand as a stepping stone...


Chen Lin subconsciously frowned, holding an umbrella with his left hand, and the next moment he subconsciously swung out his right hand!

This is an instinct he developed after practicing boxing for half a month.

 But only in the next moment.

 He realized that he could just avoid it.

However, at this moment, there was a special heat flow in the body that surged directly to the fist and rolled out suddenly!


 The punch is as powerful as a whip!

The fierce and penetrating force hit the stone-skinned rat hard, and the stone-hard fur was torn apart like a piece of fragile paper.


The stone-skinned rat screamed, turned into a black light and hit a tree in the distance. It made a snap and stopped moving.

When the companions around it saw this, they screamed in fear and ran away from the place without looking back...

“Stone-skinned rat, as its name suggests, has a skin like stone, and it is also a source of material for talisman paper.”

 Chen Lin suddenly remembered the book he had read before, which introduced this animal.

 But he immediately remembered that this was not the point.

 The point is…

 “Am I really a martial arts genius?!”

 “I haven’t started practicing in this world yet!”

Chen Lin recalled the feeling of the punch just now, the heat in his body surged, and his energy collapsed.

Although he doesn’t know the secret method of martial arts.

 But he was absolutely certain.

The stream of heat just released with the power of the fist is vitality.

 Essentially it is the ‘strength’ of a martial artist!

 (End of this chapter)