MTL - Immortality: My Spell Upgrades Infinitely-Chapter 95 0 corpses

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[Jiuxiao Demon Slaying Upgrade Conditions]:

[1]: Three thousand dead souls (1528/3000 not achieved!)


Lu Chen sent Tu Shan away, looked at the screen, rode Hu Niu to the barracks, and continued to harvest the souls of the dead. The flying heads were like flies, killing more and more, it was almost inexhaustible.


Lu Chen naturally enjoyed it, and he struck quickly.

Not long after, the high-altitude battle finally came to an end. The black and red Shuangsha teamed up to kill two second-order flying heads. The remaining three were frightened and opened their mouths. , the three flying heads fled away.

"Chi Chi Chi ~~"

There was a scream, and other flying heads flew up, gathered in the air, and fled all the way to the distance.

"Where to escape!"

The entire barracks had been torn apart, and the remaining black-armored soldiers were dying and fleeing. It was a great situation. Once it was destroyed, how could the black and red evil spirits not be angry.

Without even thinking about it, he directly chased after Flying Skull.

Lu Chen's eyes flickered, and he rode a Huniu to chase after him. After walking only a few hundred meters, he stopped quickly, and saw a huge pit in front of him. Inside the pit, there were evil spirits, dead spirits, resentment spirits, corpse spirits, tangible and intangible, countless kinds The breaths are mixed together and gathered in one furnace, like smoke and mist, transforming into various strange scenes.

There are colorful human faces and twisted and changing human shapes.



"A mass grave!"

Lu Chen was speechless, and saw headless corpses wriggling on the edge of the huge pit, like maggots, crawling towards the deep pit. The entire mass grave was a pit of flesh and blood, and the scene was extremely terrifying.

There are even countless flying heads living in it.

"Hmph, demons and ghosts!"

The black and red Shuangsha frowned deeply, and waved down a handful of thunderbolts.

"Bang bang bang!"

"Chi Chi Chi ~"

Tianleizi exploded in the mass grave, flesh and blood flew everywhere, countless broken limbs danced wildly, flying heads screamed and flew up and down in it, terrified and restless.


With a muffled sound, a huge arm protruded from the mass grave. The arm was composed of countless headless corpses. It reached out to grab the black and red twins in the air, but they were avoided by the two ahead of time. People were in shock, and countless flying heads rushed from below, drowning the two of them in an instant.

"Ah Hong!"

With a scream, the flying head exploded, and Heisha fled desperately, flying south without looking back.

In the mass grave, a figure slowly floated up.

This is a monster, the upper body alone is tens of meters high, the torso and limbs are composed of countless headless corpses, connected by blood and minced meat, thousands of arms grow on the thick neck, with the palms facing upwards.


The flying heads scattered, and Hongsha's figure had long been gone. They screamed and danced in the air, and soon landed on the palms of each hand. It turned out that these countless flying heads and torsos formed a monster together.

[name]: weird

[Information]: Tier 3 thousand corpses


"Tier three? A thousand corpses?"

Lu Chen was dumbfounded, and quietly retreated on his Huniu, watching from a distance, and found that the [Thousand-Headed Corpse] hadn't fully grown, at least the lower body was still growing.

"How about... take the opportunity to kill another wave?"

Lu Chen touched his nose, feeling a little moved.

Each flying head of these thousand corpses is equivalent to an independent life. For him, the temptation is great. If he kills a few waves, it may be enough to upgrade.


Lu Chen gritted his teeth and continued to back away.

Soon, it appeared on a big tree far away, looking at the thousands of corpses in the mass grave from afar, with a thought, the scarlet knife handle on the back manifested.

"Nine Heavens Slaughter Demon Slash!"


The cold voice echoed, Lu Chen stretched out his hand to grab the handle of the knife hanging upside down, and swung it suddenly, a scarlet knife rainbow spanned hundreds of meters in an instant, and slashed at the huge monster.


A howl sounded, and a horrible wound appeared on the torso of the thousand corpses, which was almost split in half. In an instant, at least hundreds of flying heads died.

[Jiuxiao Demon Slaying Upgrade Conditions]:

[1]: Three thousand dead souls (2327/3000 not achieved!)



Lu Chen was trembling, and was thinking about stabbing again, when he saw thousands of corpses sinking into the mass grave, densely packed flying heads flying towards this side, his heart frightened, he jumped off the big tree, and quickly hid himself on the back of a tiger girl .

Wait for the flying head to disperse.

Lu Chen avoided a few Tier 2 Flying Heads, and started to hunt quietly with the Sword Star.

Flying skulls were stabbed to death one by one, and the data on the light curtain slowly increased. When the sun rose, the flying skulls flying around began to gather and fly towards the mass grave.


Another scarlet sword rainbow struck, piercing through the flying skulls all over the sky.


Countless flying heads screamed, hundreds of flying heads were split in half, and died on the spot. The other flying heads were no longer entangled. They flew back to the mass grave like a dark cloud and sank. The entire mass grave calmed down, blood and flesh. No one would have guessed that there was a weird one named [Thousand-Headed Corpse] lurking in it.

grow silently.


[Jiuxiao Demon Slaying Upgrade Conditions]:

[1]: Three thousand dead souls (3000/3000 has been achieved!)


【Name】: Lu Chen

[Supernatural Powers]: Nine Heavens Demon Slaying Dacheng (upgradeable!) +


"Finally achieved."

Lu Chen rode on Huniu's back, grinning, and reached out a little:


The blood-red hilt manifested on the back, trembling non-stop, and sank an inch again. When everything calmed down, the little supernatural power Nine Heavens Slaughtering Demons was successfully upgraded to [Completion], and its power increased by a bit!

Not only that.

The limit has disappeared after two consecutive uses just now, as if it has been refreshed.

"very good!"

Lu Chen was extremely satisfied, and looked at the light curtain in front of him.

【Name】: Lu Chen

【Cultivation base】: Eighth layer of Qi training

[Supernatural Powers]: Nine Heavens Slaughter Demon Slash is complete (advancement conditions can be expanded!)




[Jiuxiao Demon Slaying Upgrade Conditions]:

[1]: Four thousand dead souls (0/4000 has not been achieved!)


It was bright now, and all the flying heads were hidden in the mass grave. Lu Chen didn't dare to get too close. He rode a tiger girl and wandered around for a while, but he couldn't find a chance to make a move.

Think about it.

Lu Chen stayed away from the mass grave and headed south all the way.

Fang Hong is still in Fengpo City, it's time to get people out. As for the thousand-headed corpse puppets, they probably won't be able to escape for a while, and there are plenty of opportunities to pluck their wool.

Not long after, Lu Chen came to the Nieshui River, and saw two tidal boats stranded on the river bank at a glance.

【Name】: French boat

[Information]: Tier 1 Tidal Ship, Tidal Array


The tidal boat has two floors, nearly ten meters wide and one hundred meters long. It looks very huge. It can transport more than a thousand soldiers at a time. It is expensive, but it is now abandoned here.

Nobody cares.


Hu Niu leaped up to the side of the ship several meters high, carried Lu Chen on her back, and walked into the deepest cabin all the way. In the middle, she saw a circular formation with a height of more than half a meter. There is a palm-sized depression, where a small tidal array should have been embedded, which is the core of the entire building ship.


Now the hull is abandoned, but the most valuable tidal array has been taken away.


Lu Chen felt a little regretful, Hamo Island was his foundation, if there were two intact tidal boats, he would be able to ride the wind and waves in the Jiechuan River.

It's a pity that there are ships but no arrays, which is greatly reduced.

Even so.

Lu Chen was not willing to leave it alone, the hull of this building was very hard, made of ebony that was over a hundred years old, this is an extremely hard common wood, the hull was naturally not comparable to ordinary ships, he sat cross-legged on the building , Consume two spirit stones, use the sealing method, recreate two sealing balls, and barely seal the two huge buildings in them.


Lu Chen crossed the Nieshui River, rode Hu Niu, and ran all the way to Fengpo City.

until noon.

Finally rushed to the outside of Fengpo City.

Fengpo City covers an extremely large area, with a population of more than 300,000. It is located on a gentle **** tens of meters high. The first-order fire attribute spiritual vein, and just west of Luofengpo, there is a lake called Fengpo Lake.

There is an island in the center of the lake within a few miles.

There is a first-order water attribute spiritual vein on the island, and the famous Baiyun Temple is located on it, but now things have changed.

At this time, Fengpo City still has more than 50,000 black armored troops, which are stronger than the Fengjia army in its heyday. Unfortunately, after Hongsha died, only Heisha, the immortal master of vertical spells, remained.

If Lu Chen wanted to give it a go, he was very sure that he could kill Heisha with a single blow.

However, even if Heisha died, Lu Chen would not be able to occupy these two spiritual veins without the deterrent cultivation of the vertical magic master. The teacher's peek.

His situation will be more difficult.

That's it.

On the contrary, it is better to guard Hamo Island and Fengxian Town at ease. Moreover, Shuozhou in the south is threatened by the Qishan locust mother, and keeping Fengpo City can also serve as a buffer.

After thinking about this, Lu Chen felt much more relaxed.

Riding a Huniu, he arrived at the gate of the North City. Fengpo City was heavily guarded, and there was an endless stream of merchants. From time to time, some monks could be seen coming in and out, and there were many of them in strange costumes.

Some people rode out of the city on big cocks, some passed by on paper horses, and some monks were flying up and down in the air, showing no signs of disturbance at all.

"It's a big city after all!"

With a sigh of emotion, Lu Chen rode Hu Niu forward.


As soon as he was about to enter the city, he was stopped on the spot by the black armored soldiers defending the city. The four soldiers sized Lu Chen up and down, and said maliciously:

"Your Excellency looks familiar."


Lu Chen didn't panic, and threw out the offering token with his hands.

"Hey, it turns out that it is dedicated to the Lord, don't blame it, don't blame it, please, please!"


Lu Chen snorted twice, took the token that was handed back, and successfully entered Fengpo City, and then used his status as a second-class priest to inquire about the news. After several inquires, he finally found Fang Hong's location.

turn out to be.

Lao Fang was placed under house arrest in Zhuanlutang.

This Zhuanlutang is actually a post house. There are four towns and twenty-seven villages under the Fengpo City. Except for Fengxian Town, which is far north of the Neeshui River, the other villages and towns are all south of the Neeshui River. The town has a town owner. There is a village official in the village, and Zhuanlutang is the place where people like them come to the city to settle on official business.

Knowing Fang Hong's situation, Lu Chen was not in a hurry, touched the blue pattern on his face, and changed his face in a blink of an eye.

Lift your foot and walk into the [Sifang Pavilion].

Sifang Pavilion is an auction in Fengpo City. Jiang Hong'e used to come to participate in it often. I heard that the owner behind this is the Four Seasons Villa in the Qingcang Mountains. He has a lot of good things on him now, so he can just sell them here.

The second floor of Sifang Pavilion.

Lu Chen placed a large pile of things on the table, eyebrow folding fan, cloud bed, blue bricks, talisman paper, corpse urn, soul-setting needle, storage bag, etc., among which only the first-order method There are five pieces of utensils, and several storage bags, the most precious of which is the demon pill of the second-order weasel demon.

The corner of the old man's mouth twitched, and he said:

"It's not a serious way, is it?"


Lu Chen rolled his eyes and asked back:

"Are you going to accept it or not?"


"That's right."

Lu Chen heaved a sigh of relief. The old man's name was Jia Yu. He was in charge, and also the person in charge of the entire Sifang Pavilion. He was very shrewd. How could he push the business he got.

Jia Yu ignored Lu Chen, tore off a piece of talisman paper, and there was a strange light in his eyes.

Start to look carefully one by one.

Not long after, Jia Yu stopped his movements and raised his eyelids: "The second-order demon pill counts as twelve spirit stones, and the others... count as three spirit stones, a total of fifteen spirit stones, what do you think?"


Lu Chen didn't bother to care about it, and asked directly:

"Is there a spirit?"


Jia Yu nodded, then shook his head and said, "But, it will be the beginning of February in a few days, this spiritual object is actually prepared for the auction at the beginning of the month, and it cannot be sold now."

"How much?"


Jia Yu put on a show and stretched out six fingers:

"Six spirit stones."

Jia Ziyu sold spiritual objects, still five spiritual stones, but when Jia Yu got them, the price went up again. Even if this surnamed Jia knows how to do business, there is no one else.


Lu Chen knew that it was difficult to bargain, so he simply didn't find it boring.


Jia Yu grinned, revealing a front tooth with a gap, as if sensing the air leak, he quickly pursed his mouth, and waved his hand to the maid standing beside him with a straight face:

"Go to and get the spiritual object."


After the maid left, Lu Chen asked thoughtfully:

"Does Guanshi Jia know someone named Jia Ziyu?"


"Jia Ziyu."

"That's a dog!"


Lu Chen was speechless for a while, no wonder, they all lacked a front tooth, could it be genetic? With a sudden change in his mind, Lu Chen changed his smiling face and said, "Guard Jia, I heard that a second-level white snake demon has been lost in your Four Seasons Villa, but is it true?"

"That's what happened."

"Oh, to be honest, I know the whereabouts of that white snake demon."


"Well, two spirit stones."


One piece of intelligence was sold twice, and it was also sold to a pair of profiteers and his son. Lu Chen was in a happy mood, and left Sifang Pavilion with a [Fire Seed] and eleven spirit stones.

"Go away, go away!"

"The law of the law~"

As soon as he walked onto the street, he saw a soldier in black armor running wildly in the street and bumping into him head-on. Lu Chen's face turned cold, the veins in his arms bulged, and he punched out with both fists.


"The law of the law~"

The fierce horse neighed, its sternum was crushed by Lu Chen, and it flew upside down for four or five meters, whining uncontrollably, the soldier on the horse also fell to the ground, spit out a mouthful of blood, and fled limping into the distance. go.



Just after he escaped not far away, several fast horses galloped up, bowed their bows and set arrows, nailed the man to death on the street with a few arrows, then threw out the hook and lock, hooked the body, and dragged him all the way away.

"Do it?"

Lu Chen was thoughtful. Heisha returned last night and prepared for the whole morning. It seems that he has begun to eliminate dissidents again.