MTL - Immortality: My Spell Upgrades Infinitely-Chapter 255 The Jade Dao Jing is upgraded, the universe in the palm is promoted to the great supernatural power, the underworld...

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[Left way of longevity, my spells can be upgraded indefinitely]【】

"That's...that's so much fun!"

Looking at Lou Xiaoqian who was sleeping soundly with a rosy face, Lu Chen felt a little overwhelmed with joy. Seeing that it was already bright outside the window, he gave up the idea of ​​continuing to torment, and said:

"Let's have a long time in Japan."

Then Lu Chen pulled back, put on his clothes, and looked up at the light curtain:


Xuannv Jade Dao Jing Upgrade Conditions]:

1]: Taoist Eleven has been achieved!

2]: Weekend ten thousand times has been achieved!

3]: Five mysterious crystals have been achieved!


Name]: Lu Chen

Information]: Mastery of the Xuannv Jade Taoist Sutra can be upgraded! +


"Finally achieved!"


Lu Chen stretched out his hand and tapped lightly, and the five profound crystals in the sealing ball disappeared, and the third-order double-cultivation technique Xuannv Jade Dao Jing was running at high speed, and a dense mist permeated from the body, enveloping Lu Chen, and it gradually faded after a long time. The Xuannv Jade Dao Jing has also been successfully upgraded to Dacheng].

Lu Chen opened his eyes and looked at the light curtain again:

Name]: Lu Chen

Information]: Xuannv Jade Dao Jing Dacheng upgrade conditions can be expanded!



Xuannv Jade Dao Jing Upgrade Conditions]:

1]: The Taoist Twelve has not been achieved!

2]: Double Cultivation 100,000 has not been achieved!

3]: Ten mysterious crystals have been achieved!


"One hundred thousand times!"

"keep it up!"

With a grunt, Lu Chen covered Lou Xiaoqian with the brocade quilt, and then left the room.

"Morning Lord!"


The two messengers in white clothes outside the door bowed and saluted, their eyes seemed to be glued to Lu Chen. Lu Chen coughed lightly and asked:

"The head of Lou's family has entered the city?"

"I've entered the city. If the temple master intends to see him, the servants will go and make arrangements."

"Okay, thank you!"

"The viewer does not need to be polite, these are the duties of slaves."

One of the emissaries in white smiled reservedly, and hurried out of the courtyard. Lu Chen called the other person to sit down on the steps in front of the door. Returning, lead Lu Chen to walk out.


"Meet the real man!"

In the living room of the Goddess Cult's resident, Lou Zhengkun, who had been waiting for a whole day, finally met Lu Chen, looking very cautious. Lu Chen looked indifferent, and with a wave of his hand, he helped him up. Seeing that Lou Zhengkun looked middle-aged, he said strangely:

"Patriarch Lou doesn't look like he has a short lifespan."

"To tell the truth, this junior took a Zhuyan Pill in his early years. He looks middle-aged, but he is actually two hundred and three years old. There are only thirteen years left before the deadline."

To be honest, recently I have been using reading to follow up, change sources, read aloud with many timbres, and both Android and Apple can be used. 】

Lou Zhengkun sat down anxiously, calling himself a "junior", appearing extremely humble.

"Thirteen years..."

Lu Chen's eyes flashed, and there was a calculation in his heart.


"The younger generation will leave!"

Half an hour later, Lou Zhengkun was relieved, and after a solemn salute, he walked briskly out of the Goddess Cult's residence, and there was a green leafy plant as tall as a person in the living room.

Name]: Lingzhu

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[Left way of longevity, my spells can be upgraded indefinitely]【】

Information]: Second-order Geranium


This Pelargonium is still a seedling, with a slender stem, but extremely thick leaves, with naturally formed Dao patterns on it, and when the leaves fall off naturally, it can become a second-order flying magic weapon with a very high value.

Lu Chen flicked around, and a leaf-shaped magic weapon appeared in his hand.

Name]: magic weapon

Information]: Second-order Chiliad leaves


Playing with the Qianzhu leaf in his hand, Lu Chendi muttered:

"No wonder Lou Zhengkun looks familiar."

When he went north to the big marmoset and passed through Beimangzhou, he passed through a valley. An immortal master mistook Qinglong for a spirit beast and chased it all the way. After being knocked out by him, he got this magic weapon. That person is Lou Zhengkun, the head of the Lou family.


At this moment, Lou Xiaoqian pushed the door open and walked in, she was full of energy and radiant, she asked:

"How about it?"


Lu Chen stretched out his finger and pointed at the geranium, Lou Xiaoqian said in surprise:

"Lu Lang accepted him?"


Lu Chen nodded and explained with a smile:

"This person still has 13 years to live, and nine years later will be a great calamity. Although I agreed, I didn't want to cause trouble for myself, so I also put forward a condition, that is, Lou can borrow my money within these 13 years." After thirteen years, I will truly protect the Lou family."

Lou Xiaoqian came to her senses, smiled lightly and said:

"Lu Lang, you are really bad. By the end of the great catastrophe, Lou's family will probably die completely. There is no need for protection. We just got a second-order spiritual plant for nothing."

"It doesn't count. After all, the dignified real name also benefits them a lot, so it's a win-win situation."

Lu Chen chuckled, and stretched out his hand to pull Lou Xiaoqian into his arms. The two of them knew each other by heart, and sparks were quickly struck.

"woo woo woo"


The two were having fun when Mei Yuting, the fragrance master, suddenly pushed the door open and entered. Seeing the scene, her pretty face changed, she let out a cry, and exited the room in a panic, feeling overwhelmed and distraught.

"'s Yuting."

"No problem!"

Lu Chen was unmoved, until after a long time, he gradually stopped, the two sat hugging each other, Lou Xiaoqian felt relieved, and said in a trembling voice:

"Yu...Yuting and the twelve white-clothed emissaries in the church are all very beautiful and clean women. Since Lu Lang has the ability, it is right for them to serve him."


Lu Chen couldn't laugh or cry, helped Lou Xiaoqian tidy up her clothes, and asked:

"are you serious?"

"Of course!"

Lou Xiaoqian nodded and said solemnly:

"They are called my subordinates, but they are actually my sisters. Lan Po once said that our women are outward, and once we marry outside, we will be divorced sooner or later, so we set the rules early on. They are not allowed to marry, they were all enlightened when they entered the religion, apart from practicing, they are doomed to be lonely forever."

"Instead of that, let Lu Lang give them some thoughts."

"talk later."

Lu Chen Hanhu let out a sigh, seeing Lou Xiaoqian looking at her with reluctance, he let go and said:

"They are still young, there is no rush for the time being, and they can afford to wait. You can try to tell them that the catastrophe is coming. As long as you do your duty, you will be able to enter the secret realm sooner or later and join the Taoist temple in Changchun, so that they will not be left alone. Life is."

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[Left way of longevity, my spells can be upgraded indefinitely]【】

"That's good."

Lou Xiaoqian felt relieved, and walked out like a swollen person. Before going out, she didn't forget to look back, opened her mouth slightly, and raised her eyebrows lightly:

"Continue at night..."


Lu Chen and Lou Xiaoqian stayed in Yefang City for two days, and then returned to the Nie Shui Longtan. After that, Lu Chen practiced in the secret realm with peace of mind, accumulating mana and cultivating supernatural powers.

And the underworld is also steadily expanding.

The ghost judge, Mu Rong, has a very high spirit. Every night, she would send seductresses and parade envoys to wander around, sometimes in Yefang City, sometimes going south, and there was always something to gain. Therefore, the number of people and animals in the underworld was also gradually increasing.

And under Lu Chen's special instructions, the sacrifices in Yefang City became more and more frequent, so Meng Yao accumulated a lot of prayer coins, and made a wish to Lu Chen every few days.

Time flies.

Another two months.

On this day, Lu Chen sat cross-legged in the Reincarnation Pool of the Underworld, and reached out his hand to touch the light curtain in front of him:


Requirements for upgrading the universe in your palm]:

1]: August practice has been achieved!

2]: Ten mysterious crystals have been achieved!


Name]: Lu Chen

Information]: The great success of the universe in the palm of your hand can be upgraded! +


Thanks to Meng Yao's prayer, it has only been three months since the last upgrade, and now the conditions for training in August have been fulfilled, and this little supernatural power can be upgraded again.

"Finally achieved!"

With an excited expression, Lu Chen stretched out his hand and tapped lightly:


Ten profound crystals were consumed, and the small supernatural power held the universe in the palm of the hand [Smoothly upgraded to perfection], Lu Chen continued to look at the light curtain.


Requirements for advancing the universe in your palm]:

1]: The supernatural power has been achieved!

2]: Twenty profound crystals have been achieved!


Name]: Lu Chen

Information]: The universe in the palm of your hand can be promoted if it is completed! +


Because Lu Chen himself is a master of the Three Realms Tongxuan, the advancement of the universe in his palm is relatively simple. The supernatural power that is fused is the golden light of the earth realized from the six-winged golden cicada. The time is not used, and it is just enough at this time.

And he has no shortage of Xuan Jing, the Xuan Jing on his body has been added and subtracted several times, and now there are as many as eighty-two pieces left.

Lu Chen took a deep breath, reached out and tapped lightly:


Twenty mysterious crystals disappeared out of thin air, and the palm of Lu Chen's left hand erupted with bright light. First, the golden light shone, and then the colorful light alternated.

After a long time, all the light faded away.

Lu Chen stared at the palm, it was only three inches away, but there seemed to be a vibrant world.

Name]: Lu Chen

Supernatural powers]: The conditions for entry and upgrade of the palm world can be expanded!



Handy World Upgrade Conditions]:

1]: The training method has not been achieved in May!

2]: Twenty profound crystals have been achieved!



Lu Chen breathed a sigh of relief and was overjoyed. The universe in the hand of the small supernatural power has been promoted to the world in the palm of the great supernatural power]. Thousands survived.

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[Left way of longevity, my spells can be upgraded indefinitely]【】

Even more powerful.

This small world can exist for a long time and does not require mana to maintain.


Lu Chen sighed with emotion, continued to look at the light curtain, and stretched out his hand to count:




Deadwood slough upgrade conditions]:

1]: The training method in March has been achieved!

2]: Five mysterious crystals have been achieved!


[Conditions for upgrading the Seal of Sleeping Curse]:

1]: The training method in March has been achieved!

2]: Five mysterious crystals have been achieved!


Conditions for Canopy Mantra upgrade]:

1]: The training method in March has been achieved!

2]: Five mysterious crystals have been achieved!


Name]: Lu Chen

Supernatural powers]: Withered wood sloughing entry can be upgraded! +; The introduction of the Seal of Sleeping Curse can be upgraded! +; Canopy spell entry can be upgraded! +





Fifteen profound crystals were consumed, and the three small supernatural powers were successively upgraded to proficiency], each of which increased in power. As for the great supernatural power, two-sleeved green dragon and the small supernatural power, Jianyuan Xingdou, they were still far behind the level of practice progress.

"Oh no!"

"My lord, a big guy is coming after me."



Lu Chen was comprehending the power of various magical powers in the reincarnation pool, when a shout suddenly came from outside, he walked out of Hades Hall, and saw the seductress and the patrolling envoy floating towards this side with a group of dozens of people, all of them wearing They were handcuffed and shambling, and their bodies were full of death, and some people were still entangled with scarlet resentment.

At first glance, it is not a normal death.

The ghost judge Mu Rong, who was wearing a Xiezhi crown, had already stepped forward to meet Lu Chen, and shouted softly:

"What happened to the panic?"

The ecstasy envoy hastened to report:

"Reporting to my lord, just now I was pressing these people to pass by the Nie Shui Longtan. Suddenly, a guy broke free from the shackles, absorbed a lot of dead energy in the Longtan, and turned into a fierce ghost. I couldn't resist it, so I was chased by it. Right behind right behind."

"woo woo woo"

As soon as the Ecstasy Envoy finished speaking, he saw the dark wind whimpering at the border of the underworld, and a huge monster squeezed out of the thick black mist.

Green-faced fangs.


The entanglement of death and resentment in the body, the flickering of the will-o'-the-wisp and the dark wind, looked extremely terrifying. The whole body was more than ten meters high, like a terrifying ghost.

name]: ghost

Information]: Tier 2 Specter



With a growl, the ghost reached out and grabbed the chained dead soul.

"Bold and fierce!"

Mu Rong was not afraid, she shouted coquettishly, held the underworld seal at her waist with her left hand, waved her right hand at the ghost, and saw the dark energy from all directions in the underworld instantly gathered, turning into a half-meter-thick chain, Wrapped around Li Gui's neck, strangling him tightly.


Li Gui roared and struggled, the chains on his body rattled, Mu Rong's face turned red, and she yelled:

"What the **** is wrong!"

"Tap Tat Tat"

"Law of Law"

A group of eight ghost messengers rushed out of the Hades Palace, wearing soap robes, tall hats, and holding mourning sticks in their hands. Another two ghost messengers came riding from a distance on black horses. He also stopped his movements, and the twelve ghost messengers stretched out their hands at the Li Gui at the same time, and the ghost aura on their bodies turned into chains to wrap around the Li Gui.

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[Left way of longevity, my spells can be upgraded indefinitely]【】


However, Li Gui was too aggressive, and the chain was torn apart as soon as his claws were pulled.

Mu Rong's face changed slightly, and she stretched out her hand to make a move. Two strong dead energy flew from the Reincarnation Pond, which turned into chains and entangled Li Gui's claws and feet, preventing him from struggling. Mu Rong immediately ordered:

"Call me!"



The ghost messengers obeyed, and rushed forward one after another, beckoning Li Gui's legs and body with the mourning stick in his hand, with a "bang bang" sound, dispelling the dead energy and resentment.


The ghost lion also rushed over from a distance with two ghost babies, and with a pounce, it turned into a black shadow and landed on Li Gui's back. Li Gui gnawed on his arm.


Li Gui howled, and the death energy in his body continued to dissipate, and his body shrank accordingly. In a short while, Li Gui, who was more than ten meters tall, was only more than three meters tall.

"Copy it for me!"


The ghost messenger obeyed, and quickly fetched a pair of specially-made locks, which locked the Li Gui's limbs. At this point, the vicious second-level Li Gui couldn't resist anymore, and was pushed into the judge's mansion by a group of ghost servants.

Mu Rong felt relieved, walked quickly to Lu Chen's side, and said anxiously:

"My lord, how am I doing?"

"not bad!"

Lu Chen praised, and stretched out his hand to straighten the crooked Xiezhi crown on the opponent's head. Mu Rong immediately burst into a smile from the heart, looking extremely happy, and said a few words to Lu Chen, and hurried to the judge's mansion for trial .

Lu Chen stretched out his hand and the ecstasy immediately stepped forward, saying respectfully:

"Master of the Underworld!"

Lu Chen asked suspiciously: "Why are so many people arrested this time? Where did they come from?"

"Back to Mingzhu, these are all from a small mountain village in the south. Hundreds of people in the whole village were boiled. The younger ones were late, and only thirty-seven dead souls were picked out in total. reward."

As he said that, the ecstasy showed a regretful expression.

After more than two months of adaptation, the spirits of the ecstasy and patrollers became more and more sound, and even the fangs and green faces on their faces were restrained.

Lu Chen was thoughtful, and urged:

"Don't hook the living!"

"Little one understands!"

The soul ecstasy nodded and bowed, Lu Chen waved his hand:



The soul ecstasy breathed a sigh of relief, and quickly floated into the Hades Hall. Today, the Hades Hall has expanded a lot. In addition to the original Reincarnation Pool] and the Judge's Mansion, there are two new buildings, namely the Punishment Division] and the Officer Hall] .

The Department of Punishment is the place where evil is punished.

There are often big villains who are tortured here.

The officer's office is the place where the ghost messengers, seductive messengers, and parade envoys work and live. As for the ten ghost messengers, they are actually not outsiders. Two of the ghost messengers are riding horses. The man came from Yefang City, and was recruited by Murong himself after the trial.

Lu Chen did not leave in a hurry, because he had a hunch that there would be a big change in this underworld today.

With the end of Mu Rong's trial.

One by one, the dead souls were thrown into the blood fountain one after another. The scarlet blood fountain gradually turned black. As the last second-order ghost crawled out of the blood spring, the whole **** was shaken, and the border began to expand wildly.

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[Left Dao spells are infinitely upgraded]【】

two hundred feet...

three hundred feet...

five hundred feet...

It didn't stop until it had a radius of one thousand feet, and the Pluto body also grew in the afterbirth.


Lu Chen let out a breath and said with emotion:

"A radius of six miles is not small!"

At this time, Mu Rong ran out from Hades Hall, shouting excitedly:

"Guanzhu, Yin veins... Yin veins are coming out!"

As soon as the words fell, a stream of water overflowed from the black blood spring in the reincarnation pool, meandering outwards, passing through the reincarnation pool, breaking through the palace of the king of hell, and quickly flowing to the outside world. "Boom" flows into the distance.


"Out of the water, out of the water!


"Law of Law"

"Woohoo! Woohoo!"


People howled and animals screamed, and all the people in the underworld cheered and jumped for joy. They ran from all corners, chasing the Yin River. From time to time, some people jumped into the river and had a drink. It was crazy and lively!

"Sweet water!"

"Lord of the Underworld, pray! Pray!"


Lu Chen was also happy, and took Mu Rong into the Hades Palace. The ghost messengers were also beaming. The ecstasy and patrol envoys were quietly promoted to the second rank. When Lu Chen walked into the reincarnation pool, he saw a man in a black heavy A's figure bent and knelt down, like a tin can, more than two meters tall, carrying a heavy whip, it was the second-level ghost just now.

name]: ghost

Information]: Second-level ghost general
