MTL - Immortality: My Spell Upgrades Infinitely-Chapter 233 See also 7 elegance and 5 vulgarity, and then step up to Xuxian Mountain

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[Left way of longevity, my spells can be upgraded indefinitely]【】

Fortunately, Lu and Chen are also very human, and they are not afraid. Wu Shan Duoduo frowned slightly, and said in surprise:

"What is this?"

【Name】: Corpse Puppet

[Information]: Tier 2 Bronze Armored Corpse


"Corpse puppet, a second-tier bronze armored corpse."

"Can corpse puppets talk?"

"It's kind of weird."

Lu Chen saw that the eyes of the bronze armored corpse had a hint of spirituality, and murmured:

"It seems to be enlightened."

The two were talking to themselves, and the bronze-armored corpse sank and floated to the shore. It looked at the two with beseeching eyes, and said again:

"Can I have a piece?"

Lu Chen picked up the beef as if about to throw it into the water, but the other party immediately said:

"Can you feed me?"


Lu Chen nodded lightly, handed Qingmiao Xianyin to Wu Shan Duoduo to take care of, took the beef to the river, knelt down, and reached out to feed the bronze armored corpse. The bronze armored corpse flashed a smug look, but did not eat the beef, but He jumped out of the water suddenly, opened his mouth and bit Lu Shen's head.


As a result, just as he opened his mouth, a sword star pierced into the opponent's mouth, piercing through it in an instant.


The bronze-armored corpse fell into the river and was submerged in the torrential river in the blink of an eye. Lu Chen put away the sword star, walked back to the campfire as if nothing had happened, and said calmly:

"Spiritual intelligence is very limited, like an eight or nine-year-old child at most."

Wu Shan Duoduo said strangely:

"How can a corpse puppet have intelligence?"

"This is unknown."

"The corpse nest seems to be in the upper reaches of the Akutagawa River. Did it float over from the corpse nest?"


Lu Chen raised his forehead, shook his head again and said:

"Don't think too much, it's late at night, and it's time for us to rest."


Wu Shan Duoduo blushed, handed the green seedling fairy sound to Lu Chen, let the secret land fall by the bonfire, followed Lu Chen into the fertile field of sweet rain, threw the leftover beef into the water tank, and entered the manna garden together.



A dragon's head slowly emerged from the water tank, opened its mouth wide, and swallowed the beef in one gulp. Then the dragon roared, and with a flick of its tail, it dived into the water again, splashing a few splashes.

In the Ganlu Garden, Lu Chen sent the sleeping Qingmiao Xianyin back to the bedroom, and visited Lu Yaoyao who hadn't woken up with Wu Shan Duoduo. They sat by the bed and chatted for a while before they returned to the bedroom.

The door was closed.

The curtains are drawn.

Candles blown out.

The curtain falls.

The spacious big bed began to shake again, creaking and creaking, and accompanied by a long and soft chant echoing around the Ganlu Garden.


On the bank of the Akutagawa River, a red-skinned [Jiangnu] crawled out of the water.

Get on all fours.

The long tail flicked.

Staggeringly, it crawled towards the extinguished bonfire. It licked the broken meat on the ground with its tongue and sniffed it with its collapsed nose. After walking around the bonfire twice, it suddenly found a turquoise bead on the ground.


Jiang Nu picked up the beads with his paws, and crawled into the Jiechuan River with a strange smile.


Just after entering the water, the river surface suddenly swelled violently, a huge monster rushed out from the water, opened its ferocious mouth, swallowed Jiang Nu and the beads in one gulp, and quickly dived into the water.

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[Left way of longevity, my spells can be upgraded indefinitely]【】


In the nectar garden, Lu Chen stopped his movements suddenly, and Wu Shan Duoduo opened his bewitched eyes, tremblingly said:

"What... what's wrong?"

"Good thing!"

Lu Chen grinned, and began to steer and row the boat again, without stopping for a long time.


"Winter Dongdong~~"

In the early morning of the second day, Madam White Snake went straight into the Manna Garden and knocked on the door. Lu Chen put on his clothes, walked out with Wu Shan Duoduo and Qingmiao Xianyin, and asked:

"What's wrong?"

"Look, Lord!"

Madam White Snake pointed to the sky, her expression slightly panicked. When the three of them looked up, they saw that the blue sky and white sun had never appeared, and the sky in the secret realm was red, and it was still wriggling slightly, like flesh and blood.

"How is this going?"

"Don't panic!"

Lu Chen's expression remained unchanged, and he explained:

"Last night, I sensed that the secret realm was swallowed by a spirit beast. The scenery above is what it looks like outside the secret realm. It should be in the stomach of a spirit beast."

"Eat by a spirit beast..."

The three women looked at each other, and Madam White Snake mused thoughtfully:

"It seems that the body is not small."


Judging from what Lu Chen sensed last night, this should be a python, and its strength is probably at the second level. As for what kind of spirit beast it is, I don't know.

"Want to kill?"


Lu Chen nodded, and lightly patted his shoulder. The green dragon on his left shoulder came alive and turned into an arm. The dragon roared and flew up into the sky, appearing in the outside world out of thin air. Stomach sac.

Blood splashed everywhere, and the scene above shook violently.


The green dragon burst out and appeared in a cave, surrounded by a giant python, which was no less than ten feet in size, with a huge body and bluish-white scales.


Just as the giant python was about to bite, with the green dragon's roar, its raised head suddenly prostrated itself on the ground.

Wu Shan Duoduo said in surprise:

"Azure dragon has dragon power?"


"Then why doesn't this giant python dare to resist?"

"Go out and have a look."

With a wave of Lu Chen's hand, the four of them appeared in the cave out of thin air. He took the secret realm spit out by Qinglong and put it in his arms. Then he turned his gaze to the giant python beside him, and a light curtain appeared.

【Name】: Spirit Beast

[Information]: Second-order Immortal Python


Qingmiao Xianyin said in surprise:

"There's no water here?"

"Look, Lord, there are still a few caves outside. Hey, why do these caves look like they were opened by monks?"

Lu Chen and Wu Shan Duoduo looked at each other, and suddenly said:

"This is the monk's cave!"

"I also understand that this giant python should be a spiritual pet raised by a monk. It has spirituality. I know that Qinglong is powerful and I am far behind, so I dare not act rashly."

The four of you said something to each other, as if the [Youxian Python] beside you didn't exist.

"Let's go and have a look."

Lu Chen beckoned, and led the three of them to the outside room. After exiting the cave, they entered another space. Everyone's eyes lit up, and it was indeed a monk's cave.

Stone tables and chairs are complete.

The stone basin and bench are neat and tidy.

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[Left way of longevity, my spells can be upgraded indefinitely]【】

He turned his head and looked behind him, and saw a small plaque hanging on the stone gate, with the words "Spiritual Cage Courtyard" written on it, it was a place to feed spiritual pets, and the place where they were standing at the moment was relatively large, it should be the living room, The name is Ya, called "Yueyuetai". In addition, there are four other places, namely:

"Herb Hall!"

"Fei Mengxuan!"

"Reminiscence Pavilion!"

"Listen to Yuzhai!"

Lu Chen stretched out his hand to wipe it, and a faint trace of dust appeared on the stone table. He pondered, "No one has been here for at least five years. The owner of this cave should have died outside."


Wu Shan Duoduo deeply agreed, and said:

"There is an acre of spiritual fields in the Baicao Hall, and there is no elixir in it. It should be the big python that ate it all."

"I picked this up at Feimengxuan."

Qingmiao Xianyin walked over quickly, and handed a simple book to Lu Chen. Lu Chen took it, and saw three characters written on the book:

"Manna Sutra!"

Wu Shan Duoduo was puzzled and said:

"Is this also one of the seven elegance and five vulgarities?"


Lu Chen nodded with a smile and explained:

"To be precise, it should be one of the Seven Elegances. The [Manna Sutra] is actually the tea ceremony. If there is no accident, you should drink spiritual tea to practice this scripture. It happens that we have five [Golden Camellia Trees], and the spiritual tea is not worrying, and This name is the same as our Ganlu Garden, so it can be regarded as fate, and when you become vertical magic masters, you can also practice."

Three people are talking.

Madam White Snake also came out from [Yizhen Pavilion] and said:

"Guanzhu, the Yizhen Pavilion is a study room, and there are many classics in it."


Lu Chen frowned, put away the Manna Sutra, and immediately led the three of them into the study room. After searching, he found that there were only ordinary books here.

Or Taoist scriptures.

Or a travel book.

Or an all-time classic.

Or miscellaneous books of unofficial history.

Lu Chen was not disappointed either, he moved thousands of books into Ganlin Bieyuan, and then the four of them entered [Tingyuxuan] together. It was dripping from above, and a piece of futon was floating on the water.

【Name】: Lingshui

[Information]: Tier 2 Ordinary Spiritual Water


【Name】: magic weapon

[Information]: First-order clean futon


The four of them stood at the door, Wu Shan Duoduo turned to look at Lu Chen, and said happily: "The aura here is very strong, there should be water spirit veins, isn't the spirit spring down there?"


Lu Chen shook his head. He has mana, and he can sense it more clearly than Wu Shan Duoduo. He pointed to the top of the cave and explained:

"Both the spirit vein and the spirit spring are on it."


Wu Shan Duoduo was stunned, looked at the cracks in the rocks that were dripping water above her eyes, and sighed:

"This man's method of opening up the cave is not bad."

"It's really strange!"

Lu Chen nodded, and took out [Hao Yin Han Mountain] among the five treasured mountains. Mrs. White Snake glanced carefully, and said hesitantly:

"Will this cave collapse if the spirit veins are drawn? Should we avoid it first?"

"No problem!"

Lu Chen waved his hand. At the beginning, he used the pulse-shifting talisman to extract the spiritual veins, which led to the collapse of the cave. It was because the pulse-shifting talisman could not be controlled, so he had to forcibly extract it. And this treasure mountain has already been refined by him. Naturally, there won't be much commotion.

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[Left way of longevity, my spells can be upgraded indefinitely]【】


With a light throw by Lu Chen, Haoyin Hanshan flew to the bottom of the cave, trembled slightly, a white light shone slightly on the mountain, and a water-like dragon shadow came out of the crack, and instantly sank into the treasure mountain.

I saw the cave shaking slightly.

Then return to normal.


With a casual move by Lu Chen, Baoshan fell back into the palm of his hand. He sensed it and said disappointedly:

"It's just a first-order water spirit vein."

"It's not bad."

Wu Shan Duoduo rolled her pretty eyes and said:

"The first-order water spirit veins are enough to support the daily practice of a second-level vertical magic master. It is a chance to get this one, just like the flower guardian, who doesn't even have a first-level spirit vein, and the outside world is not enough. Stone to practice."

"Yes Yes!"

Lu Chen smiled awkwardly, put away the treasure mountain, and led the three of them out of Tingyuzhai.

"Do you want to visit Baicaotang again?"

"No need, and there is no elixir. At most, it is a first-level spiritual field. It is not very useful. We have two second-level spiritual veins, and we will soon open up a second-level spiritual field. Let's go to the spirit cage courtyard."

"Do you want to subdue that big python?"

"Try it."

Lu Chen nodded, and they returned to the Lingcage Yard together.

After a while, he came out again, and Youxian Mang still stayed inside. Youxian Mang was spiritual and afraid of death, but he still refused Lu Chen's solicitation. Lu Chen was not too surprised about this, because once the spirit beast was willing Acknowledge the master, and seldom betray him. Even if the master dies, he will still never forget it.

If Lu Chen forced it, You Xianmang would save his life.

Maybe rely on him.

However, Lu Chen has already gained a lot here. Not only did he get a [Manna Sutra], but he also took away a first-order water spirit vein. He didn't want to do things too badly, so he never forced him. Pythons can't reproduce with animal fruit, so it doesn't mean much to Lu Chen.

"Let's go!"

The four of them walked out of the Lingcage Courtyard, stepped out of the cave, walked out of the inviting platform, walked along a corridor, and soon came to the entrance of the cave.

"Is it a formation?"

Lu Chen was a little surprised, and didn't see any signs of formations operating in the cave.

Qingmiao Xianyin's eyes lit up, pointing to the ground:

"Look at the ground."

Lu Chen looked down and saw three shiny beads inlaid side by side on the stone surface inside the cave. He looked up again and saw three of the same beads on top of his head.

【Name】: magic weapon

[Information]: First-order water-repelling beads


"Six water-proof beads!"

Lu Chen's spirit was shaken, a little surprised, Wu Shan Duoduo said in surprise:

"This is called a water-proof bead?"

"Yes, it's a first-order magic weapon."

After Lu Chen explained, Qingmiao Xianyin eagerly said:

"How many can you pick out?"

"Try it."

"I come!"

Qingmiao Xianyin stepped forward and was about to squat down to try, when a white light suddenly shot out from the water curtain outside the cave, piercing Qingmiao Xianyin.

"Be careful!"

Wu Shan Duoduo exclaimed, and Lu Chen threw Qingyun Sword with his hands.

"Prickly edge~~"

The white light collided with the Qingyun sword, sparks burst out, the white light was blocked, and it was about to retreat back to the water curtain, and the Qingyun sword immediately entangled with it, making a "jingling" sound.

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[Left way of longevity, my spells can be upgraded indefinitely]【】

Lu Chen protected Qingmiao Xianyin behind him.

Finally, I saw the white light clearly.

It was a small snake, its whole body was like white jade, but it had a pair of wings on its back, at most one foot long, its body was extremely hard, not much inferior to Qingyun Sword, and it was extremely ferocious.

【Name】: Spirit Beast

[Information]: Tier 2 Feathered Serpent



Lu Chen pinched the sword seal with his hand, and the small supernatural power [Jian Yuan Xing Dou] was instantly displayed, and the half-foot-long Qingyun sword suddenly swelled up to several times.


The Feathered Snake let out a sharp neigh, and struggled for a long time before it became silent.



Lu Chen put away the feathered snake's body, intending to feed it to Qingjiao, and dug out four first-order water-repellent beads, each of whom gave one, and then walked out of the cave together. The four of them held the water-proof beads in their hands, forming a A huge empty bubble without water, Lu Chen turned around and looked back, and saw a larger plaque hanging outside the cave, and the words on it could be vaguely seen:

"Qingbo Water Mansion!"

Wu Shan Duoduo was puzzled and said:

"That feathered snake was guarding the gate just now?"


Lu Chen nodded without thinking too much, and urged:

"Let's go!"


Not long after, the group of four flew out of the Jiechuan River smoothly, and Mrs. White Snake returned to the secret realm. The three of them rode on Ta Yan Wu Zou and continued to rush to Buxu Xianshan. The journey was calm until they finally arrived at the foot of the mountain at noon.

"This is Buxu Immortal Mountain?"

Qingmiao Xianyin in Lu Chen's arms showed shock, looking up at the towering mountain peak, it felt much higher than Tai Sui Mountain.

"The law of the law~~"

Lu Chen reined in the reins and said with a smile:

"Actually, it's not much different from Tai Sui Xianshan, you just haven't been close to Tai Sui Xianshan."


Qingmiao Xianyin asked thoughtfully:

"Are we going to climb a mountain later?"


"Then...then I may not be able to climb up."

Lu Chen grinned and said with a smile:

"I'll carry you on my back later."

"Then...then I'd better enter the secret realm, so as not to drag you down."


Lu Chen shook his head and comforted him:

"There are fairy patterns on this fairy mountain. Although you can't use mana after climbing the mountain, there are some opportunities. At least I know the location of a third-level [kongling spring water]. It's good to be with Dodo, by the way, we can let Bai Susu try it later."


Qingmiao Xianyin responded, and Wu Shan Duoduo asked:

"Can you ask Ah Man and A Luo to try it too?"


Aman and Aluo are half of Wushan Duoduo's disciples, and they are also candidates for the next generation of Zuma of the Wushan tribe. They are currently practicing [Hook Python Swallowing the Sky Map], and they hope to transform into [魑恶猎蛋], if they can drink the ethereal spring water , Lu Chen is naturally happy to see it succeed.

The three were talking.

Lu Chen glanced ahead, and suddenly saw an acquaintance, and he saw the real Tianmu was kneeling at the foot of the mountain, with his head down, and his whole body was lonely.

Lu Chen got off his horse, stepped forward, and asked:

"Why is the real person kneeling here?"

The real Tianmu raised his head and looked at Lu Chen. He didn't answer, but said in surprise:

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[Left way of longevity, my spells can be upgraded indefinitely]【】

"How did you come?"

Lu Chen didn't intend to hide it, UU Reading said calmly:

"The catastrophe is approaching, I want to find a place to stay on the fairy mountain."

"Do you know the news of the catastrophe?"


Master Tianmu looked complicated, shook his head and said:

"This step of Xuxian Mountain is the place run by [Yunxiao Sect]. Outsiders can visit it. If you want to live for a long time, it may not be easy. The old man advises you to give up this plan and find another way out."

Lu Chen was noncommittal, and took the opportunity to ask:

"Why not?"

"How can you allow others to sleep soundly on the side of the couch!"


Lu Chen frowned slightly, and pondered:

"Then what about your Tianmu sect?"


Tianmu Daoist's breath stagnated, and he said sullenly:

"When the catastrophe comes, the Tianmu sect will naturally be able to settle down in Xianshan."

"And why?"

"Our Tianmu Sect is originally a branch of the Yunxiao Sect. We came from the same sect, so there is no need to see outsiders."

"That's it..."

Lu Chen was stunned, no wonder the Tianmu sect could get the support of the Yunxiao sect, and he didn't think too much about it. He still planned to meet with Daoist Qingxu first. He didn't believe that with his worth, he couldn't get a place to stay. So asked:

"Why does the real person kneel here?"

Immortal Tianmu's complexion changed, and he said in a muffled voice:

"I beg Daojun, the old man, to be the master!"

Lu Chen knew in his heart that the real Tianmu still seemed reluctant to be the suzerain of the Tianmu sect. He lost to Taoist Qianmu and wanted to let Taoist Qingxu uphold justice. He didn't say any more and started to prepare for the mountaineering.