MTL - Immortality: My Spell Upgrades Infinitely-Chapter 192 Killing the Faceless Monk, Lin Jiuqiao Mountain

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"The stone girl..."

Lu Chen's eyes flashed, and he waved to Lou Xiaoqian:

"come over!"

Lou Xiaoqian's pretty face was rosy, and she guessed Lu Chen's plan. She was a little embarrassed for a moment, she hesitated, waved the maids around to retreat, and closed the door herself, then stretched her slender hand to the ribbon around her waist, Apart from the costumes, he walked up to Lu Chen step by step in a close-fitting small coat.

Lu Chen sat up straight, stretched out his hand, and the other party's little clothes fell off.


Lou Xiaoqian screamed, and quickly covered the tight parts of her upper body with her slender hands, her face was flushed, and she stomped her delicate feet lightly, and said shyly:

"Really, it's down there~~"

"I'm afraid of blocking my view..."

Lu Chen didn't change his face, and waited until he took off the other party's trousers, then he looked at it seriously, and thought to himself:


Lou Xiaoqian simply closed her eyes, not daring to open them. When Lu Chen stretched out her big hand, the other person's whole body trembled slightly. Lu Chen raised his head and asked:

"Does it hurt?"

" doesn't hurt!"

"Has it been painless?"


Lou Xiaoqian shook her head lightly and explained:

"When I was young, I also saw Langzhong. The doctor said that there will be blood accumulation pain in the future, and he will not live long. When I grow up, the abdominal pain is indeed getting worse day by day. However, since I practiced, the symptoms have been relieved a lot. The faint pain was no longer obvious last time."


Lu Chen nodded slightly, and said seriously: "When you become an immortal master and gain mana, this symptom will disappear, but I'm afraid it will be difficult for you to experience the beauty of men and women in this life."

"Xiaoqian...Xiaoqiao doesn't ask for that..."

"It's good that you understand."

Lu Chen helped the other party put on his clothes and pants, and told him:

"Don't marry in the future!"


Lou Xiaoqian nodded solemnly, her voice was a bit miserable, and she said seriously: "From now on... from now on, Xiaoqian will devote herself to the Taoism, like Lan Po, and devote herself to Goddess Cult!"

"it is good!"

"Boom boom boom~~"

Just as Lu Chen raised his eyebrows, there was a knock on the door outside the room. Lou Xiaoqian hurriedly put on her costume, and then heard the sound of grinning laughter outside the door.

"Benefactor, the little monk is here again~~"

"Pretending to be a ghost!"

Lu Chen snorted coldly, flicked his sleeves, and released powerful magic power. He opened the door in an instant, and saw a figure in black monk clothes standing outside the door. The white cloth on his head had been torn off, revealing a disgusting scene .

The other party's ears and nose were cut off, the mouth and eyes were sewn together, and the facial features on the face disappeared completely, leaving only ugly scars.

"The Faceless Monk!"

Lou Xiaoqian was startled, and quickly hid behind Lu Chen. Lu Chen got up, stepped to the door, frowned and said:

"What an ugly thing, are you here to scare people?"


The Faceless Monk shook his head and clasped his hands together:

"The little monk is just here to ask for alms!"

"Then get entangled, wanting to ruin the family and have nowhere to go? What are you doing like this for?"


The Faceless Monk proclaimed the Buddha's name, and said in a compassionate voice:

"In order to save the benefactor from the sea of ​​suffering as soon as possible, become a member of my faceless monk and enjoy the great purity of the world."

"It's something without skin!"

Lu Chen's face turned cold, and he sneered and said:

"Since you are asking for alms, I will give it to you, it depends on whether you can take it!"

The words fell, and with a wave of the sleeve robe, Yuanci Black Mountain appeared out of nowhere in mid-air, and fell on the faceless monk. The faceless monk was startled by Lu Chen's method, and was about to cast a spell, but saw a black light flashing on the mountain , the little spiritual energy that had just gathered collapsed in an instant.


The Faceless Monk screamed in horror, his stitched mouth burst open, blood flowed, and he raised his hands high, subconsciously wanting to lift Montenegro.



The arm was broken, and with a muffled sound, it was directly smashed into meatloaf.

"Is this the amount of patience?"

Lu Chen pursed his lips and beckoned to put away Yuanci Heishan. He took a few steps forward and pulled out a dark golden bowl from the ground. It was the size of a palm and looked like a magic weapon.

【Name】: magic weapon

[Information]: First-order Nayuan Bowl, ten cubic spaces


"It's still a magic weapon for storage."

Lu Chen was a little surprised. He stretched out his hand to caress the Nayuan Bowl, directly erasing the imprint left by the Faceless Monk on it. He turned the bowl over and poured out a lot of things.

Except for a few spiritual sands, most of them are vulgar objects, mostly gold and silver utensils, and pasta.

Lu Chen picked up the spirit sand and ordered:

"Let someone clean up."


Lou Xiaoqian, who looked terrified, nodded quickly, and said a few words to the maid who was hiding aside. The maid ran out in a hurry, and quickly called a group of female guards. While the guards were handling the corpse, Lou Xiaoqian said worriedly:

"Really, the Faceless Monk is very difficult to deal with. Now that one of them is dead, the other Faceless Monks will definitely not let it go. They will come to you tomorrow at the latest."

Lu Chen was noncommittal and asked:

"There are many faceless monks in Yefang City?"

"There were not many in the past, only one or two appeared occasionally, but now there are dozens of them on every street, at least dozens of them. What is the real person going to do?"

"What else can I do, kill them all!"

Lu Chen put away the alms bowl, stretched out his hands, two green snakes protruded from his sleeves, without needing to tell, they went away with a "whoosh" and disappeared. Seeing that it was getting late, he said aloud:

"Let's clean up the Faceless Monk in the city tonight, and I'll go to Jiuqiao Mountain tomorrow morning to have a look."


With that said, Lu Chen yawned, turned around and walked towards the room.

"Master, Yaoyao go to warm the bed~~"

Lu Yaoyao hurriedly jumped out, jumped over Lu Chen, and ran in. Lou Xiaoqian had a complex expression on her face, and closed the door with her own hands. She waited for the yard to be cleaned up before going out. Just after leaving the gate, she saw Lan Po was looking outside the courtyard gate, when she saw her coming, her face darkened, she frowned and said:

"How did you come out?"

With a thin face, Lou Xiaoqian said coyly:

"The real person is going to sleep."

"You, you~~"

Lan Podun took the crutch in Dunn's hand, and she hated iron for being weak. She waved her hand to let the surrounding guards disperse, and said earnestly: "The old woman was not good-looking when she was young, and she couldn't meet her lover. Living alone, with no one to support me, I have been struggling for a lifetime, I don’t know how many detours I have taken, and now the real person is in front of me, Xiaoqian, you have to seize the opportunity!"

Lou Xiaoqian lowered her head, blushed, and muttered:

"Grandma, but...but she is a stone girl~~"

"What happened to the stone girl?"

Lan Po trembled angrily, slammed down her crutches, and scolded:

"There are a lot of healthy women in the world, but how many real people are there? Have you ever looked at it with your own eyes? You are born in the blessings and don't know the blessings. Although the old woman doesn't know what the real people come to us in Yefang City, you know that you are a goddess. Master Xiang, the opportunity is in front of you. If you can become a real person's confidant, not to mention the three realms, then the immortal master of the law is still within your reach. After tonight, maybe you won't be able to see it tomorrow, alas~~ Come with you!"

Lan Po let out a long sigh, and walked away angrily, even throwing her crutches on the ground.


Lou Xiaoqian looked complicated, and sat down in front of the threshold with her knees folded, her face struggling. After a while, she turned and walked into the courtyard, walking back step by step.


The door opened and closed again, Lou Xiaoqian unbuttoned her long dress, put on a small coat, hugged her slender arms, and approached the bedroom little by little under the dim light.

"A real person~~"

Feeling uneasy, Lou Xiaoqian called softly, but there was no response. She mustered up her courage and walked in. Under the candlelight, Lu Chen was lying on his back on the couch with his eyes closed, breathing evenly.

As if asleep.

She came to the couch step by step, just when she was at a loss, a small head suddenly popped out from under the brocade quilt, Lu Yaoyao rubbed her mouth, her eyes lit up, she quickly grabbed Lou Xiaoqian's arm, with a bitter face road:

"Sister, can you help a group of monsters?"


Before Lou Xiaoqian could react, she was dragged under the brocade quilt by Lu Yaoyao, and a faint voice came out.

"Yes, exactly!"

"Very good, very good, when you have yang energy, Yaoyao will share some of your benefits~~"


In the middle of the night, the two green snakes returned and slipped quietly under the bed. Lou Xiaoqian crept out of the brocade quilt, walked out of the room, and turned back quickly. Lu Chen opened his eyes, stretched out his hand to pull him into his arms, and asked :

"Who did you go to see just now?"

"It's Lan Po!"

Lou Xiaoqian's face was twilight, and she explained in a low voice: "Lady Lan called me just now, saying that two big pythons had entered the yard and disappeared in the blink of an eye. Don't worry, I came here to ask."

Lu Chen understood, and comforted him:

"That's my supernatural power, no need to make a fuss!"


Lou Xiaoqian seemed to understand but didn't understand, and she didn't dare to ask any more questions. Just as she was about to slip into the brocade quilt, Lu Chen pulled her back again, caressing the other's smooth, jet-black hair, and looking at the other's bright and loving eyes, He chuckled and said:

"Stop busy, go to sleep!"


Lou Xiaoqian's face was full of red, and she leaned gently in Lu Chen's arms. At this moment, she felt an inexplicable peace of mind. She looked up at Lu Chen, and murmured:

"Real people seem to be different."

"What's different?"

"Everyone says that the real person of the three realms should be an expert who does not eat the fireworks of the world, but the real person seems to be different."


Lu Chen chuckled lightly, and said leisurely: "The fireworks in the world are the most soothing to the hearts of mortals. Real people are not immortals, but human beings. How can they not eat the fireworks in the world? Even the Taoist Lord can't do this. People don't seem to be interested."

After speaking, Lu Chen stretched out his big hand and asked:

"have a feeling?"

Lou Xiaoqian lowered her head lightly, her voice was like a mosquito:

"Yes... yes!"

"It's good to have..."


Early the next morning, Lu Yaoyao was lying in bed, and the two walked out of the room. Like Lou Xiaoqian's daughter-in-law, she stretched out her slender hand and grabbed the corner of Lu Chen's clothes:

"A real person..."

Lu Chen turned around, took the other's little hand, and said with a smile:

"Change your name."


Lou Xiaoqian nodded lightly, opened her mouth slightly, and called out:

"Lu...Lu Lang~"

"it is good!"

Lu Chen smiled, and said: "You are the incense master of the Goddess Cult, and you are in charge of a city for me. You can't lose your majesty. You can still call me Daoist in front of people, and call me like that when there is no one else."


Lou Xiaoqian felt sweetness in her heart, she nodded seriously, and asked:

"Lu Lang is leaving today?"

"Go to Jiuqiao Mountain first. If there are no accidents, we will continue to go north."

Just as they were talking, two green snakes swam out of the room, opened their mouths to spit out, one after another, dark golden bowls flew out of their mouths, and landed on the ground one after another. There are dozens of Nayuan Bowls.

Lou Xiaoqian said in surprise:

"How come there are so many?"

"These two green snakes searched the entire Yefang City last night. All the faceless monks who stayed in the city were basically swallowed alive by them. There are not many left. These Nayuan Bowls are all spoils of war."

"How does Lu Lang plan to deal with it?"

"I used my power to erase the mark on it, please ask someone to tidy up the things inside, it's useless to me."


Lou Xiaoqian nodded and walked out quickly.

Lu Chen took the opportunity to erase the mark on it, dumped the contents on the open space, filling the entire small courtyard, then collected the Nayuan Bowl, and released the purple jade flying boat with a wave.

When Lou Xiaoqian came back, the two stepped onto the flying boat side by side.

"Master, wait for me~~"


Just as the flying boat was lifted into the air, Lu Yaoyao rushed out of the room, spread her wings behind her back, her Taoist robe was shattered, caught up with the flying boat in an instant, and threw herself into Lu Chen's arms, completely naked.

Lu Chen's breathing was stagnant, and his expression was serious:

"What does it look like!"

"Yaoyao knows it's wrong~"

Lu Yaoyao stuck out her little tongue and rubbed back and forth in Lu Chen's arms, which made him lose his temper instantly. Lu Chen was a little depressed, and carried him into the cabin. too fit.

Lou Xiaoqian saw everything in her eyes and said in surprise:

"Lu Lang, is she really a demon?"


Lu Chen nodded and said distressedly:

"It's a hardened little fairy, very annoying."

"Hee hee~~"

Lou Xiaoqian covered her mouth and chuckled, and suggested: "When I come back, I'll ask someone to order some blouses that fit her. Although Yefang City is small, a few sets of clothes can be produced in a hurry. I can't wrong her too much. .”


The two of them were talking, and the Ziyu flying boat flew all the way to the south, and after a while, it saw the towering Jiuqiao Mountain in the distance, and soon flew to the front, only to see that there was no vegetation on Jiuqiao Mountain, it was pitch black, and the ten-year It's the same as before.

Lou Xiaoqian said in surprise:

"Is this the lair of the Faceless Monk?"


Lu Chen's said eloquently: "This mountain is very strange. Its last owner was an old red-browed ghost who committed evil in Yefang City. After I got rid of it, a young monk from Fengxian Town After taking over this mountain, the man was originally named Huang Meier, and later called himself "Faceless", so he should be the first Faceless Monk."

After finishing speaking, Lu Chen ordered the Ziyu flying boat to stop in the air. He mustered his magic power and shouted:





The rumbling sound echoed on Jiuqiao Mountain, and a faint cave entrance appeared silently on the top of the mountain.

"Tap Tat ~ ~"

A figure wearing a white monk's robe walked out of it, with no mouth, no nose, no face, no eyes, and the whole head was also bald, like a white eggshell, which was very strange.

The six-eyed Bodhisattva could not see the other party's message, but Lu Chen knew that this person was the former Huang Mei'er. Over ten years later, the other party had grown a lot taller, but the dull aura remained unchanged.

Faceless stopped, stood on the top of the mountain and folded his palms together towards Lu Chen, a voice came from the mountain:

"Where is the benefactor?"

"Yefang City!"

"Where is the donor going?"

"Looking for you!"

A voice of mercy echoes:

"Amitabha, the sea of ​​suffering is boundless, and the donor is getting deeper and deeper. Why don't you go astray and return, and enjoy the purity!"

"How to clean?"

"Just put it down!"

Sitting cross-legged on the top of the mountain, Wumian sighed, "Put down the eyes, put down the mouth, put down the mouth, put down the ears, put down the nose, put down life, and also put down death~~~"

The voice echoed faintly, and Faceless seemed to be integrated with Jiuqiao Mountain.

