MTL - Immortality: My Spell Upgrades Infinitely-Chapter 182 ??Giant and Crystal White Deer

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"That's Yingguang!"

"That's Youhuo!"

Hua Baixue stood on Lu Chen's shoulder, pointing her slender fingers to the air, and then pointing everywhere. The fluorescent light is green light, dotted in the air like fireflies, and the dark fire is a dark red flame, like candlelight.

Swaying with the wind.

Float around.

But he has no interest in the vegetation in the jungle, and even if he touches it, he won't ignite it.

Lu Chen raised his feet and walked in. The nine-meter-high figure seemed extremely exaggerated. Some trees were not as tall as his shoulders. Of course, there were many taller than him. When he stopped, he saw the fluorescent light from the sky falling towards him. Come, the surrounding fire is approaching him.

"What a weird place!"

Lu Chen stretched out his big hand, touched a bright light with his fingers, his fingertips were slightly numb, and a small green light spot appeared on it, he rubbed it vigorously, but he couldn't remove it.

Hua Baixue explained:

"The glow can't be removed, and the dark fire can't be extinguished. As long as it touches it, it will always stick to the body. Earlier, it was said that there was a cold spring in this prison. Bathing in it can eliminate them. Unfortunately, that The cold spring has already dried up, and only when you leave the prison, will the glow and the ghost fire cease to exist."

"What a weird thing!"

Lu Chen frowned slightly, and walked quickly, only to see Yingguang and Youhuo dodge him.

As if alive!

"It is said that the bodies of the creatures burned to death by the fluorescent light and the ghostly fire will explode directly when they die, and turn into more fluorescent lights and ghostly fires. Some people say that this is a curse, while others say that this is the divine beast Taiyin ghost. I don't know if Ying's supernatural powers are true or not."

[name]: foreign body



[name]: foreign body

【Information】:Ghost fire


Lu Chen shook his head, strode forward, Yu Linglong on his shoulder pointed to the right, and said:

"Look there!"

Lu Chen turned his head to look, and saw a black leopard looking at him vigilantly. Seeing his gaze, the black leopard's body trembled suddenly, and quickly turned around and fled to the depths of the bush. There were a lot of green light and red fire on the other side , no less than dozens of places, and a sleeping cub lying on its back.

"It's so weird!"

"Huniu follows!"

Lu Chen didn't delay any longer, and called out the Huniu who was shaking her head behind her, and continued to stride forward. What she saw along the way was really strange, such as walking and sleeping beasts, insects parasitic on large creatures, and legless animals. Birds, even though they are very ferocious, can face Lu Chen, a huge monster.

You can escape as far as you can.

Lu Chen went on a rampage all the way, and he didn't meet a single living person, but he met many bones.

Running aimlessly for three days in a row, without sleep, but without getting anything, Yu Linglong was even more worried. Standing on her jade feet, holding a brocade handkerchief, she and Hua Baixue helped Lu Chen wipe the sweat from his forehead, and said distressedly:

"Are you tired?"


Lu Chen smiled and comforted him:

"My Pluto body is not simple, not to mention three days, even three months without sleep and rest."

"But this is always not the way."

"Don't think too much about it. This Nether Shadow Prison is only a little bigger. It doesn't take half a month to walk through it. No matter what happens, there will be a result."


Yu Linglong nodded, and the worry on her face eased a little. Lu Chen looked at Hu Niu who was following, and found that although Hu Niu could persist, she was also a lot tired. He opened his arms and said with a smile:

"Huniu, come into my arms."


Hu Niu nodded her big head, and stopped being brave, restrained her minions, and threw herself into Lu Chen's arms. The three-meter-high body was not a drag on the Pluto's body. Lu Chen was about to continue running when a voice came.


Looking down, I saw Meng Yao's big dazed eyes poking out from the hair on Hu Niu's head. Her small face was a little dazed. Because Lu Chen had been cultivating with Qing He some time ago, the bored Meng Yao simply chose to sleep. That's a few days.

"Yaoyao is awake?"


Meng Yao nodded her head, quickly climbed onto Lu Chen's head, looked around with big eyes, and said doubtfully:

"Brother, where is this?"

"Youying Prison!"

Lu Chen smiled, and while running, he helped Meng Yao explain. The two of them asked and answered each other. Even if it was a naive question, he would explain it patiently. The two girls on his shoulders listened silently without interrupting, because they understood, Even though Lu Chen has many Taoist couples, but Ming wife... only Meng Yao!

After Lu Chen finished explaining, Meng Yao lay on top of Lu Chen's head, resting her cheeks with her small hands, watching the scenery passing by with great interest, and then called out her two ear-reporting spirits.

Make a small face.

Start talking.

Lu Chen ran for a while, his expression moved slightly, and he stopped suddenly.

Yu Linglong was surprised and said:

"What's wrong, Lu Chen?"


Lu Chen shook his head and called out:

"Come out too!"

As the voice fell, two scurrying ghosts came out from the bottom of Lu Chen's feet, carried Lu Chen on his back, and went away quickly. Even though the speed was not as fast as his full speed, it was not too slow. Lu Chen grinned and said:

"I'll save my energy too!"


In the blink of an eye, half a day later, Lu Chen came to a red leaf forest, the surroundings were bustling, and Meng Yao, who was above her head, suddenly said, "Brother, there is some movement."

With a thought, the two speeding ghosts immediately slowed down. Lu Chen asked:



Meng Yao glanced at the ear-reporting spirit in front of her, and the ear-reporting spirit quickly pointed to the front right. Lu Chen nodded slightly, and drove the two speeding ghosts to float forward, passing through the red leaf forest, and a black bamboo forest appeared in front of him. Seeing a figure clinging to the black bamboo, he quickly fled to the distance.

The hands and feet are nimble, and the speed is extremely fast. Although it is in the shape of a human, it looks like a wild beast between leaps and bounds.

Lu Chen frowned and said:

"Is that the savage you said?"


Hua Baixue nodded and explained:

"They are all descendants left by the predecessors. After a few generations, they are no different from wild animals. They can't even speak. They only know how to drink blood."

"let it go!"

Lu Chen didn't chase after him, and was about to turn around and leave when the two eared spirits suddenly shouted loudly:

"The old man is not good, a monster is coming, it's so big!"


The black bamboo forest swayed, and a huge figure poked its head out of it, with two eyes, a nose, earthy brown skin, rustic, and its head was the size of a millstone, it was actually a giant.

【Name】: Heterogeneous

[Information]: The second-order Yin (yín) giant



The giant Yin stared at Lu Chen, who was nine meters tall, and slowly squeezed out from the black bamboo forest. His upper body was covered with mud, and a piece of animal skin was wrapped around his waist. His hands and feet were about six meters tall. However, he was still shorter than Lu Chen. a lot.

"Bang bang!"

"Ho Ho~~"

The Yin giant hangs its chest and growls at Lu Chen. Behind him in the bamboo forest, savages appear one by one, lying on the ground, or climbing bamboo, with disheveled hair and naked clothes. They surround the Yin giant, grinning at Lu Chen, as if they want to Lu Chen was scared away.

"what is this?"

"Yan Giant!"

Lu Chen replied, and asked:

"You haven't heard of it either?"


Hua Baixue shook her head, puzzled and said:

"I have never heard of such a giant creature in the dungeon before."

"That would be strange."

Lu Chen frowned, and muttered: "These savages seem to be dominated by the Yin giant, and, have you noticed that Yingguang and Youhuo don't approach the Yin giant."


"It seems to be true!"

Several people were amazed, Yu Linglong said:

"Then what to do?"

"This giant is at the second level, and its strength should not be weak. Even if I am not afraid, there are many restrictions in this ghost prison, but there is no need to fight with it, and you are by my side, so there must be no mistakes."

The two women were moved.

As Lu Chen said, he backed away slowly, all the way into the red leaf forest behind him.


Several savages howled and forced them up, and drove Lu Chen to the depths of the red leaf forest before they began to retreat. As soon as the savages left, Lu Chen followed up secretly. Although he was huge and eye-catching, there were two The ear report spirit is alert, but it is not easy to be discovered.

Lu Chen hid in the red leaf forest and looked around secretly, but Meng Yao was eager to try, but Lu Chen didn't stop him. After a few warnings, Meng Yao shouldered the pocket-sized lifeless sickle, and quietly leaned up with her two eared spirits.

After a while, Meng Yao returned and said in a crisp voice:

"Brother, that giant is sleeping, the savages are digging this thing up, it's hard~"

The little hand spread out, revealing a small black thing.

"Black bamboo shoots?"

"It should satisfy your hunger."


Lu Chen nodded, kept the speeding ghosts under his feet in circles, and waited silently. After a long time, the Yin giant finally woke up, howled, and led a dozen wild men out of the black bamboo forest, all the way to the distance, Lu Chen, relying on the ear spirit to point out, was far behind him.

After walking for a long time, the Yin giant brought the savages to a hill and began to climb the mountain.

Lu Chen, who was behind, looked from afar and was shocked.

I saw densely packed caves on the hill, many savages were drilling in and out, and on the hill, there was a colorful, crystal-like castle, shining in the dark, as if Fairy tale world.

And the glowing light and ghostly fire all around, just surrounded it, never approached.

"A castle?"

Lu Chen was very surprised and asked:

"How can there be a castle in this ghost prison?"

"I do not know either!"

Hua Baixue shook her head, frowned and said: "Besides, this castle seems to be able to prevent Yingguang and Youhuo from approaching. It's really strange that even the savages below got this shelter and shelter!"


Lu Chen sighed with emotion and muttered:

"I don't know who lives in this castle, is it a human or a different kind?"

Yu Linglong on her shoulder said:

"I didn't meet anyone all the way, Lu Chen, do you think the people from our Love Sect are in the castle?"



Lu Chen looked out of the hill and saw the dozen or so savages scattered and entered different caves on the hill, while the giant Yin entered the castle with many black bamboo shoots in his arms.

Waited for a while.

The savage no longer went in and out of the cave, and seemed to be resting in the cave. Lu Chen approached the hill cautiously, but he didn't find any vigilant savage guards.




As soon as he got close to the hill, waves of ecstasy sounded from different caves, wave after wave like a tide, endlessly, Meng Yao tilted his little head, half understanding, Yu Linglong and Hua Baixue blushed Turning his face, Lu Chen touched his nose and muttered:

"Life is so monotonous, and among the savages, I am afraid that these are the only wild things."


Yu Linglong glared at Lu Chen, her face turned even redder.

Lu Chen smiled and began to climb the mountain quietly. The hill was only tens of meters high, and before he got close to the castle, he saw two giant guards who were dozing against the city gate. It was really snoring.

【Name】: Heterogeneous

[Information]: Tier 1 giant


"Fortunately, it's only the first order!"

Lu Chen heaved a sigh of relief. If they were all at the second level like the Yin giant he saw before, he really didn't dare to break through with his Pluto body. He looked down at his nine-meter-high body, even if he was The two first-order goalkeepers are still difficult to enter.

"what to do?"

Lu Chen was a little worried, Hua Baixue hesitated and said:

"Why don't you wait outside first, and Linglong and I go in to explore. Over the past few days, although our mana has dissipated a lot, there is still some, and we should be able to protect ourselves."


Lu Chen shook his head, You Ying was struggling to cast spells, and even an immortal master was not much better than ordinary people, so how could he rest assured.

"Brother, let Yaoyao go?"


Lu Chen vetoed the eager Meng Yao again.

What is going on in this castle, no one knows, Meng Yao's mind is not complete, it would be bad if she gets stuck in it, after thinking about it, she still thinks it is more appropriate to use the body.

First, the goal is small.

Secondly, even if it is difficult to cast spells, the main body still has a strength of 70,000 to 80,000 catties, so even if you meet a second-order Yin giant, you may not lose. Besides, in case of an emergency, you can use the Pluto body to fight against the enemy.

"Are you my giant too?"

Just as Lu Chen was about to reveal his body, a clear and ethereal voice suddenly came from the Lu Chen's body froze, and when he looked up, he saw a slender figure appearing on the top of the castle at some point.

This figure is extremely tall, nearly seven meters.

The lower body is a deer.

The upper body is human.

She has a human head and a deer body, and she is still a woman, resembling a centaur from her previous life. Her body is as crystal white as jade, as if carved out of colored glass. , do not cover an inch of clothing, especially the things in front of you.

The stalwart, the sacred, the beauty is suffocating.


There is also a pair of crystal antlers on the head, which is really beautiful.

【Name】: Heterogeneous

[Information]: Tier 3 Crystal White Deer


"Are you my giant?"

Seeing that Lu Chen was silent, Jing Bailu asked again.

"Third order..."

Lu Chen lamented in his heart, even if he revealed his true body and used the suppressive Taoism [Jiu Xiao Kong Jue Zhan] in this gloomy prison, he might not be able to defeat him, so he bowed his head slightly:


"you are lying!"


Jing Bailu's eyes were burning, and she easily exposed Lu Chen's lies, making Lu Chen tense and speechless for a while, she asked again:

"Would you like to be my giant?"


"You lied again!"


Jingbailu gently twitched the corners of her lips, with a captivating smile on her face, she didn't seem to intend to do anything, she seemed to be happy to see Lu Chen's embarrassment, her eyes were from Huniu, Hua Baixue, Yu Linglong and Meng Yao Scanning over his body, he asked again:

"Are you a foreigner?"
