MTL - Immortal Wife Can’t Be Provoked-Chapter 34 Check in Qingfu

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Although Zhang is already the mother of two children, she is only thirty years old now. At the age of eighteen, she became a close friend of her husband, Qinglong, who gave birth to Qingyue (Jiang Xiaoyue) that year. Today, Jiang Xiaoyue is just twelve years younger. Is n’t that Zhang just over thirty? If this age is the age of marriage on earth.

Jiang Xiaoyue secretly said that if she left the earth, Zhang could rely on her, and she could feel relieved. This Qingyun is a good choice, but there will be time in the future, she still needs to observe carefully, after all, that is a lifelong event for her mother-in-law.

If others know Jiang Xiaoyue's thoughts, they will certainly laugh and laugh. This is how old the child is, and his marriage has not yet been settled, he will worry about his own mother.

Qingyun clapped her hands. A row of girls dressed as maids and older wives followed him to Zhang's and others. "Mrs, miss, the room has been arranged."

Qinghe shouted happily: "Uncle Yun"

Qingyun nodded kindly.

Jiang Xiaoyue looked at the maidservants with their heads down with satisfaction.

I did not expect that although the Xuan continent was a world of fantasy and cultivation, it was otherwise similar to their ancient life. Although this is a world that respects martial arts and pursues immortality, it is only the pursuit of a small number of people, most of whom still live ordinary lives. So it's not uncommon for a mother-in-law to have something.

The crowd hugged Jiang Xiaoyue and others into the house.

When she came in the morning, she didn't take a good look at the environment. At this time, she had time to take a good look at the layout here.

Entering the gate is a long stone road with lush trees on both sides of the road, beside the trees are a bunch of colorful flowers, and there is a living room. There are pillars of white marble in the corners of the living room. It is made of white stone bricks, white jade orchids bloom beautifully between white stones, and a green ground curtain is swaying in the wind. Standing in this ten-meter-high building, Jiang Xiaoyue's mind emerges with two words: luxurious.

Unexpectedly, this young man Ye lived such a luxurious life, but the luxury was luxurious, but it seemed very tacky, and the whole house exuded a breath of upstarts.

When entering the lobby, most of them stopped and only Qingyun and several others followed.

"Master, mother, Xiaohe, you go to the backyard first, and you will live in which room you like. When I take care of the house again, you can pick another one you like," Jiang Xiaoyue smiled and said.

"Miss is right, these things should be rearranged, ma'am, should you take a break and drink some tea or just go to the room now?" Qingyun asked with a smile.

Zhang smiled gently, "Well, you don't need tea, Brother Yun, please take us to the backyard first."

Qinghe clapped her hands happily. "Going to a new house!"

Xiao Lao was sitting there and refused to move. "Old man, I live the same everywhere, so I don't have to choose"

Jiang Xiaoyue grinned, "Oh ... Master, I don't know you yet, okay, then Niang and Xiaohe go first, right, Uncle Yun, you have to stay, I have to ask about the Qinglong Gang". She looked at the people standing in the hall.

"Sun Er, you take your wife first."

Sun Er nodded flattered, and took Zhang and Qinghe to the backyard.

"Uncle Yun, we can start." Jiang Xiaoyue took the tea cup on the table and took a small sip.

Qingyun stood next to her and said, "It was only five years ago that our Qinglong Gang moved here from Qinglong Town. The foundation is still unstable. When we were in Qinglong Town, our Qinglong Gang was one of the best. Later, it can only be regarded as a small gang, and its strength is similar to some small and medium-sized families. The affiliated families are also some small gangs that are not influential. Moreover, the brutal behavior of Qing Er in these years has also attracted many residents' dissatisfaction, The Qinglong Gang is not as good as the day. When the former master was still alive, the Qinglong Gang relied on darts for people. Today, the reputation of the Qinglong Gang is not as good as before, and there is no business. Now the Qinglong Gang relies on those few. Stores and a Zhuangzi to make ends meet "

"Stop ..." Jiang Xiaoyue felt a little bit distorted when she heard this. She had thought that she had received a good gang of money, but after listening to Qingyun's description, she felt that she was in a mess.

"You just need to say, how many assets does Qinglong Gang have?" Jiang Xiaoyue said slowly.

Qingyun paused and thought for a while before returning: "If you discount both the shop and Zhuangzi, there should be three amethysts."

Hearing this, Jiang Xiaoyue's face was almost twisted. She said uncertainly, "Are you sure there are only three amethysts?" No, no, a dignified gang, how could there be only that little money?

Qingyun recalculated after listening to Jiang Xiaoyue's words, this time seriously said: "Should not be three amethysts"

Hearing Jiang Xiaoyue's tears here, she knew more than that.

"But there are definitely two amethysts," Qingyun added.

"Well ..." Jiang Xiaoyue seemed to hear the sound of glass breaking.

She really received a mess, what is the reason for accepting Qinglong's help, but also to support such a large group of people.

Jiang Xiaoyue sat upright and took a big sip of tea and said, "Well, what shops are there for Qinglong? How many dartists and how many women are there?"

"There are five shops, two of which are rice shops, one is a grocery shop, one is a silk shop, and one is a gold shop."

The gold here doesn't seem to be as scarce as the earth and cannot be used as currency, but the ladies and ladies here like to use gold to make jewelry, so there is also a gold shop here.

Qingyun looked at Jiang Xiaoyue's look, and saw Jiang Xiaoyue's face not change, so he continued to say: "There are still 120 dart masters, 15 aunts, and three mother-in-laws in the Fuchu." He did not say that there were two hundred dart masters who had dispersed because of the death of the second grandpa. They were unwilling to follow the orphans and widows of Zhang's family. The remaining brothers are sincere to the helper and are willing to follow the helper's descendants.

The five extra girls were recruited by him today. After all, there were female dependents in the gang, and it was not convenient for them to follow without any girls.

Jiang Xiaoyue nodded, "Well, you will give me the book of the shop in a while, we will go to the best shop in the lot together"

Qingyun said, "Okay, I'll send it to you in a while. The location of Jinpu is on Changqin Street. The location there should be the best."

Changqin Road? Isn't that the street where the Pavilion is located. Hehe, I did not expect that there are really good shops. I just don't know what the area of ​​the gold shop is.

"Miss, why don't you take a break first and I will take you to Jinpu in the evening. It is usually lively at night," Qingyun suggested.

Jiang Xiaoyue thought about it and thought it would be good to go at night. She happened to be able to rest. After all, she didn't rest all night, and she was really tired.

She led by a girl to the backyard, and the layout of the backyard surprised her. This house looks small outside, but it is unexpected but there is no cave, the backyard will be so wide.

From the front hall to the backyard, you need to cross a lake, and in the center of the lake there is a pavilion with jade carvings. The lake is full of dense lotus leaves. If it is summer, it will surely produce many slim lotus flowers.

There are five small courtyards in the backyard, namely Yulan Pavilion, Feiyu Pavilion, Yueyang Pavilion, Longteng Pavilion, and Moxiang Pavilion. This month, Yang Pavilion is where Guan Qinghe was before.

Zhang chose Moxiang Pavilion, Qinghe chose Yulan Pavilion, she chose Yueyang Pavilion, and Longteng Pavilion was left to her master.

All the items in the room were changed by the person ordered by Qingyun, and the quilt mattresses were also new, even though the furnishings still looked tacky.

But at this time, she could not care about this. She was already stunned. She took off the black makeup on her face and fell asleep as soon as she touched the bed.

In the dream, she returned to her grandfather, who gave her a kind face to make her favorite Longjing tea.

But the dream was always a dream, and suddenly a big monster appeared in the dream, and she grabbed grandpa, and she woke up from the dream.

It was almost dusk when waking up. A ray of dark yellow sunlight hit the end of the bed through the screen, and she looked up at a plate of jasmine under the window.

"Hehe ... I didn't expect to put a pot of jasmine here, it looks good."

Hearing the movement, a girl-in-law knocked on the door gently.

"Miss, do you want slaves to come in and wait for you?" The maid's voice was confucian, which sounded particularly comfortable.

Jiang Xiaoyue stretched out and said lazily, "Well ... come in"

Hongxiu gently opened the door and walked in with a light lotus step.

When seeing the girl leaning on the bed, Hongxiu could not help but stay.

The young lady leaning on the bed, black silk was scattered casually on her shoulders. Yesterday's black face had a fair skin like jade, and the white tenderness was mixed with the ruddy just after waking up, plus that a little hazy Phoenix eyes look extraordinarily charming. Looking down, she even saw the fair-skinned skin on the young lady's shoulder, and her ears turned red.

I didn't expect that the young lady who came to Japan just yesterday was so beautiful and beautiful today!

Jiang Xiaoyue looked at the girl standing blankly at the door with a sleepy eye and asked, "What's wrong?"

After hearing the words of the young lady, the girl's feet slipped. The young lady's voice was so soft and awkward that she felt numb all over her body. If it was heard by other men, it would be fine.

In fact, Jiang Xiaoyue was startled by herself. Why did her voice become so soft, listening to me, I hated it!

Seeing that the girl-in-law was also scared by her voice, Jiang Xiaoyue coughed slightly, "cough ...", she intentionally thickened her throat and said, "What's your name?" Well, it sounds better, she said secretly.