MTL - Immortal Fate of Longevity: Starting From Taking Care of Daoist Brothers, Wife and Daughter-Chapter 317 : Conceive the flower essence, seize the old demon

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The little purple beast has a huge harvest.

Xia Changge's harvest is not small.

The abilities of all aspects of the body have been improved.

What Xia Changge did before was the ultimate body training, which made Xia Changge's physical body extremely powerful.

But again... there are a few minor downsides.

For example, the body is extraordinarily 'stiff'.

Xia Changge felt that if he continued like that, there would still be a lot of hidden dangers.

With the intake of these herbal essences, those small disadvantages and hidden dangers seem to have been alleviated.

Xia Changge's body has become no different from that of ordinary people.

But the strength of the physical body has not changed because of this.

In addition, the Leihuo Xiaoshu in Xia Changge's body has also undergone considerable changes.

Before this, Lei Huo Xiaoshu was just an incorporeal body.

This was experimented by Xia Changge.

Although it has always existed in Xia Changge's body, Xia Changge can't do anything about it at all.

It cannot be called actively.

It can be accompanied by Xia Changge's intake of'life force'.

This little Leihuo tree, it seems... also began to have life in a real sense, and gradually had a real feeling.

Xia Changge felt that as long as the Leihuo Xiaoshu had a real entity, maybe he could control it?

This made Xia Changge fall into deep thought.

Is Lei Huo Xiaoshu... an innate spirit treasure? Or... companion treasure?

That's all Xia Changge's cognition, and I learned it from other places.

But obviously, it doesn't look like it.

Xiantian Lingbao is born congenitally.

The accompanying treasure should be present at birth, right?

Leihuo Xiaoshu didn't meet the requirements, and it was Xia Changge's coincidence that it took root in his body.

Weizai Weizai ah!

Xia Changge just stopped after satisfying the little purple beast's intake of these golden elixirs, and there were only a dozen little monsters.

He returned to "his" little secluded collar and obediently lurks.

Xia Changge wanted to see if his recent little movement would attract the attention of others.

Nervous and nervous, two months passed.

No matter whether it was Xia Changge who pretended to be 'Youhua Langjun', or whether he had a few little monsters in private, no one noticed.

Everything seemed very peaceful.

This made Xia Changge more courageous, and he began to take new actions.

He learned that there are no monks in the realm of transforming gods near Huangtaoyu.

Most of the cultivators in the Divine Transformation Realm in the Ancestral Continent seem to be cultivating near the 'Sacred Tree of Source Spirit'.

The source spirit holy tree is definitely not ordinary.

This is a true sky-reaching technique, and it is afraid that it can implicate half of the Holy Ancestor Continent.

If you don't change form, you want to ascend to the upper realm...

The ascension channel is not that big!

As for the transformation, it is impossible for the Holy Tree of Origin Spirit to leave.

If she leaves, there will be huge turmoil in the holy ancestor world.

This kind of real world tree seems to be implicated in this small world and is inseparable.

It's just a pity that with Mr. Youhua's knowledge, he didn't give Xia Changge any clues about the spiritual roots of the holy ancestor world.

"Since it's all right, I'm about to start."

Xia Changge felt like he had come to a...orchard.

Xia Changge can choose and taste the food here at will.

And it's free!

Such a feeling, great!

For the next period of time, Xia Changge carefully refreshed the wild spirits outside.

"The more the spirit absorbs, the more my aura becomes more like a purebred spirit."

One year down.

Xia Changge's cultivation didn't improve much.

The main reason is that in this place, Xia Changge did not dare to break through his cultivation easily, he was a different kind.

If anything goes wrong at that time, Xia Changge will be in great trouble.

After a year, Xia Changge only basically alleviated his physical disadvantages.

In terms of body training in the future, Xia Changge can do as he pleases.

If he could always have these pure life essences from the Tianyuan Realm to help him practice, Xia Changge felt that he could go a long way on the road of body training.

Xia Changge estimates that what he has gained this year can increase his overall strength by about 20%, this is not a joke.

You know, during this period of time, what Xia Changge devoured was only Jindan level spirits.

Maybe it's really because these spirits can't follow suit, very few of them can reach the Nascent Soul Realm level.

Xia Changge wandered around the nearby small territories for several times, and didn't come across a single monster at the Nascent Soul level.

In order to avoid too much commotion, Xia Changge stopped in time after his practice reached saturation, and continued to plunder supplies without greed.

There is ample time!

Anything that is absorbed in a certain amount is fine.

Taking too much can also cause side effects.

If Xia Changge hunts down spirits in the future, he will mainly keep them in the space ring.

Keep it for future practice, or prepare some for your family members.

A hundred or so spirits at the Golden Core level made Xia Changge's Thunder Fire Tree condense to about one-twentieth of a solid entity.

This made Xia Changge clear that he still had a long way to go.

After stopping, what Xia Changge has to do is to cultivate some so-called 'spirits' in the last few years.

Because it's time for many small lords in Huangtao Domain to hand over the results of the Yijiazi mission.

Xia Changge doesn't have the 'Human Medicine' that has reached the golden core level, so he can only use more elves to replace the missions.

When Xia Changge was cultivating elves, he was also quietly observing how these elves transformed into forms.

In Tianyuan Realm, it was not that Xia Changge did not cultivate these ordinary plants.

For example, the 'Five-Color Yuanling Tree' that has been cultivated for more than 10,000 years.

Xia Changge insisted on giving it so much cultivation, reaching the level of ten thousand years!

But the five-color primordial spirit tree doesn't even have a simple spiritual wisdom, not to mention turning into a demon! Purely a tree!

If Xia Changge understands how these spirits take shape, he can study hard.

In this way, some spiritual plants in his family became spirits and monsters, serving the children of his family.

Or arrange a few such little monsters for your own manor and cave, and have some artificial intelligence.

Xia Changge's recent personality has changed a lot compared to the spirits outside.

In their eyes, this lord is simply a different person.

Of course, they didn't think too much, after all, the Holy Ancestor Continent has been stable for tens of thousands of years.

The enslaved human race is naturally happy that "Mr. Youhua" is more stable.

And those goblins under Mr. Youhua didn't think Mr. Youhua would be taken away.

Everything seemed quite normal.

Xia Changge didn't worry too much, and there were only a few years left.

If Xia Changge's plan succeeds in the future, Xia Changge will directly cancel the account of Mr. Youhua Lang, and it will no longer be used.


Xia Changge didn't have any affection for these 'elves'.

It's just that they are purely regarded as tool people to complete their tasks.

After secretly waking up these elves in advance with his longevity zhenqi, Xia Changge just asked the people to take care of them one by one.

But what Xia Changge didn't expect was that maybe this was fate.

He just passed by this kind of elixir called 'Yunlin Flower'.

This Yunlin flower happened to give birth to a 'flower spirit' suddenly.

Palm-sized, it bloomed from the flower bag under Xia Changge's gaze.

It is very small, but it seems to have all internal organs.

It was about the size of Xia Changge's thumb, like a thumb girl, and after calling Xia Changge 'Dad', he stared straight at Xia Changge.

It frightened Xia Changge.

Becoming a father out of thin air! This is it!

"You little guy..."

Xia Changge took this small flower spirit in his hand and checked it.

The newly born flower spirits are all like this, very small.

It is necessary to absorb the power between heaven and earth to strengthen oneself.

In terms of cultivation, it is not far behind a human like Xia Changge.

Even being called dad, can Xia Changge sell this little guy?

Xia Changge is really not that cruel.

That's all... Since it is something that the upper world needs, there must be something unique about her in it.

Xia Changge also raises one himself to see how it is doing.

"Cultivate well, little guy, grow up earlier."

After a little teasing, Xia Changge put the guy back.

This little guy is really too weak, if you tease him a little bit, this guy might fall apart.

When these little guys were just born, they were very fragile.

If it is not well taken care of, or if there is a slight accident, it will disappear immediately.

It is also thanks to Xia Changge that Xia Changge himself has a special power in his body, which is helpful for the growth of this little flower essence.

In addition, Xia Changge deliberately stabilized his strength.

Otherwise, this little flower spirit would have fallen apart long ago.

Let this little guy go back to her 'flower bag' house, Xia Changge went to observe other spirits and elixir.

The little episode just now really made Xia Changge feel a lot happier.

Because this may be his first 'relative' after coming to this holy ancestral world.

The stipulated time is getting closer and closer.

In order to achieve his goal, Xia Changge also made a small thing.

This is the 'true liquid' he condensed based on his long life true energy.

This item is very useful for these grass and wood goblins.

Xia Changge also intends to use this thing to have a good meeting with the old yellow peach demon for a while, to see if he can create an opportunity to contact the old yellow peach demon alone.

What Xia Changge was slightly worried about was that the number of peach blossoms and fruits on the old demon Huangtao was innumerable.

I don't know how many of them have condensed essence, but they haven't grown up and are still attached to it.

If I wiped out that old monster, there would be some commotion in the end.

Those little spirits attached to the old demon...should be able to see it, right?

At that time, if there is a little commotion, wouldn't his plan just fail like this?

"Let's take a look at that time, no... just start from scratch."

Xia Changge made a simple plan.

If the Huangtao old demon can't succeed here, Xia Changge will change people and go to other old demon's territory to have a look.

The extremely crude system of the Holy Ancestor Continent gave Xia Changge too much room to manipulate.

The time has come, Xia Changge has to personally bring the things that need to be paid to Huangtao Old Demon's territory.

There are many things.

Among them, fifty 'spirits' require thousands of people to carry them.

These elves cannot be placed in the space ring, they can only be transported manually.

The elves who have been cultivated for decades and hundreds of years can't even condense the form of flower spirits for a long time, let alone run away with their roots upright.

It can only be uprooted, put on a large magic weapon, and transported slowly.

In addition, there are some resources mined in Xiaoyou collar that have to be sent there.

These resources were all selected by Xia Changge, and they were of little use to Xia Changge himself.

The little purple beast shook its head when it saw these garbage resources, wondering why there are such useless resources in this world.

When leaving Xiaoyou collar, Xia Changge said goodbye to the 'flower spirit' who called her father.

In the past few years, Xia Changge also had some exchanges with this little flower spirit.

This little flower essence relieved Xia Changge's boring feeling of having nothing to do in the past few years.

Originally, Xia Changge planned to never return to this small place after going to Huangtaoyu.

Even Mr. Lian Youhua immediately canceled his account when he ran out of accounts.

But now...he intends to temporarily retain the identity of Mr. You Hua.

After a while, Xia Changge will come back to take a look if there is a chance.

"Wait here for me, understand?"

The little flower spirit that Xia Changge met had also grown a lot in a few years.

From the size of a thumb to the size of Xia Changge's arm, he became a real monster.

The strength is about the same as the sixth level of Qi Refining Realm.

Xia Changge did not use his own means to help this flower spirit grow up faster.

There is no need for that.

Xiaohuajing is only weak to Xia Changge.

Compared with other flower essences, her growth rate is already one of the fastest.

Now this little flower spirit has a huge body, but she can't show her strength.

A monk on the third or fourth floor of the human race's Qi Refining Realm can kill him with a little fireball.

Even dozens of mortals can kill.

This is the limitation of the grass and tree goblins. They grow slowly, have a long development cycle, and are more severely restrained. It is difficult to have any resistance to the fire attribute.

"Well, daddy will go early and come back early."

Xiaohuajing is... still very dependent on Xia Changge.

It might really be because Xia Changge was the first person she saw after she was born.

It is also possible that Xia Changge's aura is also loved by this little flower spirit.

In fact, after the birth of these flower essences, they are still very close to human beings.

Most elves have a great deal of affection for the humans who take care of her.

It's just a pity... There are black hands blocking everything.

Under Xiao Huajing's gaze, Xia Changge slowly left Xiaoyou's collar.

Xia Changge himself... also chose to be carried away by these servants.

It's not that Xia Changge is too harsh and oppresses his own kind.

But when you come to this world, you have to learn to blend in.

If Xia Changge really wanted to travel alone and was seen by other spirits.

Then these people may all be executed, and he will die too.

Because of the rules of the Holy Ancestor Realm, certain aliens are not allowed to be born.

The whole team was advancing very slowly, and in four full months, they were still half a month away from Huangtaoyu.

But on the way, Xia Changge also met a few acquaintances of Lord Youhua.

Among them is the younger sister 'Fairy Yuhua' who was born on the same branch as 'Youhua Langjun'.

In a word, peach blossoms complement each other.

This Fairy Yuhua has the same cultivation base as Youhua Langjun, both of whom are at the peak of the Golden Core Realm.

To be honest, Xia Changge was even surprised by the methods of this Huangtao old demon.

A flower on one's body can give birth to a spirit in the Golden Core Realm!

When will a single hair on Xia Changge's body give birth to a creature in the Golden Core Realm?

Xia Changge is really envious of this method!

Maybe it's because she was originally a peach blossom, but Fairy Yuhua's skin is extraordinarily tender and tender, and her whole body is pink, which has a pure and coquettish meaning.

It's just a pity, after all, it's just a single creature.

It cannot be passed on to the next generation, nor can it enter the Nascent Soul Realm.

After reaching the Golden Core Realm, basically you can only wait to die of old age.

"Sister, do you need my brother to help you and give you a few spirits?"

Xia Changge can be regarded as being benevolent and righteous.

He had indeed killed Fairy Yuhua's elder brother.

Now that Fairy Yuhua has no older brother, Xia Changge should give her a better one.

The relationship between Fairy Yuhua and Mr. Youhua is still very good, otherwise she wouldn't have thought of discussing with this sister to get some elves to supplement her performance.

Fairy Yuhua gave only thirty elves, which just happened to meet the quota.

Xia Changge also thought that if Fairy Yuhua wanted it, he could give a few elves to Fairy Yuhua.

Fairy Yuhua was surprised when she saw Xia Changge's team.

She didn't expect her brother to overfulfill the task this time, it's incredible.

Some time ago, she also found out that her brother was in a bad situation, and she still wanted to help Lord Youhua by herself.

A few years, directly reversed?

Fairy Yuhua, who knew about Xia Changge's situation, said in a low voice: "Brother, since you have the opportunity this time, why don't you keep some of it and let's talk about it in the next Jiazi year?"

No little peach blossom lord can guarantee that he can breed thirty spirits in one year.

So, when paying tribute.

Even if the lords had more than thirty spirits in their hands, they would only offer thirty.

The rest is reserved for the next time, so nothing will go wrong.

Because if you can't complete the task, you will be deprived of the position of the little lord, and you will be recast.

Their duty in life is to provide enough elves for the Yellow Peach Old Demon.

Xia Changge is very frank and natural: "The next Jiazi year will naturally have the next Jiazi year's goods, why be so nervous?"

For a moment, Fairy Yuhua had nothing to say.

After signaling her servant to leave first, she came to Xia Changge and said via voice transmission: "Brother, I don't know if you have a guess that so many brothers and sisters are born from my father every year, but Huang Taoyu But the number of lords has not changed?"

Xia Changge's attitude was not very serious, and he said calmly: "Oh? Is there any problem?"

Fairy Yuhua cautiously replied: "Every time I hand in a large amount of tribute, my father will send away more than 300 little lords on the grounds of sending them to the holy ancestor for cultivation, but I feel something is wrong inside, because In my father's eyes, those big lords are more taken care of by him. If they are sent to the Hundred Flowers Sect, they should be sent first. How could we give small lords like us a chance? So, I have the guts..."

This is not her only guess, but the thought of many peach blossoms.

The original "Youhua Langjun" is also a person who has a very good relationship with her, and she has been a neighbor for sixty years before taking shape.

So at this time, Fairy Yuhua intends to remind 'Youhua Langjun'.

What Fairy Yuhua said surprised Xia Changge.

Why, could it be that the old monster actually swallowed his own children with such an excuse?

After all, these flowers were born from him.

It just takes time and doesn't require much energy.

But if they were allowed to cultivate to the peak of the Golden Core Realm and then retract them into their bodies, that might be ten times, a hundred times the rate of return!

This way of cultivation is too ruthless, right? !

But Xia Changge had to admit that this method was amazing!

"Is that so, how many elves are there to enter the top three hundred? Is my fifty enough?"

Xia Changge never thought that he would have such an opportunity, it's simply amazing.

How that old guy really did this kind of thing is absolutely impossible to be discovered by the remaining guys who haven't been born yet.

So, it was a good opportunity for Xia Changge to do it.

If the Huangtao old demon didn't use such a method.

If it is true that the offspring is sent to the Hundred Flowers Sect, that is naturally better!

Xia Changge should be able to get more by entering the center of the Holy Ancestor Continent with a legal identity.

However, in Xia Changge's view, the former is more likely.

Because the old yellow peach demon chose only the little lord that he bred, not the big lord that came from the fruit.

This difference is very big.

Seeing Xia Changge's 'unresponsive' appearance, Fairy Yuhua felt like she was slapping her big brother.

Why doesn't he understand anything, their father Huangtao Laoyao is not as simple as it seems!

The Yellow Peach Demon might be planning to swallow them up!

Xia Changge was very happy when Fairy Yuhua told herself this.

This is also a kind of caring.

It was Xia Changge who was the first person who cared about him when he arrived in the Holy Ancestral Continent.

The flower essence cultivated by Xia Changge himself... is probably half of it.

It's a pity... the object of caring for oneself is actually caring for another person.

Xia Changge didn't regret killing Mr. Youhua.

After all, this guy has enslaved the human race for so long.

Xia Changge also had a reason to kill him.

There was even a good reason for killing Xia Changge, the old yellow peach demon.

The Huangtao old demon is the "root of evil" in the Huangtao domain, not only enslaving millions of people, Xia Changge can kill him.

Just saying that he did not spare his heirs, Xia Changge felt that he could also do justice for the sky.

"Yuhua, actually I know all of this. Do you think that every time you hand in these elves you can pass? Let me tell you, it's impossible. We are just a part of Huangtao old demon. No matter what, the last The ending is nothing more than turning into nourishment under the yellow peach old demon tree. Sooner or later, it is better to wait for death than to... let it go, I am sure, don't worry, if it succeeds, you sister, I will definitely not Will forget it!"

After thinking about it for a while, Xia Changge didn't continue to pretend, and went straight to the showdown.

This Huangtao old demon is really an out-and-out old demon!


Fairy Yuhua really wants to say that you are an egg hitting a rock, it is impossible to succeed, the difference in strength is too great!

But Xia Changge's words made Fairy Yuhua deeply agree.

Instead of sitting still and waiting to die, it is better to really find a way to give it a go.


In the end, Fairy Yuhua also fell silent.

She said nothing.

Because she didn't have the confidence and strength to confront the Huangtao old demon.

Such thoughts are also very normal.

When Xia Changge was in the Golden Core Realm, he never thought of making gestures with the old things in the late Nascent Soul Realm.

Xia Changge and Yuhua Fairy came to the territory of Huangtao Old Demon together.

Seven thousand years old goblin... It's just that the waistline of the tree trunk can only be surrounded by nearly a thousand people with open arms.

This made Xia Changge frowned.

This volume is larger than the spiritual root of heaven and earth with ten thousand years of cultivation.

The spiral wood spirit vine in Biyun Pavilion is also the spirit mother.

Six thousand years of cultivation, plus the roots scattered around the ground, are not necessarily as big as this leafy guy.

In comparison, these peach blossom demons are all tens to hundreds of meters high, but only two meters thick, and these peach blossom demons seem too small.

The fruit that grows on the branches of the yellow peach old demon tree.

Any one of them weighs six or seven hundred catties.

This really strange, it seems that it has really been built into the world of these plant paradises.

There is really no problem with the old yellow peach demon's description of "the world is full of peaches and plums".

There are too many peach blossom demons derived from the old yellow peach demon.

I don't know if some gossip spread among these peach blossom demons, so most of the peach blossom spirits did not choose to show themselves in front of the yellow peach old demon.

The fifty elves contributed by Xia Changge really squeezed into the top three hundred.

Even though it was only ranked in the 280s, it managed to get in.

The rewards that the Huangtao old demon gave them were just like that.

The rain and dew that can improve one's cultivation is condensed by the old demon Huangtao himself.

Using this dew to irrigate those aged plants and trees is likely to help them give birth to wisdom.

And if these peach blossom demons refine themselves, they can improve their cultivation.

Xia Changge only got fifty drops.

Based on the number of spirits he contributed.

When the reward was given, Fairy Yuhua and the others had already left.

Before leaving, Xia Changge could feel that Fairy Yuhua was looking at him all the time.

Is this worry?

After Fairy Yuhua and these irrelevant spirits left, Huangtao Old Demon opened a passage in his huge torso, allowing the three hundred lucky ones to enter.

Xia Changge didn't hesitate, and walked in together.

Don't say that the old yellow peach demon is just a monster in the Nascent Soul Realm.

Even if he was a demon **** in the God Transformation Realm, Xia Changge still had the strength to resist.

After entering the body of the old yellow peach demon, the peach blossom demons including Xia Changge began to refine the yellow peach dew given by the old yellow peach demon.

This is what the Yellow Peach Demon requested.

Xia Changge was just acting for this old yellow peach demon.

He first sucked it in and showed it to the little purple beast.

It's not for the little purple beast to try it for itself to see if it's poisonous or not.

Instead, let the little purple beast see if this thing has any effect on her.

"Daddy, this thing contains a very weak spiritual source of heaven and earth. Although it is said to be inferior, it is still useful!"

The little purple beast's answer was exciting, which also cheered up Xia Changge.

If it works, that's good!

"Don't worry, this old demon will be dealt with later, these are all yours."

Xia Changge felt relieved now, and began to really absorb the yellow peach dew.

Gradually, the two hundred and ninety-nine peach blossom demons present felt something was wrong.

Why... why did they feel more and more hot.

These 'delicate' flower demons are afraid of the high temperature.

"Father, this is... what's going on?"

Many peach blossom spirits began to beg the old yellow peach demon.

Unfortunately, the old demon Huangtao did not respond to this.

After all, the old demon Huangtao, who had done this kind of thing countless times, already had a cold heart.

When these peach blossom essences left him, perhaps they were already destined to have such a result.

"It turned into juice directly..."

The bodies of some peach blossom essences with insufficient cultivation gradually turned into a puddle of pink juice, exuding a seductive aura, which made Xia Changge almost unable to hold back a few sips.

Xia Changge didn't take any action, but let the old monster act like a monster.

"Children, I have given you hundreds of years of wonderful life, it is time to repay your father."

These are the words of comfort in the heart of the old demon Huangtao.

In order to be able to survive forever, Huang Tao Lao Yao had to do this.

All in order to go further.

So what if he said he came from a humble background? As long as he survives the catastrophe of ten thousand years, he can also ascend to the upper realm!

"Huh? What's the matter with this little demon?"

Other peach blossom essences are turned into peach blossom water.

But Xia Changge hasn't changed at! "

After the old guy's consciousness poured in, Xia Changge did it directly, without giving the old guy the slightest chance to react.

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"Ah... what are you!


Huangtao old demon has done this kind of thing dozens of times, and has a lot of experience, and has never had such a problem.

Even other old monsters did such things without any problems.

Therefore, the Yellow Peach Demon had no preparations for this at all.

Xia Changge was nothing more than a flash of thunder.

The huge Nascent Soul of Huangtao Old Demon was instantly locked and swallowed by Xia Changge.

All these things were done in the body of Huangtao Old Demon.

There was no movement at all outside.

"Thousands of years of consciousness... I have to analyze it carefully!"

Xia Changge's current Nascent Soul has not been separated.

In short, when the Nascent Soul of the Huangtao Old Demon was swallowed by Xia Changge.

The huge body of this old demon has also undergone a slight change.

Fell into dead silence.

It's just because the life force contained in the body of the yellow peach old demon is extremely powerful, so it can't be seen for a short time.

After Xia Changge maintained this status quo for a while.

Put your own body completely inside the body of Huangtao Old Demon.

His Nascent Soul controls the body of the Yellow Peach Demon.

This can be regarded as a seizure in another sense.

Xia Changge's Nascent Soul has long been transformed into a deity, and it's not just that he can seize it once.

"It's a pity... Such a good body, if I can have the means of being an avatar, I will be comfortable..."

After Xia Changge's Nascent Soul entered the body of the old Huangtao demon, the body of the old Huangtao demon also regained its vitality, which was no different from before.