MTL - I’m Working As a Renter In An Unfinished Building-Chapter 8 this is my fishing rod

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  Chapter 8 This is my fishing rod

   Chen Abo looked at the bent iron rod in Xiao Yijing's hand, and was dumbfounded.

  This is one of his favorite fishing rods... ah!

  Xiao Yijing's face twitched involuntarily after hearing what he shouted.

  She looked down at the iron rod in her hand and was stunned, "Is this a fishing rod?"

  Seeing the bewildered expression of "I don't study much, don't lie to me" written in her eyes, Granny Liu recovered from the shock and was immediately amused.

   "Ouch! Don't worry about what the old man said! This is an ordinary iron rod! This is the iron rod left over from the house renovation!"

   "No! It's not an ordinary iron rod, it's my precious fishing rod!"

  The old man would not allow his wife to insult his fishing rod, so he poked his neck and shouted, "I catch the most fish with this fishing rod!"

  The old man's fishing skills are not very good, so he likes to toss all kinds of fishing tackle.

  In the words of Grandma Liu—there are so many stationery for poor students!

  Listening to the old man's words, Xiao Yijing was speechless for a moment, then broke the iron rod back again.

   Seeing his fishing rod return to its original straightness, the old man finally came back to his senses, his expression changed greatly, "You, are so strong?!"

  He stuttered.

  Grandma Liu was equally shocked. She even reached for the iron rod, "Yes, it's an iron rod."

  This iron rod is strong!

   Even if you bend it with bare hands, it can still be restored!

  The little girl must have too much strength!

  The old man also rushed over quickly, and took the iron rod over, "This is my fishing rod!"

  He also tried to break it, but the iron rod remained unchanged.

  He looked at Xiao Yijing in shock, "God, you are too strong!"

  Xiao Yijing laughed, "As I said just now, I have great strength! So don't worry about my safety."

   Only then did the old man understand why Xiao Yijing did this, and he exclaimed: "You have such strength, you are really not afraid of danger!"

   Even a man who is 1.8 meters may not have such strength!

   "Yes." Xiao Yijing smiled, "That's why I dare to come and live here. How can I dare to go to Liangshan without twos and threes?"

  Grandma Liu also relaxed, "No wonder!"

   "However, you still have to be careful, if someone else has a knife..."

   "Grandma, can this be used?"

   While she was speaking, Xiao Yijing pointed to a tennis ball in the corner and asked.

  Grandma Liu looked at it, and found that the tennis ball was left by her grandson when she came over.

  She was a little dazed, "It's okay, what do you want to do?"

  Xiao Yijing's answer was to go to the balcony, point to a tree in the distance and say, "I can throw this ball into the basket under the tree."


  The two elderly people squinted their eyes and looked into the distance, and soon saw a dilapidated bamboo basket under a tree ten meters away.

   "Look at it." Xiao Yijing smiled slightly, then raised her hand and threw it away.

  The green tennis ball made a parabola and flew towards the basket.


  The tennis ball fell into the bamboo basket. Because of too much strength, the basket fell down.

   Now, the two old people can see clearly!

   Then, they all gasp!

   "I'll go! Your throwing is too accurate!"

   "With your accuracy and strength, how many points will you score to play basketball!"

   The two old men were amazed.

Xiao Yijing smiled shyly, "My aim is not bad, I will put something next to the bed, if someone comes in with a knife, I will hit him with something first, and the knife in his hand will be smashed away. He didn't With a knife, there is nothing to fear."

  The two nodded repeatedly, "Indeed, if the opponent doesn't have a weapon, he can't hurt you."

  None of them mentioned the issue of firearms, after all, ordinary people basically have no access to such things. Those who can hold this kind of weapon will not come here.

   After Xiao Yijing's demonstration, they all breathed a sigh of relief, and Grandma Liu didn't mention the matter of asking her to move here again.

   "Hurry up and cook!" Granny Liu urged her husband, "It will be too late later!"

  There are no street lights here, it would be too scary if you go back too late.

   They usually won't go out when it's dark.

  They connected to the satellite TV here, and they also have entertainment at night.

  They usually go to bed at 8 or 9 o'clock, and wake up in the morning as soon as the sky is light.

   Chen Abo finally realized that he came in to get meat!

   "Oops, I have to get meat!"

  He slapped his head and hurried to open the refrigerator.

  Because it is inconvenient to shop here, and these elderly people are not used to using online shopping software, so they usually go out once, and they will buy a lot of meat and put it in the refrigerator.

  With the vegetables grown by myself and the chickens raised, life is enough.

  After taking the meat, the old man went in to cook.

  Grandma Liu and Xiao Yijing continued to chat.

   What surprised Grandma Liu was that no matter what she said, Xiao Yijing could keep up a little bit. Although what she said was not very in-depth, she had unique insights!

   "You just graduated from college? Didn't go on to graduate school?"

   "No." Xiao Yijing shook her head, "This is still the most important thing."

   "What kind of work do you plan to do after that?"

   "I haven't thought about it, I just want to live a good life here."

  The old lady disagreed, "Even if you don't work, young people should go out and get to know more people, right?"

   "It's okay, there is internet."

   "Then you live here and don't go out to work, won't you be bored?"

   "No." Xiao Yijing blinked her eyes wide, "I like life here very much."

   Don't have to worry about when there will be danger, don't have to be afraid of death, just live every day with ease, how nice it is!

  Grandma Liu looked at her big pure eyes and didn't know what to say for a while.

   Forget it, stop pointing fingers at young people's lives, anyway, if Xiao Yijing doesn't want to live this kind of life, she can find a job again.

   Anyway, she is still young!

  Grandma Liu is also an open-minded old man. She knew that young people would be unhappy if she talked too much, so she stopped talking about this topic and returned to other things.

   Soon, the fragrance inside wafted out, and Uncle came out with the dishes.

"time to eat!"

  Able cooked three dishes and one soup, all typical home-cooked meals.

  Miscellaneous fish soup, tomato scrambled eggs, beans fried meat, plus a garlic lettuce, the taste is light, very in line with the taste of Cantonese people.

  Abo's craftsmanship is not bad, not as good as the chefs outside, but it is full of home-cooked taste.

   Xiao Yijing gave a thumbs up while eating, and praised, "Abo, your cooking skills are amazing! It's delicious!"

  Abo's face was full of red, "Eat more if it tastes good!"

  Grandma Liu also gave Xiao Yijing food, "Eat more, young people don't talk about losing weight or not, you are already very thin!"

  Xiao Yijing didn't say that she just looks thin, but she has the best physical fitness and can kill tigers with bare hands!

  She is not polite either, she will eat whatever they give her.

   Anyway, no matter how much she eats, she can digest it!

  Finally, the two elderly people were shocked. Although there are not many dishes, the portions are quite a lot! She finished eating? !

  The way they looked at Xiao Yijing changed.

   No wonder the strength is so great!

  (end of this chapter)