MTL - I’m Working As a Renter In An Unfinished Building-Chapter 600 sister is amazing

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  Chapter 600 My sister is very powerful

  These chicken, vegetables and fruits are really delicious, after all, they are carefully prepared.

  However, compared with the ingredients of the villa, there is still a certain gap.

  Xu Liheng's tongue is much sharper now, and he can tell even a little difference, not to mention the big difference between the two.

  Elder Song was still smiling, "How about it, isn't it delicious?"

   "It's delicious." Xu Liheng answered without hesitation.

   It's just that he swallowed "but not as delicious as here".

  He just came here to have a look and have a meal by the way, so it's hard to say these things.

  Elder Song smiled happily, "I'll ask someone to bring over some more, and you can take some back and cook."

   "No need." Xu Liheng immediately refused, "We don't cook for ourselves, we go to the cafeteria to eat, don't waste it."

  He wasn't lying.

   Except for cooking two meals at home when he first moved in, he ate in the cafeteria afterwards.

  The same goes for other residents.

   Before the cafeteria was built, they cooked their own meals.

   But now, no one chooses to cook for themselves.

  The electrical appliances that everyone will use in the kitchen are basically kettles.

  Everyone goes to the canteen for three meals a day.

  The cafeteria has all kinds of delicious food every day, and residents from different places will send some special products from their hometown, and then take them to the cafeteria to make and eat together.

   Hearing what he said, Elder Song didn't force it, "Okay then. If you want to eat, you can come here. I'll prepare more here."

   "Okay." Xu Liheng nodded in response.

   "Eat more now." Elder Song urged again.

   "No, I'm already full." Xu Liheng shook his head, "I can't eat anymore."

   "Okay." Elder Song didn't force it.

  For them, every meal is full enough.

   After eating, Xu Liheng checked Mr. Song's body and left after making sure that there was no problem.

   Song Lao read the newspaper for a while, then took a rest.

   He didn't wake up until there was a sound from downstairs.

   Then he was a little surprised.

  Because of his health, he has not been able to sleep so well for a long time.

  Although there is a lunch break at noon every day, it is a routine.

  After all, rest is better than no rest.

   But unexpectedly, this rest was quite comfortable, he actually fell asleep!

   This place is really special.




   Downstairs came the barking of cats and dogs, as well as the cheering of children.

   Then his bodyguard Dachun scolded, "Don't make noise!"

  Elder Song put on his coat and walked out, and saw several cats and dogs and two children at the door.

  The boy is older, about six or seven years old. Girls are three or four years old.

  Both children are delicate and cute, but their white and tender faces are a bit dirty, and they hold a small basket in their arms. The basket is bright red, which looks like a small tomato.

   "Whose children are you? What are you doing here?" Elder Song walked out.

   "Grandpa, hello! My name is Huanhuan, and I am a child of Cai Shaolan's family. He is brother Xuanxuan, and he is a child of Grandpa Xu's family!"

  The girl stood up, "We're here to visit our new neighbors!"

   Seeing the little girl's serious face, Elder Song was a little surprised, "You guys came to visit your new neighbors? Who told you to come?"

   "We came here by ourselves!" Huanhuan nodded, "The teacher said, we need to say hello to our new neighbors!"

  She also raised the basket in her hand, "I also brought a present!"

  Xuanxuan didn't speak, but nodded, expressing support for his sister's decision.

  Elder Song was amused. This was the first time he met a child who was not afraid of his cold face and was close to him.

  Although he often has a smile on his face, the coldness in his bones is lingering.

  When the children in his family saw him, they would be terrified and silent.

  This Xuanxuan is a little nervous, but this little girl is very bold.

   "Aren't you afraid of me?" Elder Song asked.

   "Why are you afraid of you?" Huanhuan tilted her head in doubt, "Are you a bad person?"

  Elder Song was amused, "You can't tell the bad guys from their faces. Maybe the ones who smile at you are also bad guys?"

   "Then are you a bad guy?"

   Song Lao was taken aback for a moment, then smiled, "I am not. But others may be. You have to pay attention to safety."

   "I know." Huanhuan nodded, "Everyone has taught me to pay attention to bad people. But I know you are definitely not a bad person."

   "Oh? Why? Do you believe what I say so much?" Elder Song asked puzzled.

  This little girl looks weird, and she doesn't look like such a simple and silly child.

   "Because you are from our villa!"

   "Huh?" Elder Song was stunned for a moment, "Why am I not a bad person because I'm from the villa?"

   "Because Sister Jingjing won't let bad guys in!" Huanhuan said confidently.

   "Sister Jingjing?"

   "Well, sister Jingjing is the owner of the villa, she is very powerful!"

  When mentioning Xiao Yijing, Huanhuan's face and eyes were full of admiration, "Sister Jingjing is super powerful, she can beat bad guys!"

  Elder Song hasn't met Xiao Yijing yet, seeing this little girl admire her so much, he couldn't help but be curious, "Has she beaten many bad guys?"

   "That's not true."

   "..." The corner of his mouth twitched, "Then how do you know she will beat bad people?"

   Sure enough, he was a child, and his speech was inconsistent.

   "Sister Jingjing just knows how to beat bad guys!" The little girl looked serious, "No bad guy dares to come in!"

  Even Dachun was amused by her, and couldn't help asking: "What if some bad guys come in?"

   "Then he's finished!" Huanhuan's little face was dark.

  The adults froze for a moment, and then couldn't help laughing.

  They were simply amused by her expression.

  The little girl who is only a few years old can speak clearly, but she has a deep face, which is too cute.

   "What are you laughing at?" Xuanxuan was also anxious, "Huanhuan is right, Sister Jingjing is very powerful! She has raised many, many powerful animals!"

   "Oh? For example?" Another bodyguard also started teasing the child.

   "Hei Mi is very powerful!" Xuanxuan patted the black dog next to him with a proud face, "Hei Mi will catch bad guys! It has caught a lot of bad guys!"


  Hei Mi yelled, aggressively and very cooperatively.

   "The centimeter is also amazing!"


   "Wow! That's awesome!"

  Seeing that the two children were in a hurry, Mr. Song didn't continue to tease them. Instead, he had a teachable expression on his face, "I need to meet your sister Jingjing, and see how powerful she is!"

   "I won't let you down!" Huanhuan proudly raised her chin, then handed over the basket, "Grandpa, this is a gift for you!"

   "Oh, you guys brought gifts?" Elder Song was even more surprised when he saw the pretty tomatoes in the basket.

   "Yes, my grandparents planted it!" Huanhuan proudly said, "I also helped water it, it's so delicious!"

   "Wow, you are so good? Thank you so much!" Elder Song took the small basket in her hand.

  The basket is very small, and the tomatoes inside may add up to less than half a catty.

  After delivering the gift, Huanhuan clapped his hands happily, "The gift has been delivered, we are leaving! Bye Grandpa!"

   "Grandpa bye~"

   "Wow ~"


   Before they could react, the two children happily ran away with the cat and dog.

  (end of this chapter)