MTL - I’m the Hero, His Brother, Wear It Quickly-Chapter 272 Sanxian【06】

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Yuan Jia will not give up easily this time, otherwise the original owner and those enemies will send countless men to assassinate Ji Yuanxiao every minute. Anyway, it is just sacrificing one of his men. If you succeed, you will make a lot of money, and if you fail, you will not lose much. .

The palace master of Yuhe Palace stared at Yuan Jia with an ugly face, and said nothing. The atmosphere in the hall was stagnant, swords were drawn, and Ji Yuanxiao was full of cold sweat. The brothers would not be able to leave the Yuhe Hall.

The Palace Master of Yuhe Palace suddenly smiled and said, "Yuan Zhenjun's concerns are not unreasonable, it's my Yuhe Palace's unfavorable discipline." He coldly looked at the elder who was in the integration period, "It's up to Luo Zhenren, who has no way to teach his son, to make a compensation order. Brother's loss."

The murderer was dead, of course Yuan Jia couldn't force Yuhe Palace to hand over the murderer's unknowing father, Luo Zhenren, to pay for his life, he just wanted to make compensation.

The lord of the Yuhe Palace did not intend to compensate Luo Zhenren, so Yuan Jia himself negotiated compensation with Luo Zhenren.

Luo Zhenren hated Ji Yuanxiao, the murderer, to the core, but he had to bow his head to pay him compensation. The hatred in his heart was so bloody.

But Zhenren Luo, who has practiced for so many years, has never experienced any kind of storm. He has a long lifespan, and his son's lifespan is not as long as his, and many of his sons have died. The son killed by Ji Yuanxiao was not his only son, but the youngest son he had just given birth to decades ago, and is his only surviving son.

The pain of losing a child is less painful than that of one's own life and interests. The son can regenerate, but his own life is really over.

Luo Zhenren gave Yuan Jia an ugly smile on his face, and then took out a few treasures that could be seen in the past: "I wonder if Yuan Zhenjun is still satisfied?"

Yuan Jia was silent and looked at him quietly.

Anyway, I have offended Luo Zhenren to death, so when will it be better if I don't take it? Moreover, he is not picking wool, it is weakening the enemy's strength and strengthening himself with the enemy's resources.

Luo Zhenren glanced at the also silent Yuhe Palace Master, gritted his teeth and took out a storage bag: "I don't know if these are enough?"

Yuan Jia took a look at his divine sense and directly broke through Luo Zhenren's spiritual blockade and entered the storage bag to see what was inside. Seeing that there were a lot of resources Ji Yuanxiao could use in it, he looked at Luo Zhenren's distressed blood dripping. The expression, you know that if you don't see it again, you will accept it, and Luo Zhenren will turn his face.

Luo Zhenzhen really wants to turn his face and make a fool of himself. Yuan Jia is really not good at dealing with him for the time being. Unless he wants to fight the Yuhe Palace, it is impossible to openly attack the elders of the Yuhe Palace in the Yuhe Palace.

So Yuan Jia nodded, stretched out his hand, and Luo Zhenren's storage bag and treasures of heaven and earth were all put into his sleeve.

Yuan Jia bowed slightly to the lord of Yuhe Palace and said, "Then let this matter go, and leave."

The Palace Master of Yuhe Palace nodded with a stiff smile, not wanting to say a polite word to retain.

Yuan Jia and Ji Yuanxiao turned into a rainbow light and left the Yuhe Palace.

Inside the Yuhe Hall, the face of the palace master of Yuhe Palace became gloomy: "I really did not expect that Ji Yuanjia's strength has improved so much after he was disbanded from the army and became a Sanxian."

The master of the Yuhe Palace is a strong person in the Mahayana period. Only the strong person in the Mahayana period does not need to be busy with cultivation and has time to manage the affairs of the sect. He only needs to slowly wait for the spiritual power in the body to automatically and slowly transform into immortal power and ascend to the immortal world in the future. That's it.

A powerhouse in the Mahayana period, his strength is comparable to that of the Three Tribulations Loose Immortal.

But just now, the palace master of Yuhe Palace felt a very strong threat from Yuan Jia. This is definitely not the strength of a loose immortal who has not even survived the first scattered immortal tribulation.

The palace master of Yuhe Palace glared at the dejected Luo Zhenren, then turned to visit the ancestor of the Six Tribulations Sanxian of Yuhe Palace.


Yuan Jia brought Ji Yuanxiao back to the First Sect. He gave Ji Yuanxiao the storage bag that Luo Zhenren compensated for, and warned: "Ting Yangfeng to practice hard, don't go to the Yuhe Palace's sphere of influence. As for Don't worry about that Fairy Hongyan."

Yuan Jia originally thought that Ji Yuanxiao might make trouble with him because of Hong Yan, after all, the more children's love is blocked by their parents, the more determined they are.

Unexpectedly, Ji Yuanxiao nodded obediently and replied, "I see, I won't go to Yuhe Palace to find Fairy Hongyan again in the future."

Yuan Jia was a little stunned: "You really let it go?" This Hongyan is his first love, can he let go so soon?

Ji Yuanxiao said with a wry smile: "Brother, I have realized that lack of strength can only hold you back, and now I want to cultivate well. As for Fairy Hongyan, because she caused such trouble, even if you don't blame me, brother, I don't mind. Fa faces her again."

This matter has nothing to do with Hongyan from beginning to end. Hongyan does not know that he has a second-generation immortal suitor who will go out of his mind to assassinate Ji Yuanxiao, and Ji Yuanxiao also knows that Hongyan cannot be blamed for this.

But as long as he thought that he had caused such troubles in pursuit of Hong Yan, and almost hurt his eldest brother, he would not be able to continue pursuing Hong Yan with peace of mind, let alone face Hong Yan.

"Fairy Hongyan doesn't like me anyway, so let's end this matter."

Yuan Jia smiled slightly and said, "Since you can see it openly, that's the best. In fact, love is something that can't be found. A person's love is not called love, it's called unrequited love, it's called entanglement, only two people love each other. It's called love. In the future, you will meet the woman you love who also loves you."

Yuan Jia left Ji Yuanxiao to practice on Tingyang Peak, and went to Guishi Hall to meet the sect master of Guishi Sect.

He told the Sect Master Guishi Sect about how he went to the Yuhe Palace for his younger brother, without any concealment. From the beginning of how the son of Luo Zhenren ambush and assassinated Ji Yuanxiao, when it came to Luo Zhenren's payment of compensation, nothing was missed.

After hearing this, the Sect Master of the Returning First Sect laughed: "You are still so energetic, but I should be tough as a returnee of the First Sect, why should I swallow my anger? Well done!"

Not only was the sect master of Guishizong not angry, but he also praised Yuanjia for doing a good job and did not lose the prestige and reputation of Guishizong.

Gui Shizong is the only powerful sect in the orthodox sect that currently has two Six Tribulations Loose Immortal Ancestors.

Yuan Jia directly took a Yuan Ying-period Ji Yuanxiao to the Yuhe Palace to discuss the argument. The palace master of the Yuhe Palace would swallow his voice and agree to his request, but not only because of their unreasonable Yuhe Palace, but also because of Yuanjia's strong strength, behind the scenes. The backer is also strong.

Yuan Jia had a strong backer behind him, so he let the Six Tribulations Loose Immortal powerhouse of Yuhe Palace take into account the return of the First Sect and did not dare to take action against Yuan Jia.

Yuan Jia's own strength is strong, and other powerhouses may not be able to beat him unless the Six Tribulations Sanxian Ancestor does not attack him.

Yuan Jia took this incident to the sect master of the Returning Origin Sect, even if it was revealed. After that, if Yuhe Palace made any more troubles because of this, it would return to the original religion how Yuhe Palace behaved.


The Sect Master Guishi Sect looked at Yuan Jia and asked in surprise, "What state of your strength have you reached now? It doesn't feel like an ordinary loose immortal."

The Sect Master of Guishi Sect is also a strong man in the Mahayana period. Like the Palace Master of Yuhe Palace, he feels a faint threat from Yuan Jia. surprise.

Although Yuanjia's failed robbery soldiers were dissolved into scattered immortals, for Gui Shizong, the powerful ancestors of scattered immortals were more useful than the Mahayana powerhouses who were about to ascend to the Immortal Realm.

Because the Mahayana period ascended to the Immortal Realm, it was difficult to return to the Immortal Cultivation Realm and could not take care of the Returning Origin Sect in the lower realm.

The scattered immortals are different. Before the scattered immortals have survived the nine tribulations, no matter how strong they are, they cannot fly to the immortal world, and can only stay in the immortal world.

Although it is better for Yuan Jia to go through the nine tribulations and ascend to the immortal world, it is better to go straight to the path of ascending through the tribulations, but for Gui Shizong, one more powerful scattered immortal sits in the sect. The most beneficial to the sect.

Yuan Jia said: "I was worried that the robbery of the scattered immortals would be difficult to overcome, so I have been working hard to cultivate, trying every means to increase my strength, and cultivate various magical powers. There is no upper limit to the cultivation after the soldiers are disbanded into the immortals, so I am here Before the Sanxian Tribulation arrives, it will become as strong as it can become."

In fact, the strength of the scattered immortals is not greatly improved by passing through the robbery. The once-in-a-millennium robbery can be said to be a catastrophe. If you pass it, you will continue to survive and practice. It will not pass through the catastrophe as in the calamity period, and there will be golden light rains from the sky to strengthen the strength and repair the body.

It is not correct to divide the strength of the scattered immortals by a few tribulations. Yuan Jia also didn't know why the Xiuxian world had to go through several tribulations to divide the strength of the scattered immortals.

In his opinion, the strength of one robbery loose immortal is not necessarily worse than that of six robbery loose immortals.

But the Loose Immortals in the Immortal Cultivation Realm don't know how to cultivate. It turns out that the more times they pass the Loose Immortal Tribulation, the stronger their strength.

Yuan Jia's remarks made the sect master of the Returning Origin Sect who had formed the habitual thinking "the more times you pass through the robbery, the stronger your strength" stunned.

After a long while, he came back to his senses and asked in disbelief, "Don't you find it difficult to cultivate after you've been released from the army?"

Yuanjia was a little unclear, so he said, "Difficult? It feels no different from before." Even because he had a deeper understanding of the laws of the world than the original owner Ji Yuanjia, he practiced faster.

The sect master of Gui Shizong exclaimed: "Your talent is really extraordinary, but unfortunately... you don't know, if a normal cultivator is disbanded as a loose immortal, the training speed will drop greatly, and it will become much more difficult to comprehend the way of heaven. It will only improve a little after passing through the scattered immortal tribulation, so the more times you have passed through the scattered immortal tribulation, the faster your cultivation speed will be, and the stronger your strength will naturally be.”

Yuan Jia didn't expect such a thing at all. After he was disbanded as a Sanxian, he didn't feel the difficulty of other Sanxian cultivation, so he never thought about this aspect, and even wondered that other people didn't Sanxianxian. Why is the strength of Jie's Loose Immortal so weak?