MTL - I’m Really a Great Director-Chapter 74 Zhu Meng disappeared

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"Li Fanxi, I want to find you a girlfriend!" Feng You raised his hand and pressed the old cat down, and said with a smile.

Li Fanxi continued to eat chicken legs and ignored it.

Feng You was slightly annoyed in his heart, damn, you brat is so arrogant, you seem to be very arrogant, you don't get too close to anyone, okay, I'll make you embarrassed now!

"Come on!" He exaggeratedly made a "stabbing sword" gesture and moved the phone closer to Li Fanxi.

The boys all stopped their chopsticks, smiled, and listened to the voice messages on their mobile phones intently.

The girls all frowned, as if they had been violated.

The phone buzzed for a while, and a voice came out: "Sorry, the subject's trust score is too high, beyond the scope, cannot be queried, please update to the latest version."

Feng You was startled.

Faith is too high? Can't query?

Everyone thought it was the APP that made a mistake, and they all burst into laughter.

"Laoyou, please update to the latest version!" someone shouted.

"But this is the latest version." Feng You shook his head with a smile in disbelief, closed the app, and restarted it.

In fact, this APP is a trial period, and the score range can only be within 100%. Li Fanxi's score exceeds 100%, so naturally it cannot be measured.

Feng You didn't know, and thought it was a mistake.

"Come on, let's test it again, it shouldn't go wrong this time."

Same action, same voice message:

"Sorry, the subject's trust score is too high, beyond the scope, and cannot be queried. Please update to the latest version."

This time, the laughter of the crowd decreased.

The old cat turned his head and looked at Li Fanxi in confusion.

Shi Ming narrowed his eyes, and the mocking smile on his face gradually closed.

Just when everyone was stunned, Gao Xian had already logged on to the trust and hope network and checked Li Fanxi's score.

"Li Fanxi, you actually have 171 points?" Gao Xian almost screamed.

When Shi Ming heard the voice, he took out his mobile phone and checked it. Sure enough, it was twice as high as himself!

When everyone heard the words, they took out their mobile phones to check Li Fanxi's trust score.

Sure enough, 171 points!

The most neglected person has the highest faith and hope score! ?

Gao Xian was still in shock, staring at the score and muttering, "This trust score is twice as high as Shi Ming!"

In an instant, everyone fell silent.

Shi Ming's face changed slightly.

It was the first time for someone to steal the limelight like this.

Is this Feng You trying to make fun of himself with other people? !

Thinking of this, Shi Ming gave Feng You a stern look, gritted his teeth in his heart: "Silly, I won't buy that house from you! Get me away!"

The most embarrassing of them was Feng You. He wanted to flatter Shi Ming, but he angered him instead.

Li Fanxi finished drinking the mango juice, put down the glass, patted the old cat on the shoulder to say goodbye, then picked up his coat, shook it, stood up, and walked out the door directly.

It's really boring to spend time with these people.


Just after walking out of the restaurant, Hou Zhiyuan called.

"I called his house just now, and his dad said that Zhu Meng didn't return overnight last night."

Zhu Meng's mother has dementia, so Zhu Meng still lives with his parents. He is a dutiful son. No matter how late the party is, he must go home and sleep before two o'clock in the morning, so that the two elders will not be worried.

Therefore, if you don't return for a night, there must be something wrong.

"Zhu Meng may have really had an accident." Hou Zhiyuan said solemnly.

"What's going on?" Li Fanxi stopped.

"Zhu Meng usually didn't offend anyone. He disappeared for no reason. It should be a business matter, and he has provoked the enemy."


"Where are you now?" Hou Zhiyuan asked.

Li Fan hoped to look around: "I'm outside, near Yangming Square."

"You wait for me there, let's meet and discuss."


After the two met, they found a secluded place and sat down to talk.

"The situation is not good," Hou Zhiyuan said in a deep voice, "I've been thinking about it all the way, and I feel that it really should be about the business. His milk powder business is very mysterious!"

"Does Zhu Meng's family know what's going on?"

"I don't know, the family doesn't even know what business Zhu Meng is doing." Hou Zhiyuan shook his head: "Zhu Meng's father is very angry and has a cerebral thrombosis. If he drags it on, the old man is afraid that something will happen."

"The problem is that I don't know what the other party wants." Hou Zhiyuan said: "If you want money, you can. How much money you want, try your best to get it together. Now it's all in the dark, it's really hard to do."

Hou Zhiyuan said this and sighed.

Li Fanxi thought about it and called Radar.

"Brother Fanxi." There was a bit of noise on the radar side, it seemed to be at the airport.

"Brother Lei, please ask for everything."

Li Fanxi talked about Zhu Meng's disappearance.

"What is Zhu Meng's mobile phone number?" Radar can directly check some information about Zhu Meng with his mobile phone number.

Li Fanxi told Radar his mobile phone number.

"Wait for me ten minutes." Radar hung up the phone and started working.

These ten minutes are quite difficult. Li Fanxi checked Zhu Meng's WECHAT Moments, and since he updated a photo the night before yesterday, he has not updated the status.

That photo was the group photo I took at the food stall that night.

Zhu Meng added a sentence under the photo: The three brothers drink together, happy!

Eight minutes later, Radar called.

"Brother Fanxi, don't touch this matter." Radar simply said What's the matter, tell me. "

"It's very troublesome." Radar was decisive.

Seventy percent of the bosses say that it is very troublesome, then it is really troublesome.

Li Fanxi said very calmly, "You say it."

On the phone, Radar sighed and briefly explained the reason for Zhu Meng's disappearance.

The radar has three pieces of information.

One, the person Zhu Meng offended is called Brother Tyrannosaurus. As for how the two became enemies, Radar did not know.

Second, the Tyrannosaurus is said to be reckless and eccentric, a character that no one wants to provoke, and Radar is not familiar with him.

Three, radar knows where the Tyrannosaurus's nest is.

"Okay, tell me the address, and I'll talk to the Tyrannosaurus to figure out how to solve this." Li Fanxi said.

"I have something to go abroad, and I'm about to board the plane..." Radar hesitated and said, "You can't do it alone, it's too unsafe, you can go to Bihu Community, I'll let some of mine Brother, go with you."

Li Fanxi put down the phone and told Hou Zhiyuan what he had learned.

Hou Zhiyuan nodded, immediately put on his windbreaker, put the 30,000 cash in the safe into a black plastic bag, stuffed it into his rucksack, and prepared to set off with Li Fanxi.

Li Fanxi did not want Hou Zhiyuan to enter this game.

Listening to Radar's words, this game is a quagmire. The fewer people step in, the better.

Hou Zhiyuan was a gentleman, and when a scholar met a soldier, he couldn't make a rationale, and going away would not help.

It is better to leave him outside to dredge, which is more valuable.

The truth is this, but Hou Zhiyuan and Zhu Meng are brothers, knowing that he is in trouble, they will definitely follow him and refuse to stay out of it.

"Let's go together." The old Hou was determined.