MTL - I’m Really a Great Director-Chapter 24 fifty-one

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After thoroughly figuring out the setting of Faith and Hope, Li Fanxi closed his eyes, put on a skull mask, and prepared to burst his liver.

If "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button" is to make it to the Skull Shadow Awards, he needs to finish it in three days.

Once you can win the award in the awards ceremony, not only will the system have rewards, but also your trust score will also increase!

So now after going to work in the video store every day, Li Fanxi devoted all his time to updating, which was even crazier than before.

The comment area of ​​the works is very lively every day:

【Ferocious update! 】

【It took a few days to get this big? This update speed is a bit scary]

[Crazy burning, author Jun]

[The author takes care of your brain! 】

[Fighting for the competition, like this one! 】

[It's been really cool to watch these days, I rewarded it]


Although there has been no news, Li Fanxi knows that "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button" has completely overwhelmed all the works on the plot line. As long as it is finished on time, the Skull Shadow Association has no reason not to include it.

However, the crazy update also brings a consequence, the brain is too tired! It's going to explode!

After all, Li Fanxi is just an ordinary person. Although his fighting spirit is high, his brain cannot exceed the intensity of the pressure.

So after work this day, Li Fanxi went to the hospital to see Li Mo, and then went shopping with Xiao Xiao to relax.

After getting a week's fee, Li Fanxi wanted to treat Xiao Xiao to a good meal.

After walking into the mall, Li Fanxi saw a small restaurant on the third floor, decorated very interestingly, with a photo: Elite Gathering.

"This name is a bit domineering..." Li Fanxi smiled.

"They're taking the elite consumption route. You know, if you don't get a 50-point trust and hope score, you can't get into this store." Xiao Xiao said in a low voice.

This restaurant should belong to a certain club, deliberately creating an elegant atmosphere to precisely attract high-quality consumers.

As long as the credibility score is above 50 points, at least they are well-known people in a certain field, so their behavior must be guaranteed, and there is a high probability that they will not cause trouble.

That is to say, even if you have money, you won't be able to get in if you don't have enough credit and hope.

"It seems that this is a gathering of noble people." Li Fanxi quietly turned on his mobile phone and looked at his confidence score. It just so happened that it increased from 47 to 51 in the past two days.

Of course, Xiao Xiaoya didn't know about Li Fanxi's credit score improvement.

Li Fanxi wasn't going to tell her first, she wanted to surprise her.

"Several directors of our company went in and ate it. It is said that there is a super chef who was invited from an unknown country. The dishes made by him are delicious!" Xiao Xiao said in a low voice.

"Then let's go in and try..." Li Fanxi smiled and walked towards the restaurant.

"Oh, slow down, slow down!" Xiao Xiao quickly grabbed Li Fanxi and whispered in his ear, "You're stupid, not to mention that it's expensive inside, the key is that we can't get in."

Li Fanxi gave a "uh" and pointed to the few lines on the blackboard at the entrance of the store: "Isn't there a couple who can enter as long as one has a confidence score of 50 or more?"

"Yeah, but..." Xiao Xiao blushed, took out her mobile phone, swiped the location to open the website of Trust and Hope, entered her name, and showed Li Fanxi her trust and hope score.

18 points.

"It's only 18 points." Li Fanxi was a little surprised, he thought Xiao Xiao had at least 30 to 40 points.

"Only 18 points? Hmph, this is already an excellent score that ordinary people can achieve."

What Xiao Xiao said is true. As a hard-working wage earner, especially an ordinary clerk like Xiao Xiao, it is actually difficult for him to break through 20 points in his life.

The reason is simple - not enough influence over this society.

"Don't be afraid, we can go in, let's go." Li Fanxi said with a smile.

"Don't, don't, don't!"

Xiao Xiao knew that Li Fanxi was crazy sometimes, so he quickly grabbed his right arm, but he was not as strong as Li Fanxi, but he was dragged away instead.

A beautiful customer at the door saw Li Fanxi dragging Xiao Xiao in, and smiled professionally: "Hello, sir, our store only accepts customers with a score of 50 or more."

Li Fanxi has disheveled hair, wears loose white short-sleeves and big pants, and has a pair of cheap sneakers on his feet. He looks like a diaosi otaku. The beauty counselor glanced at him and knew that the otaku's confidence score would not exceed 10 points.

"Sorry, sorry, we're just passing by..." Xiao Xiao waved his hand.

"Well, my confidence score has exceeded 50 points." Li Fanxi said very calmly.

Xiao Xiao: "Σ(????)?"

The beauty counselor was also stunned.

The camera hanging at the door caught Li Fanxi's face. After facial recognition, he sent a message to the mobile phone in the hand of the beautiful woman:

Li Fanxi.

Faith Score: 51

"Oh, you two are welcome!" The beautiful client stuck out her tongue in surprise, took a step back, and bowed deeply.


"Is this magic fun?" Walking into the restaurant, Li Fanxi smiled at Xiao Xiao.

"It's not fun!" Xiao Xiao hammered Li Fanxi, without this reversal, she would be embarrassed to death.

Of course, Xiao Xiao couldn't be happier when she saw that her boyfriend's trust score was over 50!

After the two were seated, they looked around at the decoration of this small restaurant, and there was indeed something unique.

The lights are dim, there are all kinds of books around, there are tables of different sizes and shapes, diners walk around, and many people chat enthusiastically around the table, the atmosphere is similar to a salon party.

On the small stage in the middle, a singer was singing in a low voice.

"Wow, the atmosphere here is really special..." Xiao Xiao smiled and opened the menu happily.

But when she saw the price of the dishes, she frowned.

"Order, let go, I'll pay the bill today." Li Fanxi encouraged Xiao Xiao immediately.

"A steamed sea bass is almost three hundred..."


"Bamboo shoots fried pork costs 88..."


"You're crazy, I won't order it." Xiao Xiao stared at the menu, calculating how to have an affordable dinner here.

She is a thrifty girl, even if she has money, she can't waste it like this.

After ordering the three most cost-effective dishes, Xiao Xiao kept sighing, regretting that he should not bring Li Fanxi here.

This girl has a real heart.

"Oh, by the way, I see a game that might be suitable for you to relax." Xiao Xiao turned on the phone and showed Li Fanxi a small game.

"This game is called 'Pinch King'. Players can pinch anything, pinch their faces, pinch people, pinch houses, and then have rankings..."

In this small game, the player selects materials according to an example animation, pinches out the characters in the example animation, and tests hand speed and memory.

Li Fanxi's memory was originally excellent. During this period of time, he worked **** intracranial imaging technology, and he remembered all kinds of expressions and human bodies. Playing this game was a piece of cake.

"Very good." Li Fanxi just likes this kind of game that is not addictive and relaxing.

The two were talking in a low voice, when a young man in a suit and leather shoes with a haircut of three or seven points came over.

"Hello, UU reading is disturbing, exchange business cards, do you mind?" Sanqifen held a business card between **** and handed it to Li Fanxi.

This is a customary way of communicating in this shop. People who come to eat are usually friends, so they often exchange business cards or phone numbers.

But Li Fanxi has never had the concept of "popularity". He is not interested in any communication, and just wants to have a meal with Xiao Xiao quietly.

Besides, he doesn't even have a business card.

So he shook his head.

"Oh, what is your occupation?" Sanqifen put away his business card.

"Unemployed." Li Fanxi smiled.

He glanced at Li Fanxi strangely, and muttered in his heart: When did a local turtle come in, dress so dirty, and don't know how to communicate, such a person's trust and hope score can also exceed 50?

All of a sudden, he suddenly realized: It must be that the girl next to him has more than 50 points of faith and hope.

Looking at Xiao Xiao at 37 minutes, his eyes lit up!

What a good girl, beautiful and pure, no makeup on her face, but her smile and frown are all pleasing to the eye, she is really an oxygen beauty!

How can a girl like this be with a turtle?

no! disagree!

Returning to his seat, he picked up the wine glass in 37 minutes and sighed softly, thinking about what kind of operation to use to save this girl from the turtle.

He noticed that Xiao Xiao was playing the game of "pinch the king" just now, and it happened that he was also a master of this little game.

Hehe, San Qifen took out his mobile phone, clicked on the mini game, and accurately located Xiao Xiao in the "Nearby Players" column.

Sanqifen held down his excitement, clicked on Xiao Xiao's avatar, and sent a greeting message to her:

"Beauty Hi, do you want to play a game?"