MTL - I’m Not Shouldering This Blame-Chapter 173 Trail notice

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The beautiful piano sounds like a stream of water.

The blue sky, the white dove flying over the square, the brightly colored lens switches quickly.

The old couple who took the pet to rest on the white bench of the flower bed, not far away, a man holding a bouquet of roses was nervously sorting out his collar.

The girl held a coin and nervously turned her back to the wishing pool. The passing people showed a smile of goodwill and encouragement.

She raised her hand and reflected the light between the fingers, behind the city's skyscraper. The coin was thrown from the palm of the hand, the lens slowed down, and the coin that was plated in gold by the setting sun slowly descended.

The music stopped short, the picture turned black, and a line of words appeared on the screen.

"If you lose the whole world."

The text dissipated like a flame, so fast that it didn't give the audience time to think. The square fountain pool appeared again in the picture. The small pockets feeding the pigeons were scattered on the ground. The old man's cane was still on the side of the stool. The coin was maintained. In the falling position, I almost touched the water surface of the wishing pool, but it stopped there and motionless.

The wish will not be realized, and the world will never come.

The cockroach stops and the crowd disappears. This feeling of emptiness becomes especially noticeable with the gloomy color of the picture. The angle of view is the coin, the pool wall above, the sky without anything.

At this time, a white, knuckle sticking out the palm of the hand and pinching the coin.

Because of the angle of view, the repressive emotion generated by the picture was suddenly released. This hand is not a coin, but a precious aid that was acquired when it was trapped somewhere...

The lens moved up and gave a close-up.

The dancer in a tuxedo, in the light of half-light and half-dark, is like a tall and handsome model in black and white, with a deep outline, like an elegant marble line, a well-knitted hair combing the texture, and a clothing texture. Just as perfect.

The finger flipped the coin dexterously and he turned and walked out of the square.

There are no people in the car on the road, and there are no people in the store.

Walking alone, a few shadows passed over the building behind it.

The monkey-like long-haired monster stretched out his claws and screamed and screamed. The man didn't even look at it. He closed his eyes at random, and the frantic airflow rolled up the monster and fell heavily on the ground.

The lens began to zoom out and expanded from this intersection to the entire block.

The tall buildings are full of people, and there is no sound. Only the figure of the climbing monsters, the strange atmosphere behind this bustling, rises to the apex with a black-feathered toothed bird with a claw-stained blood flying over the Statue of Liberty.

The top view lasted for two seconds and the screen turned black again.

"How to live alone in this familiar city."

Breaking the darkness is a scream. When the picture comes back, it is a broken street, the window is broken, and precious jewelry is scattered all over the place. In the lot of banknotes, the people holding the guns slashed each other, lying on the side of the road, a unkempt woman shrinking into the corner, shouting in a crash.

The clock hanging from the store, the second suddenly went forward.

Many imaginary lines are outlined, and special effects make people across the street appear quickly.

The murderer was stunned at the scattered banknotes, and the body was still warm with blood. People screamed and fled, and others smashed the jewels on the floor.

The siren sounded, and the murderer was ecstatic. He opened his arm and shouted that he was back. He took the food from the hot dog stall on the side of the road and swallowed it. The little boy who was blocking the road was kicked by him.

The murderer was covered in blood, and the suit was smashed and hanged on his body. He was not the image of the wicked man with his bald arms. He could see the characteristics of ordinary people in his sly face.

The police tried to catch the murderers, and they easily suspended the car and smashed the past.

The flame that rises in the explosion, laughs arbitrarily...

This scene quickly changed color and became a live TV. In line with the news host's explanation, many cities around the world suddenly appeared in the abilities, while the ground collapsed, serial car accidents, building tilts, etc., and the casualties were significant.

The person watching TV still holds the coin in his hand.

The phone ringing, the man's slender fingers easily slide the BlackBerry lock screen, and the caller ID is blank.

"Hello, Mr. Brown, here is the American Abilities."

The screen was switched, the voice of the voice was not broken, and the American who changed from the phone to a squadron stood in the Pentagon. The virtual projections on all sides played the scene of the disaster. The large round table was filled with people.

"There is a problem in our world."

Two spirals of interlaced lines appear on the main projection screen of the conference table.

"...the abilities and the monsters are in another world where we can't reach. All the damage will return to the world when the two worlds coincide, including the Pentagon and the White House, and there is a danger of collapse in the next second."

"The death toll is over 10 million."

“As the disaster intensifies, the real world order cannot be controlled. The abilities are gathered into groups, conflicts erupt, and some have already occupied the ruins to declare jurisdiction over them.”

"High-order abilities are too dangerous, they can do more than we think..."

People with different ages and nationalities begin to appear on the screens.

"Control the abilities, seek global dialogue, and stop the war of high-order abilities!"

The picture changes again, the solid underground secret base, the modern high-tech with eyes, and the people wearing military uniforms and researcher costumes everywhere.

The tall and beautiful performer's hair is no longer neat, his face is a little bit sloppy, the collar has opened several buttons, the decadent style is still very attractive, and the texture lines are outlined under the thin white shirt.

The picture freezes and a line appears next to it.

Johnson Brown, s-class wind abilities, plays: Federico Morenza.

After the finale was over, on the virtual screen of the base, an oriental man appeared. He was surrounded by a metal cube. As he kept thinking, he continued to turn, and the military uniform gold emblem, the sharp and powerful breath came out through the screen, saying It also carries heavy pressure:

"Cooperation? Mr. Brown, you can't represent the US Abilities Bureau, and I am the leader of the Chinese Red Dragon."

Suddenly, a Corgi dog pulled his head and pulled his head. He glanced at the contact screen and turned to face Johnson with his hips. Another sway, laughing is like doing something bad.



"so cute!"

"It's still lame, and the legs are short and fall from Li Fei's arms!"

"No, why is Koki's lens so small? Only three seconds?"

Satisfied, Xiao Yaqin did not even qualify for half a second.

Outside the premiere of "Abandoners", people who don't have tickets can only watch the trailer on the big screen over and over again. Every time I played the lens that Li Fei was making a debut, it was a scream. In high-definition playback, Keji's hairy rounded buttocks are very clear, and many people can't help but raise their hands.

"There must be special effects! They must add special effects to Keji's ass, otherwise why is it so attractive!"

"Is it, Koki's buttocks have such soft cotton?"

Federico, as the music king, is also very well-known, and the opening close-up is on the spot with many fans who don't know him before listening to foreign songs.

"It turned out that Fair's acting is also so good!"

"Federico's original piano was okay, his palm is relatively large, and the big jump is easier than usual. Don't say octave, I have seen him skip eleven degrees, I originally collected the video played... ...ah, just that angle, I can imagine that he is reaching out to me and taking me out of trouble! I am the coin!"

"To add a chicken leg to the makeup artist! This is the body of the king... Oh! And this style of Li Fei seems to aggravate the shadow of the facial features and become more three-dimensional. This is to match the international film. The pressure is strong, simply It’s a trick! I still can’t believe that Dean has played an important role in the Hollywood blockbuster.”

"What about that, he is an actor who is playing against a singer, and he is not losing money?"

"You are losing your heart, find a better performance! I am never afraid of acting than I am. If the computer information is lost, dry goods will fall on your face!"

There are gossips and contradictions in places where there are fans. They are amazed, and more people outside the stadium have never paid attention to the movie release for a lifetime. They are not the powder of any actors. They look at the screen silently.

- This film is adapted from real events.

This time it is not an empty ten words, and then a terrible serial killing murderer, and then sensational humanity twists the social phenomenon, the scope of influence is always limited.

This time, everyone is a victim of disaster.

They are eager to know the truth.

The film "Abandoner" is divided into three parts, and the only one that is currently released is "Abandoner: Lonely."

The premiere was held simultaneously in ten countries around the world. Because of time zone differences, some countries are in the morning and some countries are nights. After the premiere, the video will be played, but the global release will have to wait a week.

It can be said that those who can get tickets today are all very capable people with background.

Liu Wei was in the crowd under the stage. Her face was red and she was nervous and excited. When her eyes touched the ruins on the huge poster, her body could not help but tremble slightly.

With Liu Wei is a friend of her peers, the red n generation circle of Beidu.

Since the recovery of Liu Wei, her family is still very nervous, and it is necessary to accompany people when they go out.

This premiere is very special. Some reporters are gearing up and looking at them. They are all interviewing military politics and even war correspondents. The reporters of the entertainment bank are on them, and the atmosphere on the scene has become strange.

The reporters followed the wishes of the audience. The questions they raised at the premiere were not the rumors of filming, the hard work behind the scenes, but the meaning behind the film. How many are the facts, how big is the disaster, Will not happen again and so on.

After a press conference, the spokesperson succeeded in stunned the reporter. This style of "stable position, revealing a lot of insider but actually not acknowledging anything" is 100% from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, definitely not an entertainment person. .

Entering the easy link behind, the host quietly wiped the cold sweat, and smiled to ask Li Fei, Wen Ya, Lu, and related crew members.

Keki ran at the forefront and snatched all the shots.

The screen on the outside square finally switched to the premiere live broadcast.

The group was very screaming at the scene. It swayed to the left and had a tap dance. It was very accurate. It was as accurate as the model, and it was unveiled in the center of the center. Face the flash of a shot.

Usually small dogs wear pet clothes are very cute, the group debut this time, the whole crew members voted unanimously to let Kirkey do nothing, the true color (fruit) performance, how can the buttocks cover it?

After the film, Wenya laughed at the back, relieved, and the different premiere, everyone has pressure.

"It's really a savior for everyone," she whispered.

"In fact, it is a savior." Li Fei spread his hand.

The truth is not compromised at all.

The author has something to say: I try my best, I will tell the story but I really can't do this kind of film...