MTL - I’m Just a Pharmacist-Chapter 52 die?

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In the end, Lin Jing didn't buy anything. She is poor and still owes a lot of debt to the Xi family, so she has no interest in buying low-grade goods of the second generation.

So she said, "Don't buy it."

Since it is said that it can restore 100% of her personal strength, I think she can also import some of her cultivation, so that in this world full of mechas, it is not easy for her to get a set of mechas?

As soon as her voice fell, Xiaolu smiled softly at her, "Congratulations on getting the old mecha*1, are you familiar with the mecha operation first, or start directly game?"

A tattered mech? WTF?


Well, she is indeed a lot bulkier, wearing a set of tattered iron bumps on her body, and I don't know how long it has been oiled, this thing is really worn on the body, really Can you move? !

No need to hesitate at all, Lin Jing naturally chose to learn to operate. So the elf Little Green began a patient explanation tour.

It's all basic knowledge. The first-generation mecha is full of buttons, which can control various parts of the body to perform actions.

Lin Jing's memory is very good, even though there are a lot of things to record, she only needs Xiaolu to say it once to record them all, and the rest is to practice the feel and familiarity with the operation.

This process took her a lot of time, in her words, it was enough for Xiaolu to repeat it several times. Fortunately, it feels good, and the feeling of manipulating such a clumsy mecha tossing and walking is particularly rewarding.

Finally, Lin Jing felt that she had memorized all the basic knowledge, and she was almost familiar with it. She finally chose to start the game.

The next moment, the scene in front of her suddenly changed, and she woke up in a place full of rubbish.

Lin Jing: "..." This familiar sense of sight reminded her of the garbage mountain when she just woke up.

But the garbage mountain is full of garbage, and this garbage mountain is full of various mechanical parts, as well as the broken arms of various mechas.

Lin Jing: "..." No wonder it's a tattered mecha, this thing originally climbed up from the mecha pile.

I don't know if it's an illusion, she feels that the body of this mecha is heavier than before, and the command becomes more and more sluggish, Lin Jing kind of throws it away and picks one up from the garbage. It's a better illusion than it is.

With this idea, Lin Jing felt more and more feasible. Lin Jing searched the space for a long time, only to find that there was no button to leave the mecha room. She was still very confident in her memory, so she quickly discovered that it was not that she couldn't find it, but that it was not mentioned in the teaching at all.

She immediately felt incredible, and immediately asked the little elf of unknown species, "How do I get out of this mecha warehouse?"

"Just click the first button on the left and right."

Although she felt that it was a bit of a toss to press twice, Lin Jing did not complain, but stretched out her claws and prepared to click.

The next moment, Xiaolu dutifully added a sentence, "I suggest that the master should not easily leave the mecha."

Lin Jing's paw paused, "Why?"

Little Green smiled, "Because the outside world is not suitable for human life, if you leave the mecha, Master, you will be directly exposed to the outside. With the physique of ordinary people, it won't take long for me to It's time to change the owner."

Lin Jing: "..." Xiaolu's words made her think of miasma, which is a poisonous smog, and if exposed to it, it will really kill people.

Lin Jing put her hand on the first button on the left and right, and she really couldn't press it anymore.

Sighed faintly, without the medicine in hand, she didn't want to experience how poisonous the air here is. So she changed the position of her fingers and continued to control the increasingly difficult mecha to move forward. From a distance, the mecha was twisted and twisted, like a big penguin walking and swaying.

Finally, before this clumsy mecha was about to fall apart, when Lin Jing's patience was about to run out, when she asked Xiaolu what punishment would be for dying in this game, Xiaolu said sadly, "You can't die. Oh, death is nothing, no matter how much wealth you have before you die, as long as you die once, everything will be lost, and if you want to continue playing the game, you have to start over."

Lin Jing: "...I just played, what will be dropped by death? Is this a broken mecha?"

Little Green tilted her head when she heard what she said, and since she made a thoughtful expression, she nodded after thinking for a while, "That's true. Master, you have to take advantage of the fact that you have nothing now, To die?"

Lin Jing tilted her head for a while, and finally shook her head. Xiaolu suddenly opened her eyes to look at her with bright eyes, and her expression turned out to be very happy.

Lin Jing glanced at her, looking like an idiot, "Someone is here."

Little Green: “…”

Lin Jing said that when she left, she did not see a figure, but heard a rumbling sound. The voice was from far to near, and after I could see the figure clearly, I realized that it was a person wearing a mecha at all. Of course, it is also possible that this is a mecha. After all, this is a game. There is a virtual non-character like Xiaolu who does not know what kind of existence, and it is not a novelty to have a mecha.

When the mecha came to the front, Lin Jing met a pair of huge machine eyes.

The two stared at each other for a long time, Lin Jing wondered if she needed to speak to trigger some kind of plot, and then heard the mecha man speak, "Man, you don't look good?"

Lin Jing raised her head and looked at the machine face, and asked Xiaolu in a low voice, "How about I rob him? Can I get the mecha on him?"

The stagnant feeling, I know that this mecha is probably better than hers.

Little Green looked at the silly master in front of him, and said in a tone of caring for mentally handicapped children, "Master, your mecha is not equipped with weapons."

Lin Jing: "..." This stingy game company! It’s okay to give a tattered mecha, even a tattered weapon is reluctant to give it to the player! Bad review, she must give a bad review!

Well, since there is no hope for unarmed robbery, Lin Jing is also a person who knows current affairs, "Yes, sir, I am lost, can you help me introduce the situation here?

The author has something to say:I can't open my eyes...Good night...