MTL - I’m in Hollywood-Chapter 1131 Large exposure

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"Iron Man is definitely a perfect superhero movie. At the same time, Eric Williams once again showed his ability to do anything to the extreme 'Pandora Stars', the super tycoon personally shaped Tony Stark's image exudes a remarkable personality charm, whether he is a genius, a mixed ball, a playboy, a billionaire, or a superhero, the audience is just hard to pay attention to Force removed from him." - The Times

"Iron Man's dazzling CG special effects made Batman and Robin look like a bad B-rated film two years ago. Perhaps the powerful special effects will become more and more a Hollywood film company. The embodiment of strength. Compared with the amazing special effects level in the digital field, Warner, Universal and Paramount have a lot of gaps in the light and shadow era. It is necessary to catch up." - The New York Times

"In the fifteen minutes of the opening, I was impressed by the superb performance of Eric Williams. The real super rich made the self-indulgent **** gradually become the savior's superhero image and became completely honest and credible. "-" Variety"

"Eric Williams's performance in Iron Man won a one-sided acclaim, while the young super rich realist figures continue to refresh the public's perception."

“With the Nasdaq index approaching 3,500 points, Eric Williams’s personal presence has continued to skyrocket and is close to the $400 billion mark.”

“Perhaps, Eric Williams will be the first trillionaire in federal history. If the federal currency does not experience serious inflation in a short period of time, Eric Williams will be in the future for many years to come. It will also be the only super rich who may be titled 'Trillionaire'. Before that, we only had Billionaire and Millionaire. I have to say that this is really chilling. Miracle." - Business Weekly

In the villa restaurant on Kensington Garden Street, the time is already noon the next day.

Eric looked at the media reviews that Mayer gradually sorted out, read the article in Business Week, and asked the female assistant sitting opposite: "Mary, you think I will be the first 'Trillionaire '?"

Meyer looked up from the folder on his knee and looked at Eric with a few eyes. "If you switch to another currency, you are now."

"Who will do such a boring thing."


Meyer gave a cry and lowered his head.

I have to say that the female assistant is definitely the most emotional change among the women around Eric.

I didn’t know what was irritating for these two days.

Silently looked at the opposite girl for a moment, Eric got up and walked over, Meyer felt Eric's approach, and immediately slammed the folder in front of him: "Eric, now it's noon."

"If you change to Australian time, it is night."

Eric learned that Meyer had just a little ridiculous tone, sat down on the sofa and reached out to hold the female assistant's light body on his lap and kissed the girl's most sensitive neck.

A moment later, Meyer's body was completely softened, and Eric suddenly stopped all movements.

Meyer, who had subconsciously explored his face and kissed his face, squatted and looked up at Eric's ridiculous gaze. When he opened a small white tooth, he would bite it anywhere on Eric.

Eric quickly blocked and smiled and picked up the female assistant. "I just think we are still changing places."

"You have to go to see the CEO of the Bertelsmann Group, Leonard Riggio."

"There are still twenty minutes," Eric took the girl and walked upstairs and glanced at the watch. "We got it in 19 minutes, and it took no more than one minute to walk from the villa to the Garden Hotel restaurant. ”

So, it was finally late for a while.

After the joy, Meyer refused to leave the bedroom anyway, and Eric could only go to the feast alone.

The Bertelsmann Group is the parent company of BMG Records. Compared with the EMI Group, BMG's business only accounts for about one-third of the Bertelsmann Group. The picture of Eric and Bertelsmann Group CEO Leonard Riggio, naturally Also discuss the cooperation of Yahoo Music Store.

However, the situation has changed. When Eric throws out the news that Fireflyer will accept the shareholding, although several major record companies still have not agreed, the attitude is obviously much more enthusiastic than the original, even Universal Music begins again. Contact with firefly electronics.

Although the four major record groups outside of Sony have shown their intention to cooperate, Eric plans to transfer shares to only two major record companies.

Therefore, the initiative of this cooperation has begun to be mastered on the firefly electronics side.

After dining with Leonard Riggio, Eric thoughtfully took a lunch back to the villa, and Meyer was neatly sitting on the living room sofa, holding his laptop and tapping on something.

"Hey, lunch."

Meyer took over the coffee table and handed over the finished documents. He said: "This is the latest box office data report for the Easter schedule from Los Angeles."

"Well, let me see, you should eat first."

Meyer nodded, but took the lunch and walked to the restaurant.

Eric smiled helplessly before he opened the folder in front of him.

Today is April 27th. From March 26th, the entire Easter schedule happens to take four full weeks and an extra weekend.

This Easter, although the three films released by the Firefly System, "The Public Enemy", "American Pie" and "One Kiss" are very good at the box office, but the most eye-catching is still the "Witch Blair" released before Easter. .

As of the last week, the "Witch Blair", which has been released for eight weeks, has completely entered the final stage. The weekly box office slipped to a level of only one million US dollars. It may be downshifted in the next two or three weeks, but the film's North American box office has accumulated. It has also reached $16.21 million.

This number is second only to the "Speed ​​and Passion" released at the beginning of the year, and is currently ranked as the runner-up in the 1999 North American box office rankings.

Moreover, compared to the production cost of 60,000 US dollars, the box office return rate created by "Witch Blair" is miraculous, and it will be difficult to be broken in the next many years.

In addition to "Witch Blair", the "public enemy of the whole people" released for three weeks, the cumulative box office reached 82.36 million US dollars, and finally the North American box office as expected, at around 100 million US dollars.

In comparison, the three Easter movie packages of the Firefly System this year, the best at the box office, are still vulgar comedies like "American Pie".

From April 9 to the present, two weeks after the release, the box office of "American Pie" has reached 63.75 million US dollars. The final North American box office may even be higher than the "public enemy", but the production cost of this film is only 1100. Ten thousand dollars is only one-eighth of the "public enemy of the whole people". Even if it is not comparable to "Witch Blair", MGM is still making a big profit.

Moreover, compared with "Witch Blair", which is unable to make a sequel in the short term, "American Pie" is very easy to develop into a series.

Last year, with the creation of a super box office dark horse with "Austin Powers 2", this year's Fox's "Kissing a Jiangshan" performance can only be regarded as mediocrity.

The love comedy with a production cost of 25 million US dollars was released in the same week as the "American School". At the box office in two weeks, it was only 24.49 million US dollars. Although the reputation is good, the final box office may be only about 50 million US dollars, barely let Fox recover. cost.

Although the Easter season film will continue for a few weeks, due to the large-scale publicity of "Iron Man", the breath of the summer file has begun to become more and more intense.

Eric 29 also recorded a "David Late Night Show" program.

Therefore, I continued to stay in London for one day, and Eric 28 flew back to New York.

However, it was not long before the plane took off from London Heathrow Airport on the morning of the 28th. Eric heard a very bad news.

Obviously, it was deliberately picking up the moment when Eric’s personal appearance of Iron Man was about to be released. The two little guys suddenly broke out in the media.

"Probably around six o'clock in the morning on the east coast, the Yahoo portal's duty staff first discovered that the website named 'Hollywood Gossip' suddenly ran out several news about three children. They immediately reported it to Brown. Ms. However, now that an hour has passed, these articles have been reprinted by many more well-known news media. Even AOL and MSN's portals have linked the news to the homepage."

In the study room in the front cabin of the aircraft, Eric looked at Meyer in a gloomy manner and introduced a stack of copies of the news of the three children.

"Eric Williams illegitimate child exposure"

"The ridiculous private life of the super rich, a pair of children born on the same day"

"Emma Roberts Murdoch Barrymore Williams, the real firefly 'Little Princess'"

"Eric Williams spends a lot of money to conceal news, extravagant children's life luxury"



Feel free to flip the newsletter in your hand, and Eric will call East Hampton when he picks up the phone.

Meyer whispered aside, "Eric, Ms. Pakula and Ms. Madsen have taken the children to Miss Barrymore's plane."

Eric paused and quickly connected to the video call on the Shantou aircraft.

A moment later, Emma's figure appeared on the screen, and the little guy grabbed it with his hand in front of the camera. Tender voice: "Dad, can you see Emma?"

"Of course," Eric saw Emma's tender face, relaxed and relaxed, with a smile on his face. He pulled the chair and sat down in the air and said: "Is Emma recently naughty?"

"No, Emma has always been very embarrassed, but, sleepy, Aunt Joan said that I want to take everyone to vacation, Emma has not woken up yet."

"You can sleep on the plane. Your Aunt Drew's plane is very comfortable."

"Well," the little guy nodded. "Dad, when are you coming to see us?"


"Don't forget to bring a gift to Emma."

"Of course, Dad has never forgotten."

After talking a few words, next to Virginia, Emma, ​​who was reluctant to leave, walked away and did not forget to look at Eric, and Joanna sat down in front of the camera.

"I am sorry, Joan," Eric looked at the woman who was as temperamental as she was, and apologized: "How are the children?"

"Kevin is still asleep, Vicky is hard to let him sleep a little late, accompanied by a family teacher in summer and summer, reading a book," Joanna smiled, turned and looked, whispered: "Eric, Wei Ji is actually very happy."

Eric laughed and understood.

Although more than once to comfort women Kevin and Hawaii are their children, the heirs of the Williams family, but Virginia has been worried for many years that Eric will suddenly not recognize Kevin's identity.

Now, when things are exposed, Eric will not be able to 'reward' in the future.

Eric has never thought of this before.

Over the years, the message of the two children has been concealed as much as possible, just to enable them to have a calm and safe environment for growth. Eric has rarely deliberately avoided the two children.

However, looking at the reaction of Virginia and Joanna at this time, Eric also let go of his heart.

The impact of this incident on women and children is obviously not as serious as one might think.

In fact, it is also very understandable. If it is a little ordinary person, even if it is a general rich, when it encounters such a thing, it must have been blocked by the media that has swarmed to the end of the day, and even collapsed. But the two women only need to take the children to board a private jet, and they can easily avoid all the troubles, and the children will not be hurt.

"So, where are you going now?"

"First come to Ventura to add oil, then fly to Australia. Everyone is ready to go there for the summer vacation, Leeds and Julia have taken off from Ventura," Joanna's soft tone is still somewhat resentful. , said: "The things here are handed over to you, but we don't care."

Australia is the home base of the Elizabethan family, and the media there is basically monopolized by the Murdoch family. Several women are now over the past, obviously suitable.

Eric put down his heart and said: "Of course, I will handle it well, and you will have fun."

"Well," Joanna nodded and said again: "Drew is also on the plane. Fortunately, she was in New York recently, would she call her?"

"No, I have to deal with these things and see that you are fine."

"Then it's the first thing," Joanna said, looking at the camera for a moment, saying: "Eric, you shouldn't be too tired recently."

"I know, then, goodbye."


Hanging up the video, Eric's expression was cold again, got up and left the front cabin study, went to the largest conference room on the plane, and told Caroline and Meyer to connect Chris and Ian respectively. · A video call from Genil and Jeffrey Kasenberg.

Suddenly this kind of thing happened, everyone obviously got the news, several core high-levels of the Firefly system soon appeared on the big screen on both sides of the conference room.