MTL - I’m In Douluo, I Ate the Blue Silver Emperor-Chapter 11 Tang San

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  Chapter 11 The White Mouse Tang San

   While Tang San was absorbing the spirit ring, Mo Bai was also browsing the master's book "Ten Core Competencies of Wuhun".

   First, after browsing through it roughly, Mo Bai had to admit it.

  Master is indeed very knowledgeable, and he knows a lot about Wuhun.

  The so-called ten core competitiveness of Wuhun are listed above, and each item has a large number of enumerations and analyzes, even experiments, but it seems that they only mentioned a general idea, and did not fully explain the detailed content.

  As for the so-called ten core competitiveness of Wuhun, the master also made it clear that this is the most core basic knowledge about Wuhun based on his collection, experimentation, or conjecture.

   "Level bottleneck and soul power: When the soul power reaches a soul master level, even if you don't absorb the soul ring, you can continue to cultivate the soul power, and the accumulated soul power will be reflected after absorbing the soul ring!"

"Theory of Martial Soul Mimicry: Plant-like spirits may not necessarily only be able to absorb plant spirit and beast spirit rings. Animal-like spirits may not necessarily be unable to absorb plant spirit and beast spirit rings! It can be based on some similar characteristics of plant spirit beasts and animal spirit beasts. , to absorb!"

   The two core competencies read out by Mo Bai are the master's own conjecture, and they were put into the so-called ten core competencies by the master.

   "No wonder you are ridiculed. If you say that you sum up, you can summarize everything. You also added your own conjectures in the summary, and put your conjectures and those knowledge into the top ten core competitiveness. It is no wonder that you are not ridiculed!"

   "This is trying to gain fame and put gold on your face!"

  Mo Bai shook his head, and complained.

  But even though he was making complaints, Mo Bai had to admit that the master is indeed very powerful, and the knowledge reserve related to Wuhun is really amazing, otherwise he would not be able to summarize the so-called ten core competitiveness of Wuhun.

  Then Mo Bai looked back at the master's two conjectures. The first one seemed meaningless. After all, as long as it is a soul master, after the soul master level breaks through the bottleneck, he can't wait to find the soul ring to absorb it!

   "The second one is obviously a problem!"

   "A weapon soul can not only absorb the soul rings of plant-type soul beasts, but also absorb the soul rings of animal-type soul beasts!"

   "Why do beast spirits and plant spirits only absorb the spirit rings of animal-type spirit beasts? And plant-type spirits can only absorb the spirit rings of plant-type spirit beasts?"

   "How did such common sense appear?"

  Seeing the master's second conjecture, Mo Bai became a little puzzled.

  In the master's description, the soul masters of the entire Douluo Continent have always thought so, and it has almost become the common sense of soul masters.

  Mo Bai doesn't know how such common sense has been formed over the years, but from the perspective of Mo Bai's logical thinking.

  Since weapon spirits can absorb other types of spirit beast spirit rings, then animal spirits and plant spirits can naturally also.

   "Since this theory appeared in the master's hands, judging from the master's personality, it should be verified later!"

   "The most likely thing is that Tang San became a guinea pig and helped Master verify his conjecture!"

   "It seems that the master is worthy of being a master. His thinking is not imprisoned by the so-called common sense, so he dares to make inferences!"

   "However, there must be a reason for the formation of this common sense!"

   "Maybe, it's because plant spirits are relatively weak, and it is difficult to absorb the spirit rings of animal spirits. There have been many times when the body exploded and died, so this kind of common sense is formed!"

   "What exactly is it, let's take a look..."

   "Tang San seems to have asked for leave before and left. He should go hunting for spirit rings with the master!"

   "When Tang San comes back, we will be able to confirm whether the master's conjecture is feasible!"

   "If possible, I will have more options for absorbing spirit rings in the future!"

   "Looking at it this way, little white mouse Tang San, I hope you will succeed!"

  Thinking of this, Mo Bai suddenly smiled.

  In this way, you can pick up the results that others have verified with their lives without taking risks yourself.


  In the spirit beast forest, Tang San sat cross-legged, his heart turned to the sky, the expression on his face gradually became calm from the ferocious one at the beginning.

   "It's finished?"

  Grandmaster watched from the side, his expression suddenly brightened, and there was excitement in his eyes.

  His theory will be confirmed soon!


  Apart from Grandmaster, behind a tree far away from them, there was a figure who quietly breathed a sigh of relief.

  He is Tang Hao.

  Since Tang San came here to study, he has been secretly guarding Tang San.

  When the Datura snake appeared four hundred years ago, he almost couldn't hold back his shot.

   It's just that he didn't expect Tang San to bring him such a surprise, he didn't even know when his son became so powerful.

   That's a 400-year-old soul beast, even a level 29 master is no match, let Tang San run if he sees it!

   And when Tang San chose to absorb the 400-year mandala snake spirit ring, Tang Hao also almost showed up to stop it.

   Later, considering that the master was indeed very powerful, he decided to let Tang San try it according to the master's theory.

  Of course, it is also because, in case of a problem, he believes that he can solve it by appearing.

  It's just a 400-year spirit ring, when Tang San is sure he can't absorb it, he can forcefully interrupt it!

   It turned out that this was another surprise.

  If my son's blue silver grass spirit can also absorb the animal spirit ring, then the blue silver grass spirit can also grow better!

   "No wonder, even if he is ridiculed by the world, he is still recognized as a master!"

  Tang Hao glanced at the master and confirmed him.

   Also, when the master was in danger, he let Tang San escape and leave behind him, which also allowed him to hand Tang San over to the master for guidance.


   And at this moment, the ups and downs of Tang San's breath finally calmed down.

  The next moment, Tang San opened his eyes, and there was obvious surprise in them.

   "Little San, did you succeed?"

  It may be a little change caused by Mo Bai's intrusion. The master was not poisoned this time. After seeing Tang San wake up, he immediately asked Tang San full of excitement and expectation.

   "Yes, teacher, I succeeded!"

  Tang San looked at the master, and nodded affirmatively.

  Not only that, but his Xuantian Kungfu has finally broken through the first floor!

   "Teacher, your theory is correct. Plant-type martial spirits can also absorb the spirit rings of animal-type spirit beasts!" The happy Tang San said sincerely, looking at the master.

   Now, Tang San is once again grateful for the master in front of him.

  My teacher is really very real. He was already very good at first, but now that even the theory of conjecture has been verified, it is even more amazing.


  (end of this chapter)