MTL - I’m Fighting Back In the Ninja World with Spells-Chapter 529 chaos

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Shinji never made a move, staying in an absolutely safe place to keep quiet.

"Brother Shinji really thinks that the so-called Eye of the Moon plan is okay?"

Zuo Help suddenly asked, if he was given a choice, he would never want to live in a permanent illusion.

And at this time, Shinji has nothing to hide.

"Keep watching, this plan won't work. Ah Fei was just deceived."

"Then here we come..."

"I always felt that things might not be that simple."

Shinji's guess was right.

Just outside the battlefield, there is a group of uninvited guests waiting to enter.

"It's ironic that what that guy said was true. There was actually civil unrest between humans."

Shanhu watched the fierce battle on the battlefield in amazement.

It seems that it is not only the Ninja Alliance who received the information, but also the Curse Spirit Alliance!

That's right!

In order to revive Kaguya Otsutsuki, Hei Jue also tried to use these spell spirits.

And this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity has indeed attracted Mr. Di and the others.

"It is true, but human beings are such vile and inferior creatures, and the more they are like this, the more beneficial they are to us."

"Just one vote for him! As long as all these human elites are killed here, even if the obstacle is cleared."

"Don't worry, let them fight for a while. After all, we are different races from the other party, and we are still mortal enemies. If we intervene rashly, maybe they will deal with us with the enemy, and then we will suffer a big loss. ."

The enemy is still very calm.

Woody curled his lips deliberately disdainfully, "What's there to be afraid of, I'm really timid."

Mr. Eni did not hear it.

After all, he has brought all the combat power that he can bring with him now, so there is no need to cause a estrangement because of such a trivial matter, and he cannot commit it.

Four super-class spell spirits, plus tens of thousands of ordinary spell spirits.

This time, Mr. enemy is bound to win! To establish an absolute advantage in one fell swoop!

The appearance of tens of thousands of curse spirits cannot be concealed from anyone.

The reconnaissance unit of the Ninja Coalition was the first to discover the situation and report it.

But at this juncture right now, even if I find it, I can't stop it.

The battlefield is a meat grinder, not anyone who wants to stop can stop it all at once.

Also, in the past, they and Akatsuki might be able to cooperate.

But at this moment in the hearts of the five shadows, the danger level of the Akatsuki organization is even more than those of the curse spirits!

At least for now, those curse spirits have no ability to overthrow the rule of mankind.

And they seriously suspect that these spell spirits are the helpers that the Xiao organization has found!

Combining the inside and the outside, preparing to destroy them all in one fell swoop.

"Let the people from the combat special unit go and see. All the reserve personnel are ready to attack. Once attacked, there is no need to leave alive, and go all out!"


The ninja coalition thought that these spell spirits might be Akatsuki's backhand, but Akatsuki's people didn't think so.

"So these monsters heard the movement in advance and came to pick up a bargain?"

"Deidara, show them your big baby!"

"Ghost, I will blow you to pieces sooner or later!"

Deidara snorted coldly, but still abandoned the black soil, flew high into the sky, and started making bombs.

"Art is explosion, drink!"

C3 · No. 18 rapidly expanded and became larger during the fall, and then exploded on the heads of countless spell spirits!


The cannon fodder cursed spirits suffered heavy casualties, and this time, let alone thousands of them were killed.

When Shinji noticed, his heart was bleeding.

It's a waste, it's a waste!

If he had known earlier, he should have found a way to form a bond with Xiao Di.

It must be a blast to brush up the curse soul value!

Too bad it's too late...

Deidara's move naturally angered the Cursed Spirit Alliance.

Mr. Di frowned, as expected, not everything goes so smoothly.

It seems that it is impossible to take advantage of the fisherman.

So he immediately issued an order to let all the curse spirits attack the ninja coalition from the rear!

He didn't choose to fight with the people of Xiao's organization because of the more than 1,000 cannon fodder curse spirits that were killed and injured.

In that case, it was not the result he wanted.

After a large number of curse spirits rushed into the battlefield and began to flank the ninja coalition on both sides, the scene suddenly became extremely chaotic.

The staff of the staff has not figured out whether these spell spirits are the backhands of the Xiao organization.

If so, why did 'my own people' fight first?

But if not, why not take revenge on the people of the Xiao organization, but instead attack them with all their strength?

Although it was very hard to figure out, the ninja coalition chose to fight!

Under the concentrated fire attack of the well-trained ninja coalition, these ordinary spell spirits were almost destroyed in pieces.

But it also involved a lot of their energy and consumed a lot of chakra.

Coupled with the fact that they can transform at will, it is difficult to see through a large number of Bai Jue.

So Juwei and other members of Akatsuki's organization began to exert their strength one after another.

Jiaodu let out a grudge, and he was playing with great enthusiasm, and the brilliant Jing Dun killed the Quartet!

Although he always feels that his memory has not been very good recently...

But that doesn't matter!

Then he was targeted by Lei Ying, UU read for two rests, and the two grievances and monsters were blown up, and the corners were stunned and did not respond.

Fortunately, the most important thing on the battlefield is people and hearts.

Jiao Du didn't hesitate, and he stole two hearts with two puffs.

Hey, you are not angry!

At this moment, Raikage was able to work hard because the mysterious man who controlled the ten tails suddenly got into trouble with Kakashi Konoha Ninja.

So a few shadows are added together. Since it is not possible to stop Juwei at the moment, it is better to clear the battlefield and kill the people organized by Akatsuki.

So that's it, Raikage stared at Jiaodu, Suikage found Guijiao, and tried to clear the door.

As for Jiraiya, he faced Muramasa with the demon sword.

The loess took a large number of Ninjas from Yanyin Village and began to build fortifications, trying to bury the ten tails underground.

Then Mr. Di took Woody, Shanhu, Zhenren and 'Death' into the battlefield.

"If you don't want to die, you'd better stay away from me immediately."

Madam "Death" was the first to speak, and she didn't give her any face.

However, even the most arrogant Woody did not refute his meaning, and immediately left quickly with the help of the power of the earth.

Anyway, the battlefield is so big, who wants to be next to this woman!

Mr. Di and the others too, stay far away immediately.

Then I saw a wave of fluctuations around Ms. "Death", and then quickly spread out, 5 meters, 10 meters, 20 meters!

A death halo with a radius of 20 meters was instantly formed!

Anyone who steps in here will die silently in a blink of an eye.