MTL - I’m Always the Villain-Chapter 59 Campus Heartthrob Crematorium 16

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"Your head-retention movement is not standard enough, practice more." Sang Jiuchi held a folding fan in his hand and tapped lightly on the shoulder of a female classmate.

The female student's face turned red.

Sang Jiuchi's voice has always been calm, making people unable to see what his emotions are.

He himself is good-looking and good-looking, and others can't help but blush when they look at him more.

Basic classes are held in a large dance studio, with a class of 30 students. Sang Jiuchi walked around the classroom while correcting his movements.

Walking on, he stopped in front of Chi Ye.

Chi Ye is doing stretching. He didn't wear tight black dance clothes today, but changed into a large ancient Chinese style dance robe.

The two powerful arms stretched upwards, pulling the whole body up a few centimeters, like an eagle on a peak, preparing to spread its wings and soar.

The wide robe rolled down to Chi Ye's elbow, and the tight chest muscles could be faintly seen through the gaps in the cuffs.

Sang Jiuchi's expression was indifferent, but his eyes wandered from Chiye's fingertips to his toes, and finally settled on the position of his arm and elbow.

At first glance, there is nothing in his eyes, but when he looks at it again, it contains a bit of playfulness and interest.

Chi Ye was stared at by this gaze, and Sang Jiuchi held a fan and pressed it under his arm.

I don't know if it was intentional or not, but the fan head was impartial and just touched the socket of his elbow.

A little itchy, and a little strange feeling came up from my heart.

Chiye's body was slightly stiff, and he heard Sang Jiuchi speak, "Student Chiye did a good job, no need to practice, please help me correct my movements."

Everyone: "???"

Senior Sang, you are biased! He stretched his waist, how could he be doing well? ! He didn't do it!

Chi Ye put down his arms angrily, followed behind Sang Jiuchi with a straight face on purpose, and began to correct his actions under the envious eyes of his roommates and classmates, for fear that others would find something.

Sang Jiuchi doesn't like to be in physical contact with others, and he uses a fan or a pointer to correct his actions. In addition, he is serious and responsible. There are 30 students in a class, and he can give instructions for one class.

Although Sang Jiuchi was strict, the classmates also knew that he was doing it for their own good.

Now, the speed of correction is much faster after adding the gallop, and it will be corrected in a short time.

After correcting his movements, Sang Jiuchi slowly walked to the chair in the far corner and sat down, propped up the chair with a fan, and began to rest with narrowed eyes.

Sang Jiuchi took a deep breath and suppressed the restlessness in his heart.

He really did not expect that the body of this plane would be so sensitive.

Although his arrival cleared the skin thirst in the original owner's body, his sensitive body constitution could not be changed.

Tired but want more.

I can't stop, I want to die in it, the kind that doesn't stop until I die.

Although it can reach the extreme every time, but every time it is like the rest of the life after a catastrophe, there is no strength at all.

In addition to being scared, I was also a little excited. It was just the beginning. What would happen if it was finished?

Kind of looking forward to it.

Sang Jiuchi sat on the chair and closed his eyes, his brows were slightly wrinkled and his expression was cold, like the most clean and white green bamboo. Who would have guessed that he was thinking about this now.

"Senior, do you want to drink water?" A cautious voice came from overhead, Sang Jiuchi opened his eyes, and saw Chi Ye obediently standing in front of him, picking up the cup with a disposable paper cup in his hand.

His fingertips holding the paper cup turned white, and his eyes were full of concern and apology.

Sang Jiuchi reached out to pick it up, and if his fingers brushed the back of the other's finger, "Thank you."

Chi Ye seemed to have been scalded, and his body collapsed straighter.

"Senior, are you feeling unwell today? Do you want to go to the infirmary or go back for a rest?" The school committee was a little worried, "Don't worry, we won't cause trouble, and the get out of class is about to end."

Sang Jiuchi really wanted to leave early, he stood up with a folding fan propped up on the chair, "I'm sorry, I have a low fever, and I'm not in good shape today. Chiye-san, come with me, you still have a few actions that I need to correct individually. The school committee and the monitor will lead the students to consolidate their actions.”

Sang Jiuchi took the fan behind his back and walked out of the dance studio first.

Under the astonished eyes of everyone, Chiye followed suit and quickly disappeared around the corner.

In the dance studio, the students looked at each other, and finally someone shouted, "What's going on?! Senior Sang opened a small stove for Chi Ye?!"

"What's so strange, when I went to practice dancing on the weekends, I saw Senior Sang teaching Chi Ye classmates." The female classmate who met Sang Jiuchi that day said, "Saturdays and Sundays."

"Is Chiye going to participate in any competition? Otherwise, why would Senior Sang help him in class?"

"Senior Sang's attitude towards Chi Ye is very different. After entering the classroom, he always looks at him."

Lin Fu stared at his black eyes and said innocently, "Senior Sang doesn't like Chiye, right?! He's an old cow eating tender grass."

The second child in the dormitory glared at him, "What kind of old cow eats tender grass. Although Senior Sang is a second student, but he is only 22 years old, isn't he 4 years older than Chi Ye? Men are talented and handsome, and they really match well together."

Lin Fu lowered his head and gritted his teeth, "Senior Sang, isn't Senior Zhou Ruoqing Zhou's boyfriend of the Mathematics Department? He's stepping on two boats like this, right?"

"What?!" Everyone looked at Lin Fu in shock, "Zhou Ruoqing? When did Senior Sang and Senior Zhou get together? Why didn't we know?!"

Some classmates began to be unhappy, "Lin told, you can eat indiscriminately, but you can't talk indiscriminately."

Lin Fu raised his innocent eyes, "I didn't talk nonsense. I didn't know at first, I'm not good at math, so I asked Senior Zhou to teach me. Last Friday I went to Senior Zhou's house to make up lessons, and I saw Senior Sang at the I only found out when his family was cooking, and the relationship between the two seems to be pretty good. It's only been a few days, even if we break up, it shouldn't be so seamless, right?"

Everyone: "!!"

Zhou Ruoqing is also a celebrity in this school. He is handsome and gentle. He is also the chairman of the Art Student Union. Many people have a crush on him, and he has never been in love with anyone in three years of college.

Is it really like what Lin said, Senior Zhou and Senior Sang are having an underground relationship?

Hearing the slander in Lin Fu's words, the second child was mad, "What seamless connection?! Senior Sang looked at Chi Ye differently because they were going to perform a duet dance together and participate in the city's duet dance competition in two weeks. It's not what you want at all. Do you know what it means to 'make a rumor and break a leg'? Have you ever said this outside?!"

Lin Fu was stunned for two seconds, "They are going to participate in the city's pas de deux competition?"

The second child's tone was very bad, "Yeah, the game is about to be played, of course they have to work overtime to practice. While others are working hard in the front, you are making rumors behind them, it's really inauthentic. Senior Sang is also your senior, you Don't you even have the most basic respect? Do you know what it means to be prudent in words and deeds? Besides, neither Senior Zhou nor Senior Sang know anything about it. Now that's all right, with your words, Senior Sang has become a footrest. The sea king scumbag of two ships?"

The second child asked again, "Have you said these words outside?"

Lin Fu was scolded by the second child, his eyes were already red, and wet tears hung from his eyelashes, "No, no more."

The second child was a little irritable when he looked at Lin Fu's appearance of crying, but his voice softened, "If you are not sure, don't talk about it casually in the future. Senior Sang is very honest, it is impossible. Everyone should not listen to this matter. But don't spread it to the outside world. If Senior Zhou and Senior Sang really have anything, it is also their business, and they have their reasons for choosing not to disclose it."

Lin Fu's eyes were red and red, and he silently stepped aside.

The male classmates were okay, the female classmates looked at each other and glared at Lin Fu several times.

After all, everyone didn't say anything. Seeing this, the monitor and the academic committee were inside with lubricant and organized everyone to start self-study.

In the locker room, the upright senior Sang was hugging his junior brother, and they were very close.

After a long time, Sang Jiuchi regained control of his mouth, put all his strength on Chiye, put his arms around the opponent's neck, and rested his chin on the opponent's shoulders, panting tiredly.

Chi Ye felt the other's slender waist, and hugged the person in his arms tightly, "Senior, are you sick again?"

Sang Jiuchi chuckled, "Yeah, that's weird."

Chi Ye stepped back and leaned against the closet, "Why is it strange?"

Sang Jiuchi: "I seem to be a little addicted. Have you really never kissed anyone before? How can you do this?"

Chi Ye's face flushed red, "But, maybe it's natural?"

Sang Jiuchi rested on Chiye for a while, before pushing him away and sitting on the bench to rest, "You went back to the dormitory yesterday, did your roommate find you?"

Sang Jiuchi was a little far away from him, Chiye didn't lean over, just nodded, "I found it, I said I'll take you to my house. In order to prepare for next week's pas de deux competition, I invited a teacher to give us private lessons, Practice overnight."

Sang Jiuchi raised her eyebrows and smiled, her peach blossom eyes raised slightly, "Where can I teach you a dance teacher?"

Sang Jiuchi held his hands back and leaned back slightly. His face did not have the coldness of the past, but instead had the arrogance of a strong man.

But this arrogance is not only unobjectionable, but even adds a bit of glamour and arbitrariness to his originally indifferent and solemn face, which is very beautiful.

He had already seen many unknown faces of Sang Jiuchi. Chi Ye saw such a proud Sang Jiuchi, and his heart couldn't help thumping.

Once, the three words Sang Jiuchi were just a code name, a code name for an outstanding person.

Although Sang Jiuchi was his senior, he was in the same school. But he always felt that they had nothing to do with each other. That person was like a person in a picture frame, who could see but was not in the same world.

Even when Sang Jiuchi suddenly found him and used him to perform the system desensitization method, he was like a dream, everything was so unreal.

But now Sang Jiuchi was in front of his eyes, not only gradually stripping away those disguises, but also revealing his truest side in front of him.

All unreality has become reality.

Sang Jiuchi's eyes began to look up and down on him again, "Don't wear dance clothes with such big cuffs in public classes in the future."

Putting his fingers in the air, Sang Jiuchi pointed to his chest and drew a circle, "It's all exposed."

Chino: ! !

He seems to know what Sang Jiuchi is talking about!

"Didn't you notice that several boys and girls in your class are staring at you?" Sang Jiuchi put down his hands and put his hands behind him again, "Boys should also learn to protect themselves."

Chi Ye blushed and couldn't move, "Okay, I'll change when I turn around."

Sang Jiuchi sat up straight, "Forget it, you probably bought it wrong again, so let me buy it for you."

Chi Ye was startled, but quickly responded, "No, the senior didn't have much money."

"Don't worry, you gave me all the prize money, I'll just buy you a dance costume. Besides, dance costumes don't have to be expensive, and there are many good and cheap ones. I happen to know a few good stores, or do you dislike it? "

Hearing that Sang Jiuchi was going to give him clothes, Chiye smiled, "Of course not, my height and measurements are..."

Sang Jiuchi waved his hand, "No, I know."

Chi Ye: "Huh?"

Sang Jiuchi's two hands made a curved line in the air from top to bottom, "I touched it, I know."

Chi Ye: "…"

Seeing that it was time to end the get out of class, Sang Jiuchi got up from his chair, "Hurry up and change your clothes, it's almost time for get out of class. Do you still have classes in the afternoon?"

Chi Ye: "No class in the afternoon, no class in the evening. There will be a class in the first session tomorrow morning... Senior, why don't I send you a copy of my class schedule."

Sang Jiuchi nodded, "Okay, take a picture and send it to me later, and I'll arrange a practice time. You go back to class, I'll go first."

Chi Ye is a freshman after all, and it is not appropriate to leave with Sang Jiuchi before get out of class is over. After Sang Jiuchi left, he returned to the dance studio, but found that the atmosphere in the dance studio was a bit strange.

The three roommates gathered around and winked at Chi Ye when he saw Chi Ye coming.

Chi Ye walked over and asked in a low voice for unknown reasons: "What's the matter?"

The second brother frowned and said in a low voice, "It's nothing, someone rumored that you had an affair with Chi Shen, and I was scolded by me. The second brother absolutely believes that you and Chi Shen are innocent."

Chi Ye's eyes flickered, but his expression was casual, "Oh, boring."

clean? They don't seem to be clear.

Don't look at Chi Ye like a primary school chicken in front of Sang Jiuchi, but his acting skills are top-notch in front of others.

His expression was calm, his eyes were clear, and his face was straight, which fooled Lin Fu, who had lied about him in the first place.

The three people pulled Chi Ye to the corner, and the second child said in a low voice, "Not only that, Lin Fu just said that Senior Sang and Zhou Ruoqing are in a relationship. You and Senior Sang have been getting close recently, you know? That's it? ?"

Chi Ye was stunned for a second, then turned to look at Lin Fu with a cold look in his eyes.

"Lin told that Senior Sang and Zhou Ruoqing were dating, and Senior Sang had an affair with me again?"

The second child slapped his thigh, "Yeah, I'm so **** off. If I hadn't seen him cry, I almost beat him."

Lin v. is so poisonous.

Didn't the senior and Zhou Ruoqing break up because of him? How could he have the nerve to stand up and guide public opinion now?

This is so shameless.

"What else did Lin Fu say?" Chi Ye's voice was cold and contained a bit of anger.

The second child: "I didn't say anything else, and I didn't dare to say anything after I slammed it back. Have you provoked Lin Fu? Why do I think he did it on purpose?"

provoke? Chi Ye was thankful that he didn't come to provoke the two of them. They just don't care about him, okay?

Lin Fu also seemed to know that he had done something wrong. He shrank his body again after seeing Chi Ye's gaze, wishing he could hide himself in the crack of the wall.

【why? Why do I have to attack such a terrible man. 】Lin Fu shouted in his mind, 【I don't want to attack Chiye, okay? 】

In my mind, an icy system sounded, [Yes, Lord Host, but you need to accept the punishment. 】

Lin Fu lowered his head and asked in his mind, [What punishment? 】

System: [Remove your succubus physique, and you will once again become the unattractive ugly duckling in your previous life. 】

Thinking of the ending of his previous life, Lin Fu shook his head desperately in his mind, "No, I don't want to be like that in my previous life. Why everyone likes Sang Jiuchi, obviously we are all the same. We are all paupers, why everyone only sees him, but not me? 】

He was born again. He moved from place to place in his last life, and he liked four boys before and after. But they all have a crush on Sang Jiuchi, even if Sang Jiuchi ignores them and clearly rejects them. The four of them are still willing to be Sang Jiuchi's licking dog and treat him well regardless of return.

Sang Jiuchi didn't even look at them, he only saw dancing.

He liked them so much, but none of them looked at him.

He is jealous, he hates.

He was jealous that Sang Jiuchi could easily get the attention he wanted, and he hated why Sang Jiuchi acted like that.

So he kept stumbling on Sang Jiuchi, and was finally crippled by the joint revenge of the four.

After he was reborn, he was bound to this guy called "Succubus System".

It can transform its body into a succubus physique, and as long as it is used once, it will be addicted to it, and it will be fascinated by him and crazy for him.

He had already thought about it for a long time, to live a new life, and he would take back all that he had lost. He wants to take everything that belongs to Sang Jiuchi into his own hands, and he wants to let Sang Jiuchi experience the pain he has experienced in his previous life.

Everything was going smoothly and happily, until not long ago, the system issued a task to him: [Strategy for Chiye. 】

This is a quest that must be completed. After completing it, his succubus physique will evolve into a succubus emperor, but if he fails, all his succubus physiques will disappear.

There was no such person as Chiye in the last life, and it may be that Chiye appeared in this class because his life restarted and changed some trajectories.

Lin Fu didn't make too many guesses about Chiye's appearance, but he was really amazed by Chiye at the first sight of Chiye at the beginning of the school year, but then he persuaded him.

He was a little afraid of galloping wild.

The kind of fear that came out of his bones, he always felt that Chi Ye was not like an ordinary person, and the aura around him could crush him to death.

The system began to entice again, [What are you counseling, you have me, what does Chiye have? Do you know who Chi Ye is? A quarter of the manor in country D belongs to his family, so what are those four people compared to Chiye? With him you have the whole world. 】

Lin Fu glanced at Chiye, then shrank back in fright, [He will kill me, he will definitely kill me. 】

System: [Don't be afraid, I can give you an aphrodisiac. With my love potion, even a statue will react. As long as you can trick him into a separate room, that's it. You don't believe in yourself, don't you believe in the succubus' physique? 】

Lin Fu's eyes lit up, "Does that love potion really have such a good effect? 】

System: [Of course you can, and I want to remind you that Zhou Ruoqing's love value for you has begun to decline, while his love value for Sang Jiuchi is on the rise. 】

Lin Fu was shocked: [What? Didn't you say that the physique of the succubus will make people fall in love forever? Why did he like Sang Jiuchi again? 】

System: [The body of the succubus will not be used for a while, and the effect of love will be weakened. Think about how long it has been since Zhou Ruoqing has been looking for you, you have to take the initiative. 】

Lin Fu's eyes hidden in the shadows cooled down, [No, Sang Jiuchi is the problem. As long as Sang Jiuchi is there, they will leave me one day. I want to destroy Sang Jiuchi once and for all, so that everything will be resolved. 】

System: [What are you going to do? 】

Lin Fu: [Didn't Sang Jiuchi suffer from skin thirst? Wasn't the gangster in KTV before useless? I always find a way to bring him down. Don't they all say that Sang Jiuchi is the flower of the high mountains? I will turn the flower of the high mountain into a rotten chrysanthemum in the wild. 】

System: [You are poisonous. In dealing with Sang Jiuchi, I have never seen you softened. 】

Lin Fu stopped talking.

Of course, he would not be soft on Sang Jiuchi.

Sang Jiuchi is his inner demon, he is a steel cone on top of his head. As long as Sang Jiuchi is still alive, he will be the one who will die.