MTL - I’m Always the Villain-Chapter 140 Pope 13

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With just a slight kick, lightning flew out immediately.

Unlike the Sharman Warhorse, which was still accelerating at the beginning, the speed of the lightning was already extremely fast from the time it began to rush out.

After the lightning dashed out, it was not like Shaman's warhorse that skillfully used curves to extend the time for Shaman to take arrows, bow, and locate, but dashed straight towards the target like a line.

Sharman's arrow just landed on the target. Colin only had time to check the number of rings, and he didn't even have time to take out the arrow. Hull's game had already begun.

He just wanted to stop Hull, but was stopped by Sang Jiuchi, who was beside him.

Colin turned his head and glanced at Sang Jiuchi suspiciously, and saw the starlight beating in the clear eyes of Sang Jiuchi, like stars hanging in the vast sky.

Sharman's warhorse had obviously been trained for such an attack many times, and had already been able to use his muscle memory to make the most perfect match with Sharman. Therefore, when Sharman controls it to sprint out, it will take the route of turning and running in a semicircle. When it stops in front of the red line, Sharman can just shoot from its sideways position.

This position is also the most comfortable shooting position, as there will be a horse's head in the way of shooting from the front.

Whether it is speed, angle or time, Sharman has trained hundreds of times, and he has already mastered the most perfect details.

However, Lightning has always received Hull's onslaught training. As long as Hull issues an order, it is like a long spear aimed at the enemy, rushing straight towards the enemy, and will not turn at all.

It is impossible to turn a corner, whoever turns first will lose!

It's like a crazy horse who is pitting its masters, rushing straight ahead.

Shaman was a little surprised, the horse was crazy, and the owner of the horse was crazy.

He did not adjust the speed and running direction of the lightning in time, but directly took out three arrows from the bow box in this posture.

He was very tall and strong, and the posture of taking the arrow was fast and handsome.

By the time he had just put the arrow on the bow and pulled it, the lightning had almost reached the red line.

In Shaman's view, Hull didn't even have time to look at the bull's-eye, and he hastily released the arrows full of the bow.

Shaman shook his head secretly.

Hull said that it was true that he had not drawn a bow for more than ten years, and his performance was too general, not only for humans, but also for horses.

The moment Hull let go of the bow, the bowstring faintly murmured.

The three bows and arrows swiped in unison, and the speed was so fast that even the air made a sharp hissing sound.

Just as Shaman sighed secretly, the three arrows landed on the target with three swoops.

Its strength is so heavy that even the target swayed in place for a few times before it was able to hold on to the swing.

At the position of the target, there was a "click" sound of wood splitting.

Shaman looked at it and was instantly stunned.

The three arrows smashed from the tail of his shot in unison, and the tip of the gleaming silver arrow cut a smooth straight line, dividing his arrow in two.

Hull's three arrows didn't stop at all because of the resistance of the arrow bodies, they penetrated the bull's-eye straight, and stopped when half of the arrows fell into the target.

Shaman's eyes widened, and after a while he spat out a word: "God."

Also shocked was Colin. Colin's small eyes widened, he turned to look at Sang Jiuchi, and found that Sang Jiuchi's expression was calm, as if he had known the result.

Colin was surprised for a while, still counting the rings according to the rules.

Sharman 30, Hull 30.

It looked like a tie, but Colin knew it was a tie.

Sharman's 30 is well-prepared, the right place and the right time.

Hull's 30 is free, and it has long been beyond Sharman's.

It is fair to say that it is a draw, but it is somewhat unfair. Hull is new here, and what they do is a bit like bullying.

Colin looked at everyone, hesitated for a while, but decided to announce the result, "The result of this game is..."

"I lost." Sharman interrupted Colin and knelt in front of Hull on one knee and halfway, "I would like to accept the bet and let Shaman see Sir Hull."

Hull was not polite, he responded directly, and went straight to the point: "Shaman, follow me to select the cavalry, I want them to complete my task within three days."

Sharman's expression turned serious immediately, and he nodded heavily, "Okay, sir!"

After a while, Shaman hesitated: "Sir Hull, didn't you say that you haven't practiced riding and shooting for more than ten years?"

Hull: "Yeah, after practicing horse-riding archery more than ten years ago, I didn't think it was a challenge, so I gave up riding and changed to a long sword. Although riding and archery can be unexpected, the buffer time in the middle is too long, which is a drawback. The longsword is different and can be seamlessly connected, so I ended up using the longsword.”

Shaman: "Then when you practiced 100 shots and 100 hits, you also practiced three shots at once?"

Hull: "No, I practice five."

Shaman: "…"

Well, I thought it was a rookie, but I didn't expect that they were just full-level players returning to the novice village.

Hull really deserves to be his idol!

Sharman's admiration for Hull has reached a new level.

Three days later, the generals of the Alpha Empire were discussing the siege strategy at the top of the lamp.

For more than half a month, they had been fighting all the way from the north, and they were in a rush, but they were blocked by the city in front of them.

This seemingly small city is easy to defend and difficult to attack, and the soldiers are particularly difficult to deal with. They have been attacking for half a month without knocking down the city.

Although the supply of food and grass is still sufficient, they have already begun to be agitated.

Their plan is to divide into two parts, these troops go all the way south, hit Huanglong all the way, hit the imperial capital of Siman Empire all the way. In their rear, the plague was spread by throwing dead animals from upstream. By the time they hit the imperial capital, the imperial capital had already been infected by the plague, and it was self-defeating.

But the small city in front of them can't be attacked, how can they attack the cities behind them that are blocking the road?

The marshal of the Alpha Empire in this battle pointed to the map in front of him, "Are you sure about attacking the city in three days?"

The generals below were silent.

No one dares to say that they are sure, and no one dares to say that they are not sure.

They've said too many times to be sure, and each time they've come back in vain. They can't say that they are not sure, isn't that growing others' ambition and destroying their own prestige?

The other party suffered heavy losses, and they also suffered a lot.

Their plan is to use these soldiers to hit the imperial capital. If too many soldiers are lost in the middle, it will affect this long-term plan.

Therefore, they can no longer send troops rashly until they are completely sure.

After one of the generals thought about it, Hui reported: "Marshal, why don't we wait a few more days. My spies heard the news, and Colin asked the imperial capital for help, but the imperial capital only sent a hundred or so people from the Holy See."

The marshal was stunned: "The Holy See? Who is in the Holy See?"

The general said: "It's an archbishop in red. I heard that it is the Sang Jiuchi that is in the limelight of the imperial capital. The imperial capital did not send reinforcements to Colin. It seems that he intends to give up here. We only need to wait until Colin runs out of ammunition and food. , this city will be able to self-destruct without attacking. Their food and grass supplies are already stretched, but ours is abundant and rich, and they can't hold it for a few days."

The marshal pondered for a moment, "Be careful of cheating, go check it out again, see what the people brought by the red-clothed archbishop are doing, and make sure that the other party is really trash in the Holy See."

The general gave the order, "Follow the order, General."

Just when they were going to discuss some countermeasures, a warning horn suddenly sounded outside.

The next second, a soldier shouted, "Enemy attack, enemy attack!"

The marshal and the generals were all shocked and rushed out with their weapons in unison.

They saw the straw piles in the distance burn with flames, and in the further distance, they only saw the butts of a dozen horses leaving quickly.

The barracks were in chaos, some people took water to fight the fire, and some cavalrymen had already mounted their horses and were ready to chase the enemy. More are overwhelmed soldiers running around the barracks.

The marshal grabbed a running soldier and roared, "What's going on?"

The soldier's face flashed with panic, and he said quickly: "It's the cavalry of the Siman Empire. They attacked our straw pile just now. After the sentinel found it, they left immediately."

"Cavalry?" The marshal's face flashed with surprise, he loosened the clothes that grabbed the soldiers' collars, "How many are there?"

Soldier: "I didn't see it clearly, it was too fast. They came and went like a gust of wind, about a dozen people."

The marshal was furious, "Just a dozen or so cavalry, let you all mess up! That's how I taught you?!"

Around, there are still many unidentified soldiers running wildly with others, the marshal shouted, "Stop for me! One more step, kill Wushe!"

The sound of running came to an abrupt end, and only the straw in the distance was still smoking wisps of green smoke.

The marshal ordered, "Why don't you do what you were doing just now, you guys go put out the fire!"

Everyone got the order, and immediately began to act according to the order of the marshal. With just one sentence, the out of control scene immediately recovered.

The marshal deliberately looked at the lit straw pile. The straw was flammable and smoked a lot. From the smoke that came out, it seemed like a big fire, but in fact only two straw piles were lit.

After reading it, the marshal pondered for a moment, then returned to the camp with a sneer, and continued to discuss the military situation just now.

A general was very puzzled: "What's going on?"

Marshal: "What else is going on, I just want to disturb the morale of the army by creating panic. I will pass on the order, and the local cavalry will come again in the future. There is no need to panic, and there is no need to sound the horn. Additional personnel will be assigned to the location of the food and grass. As long as the food and grass are all right, they will There is nothing to do. Let the brothers rest and patrol. If I am not wrong, they will come to harass frequently during the next period of time, and the other side is already anxious. "

The next night, as the marshal said.

The Sman Empire sent more than a dozen cavalry again, and they moved very fast. After quickly lighting a few fires, they did not have any nostalgia, and the disaster left decisively.

This time, the sentinels and patrol soldiers of the Alpha Empire had already received orders, they did not blow the horn, and the patrol soldiers methodically put out the fire with water.

That night, the soldiers of the Alpha Empire had a sufficient rest.

On the third night, the Sman Empire dispatched light cavalry again, and it was still the same operation as the previous two days.

In the tent, the general who inquired about the hostilities in the city reported to the marshal: "Report to the marshal, there is news. Colin ordered the soldiers to slaughter the three army horses to reward the soldiers. In addition, the hundred Holy See you asked me to inquire about. Priest, these three days have been praying for the death of the dead soldiers and for the soldiers who died. They did it for three days in a row, and did nothing in between."

After hearing this, the marshal was stunned for a moment, and then he quickly became clear and laughed.

"Reward? It sounds good, I think it's the end of the road, right?" The marshal stood up with his hands on the table, and his eyes shot a sharp edge, "It seems that the emperor did not send them reinforcements, so that Colin has become seriously ill. I've gone to the doctor indiscriminately. War horses are a precious armament resource in the army, and no army will use war horses to reward soldiers unless it is absolutely necessary. He has no food to eat!"

"He constantly sent light cavalry to disturb us, in order to make us panic every night, make our physical strength greatly reduced, and finally send troops at the right time, he is now exhausted, and he does not plan to spend all the time in the city, ready to take risks , preemptive strike."

The generals flattered, "Colin is a big fool and a wise man. He thought his plan was very deep, but he didn't know that the marshal had already seen it through, the marshal is wise!"

"Let me know, all the soldiers will start camping on the spot from today. They should eat, drink, and maintain sufficient physical strength. Don't panic, let the other side's cavalry continue to interfere. When they send troops, we will kill them all!"

"Continue to monitor Colin's army, and can't let go of any trouble."

From that day onwards, the Siman Empire began daily disturbance activities.

According to the news from the spies, Colin would slaughter a war horse every day to reward the soldiers. The people in the Holy See continued to chant and pray for blessings as always.

Gradually, the soldiers of the Alpha Empire became accustomed from the vigilance at the beginning to the back, and these cavalry became a group of annoying flies, only buzzing, but without any attack power.

The soldiers should eat and drink. They have completely relaxed and are very comfortable.

The marshal was also secretly counting the days, waiting for the time to come.

On the night of the eighth day, Sang Jiuchi stared at the misty distance and said, "The time is ripe, Hull, let the brothers prepare, today is the last day."

Hale had already put on his armor, and his long blond hair was tied into a high ponytail.

A handsome face is like a snow-capped mountain that has not melted all the year round, piercing to the bone. The bushy eyebrows slanted into the temples, and the surging muscles under the broad shoulders, the heroic appearance.

His whole body was bathed in raging fighting intent and murderous aura. He glanced at the two hundred cavalry behind him and said loudly, "Brothers, let's go!"

The cavalry headed by Shaman held up the things in their hands, and the whole body was also full of fighting intent.

Hull gave an order, and two hundred well-trained light riders rushed out like arrows.

It is now officially late at night, the earth is quiet, and everything in the world seems to be shrouded in a white mist, falling into a deep sleep.

But in this quiet late night, they didn't sleep at all.

Colin's expression was very nervous, and there was excitement in the tension.

His body shuddered uncontrollably, and his hands were clenched into fists!

If they can succeed today, they will win this battle!

The fog was thick in the distance, and the five fingers could not be seen.

In the first seven days, the two hundred cavalry had already figured out the enemy's position in two waves, day and night, and they could find the exact position of the enemy even in the fog.

In the Alpha Empire military camp, several patrolling soldiers are patrolling.

Due to the heavy fog, today's patrol force was doubled as usual.

Several patrolling soldiers patrolled the battalion, chatting while walking: "You said, will the cavalry of the Siman Empire come today?"

Another soldier said arrogantly: "Whether he will come or not, it's useless anyway. I really don't know why they put so much effort into it. It's better to let the warhorses rest more if they have that effort, so that they can kill more. Lots of horse meat."

The other soldiers laughed when they heard the soldier's ridicule, and the atmosphere was very comfortable.

Suddenly, there was the sound of hooves in the distance.

The soldier who was teasing just now blew a whistle: "Hey, here we come again, the opposite side really has perseverance, this kind of day comes, and I'm not afraid of falling off the cliff halfway. Let's go, let's go fetch water."

After seven or eight days of confrontation, they had long been used to fetching water in advance when they heard the sound of hooves.

The well was in the center of the camp. When a few people walked to the well, they found that there were already a few people standing by the well.

"What are you doing here?" the patrolling soldier asked curiously.

"Drawing water, I heard the sound of horses' hooves just now, and the other party's cavalry came to make trouble again." A soldier from another patrol replied.

The tone is very pleasant, as if saying "the flies are coming again".

The soldier who asked at the beginning was stunned for a moment, "No, I heard the sound of hooves in my direction, why are you there."

I just replied that the person retorted: "No, no, I can hear it clearly, it's our side."

While the two were arguing, another group of sentries slowly came from the fog.

The expression of the sentry when they saw it was the same as the sentinel just now, "What are you doing here?"

The two teams of soldiers in front almost said in unison, "What are you doing here again?"

The new pair of sentinel leaders said, "Come to fetch water, I heard the sound of horses' hooves just now."

The man's tone was also very pleasant.

The first two teams have realized that something is wrong.

In the foggy darkness, several people next to each other looked at each other, and their hearts squeaked.

They were running in the mist where they could not see their fingers, and before they reached the position just now, they could smell something burning.

Large swaths of dark smoke rose upward, mixed in the mist.

The fog is heavier.

"It's on fire!" the soldier shouted.

Immediately afterwards, there was also an anxious "fire" from the other direction.

As if a switch had been flipped, there was an anxious cry from the other direction.

Finally, someone realized something was wrong.

"Enemy attack! It's an enemy attack!"

Then the horn sounded, shaking the entire foggy night.

The marshal had already woken up when the sentries shouted "go water". He rushed out of the tent and quickly ordered: "Everyone be quiet!"

The fog covered it up so that the marshal's voice could not be heard clearly. The generals gave orders, except for those who put out the fire, they quickly quieted the anxious soldiers' organization.

The soldiers were well-trained, and after hearing the orders of the marshals and generals, they were quick and quiet, and stood in their positions in an orderly manner.

The marshal ordered: "There is no enemy attack, let everyone go to put out the fire first!"

In front of him, a faint fiery red light was revealed in the mist, and thick black smoke continued to fly up.

With the order, the soldiers quickly joined the fire fighting team.

The sound of splashing water was heard one after another, and all the buckets and water tools that could be used were used.

But the black smoke showed no sign of going out.

The marshal frowned, and in the strong and choking smell of smoke, there was a faint smell of choking oil on the tip of the nose.

Hearing the smell of these oils, the marshal was stunned for a moment, and the next second his expression changed greatly, and he exclaimed: "It's kerosene!"

At this time, the flames in all directions finally reignited. The flames met the kerosene and burned quickly. The buckets of water poured on it not only did not extinguish the fires, but instead produced more smoke, which was mixed with mist. Make this already psychedelic environment even more treacherous.

The marshal's voice was a little flustered, but he still forced himself to calm down and asked, "Food! Where is our grain?!"

In the panic, a soldier stumbled and ran in, knelt in front of the marshal and reported urgently: "Report to the marshal! Our food and grass have been set on fire!"

The marshal was furious, kicked the soldier over with one foot, and shouted, "Didn't I tell you to guard the granary?!"

The man said anxiously, "I can't hold it anymore, they rushed in!"

In his anger, the marshal had already ignored the metal crashing sound from the man's body when he spoke.


The marshal's surprised voice just fell, and the sound of horses' hooves was already sounding from all directions.

Accompanied by the rapid sound of hooves, there was a shrill roar after another.

The marshal was furious: "It's not too soon to fight!"

But it was all too late.

Before the marshal's words were finished, a terrifying cold light suddenly burst out from the ground and went straight to the marshal's throat!

The marshal was quick-witted, and immediately drew out his saber to meet him, and Kankan dodged the attack. The man's killing intent was fierce, and a thin layer of sweat was already pouring out of the marshal's forehead.

Only then did the soldiers around him react, and immediately drew their swords and walked towards the man. The man's movements were also fast. He quickly took out an object from behind and threw it upwards. Suddenly, the flames appeared, and the area was brightly illuminated.

That person is none other than Shaman!

In the light, the long swords of the three soldiers were already rushing towards Shaman.

It's too late, it's too soon!

Four bursts of air suddenly sounded, and before a few people could react, they were forced to stop their movements.

Several people were stunned and looked at the sudden feather arrow below in disbelief.

Four unstoppable arrows shot into their throats in salvo, passing straight through the back of their necks.

Seeing that the four of them had no chance to survive, Sharman immediately rolled back and whistled forcefully with his index finger and thumb in a circle.

In the distance, a horse neighed. The next moment, a war horse rushed towards Shaman. He quickly turned on his horse and tapped the iron tool beside him hard, making a rhythmic beating sound.

It was like a signal, hearing this sound, the cavalry who had been killed in the fog retreated in unison! While retreating, he killed the enemies who were blocking his side.

While beating the iron, Shaman laughed and ran: "The general of your army is dead now, and you will be captured if you don't hurry up! When the sun rises tomorrow, our generals will attack, and you will die!"

Shaman laughed, and the surrounding cavalry also retreated.

The marshal of the Alpha Empire heard Shaman's voice and fell to the ground. The bow and arrow that pierced his neck went back into his neck because he fell to the ground, but he could no longer feel the pain.

He couldn't figure out where he was defeated. They should have won this war. How could he suddenly die when he was about to win?

He didn't even know who killed him until he died, the four arrows seemed to fall from the sky!

Death is slowly approaching, and the Marshal's consciousness has gradually become chaotic.

Countless images appeared in his mind like a revolving lantern, and suddenly, several images crowded into his mind at the same time.

He suddenly reacted, how the other party aimed at him just now.

At first, the nimble enemy finds its position, and then transmits the signal by tapping the metal at the waist. Immediately afterward, the act of assassination was just to divert his attention and restrain the movements of a few of them.

Finally, it was illuminated by a torch, and the shooter was aimed, and finally the bow and arrow were fired, coming directly at them.

From the very beginning of this chaos, the opponent's goal was himself.

When he thought he was in the safest protection circle, he didn't know that he had already been targeted by poisonous snakes.

The marshal smiled bitterly, this was definitely not Colin's plan.

He has been fighting against Colin for nearly a month, and he has long been aware of the opponent's temperament and brains. With his strategy, he can't reach this level of strategizing.

That person not only mastered astronomy, guessed today's fog, and even figured out his own character.

He lowered his vigilance by slaughtering the horses, and misled his judgment with the harassment of the Japanese cavalry.

The purpose is to use today to go straight to the military camp and assassinate yourself!

Killing the enemy before killing the king, the marshal turned his head in despair and looked at the four generals lying neatly beside him, with despair in his eyes.

Whether it was himself, even his four generals were all killed.

Without a commander-in-chief in the barracks, no matter how strong the warriors are, they will become scattered sand.

They lost this war.

That man took everything into account, he must have accounted for today's heavy fog, otherwise he would not have let his cavalry use the cipher of metal knocking to transmit information.

The depth of the opponent's strategy is not something that he can catch up with.

Such a talent, why did he not know before.

When did the Siman Empire have such a genius? If it weren't for the enemy, he really wanted to get to know this genius well and become friends with him.

It's just a pity that there is no "if" in this world.

He is about to die, and he will leave this world with this question.

The minutes passed, and the marshal could no longer see anything in his eyes, nor hear anything in his ears.

He slowly closed his eyes, feeling that the soul was detaching from his body, and the light and fluttering soul floated in the air, without a trace of weight.

Soldiers have found the bodies of the five of them, and the entire military camp is in chaos.

The raging flames didn't mean to be extinguished. In the far distance, the soldiers who looked after the food and grass all fell to the ground, and the food and grass had already been burned into a sea of ​​fire.

The Marshal Soul sighed. Before he left, he still had his last obsession. He wanted to see whose hands he died in, and who was the one who came up with this method.

The soul is freed from the **** of the body and becomes a free wind.

It didn't take long for his soul to catch up with the soldier who had just appeared in front of him pretending to be a soldier.

That man should be a very good cavalryman. He rode the horse and ran fast, and it didn't take long to catch up with the large army.

The marshal floated in mid-air, only to discover that the cavalry dispatched this time was as high as 200 people.

The events of the previous few days have changed in my mind. From the first day of interference, the other party will choose a different location for interference every day.

He originally thought that the other party was just blindly attacking to try different positions, but now it seems that it was already planned.

Every day cavalry is not the same wave of people, they are touching points to determine their attack position and direction when the fog is foggy.

The young cavalry soon overtook the cavalry and caught up with the one who was riding in front.

The man was riding a black military horse, his eyes were like hawks, his face was cold and sharp, and he was extremely sharp.

The man saw Shaman, "Shaman, you've worked hard."

Shaman smiled and approached, panting heavily, "Sir Hull, it's fortunate that you crossed Yang a hundred paces, I almost thought I was dead, this time I really turned around in front of the gate of hell, scaring me to death."

His voice was so loud that the cavalry behind him laughed out loud.

The marshal felt a little uncomfortable when he heard their laughter, but if the king wins or loses, if his army wins, he may laugh even more than them.


He called the man Hull.

Was it the young man who shot himself?

Is it the same person who organized this strategy?

While he was still thinking, Shaman continued to laugh: "General Colin is too good, how come I didn't find him so powerful before. Did he suddenly get enlightened, how could he come up with such a wonderful strategy. This is still our one Upright General Colin? When will he watch the stars at night."

The marshal floating in mid-air frowned.

Colin? Is this really Colin's plan?

The general named Hull sneered suddenly and took the reins, "Since you also think this doesn't look like the handwriting of Major General Colin, didn't you think that someone else came up with this plan?"

The laughter of all the cavalrymen, including Shaman, stopped abruptly, and they also took the reins.

Shaman hesitated for a moment, then said in surprise, "Could it be that you came up with it?"

Hull's expression changed subtly, "That's not true. When you go back, you will know who the real expert is behind this incident. Let's go."

The sound of the hooves resounded again, and soon merged into the endless night. Behind them, the soaring tongues of fire were still licking greedily, as if they wanted to swallow everything in their stomachs before giving up.

The marshal followed closely behind them and soon reached the local barracks.

It is midnight now, but there are still many soldiers in the barracks who have not slept, as if they are waiting for something.

There were two men standing at the head, one was Major General Colin whom he had fought several times, and the other was a man he did not know.

But the man looked very handsome and beautiful, as pure and thorough as the moon hanging in the starry sky.

The man was wearing a red bishop's robe, and the marshal recognized the identity of the other party through the clothes - the red-clothed archbishop Sang Jiuchi!

Beside Sang Jiuchi, there was a burly and powerful middle-aged man, his eyes were burning and his lips were tightly pursed.

Unlike Colin's nervousness and anxiety, Sang Jiuchi seemed unusually quiet.

He sat quietly on the chair, propped up his temples with one hand, and seemed to be able to fall asleep in the next second.

It was not until he saw the victory of the cavalry that Colin stood up excitedly, and from a distance he heard Shaman shouting, "Major General Colin, we succeeded!"

Colin rushed out and saw the two hundred cavalry when he left. When he came back, there were more than 170, and only more than 20 were injured.

His voice even trembled, "Quick, tell me where to go first?"

Hull didn't speak, but got off the horse and walked straight to the handsome red-clothed archbishop who was dozing off.

Shaman told Colin the result loudly, "We all succeeded, we have done it all, burning food and grass and killing the marshal!"

Colin's face showed surprise, the whole face was very tangled, and the smile and excitement were mixed together, which looked very strange.

Whether it was Colin, Sharman, the cavalry or the soldiers who had been waiting for the result, everyone showed indescribable expressions.

Only the faces of Sang Jiuchi and Hel, who had been sitting the whole time, did not change.

The marshal swept around the crowd, and finally set his sights on Sang Jiuchi and Hull.

After Hel walked in front of Sang Jiuchi, he first glanced at the burly middle-aged man beside him, then knelt down on one knee, held the other's hand with a reverent expression, and printed a kiss on the back of the other's hand, " My bishop, fortunately, I have fulfilled my mission, and I have completed the task you gave me."

His move shocked the entire cheering crowd.

Sang Jiuchi, who had been drooping his eyes, finally opened his eyes. He slowly stood up, glanced around, and finally fixed his eyes on an empty place.

Suddenly, the marshal who met Sang Jiuchi's eyes was shocked, his eyes were as gentle as the wind, but he seemed to be able to see through everything.

Sang Jiuchi seemed to be able to see himself, and he kept staring at him.

In order to verify his guess, the marshal moved to one side.

Sang Jiuchi's eyes also moved.

The marshal was shocked.

Just when the marshal was at a loss, Sang Jiuchi had withdrawn his gaze and looked back at the crowd.

Holding Sang Jiuchi's right hand, Hel came to the soldiers.

Sang Jiuchi has proved his ability with facts. Colin will no longer hide it when the time is ripe. Today is the best time, and he will make another serious announcement tomorrow.

Colin took out the king's appointment letter from his arms and held it high, "Soldiers, there is one thing I have been hiding from you. In fact, the rescue of the empire came ten days ago. The priests of the Holy See who pray for blessings are actually the rescues sent to us by the empire."

The crowd was in an uproar.

"All the strategies tonight, including the supply of kerosene, are the credit of the red-clothed archbishop by my side, Sang Jiuchi. And his identity is not only the red-clothed archbishop, he also has another identity, the empire's acceptance of fate. The marshal of this battle is also the supreme commander of this war."

"Before today, in order to appease the hearts of the people, it was me who delivered the instructions of Marshal Sang. But in fact, I dare not claim all the credits, because all the strategies come from Marshal Sang. "

The uproar quickly calmed down, Shaman's heart was big, and not long after he heard it, he suddenly opened his mouth and said: "I said, when did Major General Colin become so smart, it turns out to be someone else. Long live Marshal Sang! "

With Shaman's cry, everyone reacted, they just won a huge victory, and this victory came from Sang Jiuchi.

There was no longer any question, everyone shouted at almost the same time: "Long live Marshal Sang!"

Colin: "…"

Although I'm not smart, are you polite?