MTL - Illusion-Chapter 1645 War Demon Saint

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"Let's go!" Yao Sheng looked at Xun Feng and said lightly to Xun Feng.

Feng Feng looked at him and said, "Is this right? Can't I let go?"

Yao Sheng shook his head and said, "If this is the case, then you will not reach the supreme level. To reach the supreme level, the control of power should also be extreme. We fight together and do not damage the city of sin by one cent. More difficult. "

After hearing this from the demon Saint, Feng Feng smiled and said, "Then listen to seniors."

After Feng Feng finished speaking, the knots in his hands began to knot frantically. At the moment when Feng Feng was tied up, the space around him began to confine, and all the forces passed from space to gallop towards the demon saint. With the power of the power of heaven and earth, form waves.

Yao Sheng looked at this scene, with a smile on his mouth and a huge wave around his arm with a wave of his arm. At the moment when this vortex appeared, a huge phagocytic force emerged from the void. This gigantic phagocytic force was far stronger than that of the bead.

Under this swallowing force, the forces that Feng Feng rushed away did not ripple at all.

"Xun Feng! No need to test it, move it!" Yao Sheng smiled at Xun Feng.

Jian Feng smiled, nodded, and the power inside the body burst out. As the Feng Feng burst out, the space was frozen, and even the frozen snoring sound could be heard. The space controlled by Feng Feng Reiki was completely evacuated, and then gathered together to impact the devouring vortex.

The squeezing force of the space made the demon Saint look equally dignified, and the rules of engulfment in his hand hit out, turning into a vortex and violently attacking the force of the heaven and earth.


Under a collision, the entire space shattered like glass, and the crystalline fragments that collapsed in the space constantly appeared and dissipated. With the light of the morning, it had a gorgeous beauty.

And such a horrible collision did not have the slightest strength to shoot out of the two men fighting.

"Yes!" Yao Sheng saw his engulfing law was broken under the attack of Jian Feng and said to Marquis in admiration.

"Come again!" Naturally, Feng Feng did not think that the power of breaking up the demon saint could be compared with the demon saint. So far, neither he nor the demon saint has used all his strength.

Xie Feng bullied himself forward, and once again blasted to the demon Saint with one punch, and the vortex shook the void under one punch. All the forces around him gathered on the arm of Xie Feng and swept at the demon Saint fiercely.

Demon Saint looked at the fist that crossed the space, he did not dare to underestimate, the law of engulfment in the body was instilled, and he fisted to the front to block the past. The demon Saint ’s engulfing rule has been cultivated to the extreme. Under his engulfing rule, even space is swallowed in. All the auras around it are swallowed instantly. Even Feng Feng feels a huge swallowing force to be involved. The strength in his body.

However, the power in the body is definitely not so easy to be swallowed up.


The two confronted each other, and Feng Feng felt that he had fallen into a world that was swallowed and controlled, and his power had dissipated madly. Feng Feng, who has the experience of bead-eating, naturally knows what the reason is. His five-strength force burst out and slammed towards the demon saint. Han Yu sent all the power to the demon here. Holy engulfing the world.

"Well ..."

The demon saint's engulfing world can't contain so much power in an instant, and it was burst by the power of Xun Feng instantly. After breaking the demon saint's engulfing world, the two fists no longer confronted each other. Under this punch, Xie Feng felt a horrible force on the arm of Xie Feng, and this terror force instantly permeated the arm of Xie Feng's blood out of the blood.

Xie Feng hurried back a few steps, looking at the demon Saint who also retreated, his arms kept shaking to unload his strength.

Looking at the blood on his arm, Xun Feng realized that the demon Saint standing opposite him was so unfathomable. Xie Feng breathed a sigh of relief, and the power of the five strokes moved a punch in the body to completely calm down the rolling blood in the body. Staring straight at Yao Sheng.

Yao Sheng looked at Feng Feng, with the same appreciation in his eyes: "Very good! Come again!"

After that, Yao Sheng took the lead in punching at Feng Feng.

The battle between Xun Feng and the Demon Saint, although the energy of controlling the control, was radiated, but the occasional release of the demon's momentum also shocked the demon Qin Yi and others. The demon Saints fighting on the front with Feng Feng looked at each other one by one, and they saw the shock in their eyes.

Who doesn't know the status of the demon saint? One of the three pinnacles of Datu Lu. It is precisely because he is here that no one dares to come to the evil city to cause trouble. Such people have long been deified.

And such a person, at this time, was fighting against Wu Feng. With the character of the demon saint, it would be impossible for him to make a shot if Feng Feng did not have the strength to make him face up.

And at this moment he shot, that means ...

Several people widened their eyes and shouted, "Extreme ?!"

Feng Feng has reached the extreme! Yes, it must be like this, so that Yao Sheng is interested in playing against Feng Feng.

For half a year, Feng Feng suddenly became supreme. Isn't this too evil?

Immediately after their shock, their hearts rejoiced, and Feng Feng's attainment of Supreme was no harm to the city of sin. That means that Jian Feng has really stepped into the level of the summit of Da Ling.

Although, Feng Feng defeated the Supreme. However, the other Supreme Masters of Daxu Lu still look at the front as the Supreme Master. Psychologically, it's still a good idea. But after Feng Feng reached the Supreme, it was different. Even the Supreme, then he had to stare at Feng Feng with a flat eye.

Above the void, two sloppy figures continued to make fierce moves. Yao Sheng's fierce and fierce moves made everyone clenched his fists tightly, and his palms were sweating. Every attack of the monster Saint made them tighten their hearts. Judging from the shot of the monster Saint, the monster Saint really treats Feng Feng as an enemy.

Yaoyu and others did not know that no one dares to despise the warriors of the supreme level. Even if the strength reaches the level of the demon saint, he dare not despise the front of the sword. Because such a strong person, a small mistake can make them into passive. Therefore, in this level of fighting, everyone is fully absorbed. The demon saint has not changed his fighting method because it is a study.

The attack by the demon Saints repeatedly attacked the demon saints again and again. In this block, the devil felt that his blood was rolling a bit. The power of the five prostrations is even more extreme. !! ~!

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