MTL - If You Don’t Go To Hell, Who Will?-Chapter 28 Zhong Yuan’s counterattack

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I sat in the living room, while eating watermelon, thinking about how to laugh at Zhongyuan’s little brother.

To be honest, I have occasionally glanced at the GV when I was in the second. In reality, I have never seen an adult male. I don’t know how to laugh. However, those of the G2 in Xiao Er’s GV are all ugly.

I am thinking about it, my dad is back, and there are two bitter melons in my hand. As soon as he entered the door, he said to me: "Let's eat the bitter gourd at noon today, and worship the little atom. I saw him nosebleed yesterday."

I gritted my teeth and said, "It’s good to flow. It’s good for him to flow into the river.”

My dad shook his head and sighed: "You have a deep hatred with him. I think his child is very good."

I am speechless, it seems that my dad was also captured by Zhong Yuan. Knowing Zhongyuan for so long, I found that this guy has a speciality, that is, he always has a way to make others unknowingly good to him, and especially willing, this is even more terrible than the demon law.

Of course, considering that I am a determined person, I will not be confused by him.


In the evening, Zhong Yuan is taking a shower.

Although Zhongyuan locked the door of the bathroom, in order to ventilate, the window of the bathroom was open, of course, the curtain was pulled in front of the window.

I sneaked in front of the bathroom window and brushed the curtains. Zhong Yuan was facing the window shower, and he saw the curtains being pulled open, apparently shocked.

I kneel in front of the window, quickly glanced at the lower body of Zhongyuan, and then regained my gaze. Because it is too fast, I did not see clearly, don't ask me why I don't look carefully, I am afraid. How awkward and pure I am, because I have to rush to peek at someone else’s bath, I really don’t have the guts to stare at someone’s private place, although I really want to see it>_<

Zhong Yuan stunned and asked, "What are you doing?"

My eyes fluttered, and I was brave enough to laugh and said: "It’s so ugly!" After waiting for the reaction of Zhong Yuan.

However, Zhong Yuan did not react to the violent violent or depressed reaction of my expectation. He just turned his head slightly and asked in confusion: "What?"

I didn't feel right, and I ran away.

I went back to the room and sent a text message to Xiao Er: "I said, how did he react?"

Xiaoji quickly replied to me: "What did you say?"

Me: "It's so ugly."

Xiao 2: "Stupid, how many times have you said that the key to the matter is the size problem, not the aesthetic problem."

Me: "What about it?"

Xiao Er: "You said to him, oh, you are so small, it is smaller than the seventh battery. You can't see it without looking at it. You are a natural eunuch."

Me: "Well, I will try."

I was about to kill it again, but there was a knock on the door outside the room.

I opened the door and saw Zhongyuan standing at the door. His hair is still wet, his body is steaming, his expression is a little lazy. This guy saw me open the door, walked into my room a little bit, and helped me close the door. He hugged his arms and looked at me with a brow, and asked, "You just said that I am ugly? Where am I ugly?"

I felt inexplicably a guilty conscience. "I said it is wrong, you are not ugly."

"Well," Zhong Yuan nodded with satisfaction. "So why did you peek at me taking a shower? You want to see?"

I took a step back and sighed and said, "I actually want to say, I want to say... Zhongyuan, your little brother is so small!"

Zhong Yuan’s face sank and he approached me further. “What are you talking about?”

I stepped back. "I said that you are so small, smaller than the seventh battery. You can't see it without looking carefully."

Zhong Yuan took another step forward, getting closer and closer to me. His eyes flashed slightly. After a while, he suddenly raised his eyebrows and his mouth tilted slightly. "You look very carefully? Are you sure to see it clearly?"

I was nervous for a moment without a reason, and replied stutteringly: "I must see it clearly, you are a natural eunuch!"

Zhong Yuan continued to approach me, and I couldn't help but step back and finally retreated to the corner. Zhong Yuan raised an arm to support the wall and trapped me in a small space. He lowered his head and his face was close to me. I suddenly felt an invisible gas field pressing me, making me almost breathless. I bowed my head and said nervously, "What do you want to do..."

Zhong Yuan’s face was slightly on the side, and he sighed in my ear and said, “How small is it, do you want to use a ruler?”

I was so stiff that I didn’t expect this guy to be brazen enough to come up with such a trick. "No, no, no, no?"

"Why don't you, please, please have a little academic spirit." Zhong Yuan said, taking back his arm. He lowered his head and picked up his T-shirt, and his hands were fastened to the waistband of casual shorts.

I was shocked. "What are you doing?"

Zhong Yuan bowed his head and replied: "What else can you do? Of course, it is measured. Well, let you visually see it first." He said, he had unbuttoned the shorts and saw the zipper open.

I hurriedly held his hand and grabbed it without letting go. "I really don't..."

Zhong Yuan did not struggle. He looked up and looked at me with gaze. "Wood, I am not a gentleman. You force me again and again. I must not respond to you from the good things." "

Khan, it is you who say that you are a good person, and that you are not a gentleman. Of course, I am not in the mood and he is theoretically thinking about this. I just grabbed his hand and said painfully: "Is it wrong if I am wrong in Zhongyuan."

Zhong Yuan slightly raised his mouth and said, "Where are you wrong?"

I replied with a hard scalp: "I should not peek at you."

Zhong Yuan is obviously not very satisfied. "What else?"

Me: "Hey, there are..."

Zhong Yuan raised an eyebrow and looked at me. "I am small?"

I blushed and shook my head quickly: "It's not small, it's not small."

Zhong Yuan: "Not small?"

My dog's legs are at the head. "It's very big, it's very big."

Zhong Yuan’s handle was pulled out of my hand.

He lifted his arms and held the wall, and the whole body suddenly leaned forward, almost sticking to my body. I felt that breathing was a little difficult. He lifted his other hand and gently scraped my chin, then smiled and said, "Wood, you are really bad."


I want to kill him>_<

Later, Zhong Yuan stunned me for a while. Probably enough to play, I licked my head and threw a sentence saying, "If you don't see it clearly, you don't have a voice. If you have the size, you will know it after you have personally experienced it." And then drift away.

Leave me alone in the corner of the wall silently silently asking the heavens only two lines of tears. This kind of shameless words, it is estimated that only Zhong Yuan said that he was exporting, and he also claimed to be a good man.

Before going to bed at night, I received a text message from Xiao Er. She said: "I forgot to tell you that after you have said those words, you may be greeted with some consequences."

I have the urge to bite people again.

This thing educates us, don't try to rogue with the hooligans, or you will die very badly.

This matter also taught us that the idea of ​​Xiao Er is not reliable.