MTL - I Woke the Sick and Disabled Prince on Our Wedding Night-Chapter 398 showdown

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   How could it be him?

   Pei Chaoyue stared at the moonlight and the firelight, and Pei Gan, who was walking towards her step by step, couldn't understand why they were obviously blood relatives, why, why did he treat her like this?

   At the same time, Pei Chaoyue had the same idea, and Lin Suisui, who listened to Lu Lu and told about his past.

   She could actually guess that there must be a past between Pei Gan and the Pei family that she didn't know about, but Lin Suisui never thought that Pei Gan would be able to do it so well.

"Pei Gan's aunt was actually forced to death by the Pei family." Lu Ze obviously knew more about the past than Lin Suisui: "Pei Gan's aunt originally liked to grow up with his childhood sweethearts. The eldest cousin, the current Mrs. Ning Yuanhou.

   It was just that at that time, something happened in Ningyuan Hou's mansion and needed the help of Pei Gan's mother's clan.

   Then Ning Yuanhou married Pei Gan's aunt, which naturally solved the danger of Ningyuanhou's mansion. "

  Lu looked at Lin Suisui and saw that she was listening carefully to what he had to say, so he continued: "But Ning Yuanhou is obviously not a man of gratitude.

   Not only that, but he also hated Pei Gan's aunt because of it. He believed that it was Pei Gan's aunt who took the favor and forcibly separated him and his childhood cousin.

   Therefore, when Pei Gan and his aunt's mother's family encountered difficulties later, Marquis Ning Yuan did not lend a hand to help, but instead took the opportunity to fall into trouble and completely destroy Pei Gan's family.

   Pei Gan's family has collapsed, and Pei Gan's aunt's position in Ningyuan Hou's mansion can be imagined.

   Actually, according to Ning Yuanhou's previous plan, he was going to abolish Pei Gan's heir position. It's just that at that time, the fourth prince's mother-in-law and Concubine De were in full swing. For the reputation of Ningyuan Houfu, this matter was temporarily put on hold. Later, Pei Gan stood up from the desperate situation and walked slowly. His father couldn't move him at will. "

   It is not easy for Pei Gan to get to this point.

   What he went through, they outsiders don't know.

   But Pei Chaoyue is also very clear about Pei's family.

   She stared at Pei Gan who walked in front of her, and it took a long time for her to come back to her senses and said shiveringly, "You, why are you?"

   "Why can't it be me?" Pei Gan tilted his head and looked at Pei Chaoyue with a puzzled expression: "I always thought you knew everything, Auntie!"

   "I, I'm your aunt! If you do this, aren't you afraid that your grandfather will find out and hold you accountable?" When things came to an end, Pei Chaoyue was still struggling to the death.

   She could clearly see the murderous intent in Pei Gan's eyes, but she was reluctant to admit it.

   Those things in the past, not that she has forgotten, but that she is unwilling to think deeply. Especially as Pei Gan's power has stabilized a little bit, she doesn't want to look back at the things she has done in the past.

   Even if Pei Gan had always treated her respectfully at that time, the more respectful Pei Gan was, the more creepy she felt.

"Oh, when is the aunt going to tell Ning Yuanhou?" Pei Gan not only was not frightened by Pei Chaoyue's threat, but also became a little curious because of it: "Otherwise, don't go so fast after aunt goes down, and wait a moment. Wait a minute, maybe I'll see my grandfather soon.

  When the time comes, go and say to him yourself, how? "

"Pei Gan, you, how dare you kill your father?!" Hearing Pei Gan's understatement ridicule, Pei Chaoyue's eyes widened. She had thought that Pei Gan would go crazy, but she never expected that Pei Gan would go mad. To be so crazy.

   "Aunt, do you regret choosing Gao Xuwei as your new husband?" Pei Gan didn't respond to Pei Chaoyue's surprise, but changed the conversation to another direction.

   "Everyone thinks that it was you who fell in love with Gao Xuwei at the beginning, and you will marry him at all costs! When you escaped from the capital with such a reputation back then, your life was not easy, right?"

Pei Gan walked slowly to the side and sat down on the seat that Qianhe had prepared for him, and then continued to speak slowly: "There are still so many years, you have always wanted a child, but whether it is praying to God, worshiping Buddha or each other. You are also very unwilling to use up all kinds of decoction and herbal remedies and still get nothing, right?"

   "You did all of this?!" With all that being said, how could Pei Chaoyue still not understand what caused her misfortune for most of her life.

   Why can't you!

  She, she has already admitted her mistakes, and she has done her best to make up for it, to make up for it, isn't it enough? !

"Yeah, aunt, do you like it?" Pei Gan squinted and looked at Pei Chaoyue with a very happy smile: "I know what you want to say, you want to say that you already knew it was wrong, and when Ning Yuanhou wanted to abolish When you relinquished my position as prince, you even came forward to speak for me.

   But Auntie, do you remember how my aunt died?

   How did my aunt treat you, do you need me to help you think about it? !

   How sincere my grandmother is to you and the entire Ningyuan Hou Mansion, do you really not know? But what happened to her in the end? !

Those of you who are wolf-hearted, obviously it was because my grandfather came forward to help the entire Ningyuan Hou Mansion to get through the difficulties, and it was obviously because you needed my grandfather's help, so I asked Ning Yuanhou, who was still the prince at the time, to come forward to seduce and coax me. Mother, this marriage is forged!

  But in the end, my grandmother, what did my grandparents get?

   was hated by your Ningyuan Houfu, and even in the end you fell into the trap and buried the entire family of my grandfather.

  My aunt was locked up by you in the back house, and together with me when I was young, she was abused and humiliated in every way, and finally died of injustice and hatred.

  Aunt, did you know that when my aunt was leaving, her eyes were not closed! It was I who told her to let her go in peace, that I would definitely avenge her and my grandfather, and she finally closed her eyes.

   The dirty blood of the Pei family is not worthy of continuing!

   So aunt, you can never have children in your life! Give up. "

"Pei Gan, you're a lunatic, you're a lunatic!" Pei Chaoyue seemed to know Pei Gan for the first time, her whole face was contorted with panic, she stared at Pei Gan and roared angrily, but it was just like Pei Gan As I said before, even if she broke her throat, she had no way to get out of her body.

   "I'm still the wife of General Zhenbei, don't forget, the fourth prince is still in the north now! If you kill me like this, how will you end?

   Pei Gan, don't forget, what do you rely on to have your current status!

  If you really destroyed the entire Ningyuan Hou Mansion, then what can you rely on? You don't really think that you can survive in this turbulent court just by yourself, right? "