MTL - I Woke the Sick and Disabled Prince on Our Wedding Night-Chapter 377 shaman

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   Chapter 377 Shaman

   "Is it a slave, does it make a big difference?"

  Doctor Luo looked at Lin Suisui with some puzzlement. Whether they were slaves or not, weren't they all flesh and blood?

"It's not the same." Lin Suisui shook her head. She squatted down and continued to stare blankly at those eyes. Apart from the slightly undulating chest, which proved that the person was still alive, there was almost no living person on his bluish, shrunken cheeks. traces.

   "I just said that the production of human skin drums is very complicated, and the conditions for success are quite harsh. Therefore, in order to increase the success rate of production, shamans will raise slaves who specialize in making instruments.

   From a young age, these slaves will be given special medicinal materials, so that the bones in their bodies will be relatively more flexible after years of accumulation.

  When making a skin drum, it will not be too stiff and collapsed at the end, resulting in failure. Therefore, in general, for such extremely difficult instruments, shamans will choose more suitable slaves as raw materials, and it is absolutely impossible to casually catch a few passing merchants to make up the number.

   These people seem to be just businessmen in the caravan, how could they be planted with such cruel and terrifying voodoo? "

  Lin Suisui stood up, turned his head and asked Medical Officer Luo, "Did the yamen who brought them here ever said, where are these patients' companions now?"

"Eight people escaped alive together. Six people have the same symptoms now, and the remaining two people are also in our hospital. Just to prevent unnecessary trouble, I arranged for them to first Live and rest in the guest room next to you, if you want to see me, I will take you there now?"

  Doctor Luo also saw six people with such symptoms and was afraid of some contagious disease, so he left the people directly just in case.

   Now that Lin Suisui asked, he hurriedly answered and said that he could lead the way at any time.

  Lin Suisui went outside, took off his bib and mask, rested for a while, then got up and ordered Doctor Luo to lead the way, and she followed him to the room where the last two merchants were housed.

   "What exactly did you experience in the northern barbarian territory, can you tell me?"

Lin Suisui didn't talk nonsense, as soon as she entered the door and had a simple greeting, she directly said the purpose of this trip: "You all know that among the eight people you came back together, the six of your companions over there are either light or heavy. They've all started to poison.

   With your current situation, no one can be sure whether you have been recruited or not!

   Therefore, for the sake of your companions’ life and your own survival, I suggest that you don’t hide anything and tell everything you know. "

   The state of these two people is actually not very good now.

The symptoms of   's companions really frightened them. Even if they are used to traveling around the world, they are used to seeing such a strange and terrifying disease, and they are still a little scared.

   Of course, what they are more afraid of is whether they will, like their companions who have found symptoms one after another, will not escape this bad luck.

   So in this hospital for a couple of days, they were all honest. The two are also very grateful to Doctor Luo who devoted himself to treating their companions.

So at this moment I heard Lin Suisui's reminder and question, the two people who were still dumbfounded on the bed, after looking at each other for a long time, they were like drowning people grabbing a life-saving straw from the bed. He crawled down and knelt down in front of Lin Suisui, crying for help.

"Let's help him up first, it's not easy to talk." Lin Suisui was taken aback by the sudden movement of the two people in front of her. She hurriedly told Su Le, who was going to start, to stop, while telling him to live well. Pull people up first.

The doctor Luo next to him was also very winking and asked the guy who was guarding the door to prepare things for washing. After the two of them cleaned up and calmed down, they came to Lin Suisui again. The one who looked older The man surnamed Du started and talked about their experience on this trip.

   "We are in the business of silk and satin fabrics in the south of the Yangtze River. The business has not been good in the past two years, so we learned from others, brought goods, followed the caravan to the west, and went to do business with people from the Western Regions outside the customs.

   This road, our caravan is not the first time to go back and forth, at least once every two years, more, sometimes twice a year.

  This time, it was fine when we went, but when we came back, we met two merchants from another caravan in Jianghuai.

They said that there was a storm on the road, and they were separated from the original caravan. Seeing that we are also from Daxia, they asked if we could go with our caravan, as long as we can take a partner to cross the grassland and bring them through the customs. If we agree, they are willing to pay us one hundred taels per person.

   We didn’t think much about it at the time. After all, it was just a matter of convenience, and we could get a sum of money, so why not do it.

Afterwards, the journey was peaceful and uneventful. The two were quite chatty, and they were also very generous. Therefore, we gradually put down our guard against them along the way. Later, we entered the grassland and reached Beiman. When they took over their territory, we had almost no estrangement with them, and we could all be brothers. "

It was about recalling the root of all these disasters again, thinking of this, this Master Du directly raised his hand and covered his cheek, unable to restrain himself from weeping: "But, who would have thought that this would be the cause of two great disasters! "

Seeing that Master Du's emotions were out of control, he couldn't go on. The merchant surnamed Zhou, who was sitting beside him and looked at him before, continued to tell Lin Suisui and the others what Master Du said, "Those two people, the other things are fine. But there is one thing we didn't expect, that is, the hands and feet are not too clean.

  In our caravan, they didn't do anything to us, firstly because we were afraid of being discovered, we would leave them alone, and secondly because there was nothing in our caravan that caught their eye.

   Later, we entered the northern barbarian territory. Because of the wind and snow, we went to a small tribe to seek accommodation.

   This kind of behavior is not uncommon for a caravan like us. Moreover, those small tribes that nomadic on the grasslands are also very happy to receive the caravans that we pass by.

   They can get what they need from us, such as salt, cloth, and tea.

   But the small tribe we stayed at this time was a little unusual. We didn't know it at first, but it was only after something happened that we understood. This tribe is actually a feeding place for a shaman. "

   (end of this chapter)