MTL - I Woke the Sick and Disabled Prince on Our Wedding Night-Chapter 19 Big injustice!

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  Chapter 19 The Great Injustice!

  The roaring valley of the fierce tiger scared the birds away.

  Lin Sui Sui was also startled, and subconsciously closed his eyes and waited for death to come, but he didn't want to wait for a long time, but he didn't feel any ominous movement.

She was stunned for a while, and tentatively opened her eyes, she saw that the tiger was opening its mouth at her, but there was no further action, but with the delay of Lin Suisui for half a day, the tiger was He seemed to have grown impatient.

  Lin Suisui did not dare to neglect, this tiger would not open its mouth wide at her for no reason, so there must be a reason. She hesitated and took a step forward. Seeing that the tiger did not move, she breathed a sigh of relief, and took two more steps forward boldly until she was close to the tiger's big head, and looked closely at the situation in its mouth.

   It didn't take much effort, and she saw a broken bone spur stuck in the back of the tiger's molars, probably because it had been stuck in for too long, and the wounds were already pus and eroded.

   This injury is not too big or too small, but for this tiger, it is really not an easy thing! Not to mention the impact on eating, if it continues to deteriorate, it may also affect its hunting of prey.

   If she were to deal with this wound, it wouldn't take much effort, but the patient in front of her is not a human who can communicate, but a tiger who can send her to the west at any time!

If she wants to treat the wound, she must put her hand into the tiger's mouth, and pull out the bone spurs and debride the wound, which may bring severe pain and irritation. If she is a little careless, the tiger will close her hand. It has to be scrapped on the spot!

   Yes, if you don't help it...

   It seems that the result is not much better, this tiger will definitely not let her go easily.

  Lin Suisui just thought about it for a moment and then came to a decision. She looked up at the tiger, tentatively whispered to the tiger and said, "I can help you heal your injury, but the process will be a little painful. Can you bear it?

  If yes, would you nod your head? ! "

   She even thought she was crazy when she said these words!

   She was here to chat with a tiger and talk about conditions.

However, what Lin Suisui didn't expect was that the tiger actually nodded at her, and then, looking very well-behaved, it opened its mouth again, and moved towards Lin Suisui with a bit of flattery. After getting together, he looked like he couldn't wait to urge.

  Lin Suisui took a deep breath. Seeing the patient's cooperation, she decided to take a risk!

   She didn't rush to pull out the bone spur for the tiger, but explained to it in a low voice: "Don't worry, let's find some herbs to heal you.

   I just happened to show you, so after I treat you this time, you will have to find that herb and chew it in your mouth every day for a while, so that you can recover faster. "

This ferocious tiger is very human. Hearing what Lin Suisui said, he was very cooperative. He followed her step by step, and actually watched her dig out the herbs that stop bleeding and reduce inflammation in the grass. Even in the end, it He was also very smart and found one for Lin Suisui to see, and he passed the exam.

Lin Suisui took the tiger and returned to the edge of the river beach. First, he washed the herbs he found, then found a stone and pounded it. Then he turned his head and whispered to the tiger, "I'm going to start giving it to you now. The bone spur was pulled out, and the bone spur has been stuck in your mouth for too long, and it has all festered and rotted, so I not only want to help you pull out the spine, but also clean up the surrounding pus, blood and rotten flesh. Then apply herbs.

  This process will be a little uncomfortable, you have to endure it! "

  The tiger squatted in front of Lin Suisui, nodded obediently, and then opened his mouth at her again.

Lin Suisui stabilized his mind and put his hand into the tiger's mouth. The action of pulling out the bone spur was steady and fast, and it didn't cause much discomfort to the tiger, but the bigger challenge was actually still in Subsequent debridement removes the pus.

  Fortunately, the tiger kept its promise, and never attacked at all from beginning to end, until Lin Suisui carefully smeared the green herbs on the tiger's wound, the whole person was greatly relieved.

  The mountain wind was blowing, and she only felt a chill on her back. Only now did she realize that her back had been soaked with sweat for a while.

"Okay." Lin Suisui looked at the tiger, as if she was treating the patients she had received before, and said, "You remember, if you can, it's better to chew more of the herbs I found for you. Don't forget to chew more, especially after you've eaten.

   Even if your injury gets better in the future, you can continue to maintain this habit, it won’t do you any harm anyway. "

   While speaking, Lin Suisui couldn't help reaching out to touch the top of the tiger's head. It was like touching a big cat, and she suddenly felt a sense of accomplishment.

  Look, which doctor can treat a tiger in the mountains and forests like her? !

  The tiger seemed to be in a good mood. It snorted lowly at Lin Suisui, turned its head and disappeared into the forest, and soon disappeared from Lin Suisui's sight.

   Seeing the tiger really leave, Lin Suisui finally relaxed completely. After a long sigh of relief, he really felt that he was tired and hungry.

The bonfire she had built before has long been extinguished, but at this moment, she can't care about other things. She took out the half piece of jerky from the back basket and devoured a few mouthfuls. Only then did she bring this hunger. The discomfort subsided.

   It's just that Lin Suisui hadn't rested for too long, and he was a little shocked to see the tiger that had hidden in the forest before, and returned again, and it seemed that there was something in his mouth.

  Lin Suisui blinked. Could it be that this tiger also knew that the doctor had to pay for the consultation? !

  It wasn't until the fierce tiger approached that Lin Suisui was stunned to see that what was dangling in the tiger's mouth was actually a little white tiger!

I saw the fierce tiger hanging the little white tiger, which was as thin as a cat cub, and placed the cub in front of Lin Suisui without any hesitation, then lowered his head and licked the tiger cub's head, then raised his head and lowered his head towards Lin Suisui. With a low roar, he turned his head and left, and left!


  Lin Suisui looked at the pitiful little tiger cub on the ground, who was screaming miserably, and then looked at the fierce tiger that walked away without looking back, and suddenly a sense of powerlessness came over him.

   It seems that this tiger cub should be the child of the tiger!

  Then it picked up the tiger cub and threw it to her. Did it think of using this cub as a medical fee? !

  She, does she look like a big bad guy? !

   (end of this chapter)