MTL - I Woke the Sick and Disabled Prince on Our Wedding Night-Chapter 14 Do you feel happy now?

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  Chapter 14 Do you feel happy now?

   Being able to come up with the idea of ​​letting her own children come over to take the lead in eating, cheating and drinking for benefits, this woman looks like a good player in the cheap world. So even if Lin Suisui's words were bad at the moment, she was not sent away.

   Lu Ze, who had been silent for a long time, slowly pulled out the short knife and threw it in front of the woman very rudely: "If you want, you can cut it yourself!"

   Looking at the dagger falling in front of her with a jingle, the woman subconsciously protected her child and took a few steps back before standing still.

   She wanted to do something good, but she didn't want to fight for her life.

   Seeing that this man is not easy to mess with, she will not be foolish enough to really think that the other party has good intentions and wants her to cut the meat. But, a big man can't get along with a woman like her, right? !

The    woman stood there in a tangled state, still figuring out whether she wanted to try her luck, but Lu Ze didn't give her much time, and she raised her head with a vicious low roar: "Get out!"

  The oncoming ferocious aura, not to mention the woman, even the children standing beside them couldn't hold back any longer, and quickly turned their heads and ran away in embarrassment.

   After sending these people away, Lu Ze didn't have any more scruples, just took out the wolf's leg and put it on the bonfire to bake.

   It is undeniable that Lu Ze's approach is really arrogant, but the deterrent is strong enough that the envious people around him have to weigh himself a little if they want to do something.

The dinner was uneventful, but compared to Lu Ze and the others, the other refugees in the surrounding circle were not so easy to endure, and even because of this movement, they even disturbed the people who had been arranging to stare here. Pei Gan.

   "It's a fox and a tiger!"

   Pei Gan was sitting in front of the grill, and when he heard Qianhe's report, he didn't lift his head. He still slowly held the gold-encrusted dagger in his hand and slid against a hare leaning in front of him.

   The thin slices of meat were placed piece by piece on the porcelain plate beside him, but he was not in a hurry to eat them, he seemed to enjoy the process of cutting the meat piece by piece.

   "Find a few people and try again before leaving this area!" After a while, Pei Gancai said lightly and continued: "If there is any difference, then erase it together!"

   Qianzuru responded and bowed out of the tent.

It was probably due to the fact that it was almost at the edge of this barren hill after another day or two. There was not only a small river beside the campsite that night, but also a large area of ​​green plants along the river, like a paradise in the sand dunes. .

The homeless people who have been thirsty for half a month are almost going crazy with joy. Even the meanest people on weekdays have a rare smile on their faces. I also worry about what to eat at night.

  This pasture is lush, and there are naturally edible wild vegetables in it.

  Lin Suisui and Aunt Luo left the camp with a basket and went to the nearby grassland to search for edible wild vegetables and fruits. It was a rare relaxation and recreation after suppressing vigilance for so many days.

   So Lin Suisui never thought that no one would take the initiative to trouble her when food was in short supply before, but when the crisis at hand was resolved, someone would take the initiative to find fault.

Looking at the five men with fierce faces surrounding him, Lin Suisui took two steps back with a wary expression on his face, forcibly maintaining a calm stare at the man at the head, and then tentatively said, "What do you want? What are you doing?!"

The five men formed a circle and approached Lin Suisui with a wretched face, especially the one at the head, who did not hide the covetousness and desire on his face at all, hehe smiled and looked at him with his small pea-eyes. To Lin Suisui: "What are you doing, of course, I want you to accompany your brothers and have a good time, little lady!"

   This man's words attracted laughter from the others around him.

  In their eyes, this little lady who has been singled out in front of them is no different from a lamb that has fallen into their hands. It’s not up to them to decide how to rub it? !

   The above request is to try the depth of the couple, but in their opinion, the only thing to try is the husband of this little lady. Then, what is more likely to arouse that person's true temperament than to attack this little lady? !

  No matter what the relationship between the couple is, there will never be a man who wants to put some color on his head!

   When the time comes, their brothers will find some fun, and things will be done. Isn’t it beautiful to do more than one thing!

   "You think, how to be happy?!"

  Lin Suisui certainly didn't really think that the people in front of her were really looking for trouble because of their jealousy, so she quickly calmed down.

   Followed the other party's words and cooperated quietly.

   Originally, these men still thought that the little girl in front of them would cry and scream in fear, but they didn't think she would cooperate like this, which made them murmured.

   Could it be that this little lady was originally a bitch? !

  If so…

The man at the head didn't think much about it. Although the little lady in front of her looked a little ordinary, she was young and tender. At this moment, she didn't bother to pick and choose, and rubbed it with a smile. Hand, while muttering 'brother hurts you', he took the lead and rushed towards Lin Suisui.


   The few accomplices who were originally waiting to watch the scene of Xiangyan didn't have time to cheer on their boss, but they were frightened and dumbfounded on the spot by the boss's scream.

It wasn't until the few who had reacted that they saw that the timid little lady, who was originally timid, was now ruthless, with one arm pinching the neck of their boss, and the long hairpin in the other hand. Most of them have been stabbed into the boss's neck.

According to the boss's figure, it should be impossible to be restrained by this little lady's easy uniform, but she couldn't hold back the viciousness and cruelty of this little lady. She took the first step and poked the boss's eyes with a hairpin, taking advantage of the pain of the boss. When he had no time to care, he shot again and stabbed him in the neck.

So the boss, who was in unbearable pain at the moment, didn't dare to struggle any more, so he had to cooperate with Lin Suisui to shrink his body, and cooperated with her movements quite comically, for fear that he would be wrong in exchange for this little ancestor. means of life.

   And it's not that he doesn't want to resist, it's that he doesn't know what to do, and now he feels more and more weak, and it's almost even a little hard to stand...

"Are you feeling happy now?!" Lin Suisui smiled and asked the boss who had almost lost his life in her hands. The gentle and soft tone made the boss hear **** Yama's life. murmur.

   (end of this chapter)