MTL - I Wield a Sword at Hogwarts-Chapter 773

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Root felt the pressure, and he spoke with difficulty, "Now is the darkest moment. Use all means to stop it. Feel powerless, collapse, and despair."

He conveyed Penello's words exactly as they were.

Everyone was stunned, and the president's veins were twitching. "You mean, this was done by a wizard?"

"That's probably it." Root nodded.


Not long ago, the other side issued an ultimatum to the United States.

Now, darkness has fallen and all life has been taken away.

The darkest hour.

The president roared angrily: "Send in fighter jets and knock that thing down!"

This is the only way now.

The nearest fighter jet started and flew across the sky towards the path of the black dragon.

These fighter jets are equipped with high-firepower weapons, and they have already taken action before they get close.

The fire flew under the fighter jet towards the black dragon.

The approaching fire exploded on the scales.

A smile appeared on the corner of the fighter pilot's mouth, but it quickly solidified.

The area that was attacked was intact. Not only that, the black dragon didn't even pay attention to them.

The wings flapped, and the dragon's speed became even faster.

The two fighter jets hurriedly caught up and launched more powerful missiles.

At the moment of approach, the missile exploded.

A huge impact is needed to keep the fighter at a distance.

In the clouds next to a fighter jet, a huge tail swept across it, causing it to split into two parts instantly.

The pilot had no time to parachute. His body fell and was shrouded in shadow, ending his life.

The remaining fighter pilots looked at the black dragon in horror. Even the missiles could not cause damage to it.

He was about to continue the attack when he saw that the tail was too fast to dodge, and it sucked the fighter into it and crushed it to pieces.

This task is transferred to the office with a delay.

When seeing that bullets could not penetrate, everyone placed their hope on missiles.

When he saw the missile hitting the black dragon, the unsteady official stood up and shouted and punched.

And the two of them were always staring at the screen.

Rutte and the president.

When the smoke cleared, all the celebrations were gone.

They saw that the black dragon was unmoved.

The two expensive fighter jets only needed to breathe before they fell into pieces of scrap metal.

The unhurried flight seems to be saying: "Use all means."

This time, Wenwei came here.

The wizard's revenge has come.

They need to pay the price for their arrogance.

"Send more fighter jets!" The president didn't even notice it, and there was a hint of vibrato in his voice.

"Mr. President, another base has lost contact!"


The president shook his body and almost fell.

Those are the solid forces of the United States.

Three bases were destroyed in a row, with more than 10,000 deaths.

This time, the so-called drill can no longer be avoided.

What's even more terrible is that the black dragon is flying towards Washington.

Once this destructive force enters American cities, millions of lives will be lost.

Huge pressure is coming towards the president from all directions.



We are America, great America!

As the beacon of the world, how can you take the lead in compromising with the wizard!

The president said solemnly: "Order the fighter jets to conduct air strikes to eliminate the threat in the sky."


The president roared: "Nothing!"

"Knock the **** thing down!"

"Use all your strength to stop that ghost from coming here!"

"Quick, now!"

He looks scary.

With a ferocious look, he lost his usual calmness.

He could feel that there was a voice in his ears all the time.

That thing is as annoying as a nightmare.

I absolutely cannot compromise.

I still have to choose the next president.

Those Americans who love heroes will not vote for a coward if they are seen to be weak.

Compromise means making a mistake, and there will be no hope for the president's position.

No, that’s not possible!

How many years have I spent and worked hard to build a good relationship?

Let the political parties behind it support you and let those voters vote for you.

You can’t let it go like this, it’s all yours!

What wizard.

"It's just a group of people holding sticks and giving random orders."

No matter how powerful it is, it is still a mortal body.

There is no existence that cannot be eliminated by nuclear bombs. If there is, then two!

The president looked ferocious, and he would use all means.

Come and defend Great America, the beacon of glory to the world.

Following his order, the fighter jets streaked across the sky.

The citizens looked up and seemed to notice something was wrong today.

The darkest hour.

The Witch King is destroyed.

Chapter 781 The World-Destroying Dragon

[Shadow of Destruction: In dragon form, magic power is improved in all aspects, and resistance to magic is increased]

​And it also has a side effect of the real name.

His shadow can instantly wipe out the existence of all life levels below him.

It means that this is an unsolvable world-destroying power.

After John obtained this ability, he never thought that he would use it one day.

Without him, it would be too powerful and inhumane.

John's shadow crossed the ground, and all the flowers, plants and trees withered.

Wherever he passes, there is withering and death.

He is the flying **** of death, and his shadow is the sickle, harvesting all the life on the earth.

In dragon form, even nuclear bombs cannot cause fatal damage to John.

His body is constantly recovering under the magic of time.

As long as he is willing to circle the earth, he can wipe out all life in the world.

Because his life form has surpassed humans and life on earth.

With the fusion of multiple bloodlines, he can no longer be called a human being.

This is also the reason why he dares to declare war alone.

Reaching level 8, he can always maintain the shadow form of destruction.

The lives taken surpassed the battle on the Magic Crystal Island.

This is why he bypassed those cities.

At his speed, he could take away millions of lives in a city in just the time it took him to fly over the city.

From beginning to end.

The dangerous existence is not Voldemort or Grindelwald.

But he, the shadow of destruction, takes away life and makes death happy.

Passing across the sky in no hurry.

With the black dragon's huge body of over a hundred feet as the center, a wave of magic power spreads out.

He breathed, fire leaking from his nose and teeth.

"You're here? Then don't leave!"

In John's mouth, the dragon's breath turned into a concentrated beam, and the high temperature ignited the triple Mach ring.

His dragon breath traveled a thousand meters, and the dragon-slaying team that received the order to destroy the dragon had no time to dodge.

The flames melted the expensive alloy wings.

The next second, black wind blew, and the scorching wind of death turned the huge plane into an oven.

The driver inside screamed and his body was roasted.

John's speed increased.

Several fighter jets chasing behind them launched missiles, but they were not close yet.

The huge armor froze in the sky, allowing the fighter jets to collide and disintegrate.

John flapped his wings vigorously on the spot.

The clouds that were nearby were blown away.

Revealing the fighter jet ready to fire.

The huge dragon body suddenly disappeared.