MTL - I Wield a Sword at Hogwarts-Chapter 11

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With the help of the Illusion Body Spell, his next night tour mission will be even easier.

After the training, he left the Room of Requirement.

Now that it was bedtime, he went to the trophy room to clean the trophies.

Taking out the cat strips from his pocket as a reward for helping last time, John combed out the knotted hair of Mrs. Norris.

"Have you gained weight?"

Lifting Mrs. Norris up, John felt that he had gained a lot of weight.

I didn’t know how Filch fed the cat before, but he could actually make Mrs. Norris malnourished.

I remember that Mrs. Norris often licked her fur, and John even thoughtfully brought a bottle of hair removal cream.

When he left, he saw Filch, who was making a bad face, and his face was even uglier, and he smelled like spoiled durian.

It’s probably the work of the Weasley twins.

Not long after he walked out of the trophy display room, John encountered two sneaky masses of red hair.

With the exact same appearance and the evil smile on their faces, it was easy to know that these were the famous Weasley twins.

John rolled his eyes, cast a disillusionment spell on himself, followed them secretly, and listened to their conversation.

"George, we can throw the dung eggs in there."

"Wait a minute Fred, John Wick is still in the trophy room. I don't want to drag John Wick down."

"Okay, what do you think we can throw it into Filch's room?"

"Great George, it's time to make this annoying guy suffer."

George Weasley and Fred Weasley, the Weasley twins, are the two most troublesome guys at Hogwarts.

They had been feuding with Filch for more than a day or two. As the two people who loved playing pranks, they were natural opposites to the gatekeeper Filch.

To this end, the Weasley twins were ready to give Filch a taste of bitterness.

Maybe two big dung eggs sent into the room would be a good gift.

John followed them, feeling shuddering as he listened to the discussion between the two. He was glad that he was very popular.

If I had been hit by a big **** egg from Weasley just now, I might not have been able to take ten baths.

The Weasley twins didn't notice John. When they arrived at the room, they threw two large dung eggs into it.

The stench wafting out of it made John mourn for Filch. Where should this unfortunate guy sleep tonight?

The Weasley twins couldn't stand the smell, so they ran out after throwing it away.

John stood at the door and looked inside.

There are a lot of things in Filch's office. One of the drawers says "Confiscated, Highly Dangerous" and there are a lot of contraband in it.

Before John could take a closer look, he heard the sound of Filch jumping to his feet angrily.

The Weasley twins ran faster, and when they passed John, a piece of parchment fell down.

John picked it up and took a look. The white parchment reminded him of something.

"The Marauder's Map?"

Before it was time to check, John had already heard Mrs. Norris's cat meowing.

He cast the Disillusionment Charm and ran towards the opposite position of the Weasley twins.

Filch flew into a rage and chased in the direction of the Weasley twins.

After returning to the dormitory, John felt that he smelled like dung eggs.

Taking out the parchment, he took out his wand.

"I solemnly swear that I have no good intentions!"

The white parchment began to change, and ink lines like ink extended out, converging into a line of words on the parchment.

"Moony, Padfoot, Prongs, Wormtail."

John remembered that one of the four names seemed to be Harry's father.

Opening the parchment, there is a map inside. There are also footprints on the map, showing the active personnel of Hogwarts.

"Filch is still walking around. If he turns a corner, he can see the Weasley twins there."

The map record is very comprehensive, even the number of secret passages in Hogwarts is recorded in it, and even the names are displayed.

It can be said that obtaining this map means controlling all the secret passages in Hogwarts.

In the end, Filch didn't turn around, but turned around and headed in the opposite direction.

The Weasley twins also started to move towards the Gryffindor lounge, and they entered a shortcut on the fifth floor.

John stared at the map and spotted a name.

Quirinus Quirrell.

Professor Quirrell's activities were outside at night, and John wanted to see if he could find the person who must not be named.

It's a pity that he failed.

"It seems that not all of the Marauder's Map can be displayed."

John was a little disappointed, but fortunately this situation was rare.

John watched with relish as his Bat Director approached a pair of poor night-time lovers. John estimated that the couple would be deducted a lot of points.

"The prank is over."

Taking out his wand and tapping the parchment to close the Marauder's Map, John stuffed the map under his pillow.

From now on, you don’t have to worry about being caught when traveling at night. This is good news.

​A piece of good news and a piece of bad news.

The good news is that besides going to class and exercising, John has a new pastime activity.

Watching the savior Harry flying fancy on the Quidditch pitch.

I have to say that it is rare for a son to inherit his father's legacy. Why does a myopic person wearing glasses have such strong dynamic vision?

The Golden Snitch was originally small, only the size of a walnut.

Coupled with extremely fast speed and a huge three-dimensional field.

John was dazzled by what he saw, but Harry could always find it and lock it.

But this does not prevent John from watching it with interest. After all, this is the dark history of savior training.

After Harry swooped into the auditorium for the third time, Hermione's voice rang in John's ears.

"In 1269, Wizards Council President Barberu Bragg introduced the Golden Snidget into the Quidditch game and offered a reward of 150 Galleons as a reward for catching the Golden Snidget. Later, it became a habit to release the Golden Snidget during the Quidditch game to capture it. The team that goes to Jin Feixia can get a 150 point reward.

Due to the popularity of hunting Snitch, the number of Snitches decreased sharply, and the Snitch was later replaced by the Golden Snitch. "

Hermione was showing off her knowledge, which made John helpless.

She seemed to gradually regard John as a rival.

As a true academic master, Hermione showed her unwillingness to admit defeat to John who could get more points than her in class.

This is bad news.

At least until John is really a top student, this news is too bad.

It's like someone is holding a whip behind you. As long as you slow down, you will get a whip.

Chapter 13 School Hospital and Training

[Ding, trigger the challenge mission, continue to obtain scores higher than Hermione Granger within one school year, and receive the blessing: Academic Master 2.0]

【Xueba 2.0: You can get 4 hours a day to increase learning efficiency】

"Triggered the mission?"

John was lost in thought, when suddenly a touch of gold appeared in the corner of his eyes, and then a broomstick passed by.

He didn't have time to think, a bludger flew towards this direction.

Raising his hand to subconsciously catch the flying Bludger, John's arm made a click as if it was dislocated.

"Oh my god, John, are you okay?" Hermione's scream sounded late.

The Gryffindor Quidditch players who were still training also realized that something had happened, and the Weasley twins were the first to fly over.

The Bludger kept trying to break free from John's hands, but the arm that didn't look strong was able to hold it firmly.

Even Wood couldn't help but exclaimed when he saw this scene: "You caught a Bludger with your bare hands. You are really a natural hitter."

George: "John Wick, I wish you were Gryffindor."

Fred: "That way we can abdicate."

The twins sang in harmony.

Angelina Johnson, who had long black hair in a braided ponytail, interrupted the two people's banter, "Shut up, his hand seems to be broken."

Harry hurriedly got off his broomstick. The Bludger had just chased him.

He was so focused on the Golden Snitch that he didn't notice the two people here. When he realized it, something had happened to John.

Harry felt very guilty and blamed himself: "It's all my fault."

John's face turned a little pale. Even he would feel uncomfortable if his joint was dislocated.

"Can you guys stop chatting and take this thing away first?"

The Bludger was aimed at Hermione just now. If he let go, Hermione's face would have kissed the Bludger.

Wood hurriedly **** the Bludger, which sometimes even broke the bat when it was flying so fast.

The Bludger was tied up, and John breathed a sigh of relief.

Her lips turned pale and she changed her posture to half-kneeling.

The dislocated hand was propped on the ground. Under Hermione's pale and worried gaze, he pushed the arm back with force.



"Oh my god, this must hurt."

"John, you can go to the school hospital."

The little lions were all startled, and even the Weasley twins showed admiration.

Why are they all Slytherin but the gap is so huge? That kid Malfoy even had to go to the school hospital and scream for a long time even if his finger was broken.

Madam Pomfrey wanted to kick Malfoy out more than once.

A group of young lions surrounded John, and they thought they were Gryffindors beating up Slytherin.

Hermione was mixed in the crowd and couldn't help but asked worriedly: "John, are you okay?"

"Still not exercising enough."

John slowed down and gave Hermione a smile.

Looking at Harry who was also worried, he grinned and said, "Harry, it's not your fault."

"I think we should go to the campus hospital." Harry stubbornly wanted to take John to the campus hospital.

Unable to defeat them, John had to be carried over. Those who didn't know anything along the way thought something had happened to him.

Not long after he lay in the school hospital, Madam Pomfrey kicked him out.

"Look, I said it was okay."

Shrugging, John looked relaxed.

Harry finally felt relieved and said to Hermione: "Sorry Hermione, I was flying too low."