MTL - I Was Fed the Fruit by the World Nobles and Became the Fifth Emperor-Chapter 109

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"Huh? Crocodile, you bastard, who told you to put fruit powers here? Do you want to die?"

After Karp finished speaking, his figure flashed, and he instantly appeared in front of Crocodile. At a speed that Crocodile couldn't react to, he punched him to the ground, and even the ground was smashed into a deep pit.

"Ah, Garp, you bastard, I am Wangxia Qiwuhai, you are not qualified to hit me!!"

boom! !

While digging through his booger with his little finger, Karp threw a punch and smashed Crocodile to the ground again.

"The king is under Qiwuhai? Why can't this old man be beaten?"

Crocodile lay helplessly on the ground, thinking, what a love, he doesn't believe that Garp can kill him.

At this time, Karp grabbed Crocodile from the ground and asked him.

"That Chenos seems to have come to Alabasta. Do you know where he is?"

Crocodile's eyes suddenly lit up, and he suddenly encountered Karp just now, which made him a little flustered. At this time, he wanted to understand that Karp would not appear in Alabasta for no reason.

And it is only possible for someone at the level of the Five Emperors to be able to alarm the old guy Garp.

In other words, Garp's target this time is the Five Emperor Chenos.

Thinking of this, Crocodile gave Anilu a sinister smile.

Let you appear inexplicably and disturb my days as a hero of Alabasta. In this case, let you taste the taste of being chased and killed by naval heroes!

"Cap, Chenos is right in front of the rapeseed port city..."

After seeing Crocodile's expression, Anilu suddenly felt bad.

This bastard, Crocodile, must have wanted to lead this terrifying old man to deal with the captain.

No, I can't let him succeed!

At this time, Anilu rolled his eyes and quickly said to Karp: "Yes, yes, old man, our captain is right in front of the rapeseed port city. If you have the ability, you can go to him, just in case you can't find it. !"

Anilu gestured towards Yoyuki as he spoke, telling them to leave first.

Anilu could feel that the old man in front of him was definitely stronger than Yang Youji, but he didn't know if the captain could defeat him.

Back then, he had listened to what Yuji told him about Qinghai's forces. There were four powerhouses that were similar to Chenos, and there was another big power that had ruled Qinghai for hundreds of years.

And the old man with the word justice on his body in front of him is a strong man belonging to that big force.

He remembered that Chenos told him at the beginning that when encountering people from this force, they should avoid them first, because their current strength is not the opponent of this force!

It is necessary to develop for a period of time and strengthen its power and strength before it can deal with this power.

Therefore, he felt that even if Chenos could deal with this old man, he would not want to fight against this old man at this time.

If other powerhouses of this force are attracted, then Chenos might be besieged by the people of that force.

So, he also had an idea.

The sand player obviously wanted the old man to deal with the captain.

If that's the case, then he's here to make a fool of himself, pulling the sand player into the water, making this old man think that the sand player is in the same group as them!

At the same time, he also took the opportunity to attract the attention of the old man and let Yang Yuji and the others take the opportunity to leave first!

After they left, he could completely retreat strategically with the speed advantage of the Thunder Fruit.

In this way, even if they didn't invite the sand player, they could trick him and make him feel uncomfortable!

Garp threw Crocodile on the ground and was about to walk towards the Rape Flower Port City.

But at this time, after seeing Garp leave Crocodile behind, Anilu rushed over and caught Crocodile.

Then Anilu 'concerned' towards Crocodile and said, "Sand playing, are you alright?"

Crocodile felt very inexplicable, but at this time, he was beaten by Garp, and he was in a very bad mood, so he broke free from Anilu's embrace.

"Go away, you're being drummed up, don't pretend to care about me, I'll get you down next time!"

Ai Nilu said with a smile on his face, "Hahaha, it's not necessarily who will beat him. Let's walk around and leave first. There will be time to fight later!"

Garp, who was walking towards Rape Flower Port City, stopped immediately after hearing the conversation between the two.

Enel's words flashed through his head quickly.

The one who used the thunderbolt fruit ability just now said [our captain].

After I threw Crocodile away, the person who possessed the Lightning Fruit was so nervous that he hurried to catch Crocodile.

One of the two people's names is "playing with sand" and the other is "drum-backing".

The two also agreed to fight together next time.

From this point of view, Crocodile has a very close relationship with the Thunder Fruit Ability on the Chenos ship.

Is it...

Are the two friends?

For a split second, Garp seemed to remember that he was chasing Roger on the sea, and Roger ran away into the sunset.


Youth is so beautiful!

Thinking of this, Garp gave a thumbs up to the two of them, and laughed with the neat eight teeth on his face. The white light from the teeth pierced Anilu's eyes.

Then Karp turned away, raised his hand high, and waved his back to the two.

Anilu looked at Garp with a bewildered expression, and did not expect Garp to leave just like that.

He turned to Crocodile: "Is this old... an idiot?"

Chapter 219 As long as you don't release water

Crocodile glanced at Anilu, he thought Anilu was a little inexplicable just now, and now he finally understood Anilu's intention.

"You bastard, are you going to pull me into the water?"

Anilu said a little depressedly: "Yeah, who would have met an idiot, I just acted in vain!"

Crocodile quickly covered Anilu's mouth, "Be quiet, even if that guy is an idiot, he is also an idiot who can kill us. If you want to die, don't drag me down!"

After hearing Crocodile's words, Anilu rolled his eyes, and then his eyes suddenly lit up.

Looking at Anilu's appearance, Crocodile knew that he must have another bad idea, so he warned Anilu.

"Bastard, that guy is the naval hero Garp, who was chasing One Piece back then, don't kill yourself!"

At this time, Anilu let out a little electric current, which hit Crocodile's hand covering his mouth, and then shouted with a smirk.

"What, sand-playing, you promised to join our Varys Pirates?

Yeah, hahaha, that's really great, with you, Qiwuhai, the strength of our Varis Pirates will definitely increase! "

While talking, Enilu ran towards the distance.

Crocodile glared at Anilu angrily, then turned to look at Karp, which scared him to the point of death.

Because at this time, Garp stopped again and looked towards them!

Karp thought to himself.

Before: Crocodile = Shichibukai = Subordinate of the Navy = Can't catch or kill!

Now: Crocodile ≠ Shichibukai = Five Emperor Crew = Betrayal = Can be caught or killed!

After such a simple calculation, Karp instantly understood Crocodile's position.

This guy absolutely betrayed the Navy.

As for authenticity?

Just look at the full love of the two of them just now, and then look at the surprised look of Anilu just now, it can't be fake!

"Crocodahl, you bastard, you dare to betray the navy and die!!"

Karp roared at Crocodile, kicked his foot on the ground, blasted a big hole in the ground, and rushed towards Crocodile like a cannonball.

When Crocodile saw it, he couldn't help but his soul was torn apart, and he quickly disappeared into sand and dust. When he left, he was still swearing!

Seeing this, Anilu also shouted towards the place where Crocodile disappeared: "Playing with sand, I will cover you, you go to the captain first!"

When Crocodile, who had already lurked in the desert, heard it, he was so angry that he controlled the sand and swept towards Anilu.

"To shut up!"

For a time, the place where Aini Road was located was filled with yellow sand, and nothing could be seen clearly.

Seeing that, Anilu couldn't help laughing.

"Playing with sand, thank you for helping me cover, I remember this feeling!"

Are they covering each other?

It's hammered!

When Garp saw it, the little doubt left in his heart was gone, and he was convinced that Crocodile had joined the pirate group of Chenos.

If that's the case, then you can't let him go!

Just trying to catch a sand crocodile in the desert is undoubtedly harder than going to the sky.

Karp failed without exception.

Crocodile and Anilu have disappeared in the desert.

Later, he thought about it for a while, and felt that it should be a big deal that Krocdar, the Qibuhai, joined the pirate group of Chenos.

So he picked up the phone and called Warring States.

"Sengoku, that guy Crocodile joined the pirates of Chenos..."


Sengoku, who was processing information, suddenly screamed in shock.

Chenos can be said to be the fastest rising sea emperor.

In less than a year, he has become the emperor of the sea, but the growth rate is too fast, which is also the shortcoming of Chenos.

Because this made him too late to develop his power.

But the combination of Chenos and Crocodile is different.

Crocodile is a veteran of the seas.

Although he is only in his 30s now, he has been operating in this sea for more than ten years.

Who knows what power this guy has secretly developed.

Now that Crocodile joins Chenos' pirate group, it will undoubtedly rapidly increase Chenos' strength.

At that time, Chenos has the strength and power, so their navy will be even more difficult to deal with.

"Karp, don't play this time. Be sure to keep Chenos on the great route, otherwise, he will become a big problem for our navy!"

Karp scratched his face and said with some embarrassment: "Okay, I'll try my best!"

"It's not an effort, it's a must, you have to remember that Chenos is only a teenager now, and we are all old!

If Chenos is not contained now, who can resist him in the future?

After Sakaski, Kuzan, and Polsalino, we haven't had any decent navy in our navy! "

Karp picked his nose and said indifferently: "That's what the future navy should worry about, what should we worry about for them?

If they can't beat them, they will naturally want to become stronger.

Besides, it's not for those idiots from the Tianlong people.

As long as they do some personnel, the navy will not decline..."

Warring States hurriedly interrupted Karp: "Kapp, stop talking nonsense!

Besides, we can't leave everything to future generations to do. We should be able to move before we are too old, and we must first clear some obstacles for future generations! "

"Okay, okay, I know, I won't let the water go this time, but I can't guarantee that I can catch Chenos."

The Warring States breathed a sigh of relief.