MTL - I Was Fed the Fruit by the World Nobles and Became the Fifth Emperor-Chapter 104

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Anilu didn't want to fight with Muscle Turtles at first, but when Yang Yuji said that by defeating Muscle Turtles, he would not need to practice physique, he immediately became interested.

For him, the monotonous and boring physical training is too boring.

At that time, he might as well develop the fruit ability. The awakening of Tezzolo's fruit ability and the increase in strength made Anilu very envious.

This also gave him the idea of ​​wanting to develop the fruit ability well, awaken the fruit ability, and become more powerful.

No matter how bad it is, he can still practice domineering.

According to Chenos, if you cultivate the arrogance of seeing and hearing to a high level, you can briefly foresee the future.

These exercises are much more interesting than the physical exercises that Yang Yuji said.

"That's what you said, as long as I defeat this pet turtle, I don't need to practice physique!"

Yang Yuji smiled and said: "I said, as long as you can defeat the muscle turtle, you can even lie down in front of me, eat fruit, drink iced drinks, and watch me practice sweating profusely, I won't cry. You go to practice!"

Anilu's eyes lit up, and he walked towards the deck impatiently.

"Then what are you waiting for? Come on!!"

Yang Yuji smiled and shouted to the muscle turtle who was cultivating: "Big muscle tyrant, someone wants to compete with you!"

The muscle turtle's eyes suddenly widened, and the whole turtle became excited.

It shoved the barbell on its hand violently, pushing the one-ton barbell into the air.

Afterwards, Muscle Turtle stood up from the ground with a carp, holding the dropped barbell with one hand, and then gently placed it on the deck.

I saw it looking towards the deck excitedly, and after seeing Anilu waving at him, he kicked his feet hard, then turned around in the air, and slid on the ground with his turtle shell.

When he arrived in front of Ainilu, the Muscle Turtle slapped a carp again, stood in front of Ainilu, put his hands on his chest, and put on a boxing stance.

"Ka sister!"

Looking at the serious appearance of the muscle turtle, Anilu felt a little funny.

"This guy is a little cute!"

Chapter 210 How Long Can Anilu Last

The members of the ship were also attracted by the duel between one person and one turtle.

It's just that the expressions on the faces of the members were a little strange, and everyone looked at Anilu with sympathy.

At this time Tezzolo walked towards the crowd with a disc.

"Come, come, bet, bet."

Moria, who was on the side, smiled at Tezzolo: "Tezzolo knows that you have made a fortune recently, but you don't have to send us money like this.

What's the bet on this, for sure...

Ani lost. "

Tezzolo laughed out loud, "Of course, I'm betting on how long Anilu can last, but I won't open a losing bet."

Everyone also laughed.

"I bet 5 minutes, 10,000 Bailey."

"Five minutes is too long. I don't think Anilu can last that long. I'll take three minutes and 10,000 Baileys."

"Hahaha, you are too bad, then I will bet one minute, 10,000 Bailey."

The blue veins on Anilu's forehead burst, and a tic tac toe appeared.

For some Xinwang's Anilu, he could clearly hear the voices of the people betting.

It was like mocking him in person.

"Hey, hey, you bastards, don't you look down on me too much?

Just a pet turtle, I will defeat it and show you.

When you are cultivating, don't envy me lying on the side and enjoying it. "

At this time, Chenos also walked towards the gambling side.

He said to Tezzolo, "I'll bet on Anilu to win!"

Then the money was put down on the disc.

Anilu also heard what Chenos said, and couldn't help looking at Chenos.


Anilu gritted his teeth and said to the crowd, "You bastards, even in order not to let the captain lose, I have to defeat this pet turtle."

It was just that everyone was smirking, and no one responded to Anilu.

Anilu turned his head to look at the muscle turtle, and his expression became serious. He planned to fight this muscle turtle with muscles, and he also wanted to defeat the muscle turtle with an absolute advantage, so he would look down on him by wearing these physiques. The guys were all taken aback.

"Let's start, pet turtle, although you look cute, I won't be merciful!"

After waiting for a long time, the muscle turtle finally heard the sound of the beginning, and the whole turtle suddenly became excited.

The turtles of their species generally walk upright and only use crawling when carrying heavy loads.

After standing upright, the muscle turtle was nearly two meters tall, and the muscles all over his body looked a bit like the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles that Chenos saw in his previous life.

After hearing the sound of the start, Muscle Turtle kicked and rushed towards Anilu.

Don't look at the heavy tortoise shell on the back of the muscle turtle, but the speed of the muscle turtle is extremely fast. At the beginning of the battle, he used the shave in the 6th style of the Navy.

The Muscle Turtle moves very fast, but Enino's thundering fruit endows Enilu with extraordinary reaction speed and observation power, and the Muscle Turtle's movement trajectory is also clearly seen by him.

Anilu raised his finger habitually, but then put it down again.

According to the previous method of Enel's confrontation with the enemy, the enemy who knows the movement trajectory in this way can knock down the enemy with only one lightning bolt.

It's just that he can't use the fruit ability right now, so Enel is still not used to it.

He condensed his armed arrogance on his fist, preparing to sideways to avoid the attack when the muscle turtle attacked him, and then one punch to solve the battle.

Things were as he expected, the muscle turtle used shaving and rushed towards him.

Ai Nilu was ready, he avoided the attack of the muscle turtle sideways, raised his fist with a domineering look of armament, and smashed it towards the head of the muscle turtle.

It's just the beginning that Anilu foresees, but not the end.

When Enilu's fist was about to hit Muscle Turtle's head, the Muscle Turtle's head instantly retracted into the turtle's shell, making Enilu's attack useless.

And in the next second, the head of the muscle turtle was pushed out of the turtle shell again.

The terrifying force of the muscle turtle slammed into Enel's arm, causing Enel to lose his balance all of a sudden.

At this time, Muscle Turtle's hand rolled up into a fist shape, and then assumed the posture of Chenos using the shock fist.

"Ka sister!!"

Afterwards, a punch slammed into Enilu's abdomen, knocking Enilu out of the Liberty.

After flying Enilu, you must stand upright, bow slightly to the direction Enilu flew to, and greet the defeated Enilu with the etiquette of murloc karate.

Everyone on the boat burst into laughter.

Especially Baccarat, who bet on Anilu for a minute and lost, rolled on the ground with laughter.

At this time, Tezzolo, who was holding his watch, said to the crowd, "I'm sorry everyone, all of you lost, and Anilu lost less than 10 seconds before the test started."

At this time, the angry Enilu turned into a thunderbolt and charged towards the muscle turtle fiercely.

Muscle Turtle looked at the defeated general with some doubts. He didn't expect the other party to be so ignorant of martial arts etiquette, and he couldn't help but get a little angry.

"Hmph, Kamei!"

The muscle turtle condensed a drop of water in his hand and threw it towards Anilu, and then his figure followed the water drop and rushed towards Anilu.

"Go to hell, you pet turtle!"

A terrifying thunder and lightning condensed in the palm of Anilu's palm, and threw it towards the muscle turtle that rushed over.

But at this moment, the lightning hit something and stopped in mid-air.

Taking advantage of Anilu's attack, the muscle turtle was attracted by the water droplets hitting the water, leaned on the turtle shell and slid down on the ground, avoiding the thunder and lightning, and appeared in front of Anilu.

The muscular turtle's extremely flexible response made Anilu unable to react.

Then, in the stunned eyes of Enilu, he wrapped his arms in a domineering hand wrapped in armed color, and slammed Enilu up and smashed it on the deck.

Boom! !

Due to the domineering restraint of the armed color, Anilu's figure could not be elementalized, and his head slammed firmly on the deck.

Fortunately, the Muscle Turtle is also measured, and did not use too much force, otherwise, this blow would have smashed Enilu's head.


After using the fruit ability, he actually lost to the muscle turtle. At this time, Anilu couldn't accept it at all.

Anilu tapped the big drum behind him a few times, and the terrifying thunder and lightning condensed in front of Ainilu, forming a brontosaurus, and then charged fiercely towards the muscle turtle.

But in the next second, Thunder Dragon disappeared, and a figure appeared in Thunder Dragon's place.


After absorbing Thunder Dragon, he said to Enilu: "Enilu, you have already used the fruit ability, you lost!"

After Anilu heard Chenos' words, the thunder and lightning in his eyes dissipated, and the whole person woke up from anger.

He said to Chenos with some guilt: "Captain, I'm sorry, I... I lost, and you also lost money!"

Chenos walked to Anilu's side, patted Anilu's shoulder and said, "It's okay, after practicing physical skills, I believe you will defeat Muscle Turtle, then you will help me win it back. !"

Anilu looked at Chenos with emotion, and said seriously to Chenos: "Captain... I will definitely try my best to practice body arts, and I will help you win it back next time!"

After Anilu said sorry to Muscle Turtle a little embarrassedly, he walked towards the exercise area as if he was running away, and took the initiative to start physical training.

It's just that Anilu didn't see that a hundred-dollar Bailey coin was lying quietly on the disc where Tezzolo placed the bet!

Chapter 211 Arrival in the Kingdom of Alabasta

The two-day voyage passed quickly amid the playfulness of the crew.

When they came to the kingdom of Alabasta, they found this place, which was different from the island they had encountered before.

The kingdom of Alabasta is more of a continent than an island, and this country is also a superpower in the first half of the Great Route.

The standing army alone is as high as 600,000.

And the many islands that Chenos and the others passed through before, the population of those islands is not even 600,000.

Speaking of which, the terrain of the Kingdom of Alabasta is also very interesting.

In the middle of the kingdom of Alabasta, there is a river that almost runs through the whole of Alabasta.

On one side of the river is the port city of Rape of Alabasta.

And here is also the first stop after Chenos and the others arrived in Rabastan.

Alabasta is a continent with huge terrain. If you want to find Crocodile from here, you must first understand where he is.

Otherwise, searching aimlessly will only waste more time.

As a port city in Alabasta, Rapeseed is very prosperous, with merchant ships coming in and out constantly, and the flag of Crockdale is still hanging on the port.

When the people at the port saw Chenos and the pirate group approaching, they didn't panic, but let them enter the port.

After entering the port, an officer of the rapeseed port said to Chenos and the others: "New pirates, this is the rapeseed port of the Kingdom of Alabasta. You can enter here for supplies, or you can choose to go there. Play here for a while.

But there is one thing I want to remind you, don't make trouble here, let alone kill people.

Because our kingdom of Alabasta is not comparable to other small countries, our country has a standing army of 600,000. If you want to see the combat effectiveness of these soldiers, you can make trouble here.

And this is also the guardian place of the King's Seven Wuhai Crocodile.

If you don't want to be the ghosts of Lord Crocodile, please be quiet while you are on the island. "

After the officer finished speaking, they bowed politely to Chenos and then turned to leave to warn the other pirates.

Chenos felt that Alabasta was also a superpower in the first half of the Great Route.

Just the fact that he dared to let pirates into their country shows the spirit of the kingdom of Alabasta.