MTL - I Was Called a Poor Widow, But I Relied on My Supernatural Powers To Fight Back In Ancient Times-Chapter 918 Go on an outing to enjoy the flowers

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Chapter 918: Have an outing to enjoy flowers

Watching the people run away, Baiyunxi looked up at the westward sun and asked Okra to bring a chair to the yard to drink tea and bask in the sun.

Within half an hour, the woman led a middle-aged man over.

 “Ge Hai, come and meet my boss.”

Ge Hai wiped the sweat from his forehead and bowed, "Little man Ge Hai, please give my regards to my employer."

 “Without ceremony, I would like to congratulate you, mama, and bring them two chairs.”

“Grandma, this is a good idea, Master Mo will definitely like it.” Sitting at the desk every day, listening to Master explain the annotations of poems with a straight face, my head was confused.

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“I was just about to tell you about this. While the pear blossoms are in full bloom, should we have a field trip and invite the Xu family and the Wu family to visit the orchard?”

Ge Hai rubbed his hands and looked a little nervous. He looked at the large pear trees halfway up the mountain and felt uncertain.

 I had planned a banquet a few times in the past, but the timing was always wrong. It would be good to invite them to enjoy the flowers while the pear blossoms are in bloom, and then have a buffet.

Hearing Baiyunxi's question, Ge Hai looked embarrassed, "I can't say that I know how to serve. I just have two pear trees I planted at home, which are easy to take care of. The orchard here is too big, so I'm not sure."

Holly stood nearby, watching their interaction, with envy flashing in her eyes.

Listening to his narration, Bai Yunxi nodded. Shen Nong's manual does contain this article. If you want pears to bear well, the key skill is to prune branches. Choose to prune in spring and autumn. Cut off the excess branches on the main trunk, which is beneficial to the development of pears. Bloom and bear fruit.

Pear trees alone account for about ten acres of the fifty-acre orchard. It is somewhat laborious for one person to manage it.

Bai Yunxi noticed her eyes and thought of the mute woman in another hospital. She didn't know how the treatment was going.

 Baiyunxi asked Pomegranate to give her the pear blossoms,

“Go and give it to Master Mo. The pear blossoms are white in spring and it’s a good time for outings. If Master is willing, we can go to the orchard together next time to enjoy the flowers.”

“Do you know how to manage a pear tree? How to manage it so that it can produce more fruit?”

 “Hey~, thank you boss for giving me this opportunity, I will definitely do a good job.”

  Listening to the tone of the siblings, Bai Yunxi did not doubt it.

"The experience you have gained is very good. You can stay and try it out for one month, with the same salary. If you pass the probation period, you will get two yuan per month and one day off every ten days."

"Yes, boss, my brother will definitely do whatever he says. If you don't believe it, you can go to my house and have a look. The pear trees at home are growing very well."

“Ahem~, I figured this out too. If you want a pear tree to bear more fruit, the trick is to prune branches, remove dead fruit branches and insect-eaten branches, and pay attention to fertilizing, so that it can bear fruit.”

 After that, organic fertilizer must be added, which is based on animal and plant residues and fermented to provide the nutrients needed by the pear tree. In this way, the taste and quality of the fruit can also be improved.

“You are right, pruning is the key to flowering and bearing fruit.”

"If you agree, we will sign an employment document for three years."

Ge Hai agreed without thinking. The money he earned was pure profit, and it was more cost-effective than doing part-time work in every possible way. Seeing that the two of them had no objections, Bai Yunxi took out the employment document and asked Ge Hai to fingerprint it in duplicate.

“From tomorrow onwards, you can bring your bedding and come to work. That row of houses is specially designed for accommodation. You are the first to arrive and you can choose on your own.”

“If there are no course schedules, it’s no problem to bring you along.”

"Sister, what I said is true. We only have two pear trees in our house. How can we take care of them? What if something goes wrong?"

Bai Yunxi said, looking at his honest smile,

Baiyunxi looked at them,

 One hundred three. One two four. One hundred four. Two hundred

“But don’t worry, boss, I will definitely do my job well and will never be held back.”

The brother and sister have a good relationship, why should she be angry?

"As you can see, my orchard is not small, and it will not be easy to manage. Once you take on this job, you may not have many chances to go home."

Sure enough, after a while, the little girl came back happily and said, "Grandma, Master said, let her know when to enjoy the flowers, and she will arrange it in advance."

“Mom, the pear blossoms are blooming so beautifully. I want to go and have a look later.” She has never been to the orchard since she bought it.

 After receiving the flower branches sent by her mother-in-law, Zhang Yishan took people directly to the Banyan Tree Hall.

Watching the little girl return to the West Cross Courtyard with flower branches, Bai Yunxi shook her head. Master Mo was indeed a rare woman with a cold personality. The little girl was frightened when she saw her.

Bai Yunxi looked at Ge Hai's face and saw that he was a simple and honest man. He just didn't know if he could manage the orchard well?

 When the two of them were going uphill just now, she did find that Ge Hai's left leg was a little lame. After they sat down and Qiu Kui brought water to them, Bai Yun Xi spoke,

“I heard from your sister that you know how to serve fruit trees?”

Bai Yunxi sat in a chair, looked at the backs of the two sisters, took a cup of tea and drank some water.

 “I do.”

Ge Hai looked at the eldest sister and argued in a deep voice. Then he turned to look at Baiyun Xi and said apologetically,

“Master, don’t be angry, my eldest sister has no bad intentions. She is just worried about me and wants to find a job for me.”

"Okay, we should go back and bring back some of the flower branches we cut."

Bai Yunxi held a piece of mung bean cake and took a bite. She was willing to provide convenience to the vulnerable groups within her ability.

“Master, can a disabled person take care of the orchard? It’s hard for him to climb up a hill.” Pomegranate came over with a plate of mung bean cake, her tone full of doubt.

"It's okay to give him a chance if he can. I think he has a good character. You can't turn people away just because of his physical disability. Besides, his lameness is not a hand, so it doesn't affect his work."

 A group of people rode in a carriage and returned to the city.

Hearing Bai Yunxi’s tone, Ge Hai’s eyes suddenly lit up.

"My employer also saw that I was lame, and that I was a child. My parents wanted me to make some money as soon as possible and get a wife. They kept urging me to find a job. But when those people saw that I was lame, they said, They don’t want to hire me.”

As soon as these words came out, the sister next to me became a little anxious, "Master, don't listen to his nonsense. He can do it, but he is a little stupid and doesn't take his own ability seriously."

"It doesn't matter. Although my parents are old, they are in good health and do not need me to look after them all the time."

When we got home, Yaya had just finished class and asked, "Grandma, can you take me with you next time you go to the orchard?"

Ge Hai bowed deeply and left with Ge Shi.

However, Master Mo should have no objection to going out occasionally to relax, which is good for the body and mind.

Looking at Zhang Yishan's surprised expression, Bai Yunxi recounted his thoughts.

“The road to the orchard has been smoothed by Xiaosi. It’s enough to set up a shed next to the factory, get a roasted whole lamb, and prepare some refreshments.”

 (End of this chapter)