MTL - I Was Called a Poor Widow, But I Relied on My Supernatural Powers To Fight Back In Ancient Times-Chapter 895 Confucian businessman Xu Jia

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 When mentioning Confucian businessmen, Zhang Yishan was stunned, and the Xu Family Trading Company suddenly appeared in her mind.

“Mother is right, the person at the helm of the Xu family business is known as a Confucian businessman.”

Hearing Zhang Yishan's tone, Bai Yunxi was stunned and looked up at her.

“The Xu family you are talking about is the Xu family that runs the grain store?”

"It's them. The business scope of the Xu family business is very wide, and the grain store is just one of them. I heard that the owner of the Xu family operates with integrity, and he has an air of elegance. Although he is among the merchants, he is a rare breath of fresh air, and he is very popular among people. respect."

Listening to her daughter-in-law's explanation, Bai Yunxi raised her eyebrows in surprise. She had always known that this girl was very resistant to merchants. She had lived in a scholarly family since she was a child, and she had been immersed in the stratification of scholars, farmers, industry and commerce, and she was at the bottom of the business class. , especially in the eyes of scholars, they are always inferior.

Listening to Zhang Yishan's narration, Bai Yunxi nodded. Thinking about the Liang family's private conduct of making money, it is not difficult to understand.

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Bai Yunxi looked at Li's relieved posture and smiled. When Li, a fool, came, the yard would definitely be more lively than before.

“Mom, you don’t know, my third sister and I stay at home every day and stare at each other. Without you by our side, we can’t get excited about anything.”

Mammy Zhu was afraid that Bai Yunxi would be tired from holding the child, so she quickly asked Pomegranate to take it as soon as she entered the door.

“Don’t stand at the door in the cold weather. Go inside to warm yourself up.”

“Mother is right, the second brother, the second sister-in-law, the third sister and the fourth brother are tired from traveling all the way, so they should go in with mother to rest first.”

 Everyone deeply agrees with this statement.

Bai Jingjing sat next to her obediently, looking at the carefree look of her second sister-in-law, pursed her lips and smiling. Anyway, she couldn't say anything in front of so many people.

Looking at the posture of the second child, Bai Yunxi twitched the corner of his mouth.

 After saying that, he directly urged my mother to go back to the yard to rest. He took his brothers to put the goods away before going over to talk.

"Since you like me so much, then stay here and don't leave. When the second child goes back for spring plowing after the new year, you can stay with me with Zhuangzhuang."

Xiao Si waved his hand directly and said, "Fifth brother and sister, you're welcome. We are all members of our own family."

 Zhang Yishan stepped forward and agreed, and then ordered people to help unload the goods. The goods alone were loaded onto five pallets, which was estimated to be enough to last the shop for half a year.

Until the girls boiled the water, Baiyunxi sent them to wash and rest separately, and then eat together in the evening.

 The twenty-third day of the twelfth lunar month.

Looking at Cao Jian, he nodded to him.

Bai Yunxi looked at Ms. Li, the smile on her face never broke.

Bai Yunxi was still a little unaccustomed to being hugged fiercely by Mrs. Li, so she raised her hand and patted her back.

Du family also quickly greeted Yaya,

“Go and get the two cloth tigers on my cabinet. They were specially sewn for your brother.”

"Although she is young, she should still have memories based on the smell." Du Shi chuckled. When she was a child, her mother often held the baby in her arms to bask in the sun.

Zhuang Zhuang stared at her with his big eyes blinking. He had not seen her for more than half a year, and the little child was already a little bit familiar with her.

The Xu family may have simply sent a gift, so it is understandable that it was not taken seriously.

Li took a handkerchief to wipe her eyes and saw everyone in the circle staring at her, and she suddenly felt embarrassed.

As soon as Mrs. Li and the others arrived, the house became lively to the naked eye, and there was constant laughter in the banyan tree hall.

Hearing her exclamation, Du Shi couldn't hold back a single word and burst into laughter.

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 As soon as she entered the warm room, Ms. Li couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

 “It’s good to be here, it’s been a hard journey.”

Seeing the whole family getting off the carriage in a dusty state, before Bai Yunxi could say anything, Mrs. Li rushed towards her and hugged her directly.

“Mom, I miss you so much. We have lived a good life without you at home.”

While talking, Bai Anjing got out of the carriage with a child in his arms, walked to Baiyunxi, saluted, and easily changed his name to mother.

“Sure, at worst I’ll be like my fourth brother, running in both directions. Since my fourth brother is delivering goods back and forth, I’ll just hitch a ride and it won’t be a big deal.”

Cao Jian bowed with his hands cupped and his fists clasped.

Hearing this, Mr. Li hesitated, thought seriously for a while, and nodded.

 Little year.

Every time I mentioned those merchant families, this girl always resisted. Unexpectedly, she also admired Confucian businessmen in her heart.

Given the status of the Xu family, it is said that they are more prominent than the Zhou family and the Wang family, but Liang Gongren did not hear anyone mention the Xu family that day.

As soon as these words came out, everyone in the room burst into laughter, and Mrs. Li looked dumbfounded.

What’s wrong? Is what she said wrong?

Mammy Zhu was standing nearby. No wonder the old lady couldn't help but laugh when she mentioned the second wife. She was indeed a happy fruit.

When the maid brought the tea, Mrs. Li picked it up, drank it, took out her handkerchief and wiped her mouth.

Bai Yunxi did not object to this and led the people back to the Banyan Tree Hall. Aunt Zhu was afraid that she would be tired holding the baby, so she just wanted to take it over. Zhuang Zhuang turned around and hugged her grandma's neck and refused to let go, which aroused Bai Yunxi's curiosity. endlessly,

"This child is enlightened and knows grandma." Li was surprised.

 Zhang Yishan was a little embarrassed when mentioning the eldest wife of the Xu family.

“Although I was busy on the road, I didn’t feel tired. My fourth brother did a good job as the team leader and never missed Sutou.”

“I had a few words with Miss Xu at that time. The girl was very elegant and generous, and I could tell by listening to her that she had studied.”

“Oh, look at my eldest niece. I haven’t seen her for more than half a year, and she has grown a lot taller. Look at her little face, which is rosy, and she is a perfect beauty.”

 “My mother is finally home.”

"Mom, at the wintersweet banquet, the eldest lady of the Xu family arrived with her daughter. They were talking to ladies they knew well, and I happened to listen to a few words. The temperament of the eldest lady of the Xu family is indeed different from that of other merchants, but I am not familiar with him. , and didn’t even go up to talk to him.”

“I also know a little about the Xujia Trading Company you mentioned. The Xujia Grain Store in our town is their property. Our family’s grain in the past was also sold to the Xujia Grain Store, and the management is indeed good.”

Thinking of the Xu family, Bai Yunxi looked up at Zhang Yishan,

“I remember that the head of the Xu Family Trading Company also lives in Fucheng, but why didn’t I hear the names of the Xu family during the Liang Family’s Winter Plum Banquet?”

 Xiaosi and his convoy finally arrived at Fucheng.

After the goods were unloaded in the front yard, the second son hurried to the Banyan Tree Hall. As soon as he entered the house, he knelt down towards the Baiyun River.

 “Mom, I’m here.”

 “Get up quickly, you’re tired from the journey, so there’s no need to do this big ceremony.”

Bai Anyan kowtowed to his mother before sitting in the chair next to him and scratching his head in embarrassment.

"Actually, Ms. Li is right. Mom and her sister-in-law... Oh no, after bringing my sister-in-law and the others to Fucheng, the house always felt empty. Now that we are finally together, my son feels that the family is reunited and is at ease. Like a home.”

 The family was used to being together, but he was not used to it being suddenly separated. (End of chapter)