MTL - I Was Called a Poor Widow, But I Relied on My Supernatural Powers To Fight Back In Ancient Times-Chapter 124 picking pears

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Chapter 124 Picking Pears

“Don’t worry, mom, with the two of us joining in, we guarantee that the land will be plowed today.”

Bai Anyi patted his chest, put the big bowl into the basket, and carried another jar of water. Xiao Wu carried the hoe, and the two of them went out together.

Baiyunxi rested for a while and then called Mr. Li,

“Let’s go to the mountains and forests to see if there are any ripe fruits, and we can pick them back and eat them ourselves.”

“Hey~, what fruit do you want to eat, mother? I know there are two pear trees in the mountain stream behind the mountain. They bear a lot of pears, but some of them cannot be bitten.”

Li prepared two backpacks, took a sickle and shovel, and the two of them walked towards the back mountain while talking.

 “Really? Let’s go and have a look.”

Baiyunxi immediately became interested after listening to Li's narration. She didn't have any goals anyway. She just felt that autumn was the harvest season, and there must be harvests in the mountains and forests.

Following Li along the path, stumbling for most of the circle, I finally saw the two pear trees she mentioned.

“Mom, look, this is it.”

Li pointed to the two big trees in front of her, with lush leaves and pears of different sizes hanging on them.

 Some are green-skinned pears, and some are slightly yellowed with spots on them, which look quite attractive.

Baiyunxi was extremely surprised. It was impossible for one person to surround such a big pear tree.

 If nothing else, the trees in the forest grow really randomly.

 It's a big tree, but its trunk is crooked and gnarled. It must be something like a tree burr. I don't know how many years it is.

“Mom, let me pick a few for you and try them.”

Li put down the basket, stepped on the tree knots and climbed up. She selected a few yellow pears and handed them to Baiyun Xi.

 “She’s quite big.”

 Baiyunxi took the pear, wiped it, and took a bite. It was still very moist, but there were hard nodules in some parts. This kind of pear is an iron-headed pear, and it should be related to the environment and tree species.

"Eating half of a pear and throwing away the other half is too troublesome, so no one picks it." Mrs. Li took a pear, ate a few bites and threw it away.

 Baiyun Xi looked at the two pear trees. The top one should be better. Those fruits can be exposed to the sun, and their size and color will grow better than those below.

 “Go back and ask Xiaosi to come over and climb the tree and pick all the pears on it and take them home.”

She has tasted it. It has enough water content and the sweetness is acceptable. If the fruit tastes bad, it should be good to make autumn pear paste.

 “Mom, I can also climb trees,”

Mr. Li said that before Bai Yunxi could speak, she carried the basket up the tree trunk. Bai Yunxi was so frightened that she wanted to shout but was afraid of scaring her.

This daughter-in-law is too cool.

 “Be careful, pick slowly, and pay attention to safety.”

“Mom, I know, the head of the house and I used to climb trees to pick fruits. It’s not difficult at all.”

Bai Yunxi pursed her lips, looking at Li's nimble appearance, still worried.

It wasn’t until she picked a basket full of pears and slid down the tree trunk that Baiyun Xi breathed a sigh of relief.

“You’re tired. Take a rest. You’re so scared to climb so high.”

“Mom, it’s okay. How can any child in the country not know how to climb trees? When I was a child, I used to go up trees to dig out bird’s nests and pick fruits. No boy in the village could compare with me.”

Li clapped her hands and put the basket down, as if she didn't care, and then scratched her head in embarrassment.

‘She forgot that her mother-in-law had been pampered since she was a child, so she must have never climbed a tree. ’

 Baiyunxi: “…”

Li was right, the original owner did not have tree climbing as an activity in his memory.

See you tomorrow



 (End of this chapter)