MTL - I Was a Top Student In Conan, But I Was Actually An Onmyoji-Chapter 16

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"Huh", Xiaolan exclaimed, which attracted the attention of the other three people, and saw that the chocolate with "Xinyi" written in her hand was actually cracked into pieces.

She thought about it for a while, and it seemed that it was broken with too much force when she got up to help Sagawa Yan block Xiong Nan's attack just now.

"God willing?"

Xiaolan's eyes were dim, she didn't know what she was thinking.

Conan saw Xinyi on the chocolate, but didn't notice Xiaolan's sad eyes. A straight man like Xinyi would not understand the influence of such a hint of fate on a girl.

"Xiaolan, are you okay?" Yuanzi looked at Xiaolan worriedly, the chocolate that he wanted to give to his sweetheart was broken, the ominous meaning was too obvious.

"It's all right," Xiaolan smiled as if nothing happened, "Since it's broken, let's eat together."

She distributed the broken chocolates to Sagawa Yan, Sonoko, and Conan.

"Yuanzi, you don't care if I give your boyfriend chocolates."

Xiaolan cheered up and joked.

"What do I share with you? You can give half of it to you," Yuanzi said carelessly.

Sagawa said nothing, and silently ate Xiaolan's chocolate, which was bittersweet.

Chapter 34 The paper is finally published (4th update, asking for flowers and support)

That night, Yan Sagawa and Sonoko, who had already returned home, were called to the Metropolitan Police Department. It turned out that Katsuhiko Minagawa, the man with 10 spiritual powers, was still dead. do research.

Apart from regretting the 10 points of spiritual power, Sagawayan didn't feel much.

Instead, Conan staged a sleeping Kogoro's plan to solve the case in front of his eyes, which was quite exciting.

It's a pity that too much time has passed, and the real murderer, the deceased's aunt, has destroyed the evidence and cannot arrest her.

After watching a big play, Sagawa Yan returned to his home and continued to conjecture.

In the next few days, Sagawa went to school as usual, slept in class as usual, and didn't go to the library after class, studying Kakutani's conjecture like a maniac.

Master Goro Shimura of Toto University learned of his research topic through Mr. Ishida, and sent someone to send a paper.

It is a 94-year-old paper, which was proved by professors L.Berg and G.Meinardus: 3n+1 conjecture is equivalent to the function equation h(z^3).

This paper proves that [h(z^3)=h(z^6)+{h(z^2)+h(z^2)+^2h(^2z^2)}/ 3z] (where=e^{2i/3})

[g(z)=z/2+(1?cosz)(z+1/2)/2+1/(1/2?cosz)sinz+h(z)sin2z satisfies N(g)]

According to the two authors’ point of view, as long as it is proved that there is an entire function h(z), for the above-mentioned g(z), Φ(g) for each branch D containing a certain positive integer, z0∈D exists, such that [gok (z0)] converges to 1...

It can prove that 3n+1 is established!

Unfortunately, 2 years have passed, and no one in the world can prove this whole function.

But this also made Sagawayan feel like a treasure. If he was walking alone in the dark, then the appearance of this paper helped him light a candle. Although it was small, it illuminated the way forward.

"However, this era is still inconvenient. Many papers are difficult to find online. These professors have no idea of ​​​​uploading papers."

Sagawa Yan bit the tip of his pen, thinking about it painfully, and then threw himself into the complicated function transformation.

Sonoko was sitting beside him, reading a fashion magazine.

In the past few days, Yuanzi has finally realized what a real top student usually does.

Looking for him on a date? I'm not free at the moment, let's make an appointment at home.

Go out to eat together? I don't have time for now, so let's deal with it casually at home.

It's strange that I still stay by his side without complaint, and don't even go shopping that I like most.

However, when she curiously told the housekeeper Grandpa Gao Cang about her boyfriend's behavior, and asked him if all boys were like this.

After hearing this, Grandpa Gao Cang laughed for a long time, touched her head, and told her that boys who work hard are the most handsome.

She confirmed it, and she was indeed very handsome.

At this time, Yan Sagawa no longer remembered his girlfriend beside him, and he had penetrated into the world of mathematics, and the complex relationship between those functions had already occupied his mind.

"Here you should do an equation transformation, transform h(z) into n(z), and then do a Fourier transformation. The result must be substituted here..."

There was more and more manuscript paper on the table, and the pen in his hand never stopped.

After a long time, Yan Sagawa finally put down the pen in his hand and leaned against the back of the chair, "Phew, I actually made a little progress today, very good."

Only then did he think of his girlfriend, "Yuanzi, I'm sorry, I let you sit next to me for another night."

Yuanzi shook his head, smiled and said, "You're trying to do what you like, it doesn't matter."

Sagawa Yan held her hand, "When I finish my work, we will go on a trip and have fun."


Yuanzi nodded heavily, "By the way, Yan, I just sent a letter full of English. I can't understand it, so I put it by your desk."

Only then did he notice a letter on the corner of the table.

"Could it be that one?"

Sagawa Yan's heart began to beat wildly. The letter was sent from New York, and it must have been sent by the journal "Theoretical and Applied Mathematics Letters".

Can't wait to open the envelope and examine it carefully.

"Dear Mr. Sagawa, I am very pleased to inform you that your paper on the distribution of Mersenne prime numbers has passed the review of the academic editor, and will be published in this month's issue of this journal 3 days later, and will be included in the SCI journal database at the same time , available for reference by researchers in the global mathematics community."

Sagawayan couldn't restrain his excitement, he picked up the garden and turned around several times.

Chapter 35 The influence begins to ferment (Chapter 5, ask for flowers and support)

"Yan, what's the matter, what happened."

Sonoko covered her face and asked shyly.

"The paper I'm talking about is about to be published!"

Sagawa vented for a while, and the excitement in his heart calmed down. After all, this was his first paper published in a world-class scientific journal.

"Congratulations", Yuanzi sent his sincere blessing.

"More than that, you will see its impact soon." He calculated the time, adding the time difference when sending the letter. Tomorrow, this issue of the journal will be published.


The next day, early in the morning, Sagawa Yan was woken up by the ringing of his mobile phone.

It was Shimura Goro who called, and there was only one sentence, "Come to my house right away..."

"Theoretical and Applied Mathematics Letters" has been published!


It was still that simple house, this time Yan Sagawa came alone.

He knocked lightly on the wooden door a few times, and it swung open, revealing Master Shimura's face, as fast as he had been waiting by the door.

Before Sagawa Yan could speak, Master Shimura spoke first, "Let's go to the study."

Sa Chuanyan had no choice but to follow the master to the study again, and there was already a person waiting inside.

"This is the vice-president of our Toto Mathematics College, Professor Aso Sato."

Emmm, another dalao, although not well-known internationally, is a very famous professor in Sakura Country.

"Senior Shimura, he is Yan Sagawa, the author of that paper?"

Professor Aso was rather impatient, so he asked directly.

"It's him, what do you think."

Professor Shimura responded with a smile.

Sagawa Yan noticed that beside Professor Aso, there was an open English magazine, and what was exposed was his thesis!

Professor Aso walked around him twice, looked carefully at him for a long time, and then said, "I never thought that the person who could write such a good paper would be a handsome young guy. He is really a formidable young man."

"I said that last time," Professor Shimura took over, "Sagawa, sit down too. This time it's two old guys who want to chat with you."

"Master Shimura, can you let me read your thesis first," Sagawa Yan said, he hadn't seen the published paper yet.


Sagawa Yan picked up the magazine on the side, the original English version of "Theoretical and Applied Mathematics Letters", and first glanced at it. His paper is on page 24 of the magazine, which is the focus of this issue.

There is no major change in the whole paper, and every stroke is the same as he once wrote.

With a lot of thoughts, he put down the paper and turned to face the two old gentlemen.

"Sagawa, you have dropped a big bomb on the international mathematics community this time."

As soon as he came up, Professor Aso spoke amazingly.

No way, Sagawa Yan was a little unbelievable.

"Don't underestimate your thesis, you have opened up a road, a road leading to Mersenne prime numbers."

Professor Shimura saw his disbelief, and explained to him with a smile, "Mersenne prime numbers have always been an unavoidable central topic in the field of number theory, and countless mathematicians have fallen in front of it, but now the conjecture law you put forward is undoubtedly It gave a shortcut and let them see the hope of conquering Mersenne prime numbers."

"It's just the beginning, get ready."

"I will work hard," Sagawa Yan replied confidently.

Professor Aso looked at the young man full of vigor in front of him and couldn't help feeling a little bit emotional. When was the first time he published a paper internationally, at 30 or 40?

No wonder everyone says that science is a stage for geniuses to show themselves, and ordinary people can only look up to the answers left by geniuses.

"Sagawa, let me call you that. Your accomplishments in number theory are beyond my imagination. I have never seen a young man as talented as you who has achieved such outstanding results at this age." Professor Aso praised.

Sagawa Yan was a little embarrassed to be praised, although what you said, Professor Aso, is not wrong, but don't be so blunt.

He wanted to express his humility, "Professor Aso, you are over the award, and I just got the inspiration by chance, not as good as you said."

"You, you," Professor Shimura smiled and pointed at Sagawa Yan with his finger, "Excessive modesty is pride."

"Hey," Sagawa Yan smiled and didn't answer.

"We also have some professors at Dongdu University of Mathematics who are in the direction of number theory. When you enter Dongdu University, you can communicate with them more. Although they may not be as good as you, it is good to learn more about ideas."

After saying a few words, Professor Aso took his leave and left, as if he came here just to meet Yan Sagawa.

Only Yan Sagawa and Master Shimura Goro remained in the study.

Sagawa Yan was a little more relaxed. Compared with Professor Aso whom he had met for the first time, he was more familiar with Goro Shimura who had dealt with him before.

"Professor Shimura, this is?"

he asked tentatively.

"There's no malice, don't worry, it's just to catch the light in advance, you, you are a fragrant bun now."

After Master Shimura finished speaking, he ignored him and discussed the proof of Mersenne prime numbers with him with a smile.

Chapter 36 The Upsurge Caused by the Sagawa Conjecture (Add more, thank you for your support)

"Congratulations on completing the task, the math level has been raised to lv2."

When Sagawa Yan returned from the home of Professor Shimura Goro, he received the task reward and raised his mathematics to lv2.

A sense of clarity enveloped his brain. It seemed much easier to convert the difficult series of numbers in the past. In an instant, his understanding of mathematics deepened. Thinking about Kadoya's conjecture at this time, it seemed that he had it all at once. A few ideas.

Although the train of thought is not the same as being proved, it is indeed much better than the previous mess.

"No, you can't waste these inspirations." Without thinking, he took out a pen and paper, and started another day of computational research.

As for the school, there is no shortage of this day anyway, and the pigeons are gone.


Time moves on.

Sagawa Yan didn't seem to feel the fragrant buns Mr. Shimura said at the time, but it was only because it was still brewing.

When Sagawa Yan continued to study the Kakutani conjecture, his name had already been printed in European and American newspapers. A native of Sakura country proposed the latest laws and conjectures about Mersenne prime numbers. The Sagawa conjecture, the conjecture closest to the Mersenne prime number proof, was all accepted printed on his head.

The latest edition of "Theoretical and Applied Mathematics Letters", pages 24 to 37, are all his papers.

Within a week of the publication of this issue, Yan Sagawa's name became famous in the international mathematics community.

Whether it's his Sagawa conjecture, or his miraculous age, it can arouse people's interest.

Mathematicians who focus on this field have verified this law and conjecture, and repeatedly checked the calculated two new Mersenne prime numbers. In the end, without exception, the verification results were all correct.

Scholars were shocked and excited. Doesn't this mean that the Sagawa conjecture is proved, and the problem of Mersenne prime numbers can be solved!